This Mom Had The Best Response When Her Daugher’s Gay Friend Wanted To Come To Her Sleepover

We all have fond memories of sleepovers. Staying up late, watching crappy romantic comedies, talking about crushes and… other things. You may be glad to know that they’re still happening. I know I was, when I saw this story about a young man named Mason who wanted to attend a sleepover at his friend Houston’s house.

Thing is, Mason is a boy and Houston is a girl. That’s usually a no-go because of parents and deep concerns about their kids ever growing up. However, in this case, Mason is gay. So WHAT NOW, MOM?

Well Mason, a considerate gentleman, decided to just go ahead and ask Houston’s mom if it’d be okay if he, a boy who is not interested in any funny business with her daughter, joins the sleepover. That’s when the mom had the perfect response:

Looks like the only thing Houston is concerned about is a late-night husband seducing. Fair.

Mason found the response welcome and hilarious, and naturally, so did the internet.

And importantly, more info on this hot dad was requested ASAP:

And Mason and Houston are having to adjust to being “Gaymous”

Date Someone Who Texts You Good Morning

Good Morning Texts

You’re tired of people who stand you up, the people with narcissist complexes, those who never bother to ask how you’re feeling. You constantly search for something more, the simple, intangible love you can never seem to find, the person whose small, kind gestures can make your heart race.


Date someone who texts you “good morning.”

They’re unafraid to reveal their love for you, sharing every piece of their heart, leaving you without questions, without doubts. And they’re in touch with their deepest emotions, unapologetic in their love for you. They’re unwilling to shy away from passion, ready to transcend their insecurities and prioritize feelings.


Date someone who is willing to put you first.

They wake up every morning and immediately praise your beauty, encouraging you to finally embrace your gentle curves, flowing hair, and shining eyes. As the sun streams through the window, they send you sincere, thoughtful words, celebrating their love for you and you alone. With every simple gesture, they establish you as a top priority, as their first thought as they begin day after day.


Woman’s Text Convo With Mom Who Wants To Buy Her Car Goes Viral For All The Right Reasons

Much of the stuff that goes viral does so because of some sort of outrage factor. People are not shy about being absolutely horrible on camera or in text conversations. Every day there’s a new story about people leaving mean notes on each other’s cars, acting like racist fools in videos, and saying ignorant stuff online.
Continue reading Woman’s Text Convo With Mom Who Wants To Buy Her Car Goes Viral For All The Right Reasons

Woman Shares The Crazy Story Of Her First Tinder Date To A Crematorium

When you go on a first date with someone you meet online, things can go really well or really poorly. You never know what you’re in for when you’re going out with someone you truly know nothing about. Most of the time, people will discuss that there was just no “spark,” or no “connection,” between them and their date—and, it’s not really about the place they go to. Except, one woman, who reported that she went on the wildest and crazy first date with a Tinder match and, I’m gasping for air over this story.

Twitter user @itssraych shared the story of her friend, Bridget, after she was complaining about a Tinder date she had gone on. Bridget said she had one to top it and, yeah, she really did.

Bridget said that her Tinder date had told her to wear a “black dress” for their surprise first date. But, it wasn’t to a restaurant or a movie—they went to a crematorium.

And, it wasn’t just a random day there, it was his grandmother’s funeral.

She felt bad leaving, so she stayed for the service.

She also found out that he and his girlfriend had broken up only a few weeks before, and he needed a “filler” for the funeral.

And, Twitter couldn’t breathe.

Yes Sinny, I totally agree.

Guy Receives Rude Text From Stranger Using His Netflix Account And Things Got Heated

When it comes to watching TV and movies, almost everyone streams today. Whether it’s Netflix, Hulu, or premium networks—we all stream (and binge) everything. Long gone are the days where we all pay for cable, nope—we can get everything we need online. But, let’s be real, not all of us pay to stream. Many of us rely on our significant others, families, and friends to pay their bills in order for us to watch entertainment.

But, what do you do when you break up with someone, or stop speaking to someone, and they forget to pay their bill? Would you hit them up anyway begging them to pay so you can still watch The Office for the 100th time? One Reddit user shared a text that a friend of theirs received from a complete stranger after he forgot to pay his Netflix bill. Apparently, his ex gave his password out to friends of theirs from a while back and he rudely requested he “pay his bill.”

Wow, the balls of this dude! Apparently, a lot of people can relate to this, too.

Funny story I once had a girl post on instagram the day after breaking up with me “TFW you break up with your man but still have his HBO”

She quickly lost access after I contacted customer support to log out all users on my account.


My ex hit me up 3 years after breakup when I changed hulu+ password (because of someone else) for the same thing lol

I had no idea she was still leeching off it.


PSA: I got an email yesterday from hulu saying a device had been added to my account from China so I checked all the devices on my account and it turns out there were about 6 different devices added from all over the world dating back 5 years. I was never notified until the China one.


