Is It Important To Be Texting Your Partner in a Long-Distance Relationship?

Texting can help keep the relationship strong by providing a way for couples to stay in touch even when they’re not together. It depends on the couple’s communication style and how often they see each other. Some couples might text every day, while others only talk once or twice a week. If you’re feeling lost without your partner, try texting them during your downtime to stay connected.

In a long-distance relationship, it’s essential to stay in touch with your partner as often as possible. This can be possible through text, phone calls, video calls, or any other form of communication that you’re both comfortable with. It’s essential to communicate with your partner about your needs and expectations and ensure that you’re both on the same page. 

When Should Be The Best Time to Text in a Long-Distance Relationship?

Since every long-distance relationship is different, you will need to figure out what works best for you and your partner.

First, it is important to stay in touch as much as possible. This means making time for regular phone calls and video chats, even if it’s just for a few minutes. This will help you feel connected to each other and prevent feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Second, it is important to be considerate of each other’s time zones when you are in a long-distance relationship. If your partner is living in a different time zone, try to schedule your calls or texts so that they are not interrupted by work or sleep. It’s important to remember that no texting at odd hours or waking your partner up with late-night messages. 

Finally, don’t be afraid to text each other throughout the day. A “good morning” or “I love you” text can go a long way in keeping your relationship strong. Sending a quick “good morning” text is always nice to start the day. If a simple ‘good morning’ sounds too plain for you, try searching online for some good morning text ideas and you can use the ones that best suit for a long distance relationship like yours. It would be a huge plus since it will let your partner know you’re thinking of him. Saying “I love you” is also important, of course. But sometimes, just sending a little message to let them know you’re thinking of them can make all the difference.

If a simple ‘good morning’ sounds too plain for you, try searching for ‘good morning text for him long distance’ to get some ideas.

Texting Advice for Long-Distance Relationship

It is very crucial to keep the romance alive in a long distance relationship. Here are some tips to make your guy feel special through texts: 

● Stay on a regular schedule. If you want to make your long-distance relationship work, experts say staying on a regular schedule is key. That means sending each other good morning messages every day, checking in with each other during the day, and talking before bed. Sometimes, it might seem like a lot of effort, but it’s worth it if you want to keep that special connection alive. Ensure you set aside time each day or week to talk to your partner. This will help you feel like you’re still in sync.
● Get creative with your communication. In addition to texting and calling, try sending each other videos, photos, or even hand-written letters. You can record yourself saying sweet things, singing a song, or even reading a letter aloud. These sweet little gestures can go a long way in making your partner feel loved and appreciated. It will help bridge the gap when you’re apart by seeing your smiling face and hearing your beautiful voice.
● When it comes to long-distance relationships, one of the best pieces of advice is to send your partner flirty, cute texts. It’s a great way to keep the spark alive and let them know you’re thinking about them. Just a little something to let him know you’re missing them badly. 
● If you’re in a long-distance relationship, one great way to keep the love more strong is to plan special occasions together. Texting can be a great way to stay connected and share ideas for how to make your time together even more special. So, if you’re looking for some long-distance relationship advice, why not start by texting your partner about all the fun things you’d like to do together? Plan special occasions and send him a care package with his favorite things. 
● When it comes to texting for long-distance relationships tips, the best thing to do is set up a video chat. That way, you can see each other’s faces and really connect. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to look your best. He will appreciate the effort. It is good to make an effort to dress up and look your best in video chat sessions. 
● For keeping your long-distance relationship healthy and happy, one important tip is to send photos of yourself doing various activities regularly. Whether it’s cooking dinner, taking a walk in the park, or simply hanging out with friends, your partner will appreciate seeing you stay busy and enjoy your life. Send him photos of you doing everyday things or just goofing around. It will make his day to see you, and he’ll be able to imagine being there with you. 

