You Should Never Feel Guilty For Outgrowing A Relationship In Your Life

There are many times in your life when you’ll meet someone and picture them by your side for years to come. You meet someone and you hit it off so well that you don’t ever want to picture your life without them. They make you feel whole in some ways, as though you were missing a piece of yourself and had never realized it wasn’t there until they walked into your life. They make you see brighter colors, clearer skies, really and truly feel the moments of pure and genuine happiness. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic relationship. Often times, you can exhibit these emotions and feelings in genuine friendships in your life, not always with someone of the opposite sex and someone you are dating.

While meeting people who make your world feel bigger and better is a universal human experience, growth is as well. In life, we all wish to grow into better people. We’d hope, and most of the time we are, growing to become better versions of who we were in the past. No one truly stays stagnant in life. We change and we become different people as we go through different things, different phases of our lives. It’s inevitable. You won’t be the same person you were as a teen when you grow into adulthood. So, it makes sustaining relationships sometimes a bit, difficult. 

When you meet someone when you’re young, you have a particular set of wants, needs, and standards that are set in place for that particular time period in your life. And, as you grow older, these may change. You may want different things out of people growing up. You may think you want to be with someone forever when you’re younger, but as you get older, you realize you are feeling unfulfilled, or as though something else is missing in your life. This isn’t something to be ashamed of or something that should be made out to be a problem – it’s just something that happens naturally in life.

There have been times in my life where I have outgrown friends and romantic partners and at the time, I felt guilty for ending things for the sake of my own sanity or my own desires. It’s like a gut-wrenching pain you feel when you’re hurting someone else, and you don’t wish to ever cause them pain. Outgrowing relationships doesn’t mean you don’t love someone, it just means you don’t want to settle for something and regret it or hurt someone even more later down the road. But, the initial struggle of having to walk away for something you have invested time and effort into while knowing the other person still feels the brighter colors, all-too-familiar pangs of excitement – it hurts.

When you want to spend a future with someone, you don’t want to half-ass it. While it’s a juvenile way to put the feeling into words, when you outgrow a relationship – it feels as though you’re only giving it half of yourself. Things just aren’t as bright and everything seems a bit duller. While you still love this person and cherish everything you’ve built together and everything you have been through, it also feels as though you’re doing a disservice to both them and yourself by staying around. You never want to be with someone just because you know it’s a solid thing and won’t go anywhere, even though you feel as though you may be happier somewhere else.

Outgrowing people isn’t something to feel guilty over, it’s just something that needs to be recognized as what’s really happening. Sometimes, we’ll try to make excuses for why we feel the way we do. We’re having an “off few weeks,” and things will get better. Maybe we’re stressed out because of work, school or outside forces that may be interfering with our emotional balance. But, the more we push the reality of the situation away, the more we begin to resent the relationship and ourselves. It may not even be conscious. We may know in the back of our minds this relationship is no longer for me. I no longer want to be the person who does the things we usually do, I want to expand my horizons, I want to try new things and meet new people. This is totally okay, there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s wrong is lying to yourself and the person in your life about it.

You can’t force yourself to stay with someone when you are really unhappy. I mean, you can, but in the long run, things will always be a bit of a struggle. You’ll find problems in everything they do, everything that happens and everywhere you go. You will always be stuck wondering what else is out there, or how you can slowly leave without doing anyone any harm. The truth is, the longer you lie to yourself, the more pain you will cause to everyone involved. Once you address the truth, you can truly learn to make a better life for yourself, and the person you are with can find someone else, as well.

There’s an old saying that says: “stop watering dead flowers.” If a relationship is no longer working for you, you feel it in your bones. There is no need to continue to put time and energy into something that will hinder your growth and trap someone else. It isn’t because the person has done you harm, it isn’t because the relationship is toxic or unhealthy – the relationship just doesn’t work for you anymore and you need to live that truth. Don’t deny yourself the sanity of living your own, authentic life. Don’t deny someone else the opportunity to find someone who will genuinely love and appreciate them either. Face the music.

