Vacations and Getaways: Time Away is So Important:


As we all start to get back to life as we knew it before the pandemic, or continuing on for those of use who where front line workers, taking a time out is so important. 

We live ing this world were we are promoting the notion that we should be living to work, not working to live. As I see the world reopening and hearing that people just don’t want to work. I thought about the amount of hours that I as adult in my mid-twenties, since I was about eighteen I have been working two jobs and maintaining a part-time to full-time class schedule. It is not that I do not want to work, It is that I am exhausted from working so many hours to just keep life going. 

When the pandemic hit, and I finally had time to really reflect on myself and how much I truly was letting my self-care go. I was way overworking myself and not taking any breaks. So I really started to understand how important it was to get away for a few days. This was something that I promised I would do for me when the pandemic started coming to a close. 

What I have learned from my getaways: 

Time to unplug: 

My vacations are filled with taking pictures but nothing else. I do not answer texts that are not related to family. I don’t answer emails. My goal is to leave my busy life at home and not bring it with me. I do not concern myself with work, or social media. I enjoy my coffee in the quietness of nature.  I am able to run and exercise and just be with myself in a different place. 

Time for Togetherness:

Vacations and getaways for me are usually accompanied by my loving boyfriend and my pup. This means that we get to spend quality time together. We watch movies, talk, sit down and have dinner together. All the things that we do not always get to do because of the hustle and bustle of life. It is so important for us to get away and have fun. Reconnect as a couple. Talking about the future. Making plans. Playing games, laughing with each other. Learning more about one another. It was really away for us to be more connected to one another. This has helped us be more connected to each other in general. Our relationship is so much stonier now than it was before we went. 

Alone time:

I do not always have time for me time. However, when we are on vacation I usually get up early and have a cup of coffee by myself, or I go and take a hot bath alone. It is a good time for me to just breathe, ground myself and regroup to be in the moment with the people who are with me. This is something that is very important to me just in general. I need the time and space to reflect and just relax so I can regain the energy that I need to have fun and be a part of the vacation or getaway. This is also a good time for me to reconnect with myself, maybe there is something that I need to be doing more of that I do not normally do. This is a good time for me to figure that out. 

Pre-covid I used to think that vacations and getaways were trivial, something that I did not have time for. After all, I am busy working and trying to make life work. However this is something that is a must. It is a time out for me to get back to what is really important in life and what is not. My job will still be there, but I won’t get this time back with the ones that I love. I wont get this time back for myself. It has now become something that my boyfriend and I are very committed to doing. It is also a time to rest and recharge. Which is so important in this life, that is so fast pace.  

Slow down and get away from the world. You will learn new things about yourself! 

Stay safe!

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Spring Break 2021

Most of us never thought we’d be here. A year later still dealing with spring break and Covid. Although spring break looks different this year, there are somethings that we can still do safely. 

Family fun

Now I know, we have all be stuck at home with our families and many of you are probably like I’m over it. I totally understand. However, if we all have to be together anyway, let’s make the best of it. Go to the park for walks. Find a trail and take an adventure. Cook on the grill. Get outside and breath some fresh air!! 

Road trip

It’s true we should still be playing it safe, but who says you can’t rent an Airbnb and get away? Take a friend, close family member, or your boyfriend and get away from the hustle and bustle because we all know that life hasn’t stopped just because we are dealing with Covid! 


Still uncomfortable going anywhere? I totally understand. Create a stay-cation. Whether that means pitching your tent in the back yard and building a bonfire. Have a spa night. Take a long hot bath. Read that book you have been meaning to pick up. Do something for yourself. Life has been hard. Take the time fore you. 



I’m not sure how anyone else feels but I know I’m on social media, media overload. So my plan is going to be to take part of my spring break and turn off my phone, computer, and maybe even tv. I’m so excited to just spend a couple days with my boyfriend relaxing. Talking and reconnecting. 

No, we are not yet where we wanna be when it comes to Covid. I’m feeling the frustration too. Just remember whatever you do for spring break, if you are going to be with other people in crowds mask up. Keep your friends and family healthy! 

Happy Spring Break!! 

Reconnecting With Your Significant Other After Time Apart

It is a common scenario that plays out with modern relationships: the “taking a break” phase when couples spend time apart to find themselves and work to find appreciation for their partner. This time apart can put a strain on even the most solid and loving of relationships. So you need to make sure that once you two get back together, you both work with one another to get things back to the way they were. Below are the top nine tips on how to make your relationship work again after spending time apart.

Go On A Date

When you’re in a new relationship dates are a key part of your social life, but they soon get forgotten after a few months. If you’ve been apart for some time, then going out on a date or two could really help you to get back together and reconnect with each other. Whatever your budget or tastes, there’s a date night idea out there to suit you, so be creative and host a unique experience you and your partner can enjoy together.

Spice Things Up In The Bedroom

Sex is central to any relationship, so enjoying it again after time apart is crucial to getting things back to the way they were. Try using new positions or incorporating sex toys into your lovemaking to bring you and your partner closer together than ever.


Make Time To Relax With Your Partner

Having spent some time apart it can be easy for couples to jump straight back into a hectic social and working routine, so make sure that you both take time to relax and chill out together. This will help you both to reconnect and remember what you love about one another. Try watching a movie together or simply sitting down to have a chat after work.


Find A Hobby To Share

Getting back together after some time apart can be tough, so to make the process easier try finding a new hobby that you both can share. This will mean that if you both do have to spend more time apart in the future you will have something to chat about and something to look forward to doing together when you return to one another. There are loads of hobbies for couples who want to get closer together and find an activity that they can enjoy together.


Take On A Responsibility Together

Becoming responsible for something can bring two people together, so consider taking on a mutual responsibility with your partner if you want to reconnect with them after being apart. This doesn’t have to be anything as drastic as having a child; you could buy a house together or get a pet. If you’re planning on getting a furry friend to love together then make sure that you choose the right animal and are both completely committing to caring for it throughout its life.


Make New Mutual Friends

Your social life may have struggled during your time apart, so consider finding some new friends together so that you can enjoy their company and learn more about one another as well as your new pals. Visit new hangouts, go to parties, or even invite friends to a dinner party to get to know new people and find some friends that you both like to spend time together with.


Enjoy New Experiences

Being adventurous together can help you and your partner to find new reasons to enjoy spending time together, so take the time to find a new restaurant to eat at, a new bar to try, or even a new place to explore. Try going as far out of your mutual comfort zone as possible so that you both experience something completely new together and have new memories to share.


Take A Vacation

After spending time apart, you and your partner might want to spend as much time at home as possible but going on a vacation and exploring a new place could be equally fun. Find your ideal couples vacation to take your minds off your time apart and set off to make new memories that you can both cherish.


Talk It Over

Things may have changed while you and your partner were apart, particularly if you spent a long time away from one another. Make sure that you communicate with your partner once you’re back together and work through any differences. Leaving things unsaid can lead to problems later, so make sure that you are both open and honest with each other, as this will allow you both to reconnect quicker and get on with enjoying your relationship and being happy together.

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