To the Girls Who’re Strong for Everyone Else, It’s Okay to Feel Vulnerable

Strong Girls And Vulnerability

People say these two words to be nice. They say them to encourage me to keep pushing on, but I’m tired of hearing it. I’m tired of hearing “You’re strong” or “You deserve better” or “Yeah, but you’re smarter” or anything that resembles. You want to know why?


Because it makes me think I can’t feel weak.

It makes me think that I’m not allowed to struggle. When people say stuff like that to me, it doesn’t take away the hurt or the stress. It doesn’t make me feel even a little better.

I’m not strong all the time. I’m not strong at night when thoughts of him breaking my heart creep in or when one more bill comes in and I ran out of money a few bills ago.

I’m not strong majority of the time, but I put on a brave face because it’s not no ones fault he dumped me and it’s definitely no one’s fault but my own I don’t have enough money to pay everything.

I know deep down I deserve better. If I have to hear it one more time, then I might scream. I DO deserve better, but I also think I deserve the things I put my heart into.

I deserve the things I work hard for. I deserve to be chosen again and again. I deserve a lot more than I have to live with. Don’t tell me what I deserve, because I know.


This Is Why the Strongest Girls Are Those Who Struggle with Anxiety


Oh, how that word seems to make everyone uncomfortable. Some people fight a continuous battle with it. Some don’t understand it. Others seem to question its entire existence. So, what is anxiety to me?

Anxiety is the weight upon my chest. The hand that covers my mouth when my heart tells me to speak up. It’s the grip upon my lungs when my world is crashing down.

It’s the dark, twisted creature inside my mind that holds me back from being who I truly am. Anxiety is the voice in my head telling me that nobody likes me…it’s all my fault…I will never amount to anything…I will never be good enough…nobody will ever love me.


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