The 3 Main Types of Soul Mates

The romantic soul mate, the friend soul mate, and the twin flame.

There’s a lot of controversy as to if soul mates are real. In my opinion, I believe that they are. But, I also believe that there is more than one kind of soul mate – there are three. Some people believe in more types. But, personally, I think that there are three individuals out there that match you on some sort of elevated level.

1. The Romantic Soul Mate

This type of soul mate is the most commonly thought of – the person who you romantically and emotionally can’t stand to live without. Usually, your attraction to this individual is undeniable and you quickly realize that there’s no one else in the world that will fit you better. You know that whatever you do, you can’t do it without them by your side.

I believe that if you find your romantic soul mate but the timing is wrong, they’ll come back around.

I haven’t met my romantic soul mate, but I know they’re out there. People around me have met and ended up with theirs, and it gives me reassurance to know that they do exist. The person you end up with long-term, maybe raise children with, travel with, live with, experience life with… The person that will always find a way back to you because there’s no one else in the world that makes sense.

2. The Friend Soul Mate

Also called the Companion Soul Mate, this connection is like finding one person in the whole world that understands you and accepts you on a whole other level. This connection is usually strictly platonic. However, elements can be found in a romantic soul mate, as well.

This person has your back no matter what situation and usually knows you better than you know yourself.

The friend soul mate that I have knows me better than anyone, even to the point of knowing how I’m feeling about something before I even realize it, myself. We know the good, bad, and ugly parts of each other and choose to stick around because we know that if we don’t, we’ll never find another friend like each other.

3. The Twin Flame

The twin flame is, in my opinion, the most flustering. When meeting this person, it’s like meeting a part of yourself. The way you interact, the way you talk, the way you live… It feels like two parts of the same soul connecting. It’s a type of feeling that can’t really be described without maybe sounding a bit crazy to some people. But, you’ll know without a shadow of a doubt that they’re a part of you and you’re a part of them. When you’re apart, it’s like a piece of yourself is missing. And, if you do separate, you know that a part of you is left with them, and a part of them is left with you.

You are two parts of the same soul.

I recently met my twin flame and it was like looking at myself. In all honestly, I didn’t believe in twin flames or really know what it was until I spent time with mine. We have the same personality, the same interests, we understand each other on a higher level that no one else can really understand… We knew each other better than we ever could have imagined in just a few days. We can exchange a look and know exactly what the other is thinking. Just being around them makes me feel like I’m complete and safe to really be myself.

Soul mates are a very real, sometimes scary, thing. But, when you’ve found them, you’ll know – and when you do, your life will never be the same.

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About the Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

His Soul Is The Fire My Heart Needs

“You’re the light of my life, you’re the fire in my heart when I’m lost and guides me back home. Every star in the sky shines brighter when you’re at my side. You are the light of my life” 

I thought my heart knew what real love felt like but I was so wrong. I met you and my heart was exposed to a whole different level of love. Being with you is pleasantly intoxicating because the love that you share with me is the kind that helps me see the beauty in imperfection, including my own imperfections, allowing me to see a better world, a better me and I just can’t get enough of it

I could not for a second imagine that someone could have such a hypnotizing effect on me.

You show me that loving is something you do, that actions are better than saying “I love you” and you make it a point to show me how much I mean o you through actual effort. You make my needs your needs, you make my happiness your priority.

If Your Boyfriend Does These 20 Things, It’s a Forever Thing

Not to sound like everybody’s grandmother here, but finding a man in this day in age is a damn mission and a half. Finding a good man? EVEN HARDER. Finding a man who stays loyal AND plans for your future? Girl, marry him ASAP because that sh*t is rare.


Being a twenty-something year old in 2017 is wild. This is the part of your life where people expect us to settle down and get married, buy a house, and soon after, have babies. Ugh, I know, right?


This list is to help you narrow down whether or not your man is ready for the long-run because if you and your boyfriend can relate to the things on this list, you have got yourself a keeper, and you are set for life. Go be free, get married, and live happily ever after. I have done my job. You’re welcome.


1.He appreciates you and shows it.

