His Soul Is The Fire My Heart Needs

“You’re the light of my life, you’re the fire in my heart when I’m lost and guides me back home. Every star in the sky shines brighter when you’re at my side. You are the light of my life” 

I thought my heart knew what real love felt like but I was so wrong. I met you and my heart was exposed to a whole different level of love. Being with you is pleasantly intoxicating because the love that you share with me is the kind that helps me see the beauty in imperfection, including my own imperfections, allowing me to see a better world, a better me and I just can’t get enough of it

I could not for a second imagine that someone could have such a hypnotizing effect on me.

You show me that loving is something you do, that actions are better than saying “I love you” and you make it a point to show me how much I mean o you through actual effort. You make my needs your needs, you make my happiness your priority.

The Heartbreak Of Realizing He’s Not Your Soulmate After All

I guess I was naive to fall for him thinking that he was my soulmate. I really wanted him to be the one to ignite the light in my heart but I was so wrong. Every part of my being felt so connected to him and attracted to his smile that I went for it without giving it a second thought. It was so easy and beautiful to love him that I couldn’t possibly be wrong about him.

I made him my priority because at the time it felt that our relationship had potential and he was worth giving him my unconditional love. At first, it all came effortlessly, he was as focused on me as I was on him and we both started building something special. Every second spent together felt like an eternity and I was consumed by his love as I’ve never been before.

I’d like to believe that we both had the best intentions when we decided to give us a chance.

We both felt that we could be good together, but as our relationship progressed, things got complicated. We started fighting a lot, what used to be effortless became strenuous. It’s almost as if the intensity of our love turned upside down overnight.

When he least expected it, he bailed on me and gave up on what we built like it meant nothing. It was shocking and so hurtful to see him walk away like he was escaping from a nightmare. No explanation, not a chance to talk things over and reevaluate our situation. He just disappeared and shattered my heart into a million pieces.

To The Girls Who Are With The Wrong Guy

When you enter into the journey of love, you can’t tell whether you’re going to sink or swim. There is no way to tell whether you’re going to fall, or you’re going to fly. When it comes to love, most of us are as clueless as the next, pretending we know what we’re doing but in reality, we’re just trying to figure it out day by day.

And, that’s what love is – finding someone you’re comparable with, and being two, clueless, lovestruck kids together. While not everyone knows exactly where they’re going to go in the game of love, they do know how they want to be treated.

Yet, often times, we find ourselves in relationships with those who don’t treat us right.

We’ve all dated a bad guy or two – some of us even ten – and, we’ve fallen head over heels for them. We’ve divulged so deep into the love story, that we become so immune to the fact that we’re being mistreated. No matter how many times our best friends and our family tells us, shows us the red flags – we pretend we are colorblind.

We make excuses for their behavior. He didn’t come to an important event because he was busy. He didn’t call you because his phone probably died. He didn’t answer your text because he didn’t see it. He didn’t invite you to the party because he didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. He didn’t introduce you to his parents because it was too soon. He didn’t want to hangout because he’s tired.

We come up with lies about their problems. He’s not rude, he’s honest. He’s not insensitive, he’s raw. He’s not abusive, he’s strong. He’s not lazy, he’s laid back. He’s not demanding, he knows what he wants.

We begin to form ourselves into someone who we don’t even know anymore. We begin to lessen ourselves to fit into his mold of what a girlfriend should be, rather than what we want to get out of a relationship entirely.

We wait.

And we wait.

And we wait.

We wait for them to “come around.” We wait for them to grow. We wait for them to realize.

We wait for them to change.

The truth is, people are who they are. When someone shows you their true colors, don’t try to paint a different picture. Truth is, you aren’t the first girl that he’s hurt and you probably won’t be the last. In fact, you definitely won’t be the last. No matter how hard you try, how much you give, you won’t ever be able to fix him. Instead, you’re going to be left with holes in your heart and darkness in your soul – constantly wondering why you weren’t good enough.

