Single Women: Taking Freedom to the Next Level

Living independently as a single working professional is a living concept that’s been gaining in popularity among women worldwide. It’s seen as a way of learning life skills before taking on the role of a wife and a mother. More young women between the ages of 25 and 35 are seeing solo living as an essential part of “adulting”. They want to be able to experience the same things bachelors get to experience before they get married.

As a result, more single women are taking freedom to the next level and living lives on their terms. If you’re about to enter the world of solo living and want to make the most of your freedom, these couple of tips are here to help get you started.

Practice relying on yourself before moving out

Having your own place to come home is exciting, but it also comes with a list of responsibilities. For single women who are not used to living and functioning on their own, moving out of your parents’ house or a place you share with a roommate may come as a challenge. Let’s say you had a bad day at work. Instead of venting to roommate or family members, you’ll need to learn how to cope with emotions on your own. Living solo will also mean taking care of things yourself. Therefore, make an effort to learn basic things such as fixing a leaky sink and doing grocery shopping for one.

It’s also a good idea to practice budgeting before you move out. That way, you’ll get a taste of what it feels like to manage your budget when you’re on your own. This, in turn, will help prepare you for the real world and spare you a lot of unnecessary stress.

Make your move as smooth as possible

Ok, so you’ve found a new place that’s within your budget and have decided to move. Now, it’s time to put your plan in motion and start packing. This is probably the most bothersome part of the move, and many of us would probably rather skip this step.

To make moving less stressful, consider looking for a moving company that offers the best packing service in your area. In doing so, you can rely on moving professionals’ expertise to move your belongings safely and properly. Do your research and compare the moving companies in your area to make sure you’re getting the best deal. By delegating these kinds of tasks to the pros, you can focus more on the joys of being single and living by yourself.

Go all in when it comes to decorating

Once you’ve moved in and started unpacking, it’s time to move on to the most exciting part – decorating! It’s your home, so why not make the most of it and customize every nook and cranny to your liking? This is your chance to tailor everything from kitchen to bedroom to your taste. For some, that will mean keeping things cozy but staying more on the minimalist side. For others, this will mean going all in for a more eclectic look.

Either way, there are numerous chic and feminine bedroom ideas for making your new place look cozy, aesthetic, and functional. With little inspiration, you can create the perfect place for relaxation and boosting your energy so you wake up refreshed. Living solo means you don’t have to compromise, so milk this opportunity and go all in with your home decor!

Enjoy the simple pleasures of solo living

Decorating your new home as you please is just one benefit of living solo. You also get to do with your free time whatever you want and what brings you the most joy. There’s no pressure of keeping your home perfectly tidy, and, most importantly, you can have your peace and quiet. Of course, at some point in time, you may decide to move in with a partner or a roommate. But for now, this is your chance to embrace being single and all the perks that come with it.

Use this time to get to know yourself better, try new things, create a routine, and explore your future goals. This is one of the best ways to get ready for the future that lies ahead. It will also be of immense help both in your private and professional life.

Accept help when needed

Living on your own is about learning how to rely on yourself and being independent. That said, it doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help every once in a while.

All of us will run into certain problems at some point in their lives. Sometimes, those problems may be too difficult to overcome without reaching out for help from our loved ones. If such a situation arises, don’t hesitate accepting others’ help. Starting out on your own isn’t easy, but with a little help and support, you can make this transition easier on yourself.

Wrapping up

Being able to design your own life the way you want it to be, prioritize yourself and your needs, and experience all the life’s adventures solo – what’s not to love about that? With these key tips in mind, you can embark on your journey of solo living with confidence and experience all its joys to the max.

About The Author

Taylor Parker is an American based writer and blogger. She is very passionate about family, fashion, health, and lifestyle. Taylor writes mostly lifestyle articles, but also you’ll find her in home improvement and other niches.  You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter

To The Girl With A Brave Face And Broken Heart

“Be That strong girl that everyone knew would make it through the worst, be that fearless girl, the one who would dare do anything, be that independent girl who didn’t need a man. Be the girl who never backed down.” -Taylor Swift 

The thing I find most interesting about broken hearts is anyone at any moment can be crumbling before you. You’d never know because they go through the motions, they have to and put on a brave face. You’d never know they cried themselves to sleep that night, or woke up with a knot in their stomach, not wanting to move. You wouldn’t know how often they look at the pictures and look back at the past, to a time when things were simple.

