This Mom Had The Best Response When Her Daugher’s Gay Friend Wanted To Come To Her Sleepover

We all have fond memories of sleepovers. Staying up late, watching crappy romantic comedies, talking about crushes and… other things. You may be glad to know that they’re still happening. I know I was, when I saw this story about a young man named Mason who wanted to attend a sleepover at his friend Houston’s house.

Thing is, Mason is a boy and Houston is a girl. That’s usually a no-go because of parents and deep concerns about their kids ever growing up. However, in this case, Mason is gay. So WHAT NOW, MOM?

Well Mason, a considerate gentleman, decided to just go ahead and ask Houston’s mom if it’d be okay if he, a boy who is not interested in any funny business with her daughter, joins the sleepover. That’s when the mom had the perfect response:

Looks like the only thing Houston is concerned about is a late-night husband seducing. Fair.

Mason found the response welcome and hilarious, and naturally, so did the internet.

And importantly, more info on this hot dad was requested ASAP:

And Mason and Houston are having to adjust to being “Gaymous”

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