Top 5 Alternatives to Drinking Coffee to Wake You Up

For many people, a cup of coffee in the morning is their preferred beverage and method to wake up. If that cup of coffee is a regular part of your early morning routine, you are likely more than well aware of how efficient the caffeine in coffee is at giving you that much-needed energy boost. Likely, you are also aware of the reported health benefits that coffee provides to the consumer.


Have you ever rushed into the kitchen during the early hours of the morning looking for that cup of delectable cold or hot brew of coffee? If you’ve ever reached this point, a somewhat grudgingly eye-opening experience occurs when you realize how heavy your dependence on the caffeine component of coffee truly is.


For most individuals, when the realization comes to fruition regarding their dependent behaviors, they see it as a sign that it may be the best time to discover a new hobby or find a new job. Is there, however, a genuine (and realistic) alternative that offers similar advantages – and taste, of course – as that highly sought-after morning cup of coffee or latte? According to the experts from, the answer is yes.

Have you considered drinking tea instead?

It may be not easy to even consider something like this. But, believe it or not, there are quite a few alternatives to drinking coffee. Most of these alternatives not only provide you with the same amount of energy boost as the caffeine in your coffee but also offer some much-needed health advantages to you in the morning. Check out Dream Tea NYC for custom blended teas.

Why Should You Consider An Alternative to Drinking Coffee?

Although you have likely heard of all the benefits that coffee has to offer for your health, too much of one thing may actually have the opposite effect. This is all too true with coffee. Owing to the all too often high levels of caffeine in your morning cup of coffee, there’s a very good chance that it may wind up hurting your health if you are consuming too much of it on a daily basis.


According to a report by the United States Food and Drug Administration, their health experts are cautioning that individuals who drink too much caffeine may actually be damaging their health as a result. Adding to this, a research study conducted in March of 2020 by the National Coffee Association indicated the amount of coffee that Americans are drinking has reached an all-time high. As per their comprehensive survey, the average American who drinks coffee regularly is consuming just a tad over three cups every day.


To make the situation slightly more dramatic, the Food and Drug Administration indicates that the effects of caffeine differ between individuals. Similar to most circumstances regarding health advice, a person that is categorized as generally healthy may not experience the same negative effects from drinking coffee as a person that is classified as generally unhealthy.


According to the Food and Drug Administration, the average healthy person may drink 400 mg of caffeine every day.


As the average levels of caffeine found in an eight-ounce cup of coffee are shown to range between 80 and 100 mg of caffeine, 400 mg equates to approximately four to five cups of coffee. For the average healthy individual, the Food and Drug Administration indicates they can drink those four to five cups of coffee with minimal risk of experiencing the harmful or detrimental consequences of elevated caffeine consumption.

That said, this is a much different story for individuals who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine. For the caffeine-sensitive people, they respond differently to drinking coffee as the way their body metabolizes the caffeine compound is, more often than not, quicker than the individuals who are less (or not at all) sensitive to the effects of caffeine. To complicate things even further, even those who do not metabolize caffeine quickly may experience a form of caffeine sensitivity if they consume too much.

After all, is said and done, given the fact that every person’s body is unique and metabolizes things differently, it’s crucial to inform yourself about how your body operates and responds to the effects of caffeine. It may also be realistic for you to find out how much coffee you really need daily.

For most, it is likely worth your while to discover the fundamental reason as to why you feel that you need to consume coffee (and/or) caffeine in the first place, as well as why you are unable to stay awake without it.

As we previously said, anything in excess isn’t always a good thing for your health. This is especially true in the case of caffeine. When consumed, caffeine triggers the body to produce a hormone called adrenaline. As you may have heard of this particular hormone before, it’s the reason behind the surge in energy after you consume coffee or another source of caffeine.

That said, adrenaline is also the hormone responsible for the “fight or flight” response in your body. This response often yields feelings of anxiety. As a result, this can lead to your responding to stressful situations in a manner that is irregularly fueled by high levels of anxiety, which can further contribute to anxiety. It’s a vicious cycle that is tough to get out of, especially if you are dependent on the positive effects, such as the energy boost and alertness of caffeine in your body.

Unfortunately, when caffeine is consumed in excess of what our body can handle, it may lead to imbalances in your hormones. Because of this, the majority of experts in the field of health science and medicine recommend that you drink a cup of decaffeinated coffee following that first cup of caffeinated coffee.

