“Mothers and their children are in a category all their own. There’s no bond so strong in the entire world. No love so instantaneous and forgiving.” — Gail Tsukiyama
You were my first friend, and will be my best friend for life.
We go from admiring our mothers, glued to their side, to bickering and challenging them, protesting all their advice and warnings.
We then go from missing them boundlessly, beginning to appreciate them more and more, to finally adoring them again, unable to make a decision without their advice and wisdom.
You made me as strong as you are.
As I reluctantly left the nest, scared and unsure of myself, you gave me that extra push, the push I needed to make me realize that the world isn’t a scary place, but a place where you need to take risks to be happy, and you never follow rules people have cultivated just to play it safe.
You pushed me to take charge of my life – and at first I protested, scared of adulthood and change, resenting you for pushing me to grow up. But then I realized that you did it because you love me – because only when you take charge of your life independently, can you tap into an extraordinary life.
If you didn’t push me and sacrifice so much for me, there is no way that I would be here today – relishing in my independence and unapologetically going after what makes me happy.