When it comes down to it, it was never you. It was always him.

In love, you need to be with someone who satisfies your needs, first and foremost. Relationships are give and take, not just give – not just take. In love, you need to be honest with yourself, and forget what you want – remember what you deserve.

You deserve someone who is utterly obsessed with you. Someone who doesn’t make excuses when you portray that as a girlfriend, you have needs. Someone who will call you when they say they will. Someone who will answer the texts that you send them. Someone who comes to events when you tell him that they’re important. Someone who will invite you to the party, and every party, because he’s proud to bring you with him. Someone who introduces you to his parents, because you are part of his life now. Someone who finds the time to see you, no matter what time of night.

In love, you deserve someone who will make you feel important. Someone who will remind you within the little things, that you are always their priority. Someone who shows you that no matter how busy and chaotic life can get, that you are on their mind, even when you are apart.

There is no man out there who will treat you perfectly every single day of the year, but, there are men out there who will try their absolute best. When you fall for someone who treats you right, you aren’t left second guessing, you aren’t left with unsolved mysteries and you’re definitely not left with unanswered questions.

Stop waiting for him to change, constantly dealing with the pit-in-your-stomach pain. Stop making the excuses as to why he’s not around. Stop lying about the behavior that you know is wrong.

Instead of waiting for him to change, wait for the right him.

105 Sweet Love Notes For My Person

Love Notes … for you

Write Them Down

Push aside the chocolates and the cookie cutter gifts you’re used to buying and telling them in an old-fashioned note how much they mean to you.

It’s something that won’t expire and they’ll be able to hold onto whenever they’re feeling sentimental and want a nice reminder of how much you care.


1. You’re the only one I want to be around when I’ve had a bad day because you always make me smile.


2. I love you more than I love chocolate and that’s A LOT.


3. I’d share my pizza with you anytime.


4. I love you even when you leave your shoes everywhere and I almost fall to my death.


5. When you get out of the shower you smell amazing, it’s a mix of clean and of you.


6. The smell of your cologne makes me dizzy but in a good way.


7. Your hand is the only one that fits perfectly around mine.


8. Home for me isn’t four walls and a roof, it’s two arms and a heartbeat.


9.  I love that I can call you whenever and you don’t miss a chance to pick up.


10. It would be terribly wrong to let the day end without telling you how important you are to me.


11.  Love the fact that even though you hate taking photos if I ask you’ll take one with me.


12. And you never care if I go into your closet and steal a sweatshirt, knowing that I don’t plan on returning it.


13. Every moment we’re apart I’m impatiently waiting for the next when we’re together.


14. You are my favorite hello and hardest goodbye.


15. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me.


16. I love you more because you love me when I can’t love myself.


17. I never understood why girls talk about butterflies until you came along.


18. You make me smile for no reason, just one look and I look like a smiling idiot.


19. Don’t think you can use this to your advantage but you’re the only guy I’d make a sandwich for.


20. It just wasn’t your looks that won me over, those were a wonderful perk but I fell for your personality.


21. You love me when I least deserve it and I never realized that is when I most need it.


22. If you let me even though I couldn’t be your first I’ll be your last everything.


23. You’re my favorite, favorite what you may ask, my favorite everything.


24. When nothing seems to be going your way know that I am always by your side.


25. I think our relationship is best when neither of us are wearing pants.



To The Friend Who Forgives Me When I Make The Same Mistakes

Thank you, doesn’t simplistically convey it.

Somewhere along the way, we went from friends to family. You became this extension of me and it’s not just my life I’m leading, it’s a life you are choosing to be a part of. And I’m so grateful because the wonderful thing about friendship is you are choosing to stand in front of a door that is open and staying put.

Your loyalty is the greatest gift I could ask for.

Your loyalty to me is something I try so hard to match. Sometimes I wake up and I wonder how on the earth did I get so lucky?  Because of the many things I’ve done wrong in life, what I’ve done right is maintaining this friendship. I look at you and I see the good things I’ve done in my life, despite the bad.  We both know I’m no saint and with every mistake I make, you’ve been there to pick me up and dust me off.