One of my friends asked if he could use my Netflix til he paid for his in a few days. I said I didnt have one so I set up a free trial for him to use. I forgot about it til about 2 weeks later when I went to cancel the trial. I looked and he had deleted my profile and changed it to his and his gfs name! Quickly cancelled the trial, changed the password, and logged him out. Fuck you


I broke up with my ex but it was amicable so I let him continue to use my Netflix. He apparently gave my info to his new gf AND her 2 kids because one evening I am kicked off my own Netflix because ‘too many people are watching at once’. So I do a polite sign out of all devices and hope that he will get the hint and I thought he didn’t remember my password. The next morning I wake up to an email saying that someone logged into my account and upgraded me to the premium 4 screen viewing package and here is the new higher price that I would be paying all by myself! Needless to say I was quite annoyed and I changed my password immediately and reverted to my original plan and haven’t spoken to him since.


Wow. Y’all are cheap moochers, huh. Damn.

Woman Finds Out Her Co-Worker’s Secret Santa Gift Is Under The $50 Limit And Has The Balls To Ask For More

Everyone knows that the holiday season can put the pressure on for gift-giving. Not only are you responsible for finding the perfect gifts for your friends, family, and significant others, but many times you end up stuck in a company “Secret Santa” gift exchange where you have to find the perfect gift for a co-worker you barely know—bummer.

But, what do you do when you think your co-worker cheaped out on your gift and didn’t spend the $50 limit? Well, normally, the limit is there so people don’t go above $50—it’s not a number that they are supposed to hit. Some people opt to get $50 gift cards to stay on target, but, others try to make the gifts somewhat personal and thoughtful. However, one mother proved that some people are truly outrageous and greedy after she discovered a co-worker who was her “Secret Santa” spend below the $50 limit. Seriously, the balls on this lady.

The woman started out by thanking the co-worker for the blanket and chocolates they had given her.

But, she then disclosed that she looked up the blanket online—and the chocolates—and found out it only came out to $30. She then said that she wanted something else, blaming her kids for her lack of money. The guy even offered to get her something else worth $20 (why? I’m not even sure).

But, she had the balls to ask for a tablet worth $120. Obviously, that’s way over the $50 limit.

She then decided to guilt her co-worker into getting her the tablet for her because he “makes more than she does.” She said if he didn’t want to get the tablet she would take the $120 in cash—so kind of her.

After the co-worker explained, calmly and kindly that $120 is above the limit and above his budget for a gift, she decided to go ape-sh*t on him. She told him he’s “disgusting” and then, asked for the extra $20 in cash. By this point, her co-worker was completely done (and rightfully so).

People online were pretty disgusted by her behavior.

Sorry, not sorry, but this woman is bugging. The holidays are about being grateful and thankful, not about trying to milk people for all they are worth. This woman needs a wakeup call. Seriously, don’t be like this “Carol.”

Guy Creates A Group Text With All Of His Ex Girlfriends For The Holidays And It Completely Backfires

There’s nothing like the holiday season to put you in a sentimental and nostalgic mood. Many of us look back on the people we truly care about and wonder if they’re happy and how they are spending their holidays this year—especially our exes. While we all want to reach out and wish them a Happy and Healthy Holidays we know better. It really is like beating a dead horse. Texting one ex is one thing—but, texting all of them in a group chat, well that takes serious guts.

One man, named Tom, decided that for Christmas, he would wish all of his exes a Merry Ex-Mas by creating a group text with all of them in it. Tom claimed that this year he was “lonely” and wanted to remind them all he was still in existence. As you can imagine, it backfired.

Gemma seemed to be over it. Bella definitely didn’t want to be here. And Lisa, well Lisa had no time for Tom’s crap.

Steph decided to speak up after Bella tried to drag Tom for sleeping with her while they were together. Let the games begin!

Obviously, the ladies weren’t into it.

But, Gemma was down for the humor and decided that if Tom could be such a good sport, she’s down to grab a drink with him for the holidays.

So, while it backfired a bit—it turns out, Tom was truly winning in this idea.

Babysitter Contacts Mother For Payment After Watching Her Two Kids And Instead Gets Her Number Blocked

Whenever you do a job, you’re doing it to make money. No one works for their health, realistically. We all sign up to do a job or perform a service in the result of the payment. But, sometimes, things get lost in translation and problems can occur when you don’t receive your payment for services provided—like, babysitting.

As we all know, moms can sometimes be a bit overwhelmed but, that is no excuse to stiff someone who takes care of your children while you are away. Recently, a woman shared a text message exchange on Reddit between her sister and a mother whom her sister babysat for. After finishing her duties, she reached out to the mom for the payment arrangement they had discussed prior. But, the mother all of the sudden reacted as though she had never had the conversation—even after the babysitter provided receipts. In the end, it was straight up infuriating.

The babysitter contacted the mom to come by to collect the payment, and the mother responded saying that she wasn’t paying the sitter—that the ice cream and pleasure of spending time with her children was payment enough.

Obviously, the sitter was not going to agree to this. So, the sitter replied with receipts of their previous discussion about payment.

After the sitter reminded the mother of the payment agreement, the mother freaked out and refused to pay the agreed upon rate.