It’s not hard to say thank you, and your boyfriend knows that. He tells you how much he loves that you’re his girlfriend.

To My Bestie, My Life Would Be Totally Empty Without You

“Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better but because I knew you, I have been changed for good.”— Wicked

A soulmate isn’t always the person you’re going to marry and spend the rest of your life with. Yes, secretly the majority of us are looking for that someone but there’s an equally exciting and important moment in your life when you find out that your bestie is meant to be your soulmate.


I should probably apologize to you for that fact that I’ve chosen you to be mine.

But fate sealed the deal and you are absolutely stuck with me. I know that secretly you know you couldn’t live without me either at this point.


There is one person who understands what you’re saying when there are no words coming out of your mouth, the person who doesn’t judge you for the faces you make or things that you like. There’s a person who knows your flaws and your quirks and will still claim you in public…that person is me.

15 People Share The Weird Moment That Made Them Realize They Were In Love

There comes a point in everyone’s life when they fall in love with someone else. Falling in love, in itself, is a beautiful experience. But, how do you know you’re in love with someone? There’s usually a tell-tale moment that you can pinpoint and look back on saying: “Wow, that’s when I truly knew.” To make your heart flutter and your eyes well up with tears, people online have been sharing those “weird” moments that they realized their true love was truly the one. Prepare to say “awwww” for the next 10-15 minutes.


We were coworkers at a bar/restaurant when we met. I was adamant we were just friends and that I didn’t have a crush on her. But one night something crazy happened (I forget exactly what, it’s been several years) and I immediately started doing laps around the place trying to find her to tell her. I can’t find her to save my life. Turns out we were both circling the restaurant looking for the other person.



Without me asking for it, she sent me her pillowcase, because it smelled like her.

To Afghanistan.

It meant more than I can explain.


The Heartbreak Of Realizing He’s Not Your Soulmate After All

I guess I was naive to fall for him thinking that he was my soulmate. I really wanted him to be the one to ignite the light in my heart but I was so wrong. Every part of my being felt so connected to him and attracted to his smile that I went for it without giving it a second thought. It was so easy and beautiful to love him that I couldn’t possibly be wrong about him.

I made him my priority because at the time it felt that our relationship had potential and he was worth giving him my unconditional love. At first, it all came effortlessly, he was as focused on me as I was on him and we both started building something special. Every second spent together felt like an eternity and I was consumed by his love as I’ve never been before.

I’d like to believe that we both had the best intentions when we decided to give us a chance.

We both felt that we could be good together, but as our relationship progressed, things got complicated. We started fighting a lot, what used to be effortless became strenuous. It’s almost as if the intensity of our love turned upside down overnight.

When he least expected it, he bailed on me and gave up on what we built like it meant nothing. It was shocking and so hurtful to see him walk away like he was escaping from a nightmare. No explanation, not a chance to talk things over and reevaluate our situation. He just disappeared and shattered my heart into a million pieces.

7 Little Things You Can Do To Be A Better Girlfriend

Relationships are hard work. No matter how long you’ve been with someone, how much you love someone, there are still ways you can better yourself and work on yourself to make your relationship better. No one is perfect, everyone can use a little “workshopping” from time to time. You may not be the worst girlfriend in the entire world, but, there are ways that you can be an even better girlfriend to make your relationship stronger.

1. Understand that “guys night” is “guys night.”

Some girls get angry when their boyfriend goes out with his friends too often. When you’re dating someone, not everything can be about you two all of the time. Everyone needs space and time to themselves, or with their friends/family to blow off steam. Let your boyfriend have fun and let loose with his friends, at the end of the night he’s coming home to you anyway.

2. Don’t be a helicopter girlfriend.

Your boyfriend is a grown man, he doesn’t need two mothers telling him what to do all the time. Don’t nag him to do things and ask him 45 questions every time he gets home. Guys have a mentality where they want to be the “man” and do things when they want to do them. Let him do things on his own time. Unless it’s directly affecting you in some way, leave him be.