For most, even the thought of considering the process of cutting out coffee from their daily habits is unfathomable. Limiting caffeine intake may seem more appealing but still leads to feelings of angst and doubt.

However, if you are one of those individuals who are searching for alternatives to their morning cup of coffee and/or committed to limiting their daily coffee intake but do not want to give up that much-needed energy boost in the morning, we have options for you. Outside of the usual morning cup of coffee, we have found there to be a variety of other beverages that may help you feel alert and energetic in the morning.

The coffee alternatives we have listed for you offer the energy-boosting effect of caffeine, as well as other numerous health advantages with minimal risk of experiencing the negative side effects and health implications that are commonly associated with consuming too much coffee.

When you are deep in your search for a quality alternative to coffee, the majority of the qualities you often find enjoyable about your coffee will likely determine what you will want to look for when buying an alternative.

Let us explain. If the flavor of coffee is what you find most important, we recommend that you find an alternative that provides the rich, nuanced flavor that is characteristic of coffee. If you do not want to give up those feelings of comfort and that calming sensation you experience after sipping on your morning cup of coffee, we recommend that you find a coffee alternative that is served as a warm or hot beverage.

Now, if you are like most people who enjoy the effect of caffeine that brings you that desirable morning energy boost from drinking coffee, we recommend that you find a coffee alternative that is shown to offer the same effect.

If you do find yourself in the search for an alternative to coffee that will wake you up in the morning, the last component we recommend that you consider in an alternative is making sure it is something that you actually enjoy. If the alternative does not meet those particular criteria, it is likely that you will return to coffee and end up in the same place as you were before.

Best Alternatives to Drinking Coffee to Wake You Up

For those who are not sure of where to begin in your search, here are the best alternatives to drinking coffee that will help you ditch the coffee while helping you to maintain healthy energy levels in the morning and throughout the day.

1. Brain and Nootropics Supplements

We know it may be difficult to give up that all too satisfying morning cup of coffee. But the good news is that there are a number of alternatives to drinking coffee that provide the energy-boosting caffeine you need to wake up and stay awake, while also being good for your brain health.

One such example is brain health supporting supplements, which are often referred to as nootropics.

These types of supplements offer the consumer a prime source of  energy-boosting compounds that are also known to benefit the health and overall function of your brain.

The formulas used to make nootropic supplements support optimal functioning human cognitive processes. Owing to this health benefit, there are some that call them “smart supplements.”

One thing you should know about nootropic supplements is that there are two types. These include natural and synthetic.

Just like most natural alternatives, there are a number of advantages that natural nootropics offer to your health. This is especially true when you are using a nootropic as an alternative to your daily cup of cup or other various caffeinated beverages.

For the most part, nootropic supplements may be both natural or manufactured using compounds that are sourced from natural ingredients. This means that the use of nootropic supplements is viewed as generally safe to consume by most healthy individuals. They are also effective in boosting your natural energy production and attentiveness, making them a great alternative to coffee.

Nootropic supplements are designed to enhance the consumer’s cognitive processes. These include the capacity to independently think, as well as optimizing the individual’s ability to focus and concentrate. All of these benefits merge with the supplement’s ability to optimize brain waves to promote and strengthen overall mental clarity, alertness, and serenity.

Due to the nature of their potent neurological-promoting ingredients and formulas, these supplements are also able to strengthen the cognitive processes related to both short-term and long-term memory formation and retention.

Adding to this, the natural formulas that make up nootropic supplements are also designed to boost the production of neurotransmitters, increasing their numbers which maximizes the consumer’s reflex and reaction speed time.

Below we have for you a few compounds that are recommended for use as a natural nootropic supplement to help support the health of your brain and the function of your cognitive processes.

  • 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan)

  • Alpha-GPC

  • Ashwagandha

  • Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALCAR)

  • GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid)

  • Ginkgo Biloba

  • L-Theanine

  • Panax Ginseng

  • Passionflower

  • Rhodiola Rosea

  • Valerian

  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

We feel that this list of nootropic-friendly compounds can be effective when used as an alternative to coffee, or any caffeine source for that matter. They help provide you with that boost of energy to wake you up in the morning and keep you going throughout the day.