Start a Day With Good Morning Texts for a Long-Distance Relationship

There’s no doubt that a good morning text can brighten your partner’s day and make them feel loved, even when you’re far away. But do you have any idea that it can also have a lasting impact on your relationship? Starting your day with a few good morning texts can help to keep your long-distance relationship feeling strong and connected. It’s a sweet gesture that can make a big difference in how you both feel throughout the day. Plus, it’s a great way to start each day on a positive note. You can start your day with a smile when you wake up to a good morning text from your long-distance partner, or you can send a good morning text to your long-distance partner and brighten his day. 

Couples who exchange positive messages in the morning are more likely to feel satisfied in their relationship. So make sure to start your day on the right foot by sending your partner a sweet morning message.


5 Flirt Savvy Tips To Start A Text Conversation With Guys

Believe it or not, this is the most common question for a lot of girls. A majority of women try to make the first move by texting guys first. However, words are so important and it is tough to be sure  exacly what to say.

It’s not easy to answer this question. Flirtsavvy provides some text starters to send him right away. The following tips and tricks mean a lot to start your conversation with any guy.


4 Rules to Start the Conversation Effectively

If you follow these top 4 rules, your guy will feel happy to get your text.

• Never Say Just ‘Hi’- If you are looking for a good conversation, then you need to have a good opener. Hi, Hello are some boring texts openers and they are more likely to be ignored.

More than 95% of the conversations that start with such boring words go nowhere. In addition,  they can make a guy confused and think why is she texting me?

• Show your guy that you definitely have a life- Impressive texts are good but they are not enough to attract a guy. He needs to look at your life and say- ‘Damn, you are an interesting girl with a personality and a life.

The trick is to highlight this in your text. If you went to a beach last weekend, you can mention this through text. On the same token, you can also send pictures of your talent, hobbies and cool things which you have done or are doing at the moment.

• Keep It Casual – Serious conversations can be too heavy via text and this is another golden rule for texting guys. He is more likely to fall for you once he feels relaxed by your casual texts. It is a rule of thumb, love is an emotional process and casual vibes cultivate positive emotions. Therefore increasing attraction.
• Multiple Texts are not a good option- Yes, waiting for a reply is frustrating. However, sending multiple texts in a row is a huge turnoff. Because they implie that you aren’t a patient person. In addition to multiple texts , it is also advisable to avoid long texts.

Don’t put pressure on your guy for a reply and don’t seem desperate for a reply. These text suggestions will help you receive a reply and get the conversation started.


Ways to start Text Conversation with a Guy

➢ Discuss something that he has posted on his social media account- Besides commenting, ask a question that he can reply to. For instance-

Imagine, he posted a status of his lunch. You can reply to him that ‘it looks awesome’. In addition to it, you can ask where is that?

This comment + question technique is enough grab the guy’s attention and generate a chat. Here are some advantages of the technique-

1. It provides an interesting topic to chat about.
2. He feels cool because you find his post impressive
3. It encourages him to prioritize you from his chat list
➢ Talk about him- Guys are quite shy and they love to chat about themselves. You are recommended to pick 2 or 3 things that you like about him. Then start the conversation by using the above (comment + question) technique.

For example, Hey there, your guitar playing is amazing. So, when did you start playing? This sort of communication can go deeper. Moreover, over time, learning about his passions can allow your conversations to go deeper, with ease.

➢ Tell him a story- It is advisable to prefer stories over the questions. So many questions in a conversation make it sound like a job interview. They make a conversation dry and can spoils the impression you are trying to make. On the same token, stories provide a chance to show him that you have a playful personality.

NOTE- Telling random stories sounds awkward. So, choose a story that he can relate to.

For example- Hey, while jogging at the park today, I saw this cute puppy. It made me remind the picture of your puppy. Make sense? Have a glance at the merits of using this storytelling technique

– The conversation shows that you both have things in common, that you both are dog lovers.
– You also shared that you like jogging. And you are listening and paying attention to who he is, what he cares about.

Contrary to this,  if you were to ask Hey, what are you doing? It sounds empty and is a common mistake. Because it requires him to create the story. Remember, you reached out to him.

➢ Current events are a great conversation starter- This is a great option if you are stressed about, what to text first. You can share your views on a topic that is on the news a lot. To make the conversation personal, adding your opinion on the matter is a great idea.
➢ Discuss weekend plans- They can’t be used in the first message of the conversation. However, you can use them right after. For example, casually ask him, what are you doing this weekend?