You help me to become better.

But we both know there are some mistakes I’ve made and some mistakes I continue you make. I come to you first. I analyze the situation, I replay all the details and there you are listening, probably rolling your eyes and repeating the same thing over and over again.

Because we both know it’s a conversation we’ve had before. You want something more for me. And I know it feels like you can’t help someone who doesn’t first want to help themselves.

Because you have better intentions for my life than I have for myself sometimes.

Maybe it’s in the people I choose to date. Maybe it’s the 700th chance I’ve given a person you’ve grown to hate. Einstein once said, “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

I’m sorry I do this. Because all you’ve ever done is want what is best for me. You see me in the best light and see me making the wrong choices. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is watch someone you love to do wrong and know the only thing you can do is pick up the broken pieces afterward. You want to pull them in and stop them from walking towards danger. But more than other people we are our own worst enemy.

Your love and support motivate me.

I know it’s not fair to you. And I know I’m stubborn. You may think I don’t listen. But I do. I hear you loud and clear. And there’s nothing that hurts me more than disappointing you. And sometimes you are honest and I’m oversensitive. But it’s what I need.

I know I first need to help myself. I know I have to make the change in my life. And I value you for standing by me through it.

I honestly think you are a guardian angel walking with me.

More than anything, I want to say thank you. You should know if it ever came down to it (a habit I can’t kick, even if those habits are toxic people) I’d pick you every time. You stand by me and it isn’t something I take for granted. And I know it will never come down to you walking away. Because just as I’d never walk away from you, you’re one of the only things I’m completely confident in, in my own life.

I love you. I value you. And every day I’ll try and do better and be better. Motivation comes in knowing I never walk alone in this crazy thing called life.

Of every person in my life, you’re not only the one person I can’t live without but I’d never want to.

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To My Guy, I Promise to Give You More Than Just My Heart

If I can make one promise to you it is that I will love you with all that I have. No, I can’t guarantee that everything will be perfect and easy, but none of that will matter because I promise to give you far more than just my heart. 

You deserve so much more than you’ve ever felt before. You are too giving, kind and patient of a man to have anything less than all of me.

I will learn to appreciate every single one of your quirks even your oh so cute way of leaving the laundry on the floor rather than in the basket.

When we argue, I promise to forgive you quickly and say sorry first. But more importantly, I will try my hardest to make sure I don’t just yell at you just because I’m hungry.

I promise to not only choose you every…single…day…but I promise to inspire you, laugh with you, cherish you, reassure you and grow with you for the rest of my days.

And even then, I’m not sure a lifetime will be long enough for me to give you the love that you have already given me.

Because in you, I have found my person, my best friend, and my home. I’ll never know where this journey of life will take us but you make me feel like I’ll never have to walk it alone.

You are the best thing that could ever and has ever happened to me and I won’t ever take that for granted. From our morning to cuddles to our late night kisses, I’m going to love you because I never want to lose you.

19 Things You Forgot To Thank Your Soulmate Wifey For

You have your friends, and then you have your soulmate wifey. With your soulmate wifey, you never have to apologize for who you are, and she’ll never give up on you or your friendship.

Sometimes, your appreciation for her gets lost between the moments of pain and side cramps from laughter that you two share:

1. Thank you for getting me out of my head.

You’re one of the only people who make me live in the moment, so I’m hanging on to you for life.

2. Thank you for tearing my walls down.

I know that I have mad layers, but you took the time to figure me out, and only you know that I have a soft, gooey center under the hard exterior – like Entenmann’s cookies…or something.

3. Thank you for making me feel beautiful.

You’re the first person to tell me when my ass looks good, and when my eyebrows are on fleek.