We have a few more benefits in addition to the above-stated health advantages of taking a nootropic supplement.

More often than not, natural nootropics are not formulated to contain stimulants or chemicals that are commonly present in caffeinated beverages. Both stimulants and chemicals are known to trigger those unpleasant side effects often associated with caffeine. Some of these include insomnia, jitters, restlessness, and caffeine withdrawal.

There are some nootropic supplement formulas that include ingredients that function similarly to how the caffeine compound works in the body. In their natural state, they help to promote alertness, focus, and resistance to fatigue. The great thing about these caffeine-like compounds is that they are usually associated with minimal risk of experiencing the negative side effects of caffeinated beverages like coffee.

For the most part, natural nootropic supplements are designed to work in conjunction with caffeine to optimize the brain’s ability to function while reducing the potential risk of the individual experiencing the side effects of caffeine consumption.

Nootropic supplements are a great alternative to caffeinated beverages and drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. Their formulas provide the consumer’s body with quality means to naturally produce healthy levels of energy. That being said, as we stated above, the effects of caffeine – even when it comes to natural sources of caffeine-like compounds – will have varying effects as everyone’s body is different, including the way they metabolize caffeine. Always make sure that you research the health benefits and potential disadvantages of whatever nootropic supplement you decide to try.

2. Different Types Of Teas

Matcha Tea

Matcha tea may be one of the best alternatives to drinking coffee in the morning. Matcha tea is a green powder that is made from ground green tea leaves. This type of tea is well known for its ability to provide natural, healthy, and sustained energy levels with minimal to no risk of experiencing the unpleasant side effects of caffeine consumption like jitters and shakes.

Drinking matcha tea offers a natural source of caffeine. This health-boosting energy-promoting tea drink also contains naturally high levels of an amino acid called L-theanine. This beneficial amino acid is known to support a calming sensation in the consumer’s mind without making them feel sleepy.

According to recent research studies, the use of L-theanine in conjunction with coffee may better promote the health of your brain. The combination of these ingredients may support healthy cognitive processes and improve overall mood health.

Due to these properties, it is no wonder why the majority of green tea consumers report that they often feel a higher level of relaxed and sustained energy throughout the day without the feelings of nervousness or angst.

Most health experts recommend that you drink matcha tea as an alternative to drinking coffee in the morning. Or if nothing else, instead of pouring yourself a second cup of coffee, make a glass of warm (or iced) matcha tea. This is especially true for those individuals who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine.

For those who are looking to minimize the risk of experiencing the negative side effects (shakes, headache, digestive distress, etc.) of consuming too much of a caffeinated beverage in a single sitting but still want to meet that caffeine fix, reach for matcha tea.

Black Tea

You may also consider trying another healthy and naturally caffeinated beverage alternative to coffee like black tea.

For those who are devout drinkers of coffee, you can still obtain that much-needed energy boost from caffeine by consuming black tea.

Although the amount of caffeine in a regular eight-ounce cup of black tea is nearly half of what you would obtain from an eight-ounce cup of coffee, there are numerous health advantages to drinking a cup of black tea.

However, keep in mind that the amount of caffeine found in a cup of coffee or tea is prone to fluctuate greatly.

What do we mean? Well, the level of caffeine in a caffeinated beverage like tea or coffee is known to be influenced by different components of the manufacturing processes, such as the time of brewing,

Black tea is a rich source of both caffeine and naturally occurring L-theanine. When a beverage contains natural levels of caffeine and L-theanine, these two compounds work in conjunction to simulate a dose-dependent feeling of a calm, yet alert state of mind. That being said, in order to feel the difference in the effects of caffeine-induced energy, you may need to drink more than a single cup of black tea.

So, what are some of the great benefits that black tea offers to the health of consumers? Well, those who consume black tea on a regular basis, averaging about three or more cups per day, have been shown to be at a lower risk of experiencing a heart attack and stroke. As some findings of research studies suggest, the daily consumption of black tea may actually reduce the risk of developing certain forms of cancer.

3. B Vitamins or B Complex

A deficiency in essential B vitamins is known to trigger negative health consequences. These include mood swings, fatigue, lethargy, and an inability to properly concentrate.