Getting a better idea on his week end plans allows him to suggest you join him, or at the very least set the stage for a future opportunity.


3 Clever Texts to Send to a Guy

Needless to say, that choice words can make the difference between whether or not he thinks about you all the time or none at all. Therefore, it is essential to know what he wants to hear from you. Flirtsavvy has a list of sample texts so that you will not feel stressed while texting him for the first time.

1. ‘You would love the dress I’m wearing right now’. This text works great to spark his interest.
2. ‘Hey Stranger’- This text is best for the guy who always ignores your texts. It will suddenly bring them on the track.
3. ‘Remember the time when.? This one is perfect for the guy with whom you shared unforgettable memories. Pick-up the best pictures and message him about it. Memories are powerful than words because they are attached to emotions. If you remind him about those good times, he will feel those good emotions for you.


Flirtsavvy is best for someone who wants the embrace the power of words to get a text conversation going.  Tailor the conversation to suit who you are and who he is. Because if you are going to make the first move via text, you need to make sure that you offer up a real conversation to engage him. Once you use the above-mentioned tips from Flirtsavvy, you can get deeper with him and into a more meaningful chat. Give him the chance to learn about you and you about him.

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14 People Who Were Brutally Owned By Their Own Screenshots

With great power comes great responsibility—a phrase most of us could benefit from keeping in mind when it comes to technology. Our smartphones are extremely capable devices, almost to an unnerving extent.

With this capability also comes the almighty screenshot. See a funny meme you want to share later? Screenshot. Received an unsolicited pic that calls for group chat mockery? Screenshot. Conversation with a significant other that requires bff consultation? Screenshot.

It’s an incredibly useful tool, but one that should never ever be underestimated. Just take it from these unfortunate souls who were brutally owned by their very own screenshots.

1. This guy who talked crap about a girl and sent a screenshot of her message BACK to her.


2. This poor girl who pretty much did the same thing to a guy.


3. This woman who’s lucky her boss has a sense of humor.


4. This person who will never send another unsolicited pic after someone screenshot it and sent it to his mom.

Madi Kohn

5. This person who got called out for screenshotting.


6. This chick who accidentally sent her dad a screenshot of a creeper in her DM’s.


7. Sarah, who accidentally sent her mom a wildly inappropriate meme.


8. This woman who accidentally sent a meme to her boss.



9. This person who discovered Instagram was watching.


10. This boyfriend who accidentally sent his girlfriend a screenshot of her Christmas gifts.

11. Sweet, sweet Jessica who will be holding her funeral this Friday.

12. This woman who sent a screenshot of a stranger’s weird request back to that same stranger.


13. This girl who may or may not have ruined her chances.

14. And finally this unbelievably stupid human being.


h/t BuzzFeed

Nervous Dad Seeks His Daughter’s Advice For A First Date And It’s Too Damn Cute

First dates, much like job interviews, are awkward and nerve-wracking at any age. It doesn’t matter if you’re a teenager going to a movie with your high school crush or if you’re a middle-aged dad stepping back into the dating world after a long hiatus.

Just take this father, for instance, who was so nervous about a first date that he sought his daughter’s advice and it’s too damn cute.

This is Gabriela Guwop from Sacramento, California.


Gabriel recently got a text from her dad who needed some advice for a first date.

“My dad went on a date today for the first time in hella long,” she writes.

First, he asked for Gabriela’s fashion input.


He even sent a few mirror selfies to be safe.


And then he shared photos of his date, writing “Check me out love!”


Gabriela shared the adorable father-daughter exchange on Twitter and people couldn’t get enough.

We’re pretty invested at this point.

Let’s just hope Gabriela updates us on the second date.

h/t Twitter 

Woman Curses Guy Out After He Refuses To Pay $126 For Her Food On First Date

Deciding who pays on a date can be a little tricky. Historically, men on dates with women tend to pick up the tab for food, drinks, movie, etc. But times are changing, and now it’s not so automatic. A lot of people think the person who did the inviting should be the one to pay, while others are happy to go dutch.