The sitter said she would even settle for $100, and that she needed the money for textbooks. But, the mother decided to block her—and call her a c*nt on top of it.

Honestly, this mother is a straight up dick. And, people on Reddit had a lot of thoughts on how to handle her.

I delete my messages often’ OOH OKAY THEN THE SCREENSHOT I JUST SHOWED YOU IS INVALID. how dumb are these people.


I’d post this on her Facebook page if I could. And on all her friend’s pages, and every childcare page… let everyone know that she refuses to pay as agreed after service has been provided. Maybe someone will shame her into paying what she owes?


I doubt this is the first time this woman has pulled this stunt. What an asshole. Small claims court for sure. If anything, to prevent her from doing this to another sitter.


What kind of mother thinks that a grown ass adult would watch your shit kids with nothing but “a day of fun” as an acceptable form of compensation?


I would put the whole thing on any baby sitting facebook groups, CL ads or literally anyone you know/find in the neighborhood. I would also show their spouse, pastor and mother. Hell take out an ad in the local paper. They need a good lambasting.


We totally agree—down with this mother.

Woman Receives Fake ‘Wrong Text’ Message From A Guy She’s Been Ignoring

A woman who had been ignoring repeated texts from a man received one from him that said “wrong text” but it was pretty clear he’d done it on purpose. And it definitely belongs in the Fake Wrong Text Hall of Fame.

Mariah White of Arlington, TX, told BuzzFeed News that she’d been getting the texts from the dude since early November. The texts all mostly just said “hi” or “how are you?” but this last one, the “wrong text” one, is hilariously obvious in its thirst for the 22-year-old’s attention. It involved both the man’s mother and his money, and it was clearly designed to get a response from White.

The man sent a text to White that was supposedly meant for his mother. It read, “Hey mom… I just transferred $2800.00 to your account…. you should have told me sooner that you needed help… text me when you get it…love you!” the text read, followed by one that said simply, “Wrong text….my bad….”

Speaking to BuzzFeed, White said, “I knew right away that was messed up because how do you send a whole text with all those ellipses and not realize it’s going to the wrong person? What are the odds that M-Ariah and M-Om are right next to each other in the contact list? It just did not add up.”

White men the man, who is reportedly in his forties or fifties, when she was driving for a car company and he was a passenger. White said, “We had a really good polite conversation about my unique major, the university, being the only black people in our departments, stuff like that.

The two exchanged contact information and she sent him a text with her full name so the man could add her on LinkedIn. Instead, the man started texting her. She said she got “weird vibes” from him, and after answering his first few texts, she began to ignore him.

White said she didn’t block him or anything because his messages were “so infrequent” that she “didn’t even think about it.”

White tweeted a screenshot of the awkward “wrong text” message, where it quickly went viral.

The responses she got to it were hilarious.

At least one person decided to try the text on someone else, to see if he got a response.

White said that she’s gotten a lot of “nasty DMs” telling her that she should have stopped “wasting his time” and just told him she wasn’t interested. But to that she says, “This was a grown man who somewhat misled me into giving him my number the first place. You should know when to call it quits when someone is clearly uninterested.”

H/T BuzzFeed News

10 Things You’ll Understand If You Always Read Between The Texts

Most people can text no problem with no anxiety because that’s how it’s supposed to be. Not for you, though. For you, texting is a literature. You’re the kind of texter that reads way too into messages:

1. You barely receive a text without thinking about what it really means.

You read text messages like you would a textbook. There’s almost always an interpretation involved.

2. You wish you had a disclaimer about people being really specific with texts…

because if you’re not sure what it means, you overthink your mind crazy.

3. You hate when even your friends text you hi.

Just hi and nothing else. You don’t even really know why it drives you crazy but it does. Like does it really hurt to add more detail?

4. You’ve texted paragraphs because you want the person to understand what you’re saying.

It bothers you if you don’t know if the person will know what your text means. It helps to add in extra lines just to be sure.

5. One word within a text message can throw your whole day off.

 It can be as small as a period at the end of a text. If something seems off, it will stay with you for most of the day.

6. You can even read the tone of the message.

You read texts so closely that you know what tone of voice the person is using when they text you, depending on what the conversation’s about. If they have a yay! in the end, you know they’re happy. If they text idk, you know they’re probably sad.

7. You sometimes picture a person’s face when they text…

…because texting might as well be talking to someone face to face for you since you get so into it.

8. When it comes to dating, texting is kind of a deal breaker.

If they don’t text you the next day or at least send in a good morning/good night text, that’s it. They clearly aren’t into you or else they’d put a little more effort into their texting.

9. You don’t want to admit you’re pretty sensitive…

…because it’s kind of embarrassing how much you think into text messages and it’s even more embarrassing that the reason why is because you’re a highly sensitive person. You’re very in tune to your feelings, so something as virtual as texting can get to you.

10. You’ve tried not to overthink it.

You’ve made attempts to change your mindset when it comes to texting. But at the end of the day, you’ve accepted that this is just one of your quirks and that’s okay.

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