Wearing Your Boyfriend’s Clothes Is Officially Good For Your Mental Health

Every girl knows that one of the biggest perks of having a boyfriend is the ability to steal their big, comfortable clothing. From hoodies to sweatpants and all the in-between, wearing something that belongs to “our man” makes us feel almost as though we’re closer to them—especially when they’re not around. Turns out, stealing our boyfriend’s clothes is better than we thought. In fact, it’s actually good for your mental health.

According to a study released by the University of British Colombia, it’s proven that wearing your boyfriend’s clothing can actually boost your mood and attitude overall. The study was conducted with 96 heterosexual couples who were asked to participate. As the control element, men were asked to wear a new t-shirt for 24 hours without using any deodorant, cologne, or any other scent additives. After the shirts gained a certain person’s scent, they were frozen to keep that scent locked in for a longer period of time.

After they were frozen, women were asked to wear a shirt. Some women happened to be matched with shirts that were not their partner’s—so, a total stranger. As it turns out, everything has to do with scent. The women who wore their partner’s shirt with his scent experienced lower levels of cortisol in their brain—the hormone that contributes to stress. Therefore, the women who wore their boyfriend’s clothing were much more zen and relaxed.

However, women who were wearing a complete stranger’s shirt happened to experience a change in their cortisol levels, too—they peaked. So, basically, wearing a stranger’s clothing made them much more stressed than before. Strange, yet, interesting.

The study’s lead author, Marlise Hofer, said in a statement:

“Many people wear their partner’s shirt or sleep on their partner’s side of the bed when their partner is away, but may not realize why they engage in these behaviors. Our findings suggest that a partner’s scent alone, even without their physical presence, can be a powerful tool to help reduce stress.”

So, if you happen to be someone who enjoys wearing your partner’s clothing, and they tell you to stop—just tell them that you’re doing it to make you a more enjoyable girlfriend. The less stressed you are, the more you are able to enjoy life and, overall, be in a way better mood. Therefore, keep the hoodie (or the shirt, socks, pants, etc). It’s good for you! 


Study Claims That Spending Time With Your Mother Can Make Her Live Longer

It’s no secret that the relationship we have with our mother is special and unique. Whether we like it or not, she is the woman who brought us into this world. For me, personally, my mom is my very best friend. She’s my anchor, my safety net, and my soundboard whenever life gets hard. No matter what, she will always be there for me.

But, as I’ve gotten older and moved out, I’ve somehow spent less and less time with my mom. It’s hard to always find the time to see each other and hang out when we both work full-time and live in two different neighborhoods. While we speak on the phone every day, there’s nothing that’s quite like spending some quality time together. And, according to a scientific study, spending more time with your mother can help her live longer. 

In 2012, the study was published in the JAMA Internal Medicine and indicated that spending more time with your mother increases her lifespan slightly. The study said that loneliness is a significant factor in why older people die earlier. Loneliness in adults leads to increased depression and other health problems.

How did they discover this? Well, the study looked at 1,600 adults—with the average age of 71-years-old. They found that 23% of people who participated in the study who were lonely ended up dying within 6 years of being apart of the study. Only 14% of those who said they were not lonely died during the same 6 year period.

Basically, keeping your mom’s social life active, positive, and booming can allow her to escape the death grip of loneliness. And, if you can’t see her all of the time, at least try to call her once or twice a day and, possibly, see her once a week. You never know how much you can impact her life!


Study Reveals Which Day Your Partner Is Most Likely To Cheat

While it’d be great to be able to trust our partners implicitly and feel certain that they’ll be faithful to us, the truth is that people cheat. Whether because they’re feeling neglected in the relationship or they’re just plain a-holes (the more likely answer), a new study has revealed the day of the week it’s most likely to happen.

1. The UK website Illicit Encounters is behind the research.

They were interested in what makes cheaters cheat and how they go about doing it—makes sense since the site itself hooks up people who are already in relationships. They talked to 1,000 users about their preferences when being unfaithful and the results were interesting if not infuriating.

2. It’s all about the weekend.

That’s right—Friday nights are a cheater’s paradise. Christian Grant, a spokesperson for Illicit Encounters, told Women’s Health Australia that if your partner regularly heads out on the town on Friday nights without you, there may be a problem. “If your partner regularly goes out with work colleagues on a Friday night, this should raise suspicions, particularly if they always go out with you the following night. The Saturday night date is partly due to guilt over the Friday night liaison,” he explained.

3. A lot of cheaters meet at a gym.

A whopping 30% of users said they hooked up with people they met while working out, while 26% found someone to hook up with at work social events. Only 17% of cheaters met someone on social media, which is a somewhat shockingly low number, right?

4. More cheaters meet through common hobbies/interests rather than random encounters at a bar or club.

While one-night stands with someone you met down at your local bar is pretty much legendary in movies and on TV, it’s not all that common in real life. The study revealed that most people had something in common with the people they cheated with rather than just sleeping with someone based on physical appearance (or drunkenness) alone.

5. At the end of the day, communication is key.

If you’re seriously concerned about your partner’s fidelity, the best advice is to simply talk to them. If you don’t feel like you can bring up this topic without it causing strain, an argument, or even a breakup, then there’s obviously a serious problem in your relationship whether they’re cheating on you or not.

