A girls guide to loving yourself through anxiety.


Self-care has been a major focus of mine in 2021. I am looking for more peace, happiness, and living my truth. That means taking care of myself. This is hard for those of us who are used to fighting everyone else’s battles and putting everyone else first. What I realized is that to keep up with all my responsibilities I have to put myself first. If I am feeling my best, it is easier for me to give my all and fulfill my responsibilities. However, we all know that we cannot be positive all the time. These are the things that I do to help bring myself back. Here are the things that I am doing to take care of myself.

Breaking down the time.

Sometimes the day is just too much. Let’s be honest sometimes it can be really overwhelming, so I have been trying to break down my time. Instead of taking on the whole day, I start to take on the hour. If that seems too much I take on the minutes. This has also helped me break down my to-do list. I have to work on being ok with not getting everything done, but this is a work in progress I am sure for all of us! Keep at it, and remember it will be okay and you will get through the rough patch.


Breathing is something that I am not great at. When I am stressed I hold my breath which only heightens the anxiety and stressful feelings. This is also something that I am still working on. Recently when I have been feeling anxiety and it is becoming too much I take five minutes and sit in my bedroom in the dark and focus on breathing. This has been something that has really helped me and allows me to see that things are not as hard or as bad as they seem.


This is something that I have pretty much always been on and off with. I have been “on” with the exercise recently because I know that it makes me feel better. It gives me a win for the day if it has not been a great one. It allows me to give myself some much needed “me” time. It helps me to have more energy to get through every day. I find that the best time for me to work out is in the evening to end my day. I take a hot shower after and that seems to relax me and give me the downtime that I need to get the best sleep that I can.

Face mask.

Okay girl we both know that you have been eyeing that face mask that you have been wanting to try in the target beaut isle. Pick it up!! Yes, do it because you are worth that couple of bucks that you are going to spend on it. Make a night of it run a hot bath, light some candles, put on your favorite playlist, and put that face mask on. We both know that you will feel better about yourself. As you should because you are a queen and you should treat yourself because yes, life is hard but it doesn’t always have to be!

Take a Break.

This one feels a little non-authentic for me to be saying, however, this is something that I am actively working on. Working with children I cannot tell you how many times I have asked a child if he/she needs a break. So why shouldn’t I take a break if I need to? Sometimes emotions are too much and we need to take a breather to help us figure things out. This is okay. This is something that I am going to commit to doing more often. I hope you all will join me.

Get Ready.

Sometimes we all know that we would feel better if we just got up and got ready. Whatever that means for you. Take a shower and put some leggings and a big shirt on, pull your hair back and get to work on making your day great. Or maybe you need to do your hair and makeup put something you feel great in on and tackle the day. Whatever this means for you, do it. You can and will achieve things today, and you will be great. This also changes for all of us, so if today you feel like you need to feel comfy and tomorrow you need to walk the runway get it, girl. I am here to support whatever you need.

Girls Night.

Okay, so this one is hard right now I know. We are all socially distancing. But, we can make it work. How about video chats with some wine and good conversation. Do not underestimate your tribe! If you need them call on them and let them help you. Do not keep it all in.

Dance PARTY:

Throw your favorite playlist on, put some headphones in, close your bedroom door, and dance. Not only will it get you up and moving but seriously how can you be anything but happy when you are dancing. I am currently having a dance party while doing my hair and working on this article! Feeling pretty good over here! Thanks, Justin Timberlake!!


My walks usually have a dog and leash with them. Today was a lot for me! So I put my headphones down (usually I listen to music while I walk) and just walked and reconnected with myself in nature. Yes, it felt off to just be still with nature but it was so needed.

Anxiety is hard to live with, I know. You never feel like it’s enough. The tailspin is so fast. Please do not stop taking care of yourself and remember that you matter. I know that it is not easy. Fight for the things that you need. I know you want to take care of everyone else, but that is not going to happen if you do not take care of yourself. Whatever your self-care is do something that will take care of you today!!

10 Things We Say to Our Boyfriends While We’re at Target

Eyes On Target

We’ve all been there. It was a long day at work and you’re thinking about making something for dinner. One little stop won’t hurt, right? You decide to pull off the interstate and stop at Target, just to get a few things. You walk past the carts, but then do a double-take. Your back does hurt after working so hard, so you decide it’s better to grab the cart. Next thing you know, you’re waist deep in throw pillows and have no idea how this new rolling kitchen island is going to fit in your Honda Civic.

