To The Friends Who’ve Helped Me Through My Worst Moments With Anxiety

My Dear Friends,

Before I began sharing about my anxiety, I was terrified to open up to you. I worried that disclosing my anxiety would darken the light, cheery nature of our friendships. I wondered if “anxious” would gradually become my sole identity, overshadowing the many traits that comprise who I am. My greatest hope was that you would understand that anxiety challenges me, but does not define me. The moment I disclosed my anxiety, my fears dissipated.

I am incredibly thankful that choosing to be vulnerable about my anxiety has strengthened our friendships, created inextricable, deep connections and brought us closer than I could have ever imagined. Moreover, I am extremely grateful for your presence in my life and for the numerous ways in which you have supported me through the most difficult times.

Thank you for understanding.

Whenever I arrived late to meet you for coffee, my hair disheveled, my eyes wet from an onslaught of panic and my slight figure clad in an old, shapeless sweatshirt. I appreciate that you never commented on my anxiety-ridden appearance and always took the time to listen to whatever was on my mind as we sipped our drinks.

A Million Thank You’s to My Parents Who Never Stopped Believing in Me

I couldn’t have made it this far without you. 

From the time I was born, I was always given something that every child deserves, love.

My parents gave me everything I could ever want to keep me smiling and the times light. My happiness was their number one concern, but at the same time, they taught me how to always remain humble.

I was taught that giving is always better than receiving and helping others is the greatest gift you can give.

Without my mother and father pushing me to try my hardest, stand tall at my worst, and teaching me to always remain the best version of myself, I don’t think I would’ve been able to achieve what I have so far in life.

They keep me level-headed and honest while striving to achieve my future goals. 

From dance recitals to sporting events, the countless hours of driving and money spent just to make me happy and cheer me on is a greater blessing than words can describe.

There were nights full of tears from fears of failure to endless tears of laughter from the hilarious stories my dad would tell, entertaining my mom and me for hours upon hours.

Being raised by these two selfless, unconditionally loving people allowed for an inevitable and undeniable friendship that will last forever. 

My relationship with them is unlike any other, the closeness we have with each other grows even stronger the older I get. Because there was always such an openness with emotions and feelings that when it came to any struggle I had, I knew they’d be on my side.

And when it came to my greatest successes and accomplishments, the celebration was even bigger.

To my mother for giving me everything and then some, teaching me life lessons, even the “I told you so” moments, and most importantly for believing in me through everything life has thrown at me, thank you. Thank you for being my friend when I felt lost and discouraged and for keeping me so utterly humble through it all.

To my father for teaching me to be strong when I was so scared to fly, helping me trade in my ballet slippers for a pair of cleats, giving me confidence, and most importantly being my partner in crime, thank you. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you.

I thank God every day for my parents and could not imagine going through life without them. I could never repay them for the life they have given me and for this life, I am eternally grateful.

I can only hope I have made them proud, for they have gotten me to this incredible place in life. And I know they will continue to be with me, down this road I have yet to encounter.

I love you, mom and dad. Thank you for everything.

Homeless Man Leaves Touching Sign Thanking Kind Strangers After Getting a Job

Most of us are so lucky that we’ll never know how hard it is to have to stand in the street and ask strangers for help. But there are so many people who have to do just that, for so many different reasons. They’ve fallen on hard times or lost their job or even their homes, and now they have to rely on the kindness of people they don’t even know.

Talia Schlanger, the host of “World Cafe” on NPR, shared a tweet about a man she’d see asking for help on the street who one day wasn’t at the spot where she usually saw him. She tweeted the circumstances: “For the past year, a very nice man has been standing on the bridge that’s on my way to work with a sign saying he was having a hard time and could use a hand. Today, this is what it read.” And she included a picture of a cardboard sign written in marker that said, “My last week out here I got a job thank you to everyone who has helped during this hard time.”

How nice is it that the man left a thank you note? The sign served not only as a way to show appreciation but also as an explanation to anyone who might have gotten used to seeing him and possibly chatting with him and would be worried that he just suddenly disappeared.

Schlanger followed up the tweet with more information. She wrote that he got hired by a man in New Jersey to build cabinets and was given a place to stay during the job by the same man.

People on Twitter responded to Schlanger’s tweet because they were so moved.

One person asked if she knew the name of the company that hired him, saying they deserved extra customers.

Schlanger’s post was retweeted by the Kale Salad account, and it was also posted on their Instagram, where it received almost 250,000 likes.

And a whole lot of comments!

It’s nice to see some good news to counter all the bad.

h/t: TanksGoodNews

To My Best Friend Who Stood By Me Through My Depression

My Best Friend Understands My Depression

I know that things have not been easy lately, trust me, if anyone knows it’s me. The truth is, I haven’t been myself lately. In fact, I’ve been the furthest from myself that I’ve ever been. Some days, I feel like I’m not even in my own body and am, instead, a ghost sitting in the room, watching my life drift past me as I stand idly in a corner. There are moments where I feel as though I could crawl out of my own skin, uncomfortable to even live in the notion of reality. Others where I feel I am drowning and gasping for air. No, it hasn’t been easy.

But, despite all of my struggles and disastrous days, you have been the light at the end of my cold, dark, desolate tunnel every single day.


From every phone call to check up on me, to every text message during the day—the endless emojis, tagging me in memes to make me laugh. To all of the big things you’ve done, like helping me find a new therapist, talking me off a ledge, trying to find the good when everything seems so, so bad.


30 Things To Thank Your Significant Other For

Being Thankful

Life is crazy. Sometimes, we’re in such a rush we put our underwear on inside out (or is that just me?) Due to the crazy, chaotic and hectic realities we all live in, it’s common that we forget to say “thank you,” to our partners for everything they do for us.

In relationships, appreciation goes a long way – especially, when they deserve it. It’s the small moments of recognition that make us feel that we’re truly loved.

Here’s to the boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancés, wives and husbands that we far too often take for granted. Here are my Thank You’s…

1. For not watching the new episode of “our show” without me.

2. Being patient with me.

3. Not judging my ugly crying face.

4. Being understanding.

5. Sharing you fries. And your onion rings.

6. For going to all the places I’ve forced you to go to – against your will.

7. Listening to my weird rants at 2 a.m.

8. Believing in my dreams and goals.

9. Not judging my awful singing voice in the car. And the shower.

10. For being supportive, especially when I need it the most.

11. Dealing with my horrible morning breath.

12. For coming into disagreements and arguments with an open-mind.

13. For laughing at my jokes even when they’re really awful (and not funny).

14. Including me in your decisions.

15. Letting me sleep, even if your arm is numb because I passed out on top of you.

16. Dealing with my crazy side.

17. Vegging out with me on a Friday night in PJ’s.

18. Making me feel like the only person in a crowded room.

19. Looking at 25 pictures of adorable animals with me because…well why the hell not?

20. For accepting me for who I am and where I am in life.

21. For being just as weird as me.

22. The surprises – even the small ones.

23. Not judging me when I yell at the television during a game or a show.

24. Always making life an adventure.

25. For Showing me truth.

26. And Showing me reason.

27. Thank you for showing me love.

28. And for being you.

29. For all the small things.

30. And the big ones, too.


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