You don’t know these things, because sometimes it’s easier to pretend everything is okay than actually admit someone blew your heart to shreds and left you to pick up the pieces.

“The hard part is pretending not to give a f$ck when you really do. The worst part is trying to close your heart when it’s doors have been blown to pieces,” R.M Drake  

To the girl who has mastered the brave face,

The Strongest Girls Are The Girls With Anxiety

Her Anxiety

She’s been battling her anxiety for quite some time and she continues to do so with bravery. She’s not a victim of her mental illness, because she knows in her heart that she’s so much more than the demons that live in her mind. 

1. She’s learned to hold her head up high when the chaos in her mind consumes her, so the word weakness is practically not in her vocabulary.

She’s a strong girl because she manages to survive the battlefield that is her life, dealing with a mental illness that takes a lot of courage to tame and survive on a daily basis.

She manages to function because she’s tried every coping mechanism possible and she has found ways that help her calm her anxious heart. She pushes forward with determination.

This Is The Way A Strong Woman Loves

Strong Woman


A strong woman loves like a gentle rain swirling into a hurricane. Her love is cautious as she fights to maintain her independence; reserved as she convinces herself that she doesn’t need a man in her life. But slowly and steadily, she lets herself fall into him, washing away her inhibitions, loving him fiercely.


A strong woman loves with steadfast reserve turned to unquellable passion. She wades into his life unafraid that he will break her but constantly wondering if she should embrace her ability to feel. His love for her strikes her in the center of her hardened heart, and she rapidly melts under its weight. As she plummets, courageously aware that there is nothing to cushion the pain, her strength manifests in her powerful, steady feelings for him.

5 Things You Need to Know Before Loving a “Strong Woman”

There seems to be a lot of men out there that THINK they want to be with a strong woman.


Be careful what you wish for.

There are some things you need to know before pursuing a strong woman if you’re not ready to be a strong man.


1. Once she is in, she is all in.


When a strong woman decides she wants to give you her heart, you have it. No games. No BS. Now it may take her some time to be all in. A strong woman can be cautious that way, but once she’s in, it’s secure.


She will celebrate with you when things are up, and she will hold you tight and be your solid ground when things are down.


You can count on her.


Here’s To The Girls With Anxiety, They Are Warriors In Disguise


She’s been battling her anxiety for quite some time and she continues to do so with bravery. She’s not a victim of her mental illness, because she knows in her heart that she’s so much more than the demons that live in her mind. 

1. She’s learned to hold her head up high when the chaos in her mind consumes her, so the word weakness is practically not in her vocabulary.

She’s a strong girl because she manages to survive the battlefield that is her life, dealing with a mental illness that takes a lot of courage to tame and survive on a daily basis.

She manages to function because she’s tried every coping mechanism possible and she has found ways that help her calm her anxious heart. She pushes forward with determination.

2. She knows how important it is to not give up because she’s got so much to give and she can’t allow her condition to dictate her life.

She has goals and dreams like everyone else, and all she wants is to be able to be herself.

Yes, her anxiety plays tricks on her and sometimes it wins, but for the most part, she’s able to tap into her inner strength, fight back, and quickly get back on her feet.

Why Every Girl Needs To Be A Little More Unfiltered

She’s been called “crazy” many times just for having feelings and being unfiltered. Are human beings not supposed to have human emotions anymore? She must have missed the memo.

She used to hide her so-called-crazy. She used to apologize for it, but she won’t anymore because it’s just who she is. She’s a bold, crazy, unfiltered, brash, outspoken girl and she doesn’t give a single fuck.

1. She’ll never pretend to be someone she’s not.

She’s happy. She’s had bad relationships and great ones, been in love and fallen out of it. Trying to hide her true self only got her hurt.