3. Give him space when he needs it.

If your boyfriend is stressed out or feels overwhelmed with work, school, friends, etc. don’t pester him about “why you haven’t hung out lately.” Let him do his thing and get his sh*t together. Don’t make his life even harder when he’s already in over his head. If he’s dating you, he wants to be with you – just because he doesn’t text you every 4 seconds or see you every single day doesn’t mean he’s changed his mind.

4. Support his dreams or goals, even if you don’t love them.

Your boyfriend may decide he wants to take up a new hobby, try a new sport or even quit his job and try something else that works better for him. As his girlfriend, you should support his dreams, all in. Don’t question him and make him feel insecure about his aspirations. Just because they don’t match yours, doesn’t mean they’re wrong or invalid.

5. Appreciate the things he does for you.

It’s nice to say “thank you” from time to time, but, you have to appreciate the things your boyfriend does for you – I mean, really appreciate them. Gratitude. I’m not saying you have to kiss his feet and worship the ground he walks on, but realizing he’s trying and showing him you’re grateful makes all the difference.

6. Practice forgiveness.

Your boyfriend is not perfect. He’s going to make mistakes and he’s going to let you down sometimes. You need to learn how to forgive him for the things that aren’t life or death. He may have forgotten to call you when he got home the other night, he may have forgotten a family dinner he said he’d go to. But, if he isn’t hurting you and he isn’t cheating on you, it’s good to learn to forgive. And not that half-ass “it’s okay” and later you bring it up again, I mean really forgive him.

7. Get your own life.

Your boyfriend and your relationship should never be the end-all, be-all of your life. You need to have your own life, too. Be busy, do things you love, go on vacation with your friends. Don’t make your relationship your everything. You need to learn to be happy on your own time, on your own terms, too. It puts too much pressure on your relationship and your boyfriend if you constantly make the relationship your entire world.

This Is The Raw And Brutal Truth About Being In Love With Your Soulmate

What do you think of when you hear the word “soulmate?”

Do you think of happily ever after like Cinderella and every other Disney movie with a prince charming? Do you think of walking down the aisle with your husband in tears when he sees you? Do you think of adorable nick-names and home-cooked meals? Do you think of flowers on your bedside “just because?”

For the most part, being in love with your soulmate can be spectacular. But, it’s not all sunshine and happiness all of the time. Society makes us believe that unless your love is perfect – it’s not “your forever love.” They tell us that at the slightest hint of problems, you’re probably not with “the one.”

I’m here to tell you that’s basically a load of bullsh*t. In fact, it’s absolute bullsh*t.

Most days – being with your soulmate isn’t a walk on the beach. Actually, it hardly ever is.

Being with your soulmate means that you’re going to hate each other some days. You’re going to get on each other’s nerves – especially when you live together. Sometimes, they’re going to yell at you when you’re under a f*ck-ton of pressure from work and you’ll blow up on them and then – World War III commences in your tiny, one-bedroom apartment.

Being with your soulmate means that you’re going to want space after a fight. You’re not going to apologize right away because – we’re all stubborn. You’re going to stomp around the house and slam doors and go get drunk with your girlfriends and then text them about how you hate them but love them but hate them and come home to have sloppy, drunk sex and wake up ordering breakfast like nothing ever happened because – you’re over it.

Being with your soulmate means that you have to learn to love the family that hates you. Not every family is perfect and not every soulmate’s family will loveeeeee you the way they do. You have to grow to put aside your hatred/differences/anger/pettiness and grow the f*ck up.

Being with your soulmate means that you have to like their crappy friends. Some of them are creepy. Some of them are horrible influences. Some of them are down-right rude and disrespectful to you – but you don’t come between life-long friendships. You bite your tongue when it’s a “guys night/girls night” and let them do them. You get drunk and binge your show and suck it up.

Being with your soulmate means you clean up sh*t that’s not yours. You do the dishes even if they’re not yours. You’ll clean up their puke when they’re sick and miss the toilet. You’ll clean their hair out of the shower drain. You do it out of “love,” but ultimately, out of “I want to live in a clean home.”

