To the Man Who Chooses Me

To the Man Who Chooses Me:

Our relationship has been easy. As I have unpacked my past trauma, you have been there through the whole process. We have had so many ups and downs. We have made it through them all, mostly with your reassurance. This stage has been hard on us.


No matter what we have been through, you choose me. You choose to love me… To hold me through the hardest of times, and stand next to me as I fight the battles that are mine. You are on the sidelines cheering me on while I chase my dreams! For these things, I love you so much.

Thank you for showing me what true, safe love is. I never knew a safe love like I do now, thanks to you. When I feel unsteady, you lay with me, hold me, and tell me that it’s all going to be okay. You listen to my overthinking and try to give me the spin on it so that it all doesn’t seem as bad as it does in my head.

Thank you for showing me what real love is. You love my flaws and all; including the fact that you can make fun of them. You don’t care about the fancy dates or me getting all dressed up. I do notice the look in your eye when I do, though. I also know that you’d rather me be in an old t-shirt with my hair pulled back. We have a Sunday kind of love and it’s all I wanted and more.

Thank you for loving me through the hard times. You are always there no matter when I need you. From changing the flat on my car to holding me close after a nightmare to listening to me dump my stuff from the day. You have no idea how good it feels to have someone to call on after all the years of doing it alone.

Thank you for being the one to dream with me. I love that you look at houses with me and help me try to construct or dream house that will be functional and not too big. I love that you will sit with me and update our list of names for our future child (p.s. we need one for our future fur babies, too). Thank you for working so hard so that we can make our dreams a reality one day.

Thank you for being so wonderful you, your imperfections and all. I wouldn’t want you any other way. But I love all the things about you. From when I come out and you are in your truck singing along to your favorite country song. To the way your hair being a mess when I video chat you on my lunch.

You are the one and I’m so blessed to be able to spend this crazy life with you. I love you so much.

  • A note to you ladies out there, your safe love that is so unconditional imperfect is coming. Don’t settle for anything less!

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To My Boyfriend: A Year Of Loving You

A year ago I never would have thought I’d go to one of my best friends wedding and there you’d be. With those bright hazel eyes that can light up a room. I didn’t know that I would get to fall in love with you on the dance floor. 

A year later our love has grown by leaps and bounds. I love you more and more everyday. Something that I never knew that I would need in my life. Your love! I cannot even count the ways that I love you. There are just too many. But I will name my favorites. 


When you hold me after a hard day: 

I know you can see it, the hard days on my face. You can see it as I walk up to the door. You stand there on these days with your arms stretched out because you know all I need is your arms around me. Maybe a cup of coffee and to hear that everything is okay. 


And then you listen: 

I’m sure these are the days you hate, because you know I have to get that bad energy out. So it becomes like word vomit that I share with you. You just sit there and listen. When I’m done you hold me close. It’s the best feeling in the world, especially because the whole world melts away with my worries and all. 

You make me laugh: 

This is especially helpful on the hard days, but the good ones too. When I see you a big smile comes to my face. I feel like a lot of times you look over at me just so I will smile. I love that you do that. I love that you will say or do anything goofy just so I will laugh. I love when you laugh because your laugh is contagious it makes me laugh. It’s the best place to be all of the time. 


Your the best dog daddy: 

I know that when we got together the last thing you thought you’d be is a dog daddy but your great at it. You know when I need a break and you take over. You go out and play with her because you know my days are long. There is nothing I love more then seeing you two sit in the grass next to each other! 


Your all mine: 

I love that I get to call you my guy. I love even more when you put your arm around me or let me put my feet in your lap while we are in the car. I love that you rub my back when I’m upset. I love the way you love me, and I love loving you. 

Happy one year babe. Here is to so many more. This life with you is going to be amazing, and challenging. I’m excited for the ride!! 

An Open Thank You Letter to My Boyfriend

Well, you’re great. You’re everything a girl could ever want in a guy – smart, funny, handsome, loyal, and just for me. Everything you do, makes me fall more in love with you. Day by day and month by month, we are growing and becoming a better couple. I just wanna thank you for some things.

1. Sad Days – On my sad days, you make me happy, you make me smile so wide. I’m glad I’m finally happy and your the cause of it. Even when I don’t want to smile, you make me.

2. Loving Me – Just you loving me.. Loving me with my flaws and mistakes, loving me for the cackling laugh I have, loving me for taking hours to do my makeup, loving me for stealing some of your food (even though I got the same thing). Just you loving me no matter what, makes me happy.

3. Spending Time with Me – Thank you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me. Whenever I spend time with you, I never wanna leave, even if I’m gonna see you the next day.

4. The Small Things – From getting me sephora makeup to a ring in a 50 cent machine, I absolutely love all the little things you do. Even if it’s noticing  my eyes twinkling in the moonlight or how my forehead crinkles when I laugh. Or maybe it’s the simple goodmorning text you always send me.

Even though this isn’t much I’m thanking you for, I truely appreciate all the things you do / have done for me. I look forward to the more things I have to thank you for in the future. I love you.

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