Now she’s her authentic self at all times and her authentic self just so happens to be a badass bitch. Sorry, not sorry, that makes her pretty awesome.

2. She gets what she wants when she wants it, no games necessary.

Unfiltered girls tell the truth, even when it’s harsh. She asks the hard questions in the heat of the moment, goes with her instincts, and acts on what her conscience tells her.

And that’s why she gets what she wants. She says what she wants and fights for it when necessary; eventually, she gets it.

3. She never hides her true intentions.

If she only wants to sleep with him and keep romance out of it, she lets him know right away. If she’s falling for him, she tells him. When she’s in love, she says so, even if she’s scared or it’s “too soon.”

She won’t sugar coat shit. She knows what and who she wants. She wants a king, not a prince because she’s a queen, not a princess.

4. No one fucks with her… at least, not more than once.

Her reputation precedes her. She’s intimidating for a reason: to protect herself. She DGAF who’s scared of her or who calls her crazy (it’s actually a compliment at this point.)

Men know not to play with her heart like it’s silly putty. People who haven’t even met her already know her…well, they know that “she’s crazy.” Her resting bitch face helps deter the few who don’t.

5. She’s passionate and she’ll fight to keep the things she loves.

She knows how to love. She feels every feeling to the extreme, that’s why she acts on every little thing. Every pesky argument she starts comes from an uncontrollable place in her brain that’s directly connected to her heart.

She wouldn’t be worried that someone was lying to her if they didn’t matter. All of her craziness is pure, caring, and true; it’s dramatic, but it’s not an act. She doesn’t fight for people who aren’t worth it.

6. She’s herself, always, and there’s no one she’d rather be.

She has absolutely #nofilter. She says what she thinks when she thinks it. When she says “I’m fine,” she’s actually fine. She doesn’t have two personalities and she’ll never put on a show for anyone.

She will never change. Anyone who thinks that’s a bad thing can walk away – she won’t care. She’s not interested in wasting her time on people who want her to be different. She may be unfiltered, but she’s sure as hell never boring.

No Matter What, You Are Always Allowed To Leave

If you ever find yourself in a situation that compromises who you are as a person you are allowed to leave. It’s okay to let go of the people who hold you back, the people who only strive to pull you down when you’re trying to pick yourself up.

You’re 100% allowed to shut the door on relationships that tear you down. To leave lovers who no longer appreciate you. It’s okay to still love them but know that the two of you won’t work out.

Standing up for yourself and putting yourself first is alright.

It’s okay to recognize what it feels like to settle and never allow yourself to do it.

You’re allowed to walk away from family members. The idea that just because you’re blood means you always have to forgive them is an old notion.

Blood does not make your family and doesn’t require you to be miserable your entire life.

It’s okay to walk away from toxic friendships. The kind where you’re always put on the back burner when you’re convenient for them in their time of need but that gesture is never reciprocated.

You are more than allowed to find friends who welcome you with open arms.

It’s okay to wait until you find people who love you for who you are.

You can take a deep breath and realize you’re going to make mistakes, hell you’ll probably make a lot of them, but it is okay to make them as long as you learn from them.

It’s okay to forgive yourself for being human. You’re not perfect and anyone who tells you they are is delusional.

Quit the job that makes you hate your life. Do it without apologizing, just make sure you have a backup plan in mind. Life is too short to just wake up and hate your life automatically because of your job.

There are more out there if you try.

Be kind to yourself, you are only one person. Don’t apologize for waking up and loving yourself. Look in that mirror and find yourself beautiful.

It’s alright to just pack up and go. If the town you’re in is holding you back, sometimes starting over is your best route.

You are allowed to redefine the meaning and purpose of your life.

It’s okay to start over. It’s okay to give yourself a blank slate. Yeah it might be hard work and it’s not a simple process but that’s alright.

A story that doesn’t make you happy, that doesn’t help you grow, that doesn’t bring joy to your life, and doesn’t work for you anymore is one you don’t have to stay in.

Cut yourself a break once in a while.