Being with your soulmate means doing sh*t you really don’t want to do. You have to go to their work events because you’re a team. You have to go to their friend’s weddings and kid’s birthday parties because you’re a team.

Being with your soulmate means knowing when to choose your battles. You can’t always fly off the handle about everything and attack when you feel crappy. You can’t complain about things every. single. solitary. second. of. every. single. day. You need to pick and choose your times and battles and let a lot of things go.

Being with your soulmate sometimes sucks. But, truth be told, every relationship sometimes sucks. Who taught you that love was easy? Who taught you that love was ever perfect? Guess what – love is not perfect. Love is real. Love is annoying and button-pushy and sometimes, nauseating. But – love is also something that helps you grow and progress and become stronger – day-by-day.

Love will never be all sunshine and rainbows. It’ll probably be thunderstorms and lightening if anything. But – at the end of the day – it makes you a better version of yourself and is unlike anything else you’ll ever experience.

You Have To Choose Me Everyday (Or Leave Me)

A female perspective of “Choose Her Everyday (Or Leave Her),” by Bryan Reeves:

I spent two years getting badly hurt by a guy who stayed with me but never fully chose me.

He did want to be with me. He wanted to choose me. Falling in love is not a choice – choosing them every day once you do it. But falling in love is an instant connection, it’s unexpected – I met him and we just talked and I noticed the way his lips curved when he smiled and the color of his eyes and all at once I knew I was either lucky or screwed. Two eyes and a heartbeat. That’s all it took.

Unfortunately, as happens often with young love, our ignorance of how to truly love quickly created chaos in our relationship. I could see in his eyes that he would sometimes wonder if there was another woman out there who was easier to love, and who could love him better.

As the months passed and that thought played more and more through his head, he started to appreciate me and less and less. Eventually, he stopped choosing me – and we both suffered. Love never dies a natural death. Love requires you to choose the person you fell in love with, again and again, choose to make an effort for them. And he just didn’t. Not enough.

He stayed with me. He just stopped choosing me. That killed me inside.

Choosing me would have meant focusing every day on the things I was bringing into his life that changed him. Realizing that I fought with him at inopportune times because my anger was fueled by my passion and emotions for him. I cared. I loved him. I loved all of him. We didn’t just hang out. We played. We were silly and ridiculous and alive.

I was the only one who could challenge him – make him better, I couldn’t stop loving him no matter what he did. I was the only person who he ever fully gave himself to – I wiped his tears as he spoke about his dad, whispering in his ear that everything will be okay.

To be fair, towards the end of our relationship, I didn’t fully choose him, either. I was rage-fueled, vindictive, I often hurled awful insults at him – like fireworks our chemistry combusted, leaving us burned and confused.

But only after did he realize that I was that angry because I didn’t feel safe with him. I wanted him to wake up and realize that I was worth fighting for. That these so-called ‘options’ were nothing more than an illusion, that it was all bullshit – just his ego talking. That someone might be easier to love – but it would never satisfy him. Because what we had wasn’t easy – it was extraordinary. And I knew how rare that was.

Sadly, he didn’t understand this at the moment – he only realized it when it was too late. He was too focused on my anger, insecurities, demands, and other aspects of my strong personality that wore him down. I could feel him not choosing me, so it brought out the worst in me. Eventually, my biggest fear came true – he abandoned me, sabotaging our relationship, shattering my heart.

I’ll never be with someone who doesn’t choose me again.

If you’re in a relationship, I urge you to ask yourself this question:

“Is my partner choosing me today?”

Are they appreciating you, making an effort for you? Because love is not enough. Staying with someone is not enough. They have to choose you. 

And you can’t make someone choose you, you are only responsible for yourself. If the person you’re with doesn’t understand that a true connection is once in a lifetime, that it means something, that you have to fight for it, let them go. Because you never ever have to convince someone to do the work to be ready.

If they have one foot out the door, unable to see what is right in front of them if they think easiness is good, that there’s something better, that the more chances they have, the better, let them go.

Because only an extraordinary person can appreciate and choose the extraordinary. Make room for that person, the person who deserves all of your magic, the person who will eagerly choose you every day.


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