It’s just not a given anymore that a man is going to pay for a woman on a date, which is great, because it’s actually a sexist tradition and one that makes no sense.

Recently, a man going by CuteBananaMuffin on Reddit posted screenshots of his text conversation with a woman who was absolutely furious that he didn’t pay for her very expensive dinner on their first date. He didn’t even know she was mad until he texted her asking for another date, and then she went off on him.

Since she was the one who did the inviting, our buddy CuteBananaMuffin assumed she’d be paying for her own food. Plus, she ordered LOBSTER. I mean, why do that if you’re expecting someone else to pay? That’s a lot of money. And on top of that, as he mentioned, he’s just a student. How could he be expected to afford that?

Wow, she’s living in the past if she thinks the man is ALWAYS going to pay. Come on.

Well, at least he was honest with her!

Speaking to Bored Panda, Mr. Muffin explained,

“The date was fun at first until she started talking about another guy and how much he liked him, but I thought ‘let’s eat, talk and leave’ since she’s into another guy, and it all crumbled when it came to the bill. She was shocked that I let her pay. She didn’t say anything at the time, but from her facial expression, I realized she was furious.

I usually pay for both sides when it comes to the bill, but I’m a student and I work 60 hours a week to pay for food, books etc. so I obviously couldn’t afford to pay 110 euros for her food. I asked her out again to apologize pretty much for the previous time, hoping we can go to a cheaper place so I could make up for it, but as you can see, the result was really bad…”

Reddit users sounded off in the comments and pretty much everybody agreed with Muffin.

Time for this lady to join us here in the present, where women can have jobs and pay for themselves (and even their dates if they want!) when they go out. Also, again: LOBSTER?!

h/t: Bored Panda

21 People Share The Most Cringeworthy Texts They’ve Sent While Drunk

Sending drunk texts has become somewhat of an art since the advent of modern-day texting. I mean, it’s never been easier to proclaim your drunken lust for someone with an eggplant emoji and side eye. But sometimes, our drunken technological endeavors turn out horribly wrong.

We’ve all accidentally sent a text to someone who it wasn’t meant for. It’s especially awkward when that text is a recounting of your girlfriend’s amazing blow job that she gave you earlier that now sits on your mother’s phone in shame and disgust. There’s just not a lot you can do to come back from that, bro.

So whether you texted your boss at 4:32 a.m., pissed drunk, telling him that you want to impregnate him, or when you sloppily declared how horny were to grandma — there’s nothing like waking up in the morning, head pounding, and realizing the sh*t storm that you and your iPhone have caused.

These are 21 of the worst drunk texts that people have sent:


Ate 3 boxes of peeps on Easter and took the nastiest shit. Tried texting a pic to my group of guy friends but instead sent it to the girl I had been dating for 3 weeks. 2 years later she still brings it up.


“Alright, well I won’t be in. Consider this my resignation.” Sent to my boss (of the job I absolutely love) two days ago. Some-fucking-how, I got my job back.


My dick is yearning to break out of its denim prison.


I once spent a long drunk night declaring my undying love via text message to my friend Marcus, who was alphabetically right next to my girlfriend Molly in my contacts list. I just remember getting really angry and confused that she was acting all weird and sending messages like “dude, you know this is Marcus right?”


Told my boss I’m not going to work the next day because I’m piss drunk with his daughter.

Woman Receives Fake ‘Wrong Text’ Message From A Guy She’s Been Ignoring

A woman who had been ignoring repeated texts from a man received one from him that said “wrong text” but it was pretty clear he’d done it on purpose. And it definitely belongs in the Fake Wrong Text Hall of Fame.

Mariah White of Arlington, TX, told BuzzFeed News that she’d been getting the texts from the dude since early November. The texts all mostly just said “hi” or “how are you?” but this last one, the “wrong text” one, is hilariously obvious in its thirst for the 22-year-old’s attention. It involved both the man’s mother and his money, and it was clearly designed to get a response from White.

