5 Texts Every Guy Should Send to Make His Girl’s Day

5 Texts To Make Her Day

When You Cannot Be Together

Whether you like it or not, texting has become an important part of modern day relationships. A good text can now mean just as much, if not more, as a face-to-face conversation.

You might be saying “I hate texting” or “I’m just so terrible at it” and wondering what the hell is the point. Why should you have to try harder at something you hate? Well, the point is that it makes HER happy.

So instead of complaining, it’s time to accept the fact that things have changed and get to work on your text game.

It’s really not hard to make a woman happy through text; it just takes a little bit of effort. If you care about her and want to keep her in your life, it’s worth it.

Here are a few essentials to get you started:

1. The “good morning” text

This is by far the most important text of the day. It’s the best way to let her know you’re thinking about her and to set the mood for the rest of the day.

Start with something like a “good morning beautiful” or “good morning babe.”  Tell her you dreamt about her, you love her, you hope she has a great day, or you can’t wait to see her later. Get creative with it; just make sure to personalize it and always switch it up a little.

And please, for f*cks sake, DON’T just send a generic “good morning” and leave it at that.

2. The “thinking of you” text

It’s so important to remind her you care throughout the day. Tell her she’s on your mind and you can’t stop thinking about her. Tell her you miss her, and tell her she’s beautiful.

There will be days when you’re busy at work and won’t be able to talk much. Those are the days it will mean the most. Set aside even five minutes to send her a few texts. Those few minutes might seem insignificant to you, but they mean the world to her. 

3. The “I made plans” text

One of the sexiest things a man can do is take control and plan ahead. It shows that you care enough about her to put in the extra effort and actually think ahead. Text her and let her know you’ve made reservations and to be ready at x time.

Let her know she doesn’t have to do anything except show up because you’ve already taken care of it all. You can even tell her what to wear, especially if there’s an outfit in particular you like on her. I promise, it will make for a memorable night…for both of you.

4. The “why I love you” text

It’s one thing to tell her you love her, but what’s even better is telling her why. Tell her spontaneously what you love most about her. Tell her you can’t stop thinking about that cute dimple when she laughs or how beautiful she looked last night. Tell her you love her eyes or the way she looks at you.

Tell her how special she is to you and why. What made you fall in love with her in the first place? Nothing will make her smile more than knowing how much she means to you. If you feel it, say it.

5.  The “goodnight” text

This will be the last thing she sees before she falls asleep at night, so make it memorable. Make sure she falls asleep with a huge smile on her face. Tell her again how much you love her. Tell her how lucky you are to have her in your life. Tell her she’ll be in your dreams.

Never ever let her go to bed without hearing from you first.

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14 People Who Were Brutally Owned By Their Own Screenshots

With great power comes great responsibility—a phrase most of us could benefit from keeping in mind when it comes to technology. Our smartphones are extremely capable devices, almost to an unnerving extent.

With this capability also comes the almighty screenshot. See a funny meme you want to share later? Screenshot. Received an unsolicited pic that calls for group chat mockery? Screenshot. Conversation with a significant other that requires bff consultation? Screenshot.

It’s an incredibly useful tool, but one that should never ever be underestimated. Just take it from these unfortunate souls who were brutally owned by their very own screenshots.

1. This guy who talked crap about a girl and sent a screenshot of her message BACK to her.


2. This poor girl who pretty much did the same thing to a guy.


3. This woman who’s lucky her boss has a sense of humor.


4. This person who will never send another unsolicited pic after someone screenshot it and sent it to his mom.

Madi Kohn

5. This person who got called out for screenshotting.


6. This chick who accidentally sent her dad a screenshot of a creeper in her DM’s.


7. Sarah, who accidentally sent her mom a wildly inappropriate meme.


8. This woman who accidentally sent a meme to her boss.



9. This person who discovered Instagram was watching.


10. This boyfriend who accidentally sent his girlfriend a screenshot of her Christmas gifts.

11. Sweet, sweet Jessica who will be holding her funeral this Friday.


12. This woman who sent a screenshot of a stranger’s weird request back to that same stranger.


13. This girl who may or may not have ruined her chances.


14. And finally this unbelievably stupid human being.


h/t BuzzFeed

We’ve Finally Been Blessed With An Emoji To Respond To D*ck Pics

Every year, iPhone users are blessed with some new Emojis to add to our collection of little symbols that we use to replace actual text messaging and words. With every passing update, we get some incredible new cartoon symbols that will immediately become our favorites. But, this time around, we’ve got one that will change our lives for the better.

Introducing: the brand new emoji that will make its way into being your favorite emoji in the world—the pinching hands.

Coming in every skin color and style, this emoji will immediately be every woman’s favorite response to annoying boyfriends, creeps in her DMs, and unsolicited d*ck pics online. The pinching hands obviously looks like someone comparing the small space between the thumb and the index finger to the awfully small size of someone’s…nether regions.

Women online are utterly excited to put this bad boy to good use.




Can’t wait.

17 Downright Hilarious Texts You’d Only Get From Your Sister

Anyone who grew up with a sister will probably tell you how they used to torment each other, steal each other’s clothes, and drive their parents up the wall. They’ll probably also tell you that their sister is their best friend and they know them better than anyone else.

But like any sibling relationship, the ruthless teasing never really goes away and these hilarious texts between sisters are proof of exactly that.





















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