1. I’m running some errands after work.

What kind of errands, Sharon? Do they involve milk and bread? Do you know where you can get milk and bread? You’re up to no good because you’re scanning the possible destinations. You left this part of the equation out of your little text. Was it intentional? Probably.

 2. Becky needed something, so I offered to go with her.

You’re just being a loyal friend and not letting your friend shop alone. Your significant other should be proud of how big hearted you are and lucky that you are theirs.

35 Tweets You’ll Appreciate If Your Target Obsession Is Borderline Unhealthy

No matter how crazy your day has been, there’s one thing you can always count on: Target. Target is there for you when nothing else makes sense. Target doesn’t ask questions, it simply exists to spark joy and drain your bank account.

If you have a borderline unhealthy obsession with Target like us, each and every one of these tweets will speak to your soul as you cruise through the dollar section.













































h/t: BuzzFeed, Twitter

31 Thoughts Every Woman Has While Shopping At Target

When it comes to Target, we always go in and leave with things we did not originally go in for. No matter how many pep talks we give ourselves, we know that we’re going to leave spending way more than we planned with way more than we needed. And, half of the time we don’t even get what we originally needed in the beginning. Oh, Target, how you love to do us dirty.

1. I’m only here for new sheets, I’m not going to the clothing section. Definitely not going to the shoe section.

2. OMG, I love the $1 section. Look at this little notebook! I need it. Wait, do I need it? Yup, definitely need it.

3. Where are the sheets? Did they redo the store again? I’m lost. Where is everything?

4. Oh, here I am, in the shoe department. By accident.

5. THESE BOOTS! ARE! TO! DIE! FOR! No. I can’t. Walk away. WALK. AWAY.

6. Maybe if I just try them on…

7. Oh My God. They fit perfectly. Look at me. I’m Adriana Lima. Look at these legs baby. Legs. For. Days.

8. Maybe I’ll price check them and see if they’re on sale.

9. Sheets! I need sheets!


11. I’ll just try on one.

12. Maybe five.

13. Ugh, that dress is amazing. Need to try it on.

14. Okay, how did I end up with a cart full of clothes?

15. I’ll just try them on and probably hate everything.

16. Omg, only six items at a time? I’ll be here forever.

17. Okay, so, I guess I’m getting a new wardrobe today because everything is C.U.T.E CUTE!

18. Ok where is the home section?

19. Oh! Look at these mugs! I need them they’re adorable!

20. And candles!!!

21. Oh this one smells like sh*t, gross.

22. This one is amazing. I need four.

23. Okay, I need to leave before I spend my rent check in here.

24. Maybe just one more candle.

25. Where is the register? I need to get out of here ASAP.

26. Send help! Immediately!

27. Okay, just, pay and leave.

28. *Please don’t be expensive, please don’t be expensive*

29. $400?!? What the actual f*ck is wrong with me?!?

30. Whatever, I guess I’m not eating dinner this week.


35 T.J. Maxx Tweets That Literally Sum Up Your Life

There are three stores in the world that are equivalent to walking into the seventh circle of hell – HomeGoods, Marshalls and T.J. Maxx. Surprisingly, yet not so surprisingly, these stores are all affiliated with each other and work side-by-side as a gang of evil geniuses to make us spend our hard-earned cash on things we don’t need now/will never need a day in any of our lives. We walk in for one simple little sale item and walk out with three shopping carts filled with dog toys (we don’t have a dog), inexpensive cooking supplies (we UberEats), books (who even reads?) and 67 candles that’ll probably burn our houses down. Why? Because everything is marked so *inexpensively* we always think we’re getting a great sale – and, let’s be real, who can pass up a really good sale?








53 Thoughts Every Girl Has When the Target Obsession Is Too Real

Target…the mecca of all things cute and inexpensive. Why is it that no matter what we’re going there to buy…we always end up with about 30 other items that we definitely did not need?! It’s all so cute and hard to resist. 


We put an hour into the parking meter, swearing we won’t take longer than that but every. freaking. time. we run back out to add about two more. Why is it that as soon as we walk into those bright red doors, all sense of self-control doesn’t come with us?!


1. Okay, I have a list. Stick. To. The. List.


2. Toothpaste, paper towels, a birthday present for mom. Nothing else.


3. I should just get a basket. I only need three things.


4. Oh, look, the dollar section!


5. These little things are so cute!


6. Maybe just one.


7. Okay. Focus.


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