In order to mitigate the potential of developing a deficiency in B vitamins, health experts recommend that you incorporate foods that offer a rich source of naturally occurring B vitamins into your dietary regimen. Some of these include lean meats, nuts, seeds, and fortified whole grains. If you are struggling to add these B-vitamin-rich foods into your daily diet, there are numerous high-quality B vitamin supplements available to purchase on the market. You can find them as individual B vitamins supplements.

Some of the more popular ones include Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, which is an essential B vitamin that is required by the body to produce the primary energy source used by our cells, known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is an essential B vitamin that is required by the body for amino acid metabolism. Amino acids are referred to as the building blocks of protein, which supports healthy muscle cell function and repair. Vitamin B6 is also required by the body to produce and maintain the healthy function of the vital hormones melatonin, serotonin, and dopamine.

Another widely beneficial B vitamin is vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin. This essential B vitamin is required by the body to support the health and optimal function of nerve cells, as well as DNA production and maintenance.

One of the most beneficial B vitamins you can supplement with (typically only found in supplement form) to support healthy and sustainable energy levels is nicotinamide riboside (NR). This is a form of the B vitamin, vitamin B3, also known as niacin. The reason why this form of vitamin B3 is so beneficial and functions so well as a natural energy booster is because our bodies have the ability to convert NR into a compound called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, or NAD+, is a coenzyme that can be found in all cells that are living. It is also essential for the efficient and effective metabolism of energy, as well as optimal functioning cellular processes and health. So, by consuming a B Complex supplement or an NR supplement that is sourced from Vitamin B3, you are providing your body with the components to naturally produce and increase levels of NAD+. Thus, you are effectively helping to support your body’s natural ability to produce energy that is required for optimal cellular health and function.

4. Teeccino

Teeccino is a company that is based out of the state of California, located on the west coast of the United States. This alternative coffee enterprise was branded based on the dream of the founder of this highly successful company. Teeccino started production and distribution over 28 years ago and since then, there have been more than 24 gluten-free, caffeine-free, and acid-free flavors that have been created, marketed, and sold to consumers just like you.

The Teeccino drink is a combination of a special blend of seeds, fruits, and nuts. It also contains organic herbs that include chicory, carob, dandelion, and barley, which are roasted and ground to resemble coffee. Each of their coffee alternatives in their comprehensive flavor line is brewed, whereas the “tea” alternatives are steeped.

There are numerous health benefits to drinking a cup of Teeccino, regardless of how it is prepared. For instance, a single cup of brewed coffee or steeped tea has more potassium per serving than Gatorade. Potassium is an electrolyte that supports the health of normal nerve impulse transmissions. It also encourages the healthy oxygenation of tissues in the body.

Dissimilar to other generic caffeinated beverages, the natural compounds found in Teeccino do not trigger the production and accumulation of stress hormones in the body, nor does it cause elevated blood glucose levels. Teeccino formulas also incorporate a soluble prebiotic fiber called inulin. This type of fiber is shown to support the growth and colonization of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, as well as help the body fight oxidative stress in cells caused by free radical damage.

The line of beneficial health tea and coffee alternative beverages offered by Teeccino has recently expanded to include what the company now refers to as their Mushroom Adaptogen line.

This particular formula is designed to harness the wellness power of fungi and natural adaptogens, sourced from Chaga, ashwagandha root, eleuthero, and reishi, to support the body’s efforts in coping with everyday stress while offering a natural boost to endurance.

Their Mushroom Adaptogen line also offers Prebiotic SuperBoost Blends, which incorporate the sweetness of dates and figs that are shown to satisfy cravings for sugar while supporting the healthy growth of beneficial gut flora.

5. Rishi Sparkling Botanicals & Tea

Rishi Sparking Botanicals and Tea is a Milwaukee-based tea company that has spent over three years in research and development to create its line of plant-based beverages that are now available to purchase on the market. They have also established a specialized brewery that produces their line of beverages in smaller batches. This brand utilizes high-quality organic and natural ingredients to formulate its specialty dried tea beverages. Some of which include maqui berries sourced from Patagonia, ginger, and hibiscus sourced from Burma, and black lemons sourced from the farms of Guatemala.

Rishi’s formulas are free of artificial ingredients, including sugars and flavorings, to make for a strong, yet light and refreshing drink. The healthy compounds used to formulate their drinks are shown to offer numerous health benefits. These include supporting healthy liver function by encouraging detoxification processes. They also deliver a clean source of natural energy by supporting metabolism and healthy circulation. All these effects combined to support a healthy functioning immune system while promoting mood balance.