This article originally appeared on Bolde.

Doctors Found 27 Contact Lenses In This Woman’s Eye And I’m Literally Gagging

When it comes to having some “fears” in life, putting things in my eye is definitely up there. While I need glasses to see, I’m one of those people who outright refuses to wear contact lenses because sticking anything in my eyeball just seems insane to me. Nope, won’t do it. And, even though my own mother is an eye doctor—who constantly reminds me I’m being an immature child—I still cringe at the sight of people doing it themselves.

But, it seems as though my fears may have some validation, as a study revealed that putting contacts in your eye can lead to some horrifying complications. According to a report in the British Medical Journal, a U.K. surgeon discovered a mass in a 67-year-old patient’s eye that was bothering her, and when they checked out what it was, it turned out that it was 27 contact lenses. 27 CONTACT LENSES STUCK IN HER EYE. AT THE SAME TIME.

Now, I know you’re wondering one thing—how the hell can someone not realize they had all of these contact lenses in their eye? According to the report, the patient had worn “monthly contacts” and had no issues—but, it seems as though the discovery was made when she was getting cataract surgery.

British Medical Journal

The mass was reportedly blue and “hard.” No sh*t it was hard…imagine having all 27 contact lenses glued together in your eye-socket?!? How on earth this woman not remember to take out her contacts? It turns out, she thought she dropped them, every time she couldn’t find the one to take out. Oh. Okay. No problem.


The doctors in the study and report say that it’s record-breaking—they’ve had patients who have lost a contact or two, but never 27.

Let this be a warning for you all who love to stick things in your eyes—take the damn things out!

10 Studying Skills All Students Need to Know

Those who understand the value of education at an early age develop the necessary skills for them to succeed such as learning how to ask to write my research paper.

Teachers will take you through various subjects in school however students have to figure out how to study themselves.

There are some students that will shine at it from a young age; they have a genuine curiosity for what is being taught and are eager to consume as much as they can. Other students struggle to find the motivation to keep their heads in a book.

Here a few skills recommended by educators for school-going students which will help them remain on top of their game in the real world too.

  • Organization is key

Being organized as a child, will make you organized as an adult. Students in elementary school need to be told to write down deadlines, tasks, due dates, events and scheduled activities in order for them to be able to visualize their tasks. Younger children find it easier to understand visuals and writing tasks down on a planner makes it easier.

  • Learning to break down big tasks

Children need learn to break down big tasks and approach them in parts instead of leaving it to the last minute. Procrastination is a common problem for adults whether it is in the workplace or in their personal lives, so learning to break down big tasks early on is a useful way to prevent avoidable stress.

  • Taking good notes

There’s a clear difference between students who take good notes and pay attention and those who don’t. Students should be given tasks on reading and comprehension so they are able to identify and extract the main ideas/concepts discussed in their lessons.

In college, students are expected to be able study independently. College professors teach through active discussions in class rather than writing notes on the board. In order to keep up with the professor, college students have been using their smartphones to record professors as they speak. Some professors make videos of lectures available to the students. Others go a step further and avail transcription services so students have lectures in written form, making it more convenient for them when studying.

  • Slow and steady wins the race

The best students aren’t the ones who cram prior to tests. In order for them to adequately absorb information, students need to get into the habit of reviewing their notes every night and prepare for classes in advance. Preparing for classes in advance puts them in a better position to understand the lesson and get the most out of it.

  • Study groups

Study groups encourage students to actively explain concepts and teach each other. Students that teach others within study groups not only help others but also themselves. Teaching others enables students to comprehend the information better which is why study groups are so beneficial.

  • Prioritizing homework

Homework should be a priority after students come back from school. Assignments at home need to be completed thoughtfully and thoroughly. Homework is a student’s chance to show how well they have understood what was being taught in class.

  • Concentrate when you need to

Concentration is a problem with many students. Students that are easily distracted will not do as well in school. Distractions such as smartphones, laptops and other video games should be kept away when they are studying so all their attention is on their work. Classmates or friends that become a distraction should be kept away from younger children.

  • Ask questions

Asking questions comes naturally to some; it’s a skill that is essential for the growth of students. Luckily, the skill of asking questions can be taught. Teachers don’t always communicate in a way which is well-received by all students therefore students need to ask questions when they lack clarity on a topic.

Good teachers stimulate their students in ways which emboldens them to form their own questions. Class projects engage students in independent research. They are given specific responsibilities and in order to do them well, they tend to ask plenty of questions to clear any doubts they may have.

  • Use the extra help

Students need to take ownership of their studies and go to teachers/professors for help when it is needed.  This applies in the real world too, employees should be able to communicate their concerns freely with their employers.

  • Take  advantage of all available resources

There is an abundance of educational materials that students can use to help them study. There are educational games that they can play, online tutorials which they can follow and online practice questions which they can use to test themselves.

With these skills, a student should be able to go through school and college with no hiccups. Mastering these skills as a students will lead to you become a responsible and disciplined adult who employers are going to love!

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