To My Grandma I Miss with My Whole Heart, You Really Were the Best

I’m terrified that the memories I have of you will one day become blurry. Mom has the video tapes from when I was little and thankfully you were on a few.


I remember what you looked like, but your voice, I hate to say I don’t remember it.


You were the best grandma I could have asked for.


I remember being excited to come see you and I loved spending the nights at your house. The junk food we would eat. The card games we used to play. The trips to the park right down the street we used to play at.


Having to be quiet while you watched The 700 Club, but as soon as it was over, your attention was focused on us. Playing downstairs in the basement.


Helping to do your housework, yet never willingly helping my mom at home.


I remember being really little and you’d sit on the floor and play with my horses for what felt like hours at the time.

I used to love having all my cousins over and running around your yard and hopping the chain link fence, having hula hoop competitions.


All the home made cakes you used to make for our birthdays.


I feel like I didn’t get to spend enough time with you.


I know it was your time to leave and at the time I was okay with that. I still am.


Just every now and again, especially lately, I realize how much you are missing out on.


I know you’d be here if you could, so I’ll just hope you look down and smile.


But honestly, I would rather have the ten years I did with you than to have never had those ten years at all.

Thank you Grandma

Grandmas: they’re the people we love because they overload us with candy and sugar, buy us whatever we want for Christmas, and spoil us to no end. But for some of us, they become our person, best friend, second parent, and the person we love most in this world.


There are so many things that I could say about you, and none of them would do you any justice. You’re the most incredible human being. Ever. I will never be able to fully put into words how much you mean to me, but I can go on for the rest of my life trying. Lets be real – bragging about you is easy.


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