The man sent a text to White that was supposedly meant for his mother. It read, “Hey mom… I just transferred $2800.00 to your account…. you should have told me sooner that you needed help… text me when you get it…love you!” the text read, followed by one that said simply, “Wrong text….my bad….”

Speaking to BuzzFeed, White said, “I knew right away that was messed up because how do you send a whole text with all those ellipses and not realize it’s going to the wrong person? What are the odds that M-Ariah and M-Om are right next to each other in the contact list? It just did not add up.”

White men the man, who is reportedly in his forties or fifties, when she was driving for a car company and he was a passenger. White said, “We had a really good polite conversation about my unique major, the university, being the only black people in our departments, stuff like that.

The two exchanged contact information and she sent him a text with her full name so the man could add her on LinkedIn. Instead, the man started texting her. She said she got “weird vibes” from him, and after answering his first few texts, she began to ignore him.

White said she didn’t block him or anything because his messages were “so infrequent” that she “didn’t even think about it.”

White tweeted a screenshot of the awkward “wrong text” message, where it quickly went viral.

The responses she got to it were hilarious.

At least one person decided to try the text on someone else, to see if he got a response.

White said that she’s gotten a lot of “nasty DMs” telling her that she should have stopped “wasting his time” and just told him she wasn’t interested. But to that she says, “This was a grown man who somewhat misled me into giving him my number the first place. You should know when to call it quits when someone is clearly uninterested.”

H/T BuzzFeed News

Husband Texts Wife To Say He Took $800 Out Of Their Vacation Fund To Help His Student

With all of the negativity currently inundating our newsfeeds, we figured Giving Tuesday was a good opportunity to shine a light on some more positive stories. Take this man, for example, who decided to sacrifice his personal vacation fund in order to help a student and their family. See? Not all hope is lost.

James, a devoted school teacher, and husband, recently sent the following text to his spouse saying he had a story to share.

Bored Panda

He told his spouse about one of his students who didn’t have the means to afford warm clothes.

Without hesitation, James lent a helping hand offering to buy his student and the student’s grandfather new clothes and groceries.

Bored Panda

And James did so with the money from the vacation budget he shared with his spouse.

Bored Panda

Needless to say, she was extremely proud and even suggested James invite his student’s family over for the holidays.

Bored Panda

She also shared the story on Facebook and people were touched by James’s act of kindness.

See? Told you they still existed.

Husband Texts Wife To Say He Took $800 Out Of Their Vacation Fund To Help His Student

With all of the negativity currently inundating our newsfeeds, we figured Giving Tuesday was a good opportunity to shine a light on some more positive stories. Take this man, for example, who decided to sacrifice his personal vacation fund in order to help a student and their family. See? Not all hope is lost.

James, a devoted school teacher, and husband, recently sent the following text to his spouse saying he had a story to share.

Bored Panda

He told his spouse about one of his students who didn’t have the means to afford warm clothes.

Without hesitation, James lent a helping hand offering to buy his student and the student’s grandfather new clothes and groceries.

Bored Panda

And James did so with the money from the vacation budget he shared with his spouse.

Bored Panda

Needless to say, she was extremely proud and even suggested James invite his student’s family over for the holidays.

Bored Panda

She also shared the story on Facebook and people were touched by James’s act of kindness.

See? Told you they still existed.

6 Drunk Texts We All Regret Sending Almost Immediately

Drunk texts are kind of the bane of our generation’s existence.

They’re always incriminating, they can never be taken back, and the repercussions of sending one are generally worse than a crippling hangover.

These days, whenever a hot new mobile device arrives on the market, I’m often astounded that one of the “state of the art” features isn’t just a tiny breathalyzer. Are we really that far away from possessing the technology to thwart our every drunken text?

Seriously, Apple: it’s time to get on that. We’re all tired of having to live with…

1. That Awful Picture of You at the Bar

If you’re drunkenly sending an unflattering picture of yourself to other, equally drunk people, there’s at least a 100% chance that image will haunt you for the rest of your social history.

You will never, ever live it down, and it will be paraded in all its embarrassing glory at just about every party and bar crawl from now until you die. Fact.

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