4. Thank you for also telling me when my hair looks like shit.

You’re also the first person to tell me when my hair looks crazy, and when I need to redo my eyeliner wing. I love knowing that you’ll always be honest with me without feeding me any bullshit.

5. Thank you for never letting me dance alone.

Our dance style will range from  “white dad at a barbecue” to “stripper whose rent is due tomorrow.???

6. Thank you for my laughter 8-pack.

My day is never dull with all the shit you send and tag me in.

7. Thank you for putting up with me.

And for reading all of those screenshots that I sent you with vivid details about my interactions with so-and-so.

8. Thank you for making fun of boring people with me.

I couldn’t have survived all of those social interactions – with really serious, pretentious people – without you. We always mess with them like cats with laser pointers: they’re the cat, and we’re the laser pointer.

9. Thank you for always having my back.

You’re my ride or die wifey for life, and whenever someone screws me over, you take it more personally than I do.

10. Thank you for being weird with me.

You always got me, and you’re the only one who I can do all those accents and impersonations with.

11. Thank you for bringing out my Trap Queen confidence.

With you, I can be the life of the party; you make me not give a shit about what people think.

12. Thank you for thinking the same people are wack.

We both have the same people we want to slap in the face.

13. Thank you for making life suck less.

With you by my side, I feel like somehow everything is going to be okay; thank you for believing in me when I don’t believe in myself.

14. Thank you for reminding me I’m a badass bitch.

You remind me of how dope I am in my moments of self-doubt.

15. Thank you for being happy for me when things are going right in my life.

When things in my life are going great, you are the first person ready to celebrate. Sometimes I even feel like you’re more excited than I am.

16. Thank you for never letting me self-deprecate.

You tell me when I’m being a whiny bitch, need to shut the hell up and move on. I love you for it.

17. Thank you for also knowing when I’m really hurting.

For all the times that you didn’t know what to say, but were there listening and wiping my tears away: thank you. I would never have survived without you.

18. Thank you for giving that douche a chance.

Even though you knew he would suck, you’re the only one he had to win over, so you were still patient and tried to like him.

19. Thank you for just getting me.

To the Best Friends Who Became My Sisters, You’re My World

I didn’t believe that friends could be soulmates until you came into my life. We’ve been through so much, and you’ve been by my side, supporting me unconditionally without asking for anything in return. Your unconditional love has taught me that friends can be soulmates and that these particular types of true friends can become family. You’re my sisters and have stuck with me through thick and thin forever. We’re the perfect combination, and I can accomplish all my dreams with you by my side.

Our bond is one of a kind. Our hearts are in sync, and our unique connection becomes our superpower. No matter where or what we’re doing, we know what’s happening in everyone’s life. Not a day goes by that we don’t check on each other to ensure everyone is in good spirits. If someone is having a meh day, we do whatever it takes to change that. Everyone is essential in our group, and we all matter equally.  

What I love the most about our friendship is that our bond continues to grow and evolve as we become adults and individuals. It just gets stronger as we continue to learn so much about ourselves together. 

I know we have so much more to grow and experience, but how we manage to go through our ups and downs with respect, honesty, and understanding always amazes me. We might not always see eye to eye, but we never cross the line or hurt anyone’s feelings just because we want to be correct. 

We’ve learned to respect everyone’s differences and set boundaries that allow us to be grown-ass individuals capable of healthy friendships. I admire you so much that I can’t even fathom not having you. Every one of you brings something special into my life that I know I couldn’t live without. Life gave me the greatest gift of friendship when I met you. 

I know I can be a klutz and sometimes not the most reliable friend in the world, but I love you all to death, so keep being as hard on me as you need to when I need it. I can rely on you to keep me in check, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. 

I am the luckiest person in the world to have friends who complete me and make my life a million times better. Life is hard enough as it is, but with my besties by my side, nothing seems impossible. You’re the support group I know I can count on no matter what life has in store for me. 

You inspire me and make me happy beyond belief, so thank you for being in my life; thank you for being my besties, soulmates, sisters, and all. 

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