If you are not a fan of the sparkling bubbles of Rishi’s botanicals, they also offer an assortment of beneficial teas that also support healthy levels of natural energy.

Their line of tea includes Matcha Green Tea and Black Tea. As stated above, Matcha Tea contains amino acids, such as L-theanine, that support healthy metabolism and muscle cell health. Additionally, some of their teas contain nootropic ingredients that are sourced from butterfly pea flower, Thai Gotu kola, and amla. These potent plant compounds are shown to naturally support healthy cognitive functions, including memory and learning, and help to sharpen focus and mental clarity.

What You May Experience After Switching to an Alternative to Drinking Coffee in the Morning

If you are ready to take the plunge and ditch your morning cup of coffee, you should be aware that in the initial stages of your switching to a coffee alternative, it is highly likely that you may experience a few unpleasant side effects.

What you may experience in terms of side effects and the extent to which you experience them is, of course, highly dependent on the amount of coffee you were drinking prior to the post-coffee phase. The side effects are also dependent on what you choose as a coffee alternative.

For most individuals, caffeine is a compound that can be addictive. Because of this, we do not recommend that you quit your caffeine intake cold turkey. Individuals who are categorized as generally healthy persons may have less of a difficult time completely cutting out caffeine as their bodies are more equipped to handle sudden shocks to their systems.

However, as we stated above, every person’s body is unique. If you do not know how your body will handle cutting out coffee or switching to an alternative source of caffeine, try reducing your coffee intake in small increments as you progress through the post-coffee stage. This is especially true if you have been consuming large quantities of coffee on a daily basis. Your body may experience an initial and quite unpleasant shock that leads you straight back to your coffee and regular caffeine dose.

For those who are accustomed to high levels of caffeine intake in the form of coffee, you may find it useful to switch to green tea or black tea as a coffee alternative. These options may help you push through this lifestyle change a little easier.

Also, keep in mind that the initial side effects are often short-lived and will diminish after you have successfully transitioned past the initial stages of coffee [caffeine] withdrawal.

Final Thoughts

We think it is a very reasonable statement to make that the majority of Americans absolutely adore their morning cup of coffee. Based on the statistics described in the first part of this article provided by the Food and Drug Administration, there is a growing percentage of everyday coffee consumers on an annual basis.

Regardless of the fact that coffee may offer health benefits, you may find that consuming coffee is not right for you anymore.

If you are one of those individuals who are making an attempt to limit your daily consumption of coffee, we know that it may be difficult to even consider setting aside your morning cup of coffee, and even more difficult to actually do it.

Rather than attempting to eliminate your daily fix of caffeine entirely by removing coffee from your daily dietary regimen, we feel that you just might benefit from trying a few of the quality coffee alternatives we listed above to help you wake up in the morning.

The coffee alternatives we listed are shown to be effective in waking people up in the morning while providing numerous health advantages. Most even include beneficial nutrients, such as antioxidant-rich herbs and spices, and probiotics that are lacking in coffee. The beverages on this list are worth a try if you’re searching for a healthy and suitable alternative to drinking coffee.

25 Of The Most Savage Reactions To The Tristan Thompson And Jordyn Woods Cheating Scandal

Unless you live under a rock, or in a dark room in which you have no technology or access to social media—I’m sure as hell you’ve heard that the Kardashian/Jenner world is going through some serious drama right now. This week, the news broke that Kylie Jenner’s BFF, Jordyn Woods, hooked up with Khloé Kardashian’s boyfriend and baby daddy, Tristan Thompson. Yeah, Kylie’s best friend hooked up with her sister’s boo—can you imagine? Brutal.

Since the news broke, Khloé and her clan have basically confirmed the rumors on social media via comments and clap backs—and, reports have indicated that the Kardashians are totally dropping Jordyn from their circle/brand. As for Kylie, she’s been in denial for days, and, is reeling over the news that her bestie is a total thot.

While we may not know what’s going on behind those closed doors of Kris Jenner’s office—we can only imagine what kind of business calls are being made. And, of course, our lovely fans and followers on Twitter are here with the predictions of what will go down. God, I love Twitter during a celebrity scandal—don’t you?


























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