Whatever the situation may be, just remember that if your heart and head aren’t in it…

You are allowed to leave, so don’t let anyone stop you.

To see more of Audi’s work check out her facebook page.

Because Being A Hot Mess Has Only Made Her Stronger

“I would rather be a hot mess of bold action, a make-it-happen-learn-on-the-fly kind of person than a perfectly organized coward”

She’s had it rough and when her heart was at its weakest point she coped with the pain at best she could. She was determined and willing to heal and the truth is that being a hot mess is what got her through it.

Because to be a hot mess is to be human, it means she’s not afraid to embrace her imperfect-self and vulnerability.

At the end of the day, it’s what helped her find the balance that she needed and it made her stronger.

No one is one hundred percent prepared to deal with pain, but she was able to survive the darkest hours by giving herself permission to be a mess, having faith in herself, and embracing whatever life was throwing her way, fearlessly.

There’s no right way to deal with a broken soul, what’s important is that you don’t hurt yourself more in the process.

Being a hot mess gave her the tools to successfully cope with life’s challenges, because it gave her permission to fully embrace her emotions, evaluate her actions and reactions and make mistakes. And those mistakes are the lessons that she needed to find the right way out of the darkness and move forward.

She knew in her heart that the pain was temporary and that she would eventually come out on the other side.

But it’s hard to keep a level head when suffering clouds your mind and all you want to do is scape, physically and emotionally from being pulled down into a pit of destruction. It takes courage to avoid losing yourself during your difficult times. It takes strength but most importantly, it takes self-love. And in order to love yourself, you have to wholeheartedly accept every part of you, mess and all.

She understands that she doesn’t need to have it all together to be okay.

She knows that what matters is to make the best of her circumstances without betraying her true self.

Being a hot mess doesn’t mean she’s not capable of rising from above, it just means she’s courageously able to confront the good, the bad and the ugly in order to find peace and balance. It doesn’t mean she’s damaged, it means she’s human and understands that it’s not about being perfect but being beautifully imperfect.

Being a hot mess means living fully and being okay with figuring yourself out as best you can with grace and authenticity.

She has found her strength in adversity and she wouldn’t change anything about being a beautiful hot mess.

For more like this, check out our Facebook Page!

You Are A Phoenix And You Will Rise From These Ashes

“Often it’s the deepest pain which empowers you to grow into your highest self.”

You are strong and brave and resilient. Whatever life is handing you right now, you will get through it – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Anyone.  This world is constantly going to test you, push you to your limits and place you on the verge of breaking down. I can almost guarantee that. But you have got to keep your head high even when you are shattering piece by piece on the inside.

I know you have wanted to just let go and let the world win. You’ve hurt in ways you never thought you could hurt before. You’ve felt broken beyond repair and imprisoned in your own mind.

Your heart has been broken and you’ve cried enough tears to fill the oceans five times over. The pain you’ve felt is nauseating.

“But once all the tears dried and the pain washed away and the laughter started again, that’s when you were reborn” – stronger and wiser.

That’s when you can take a deep breath as your soul quietly prepares you for the next battle.

Because you are going to absolutely fall apart in this world again. Maybe even more than once.

Your heart is going to be broken many times by lovers who carelessly handle your heart. Your friends are going to let you down and betray you even when they swore they wouldn’t. And people are going to talk shit behind your back.

You are going to lose people through death and through circumstance. You are going to carry weights too heavy for your soul to bear. You are going to watch dreams fade away while you try to chase after them.

You will be scared and traumatized and broken.

You are going to scream “why” more times than you will be able to count while sobbing on your bathroom floor.

But in the end, how beautiful will it be to stand up proud and say, “I survived.”

I let them betray me, burn me, defeat me, insult me, injure me and abandon me. I let them tear me limb from limb, flesh from bone until I wasn’t recognizable even to myself. But I am here now. I overcame.

I let the world drag me through its chamber of excruciating sadness, but I woke up alive and burning bright.

That’s when you will become a brilliant Phoenix and the world will see your light.

For more of Ariel’s work, like her on Facebook!

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