10 Reasons I am Hopeful for 2022

I had my ups and downs with 2021 – probably like with many other people. I think the COVID fatigue has been hitting me. I thought the pandemic would be over months ago, but here we are. The biggest moments of darkness for me came in other problems besides the pandemic such as depression, job anxiety, low self-esteem, doubts about my future, drama with loved ones (which is normal for family), not seeing loved ones due to the pandemic, not seeing friends, either, because of the pandemic, feeling low, not having enough money, feeling useless – the list can go on for me. I think I have found 10 hopeful reasons, though, for why 2022 will give me some hope in my own personal life.

1. My boyfriend

He has saved me at my lowest points and has made me feel like I am capable of doing anything. He was truly a blessing in disguise and I have hope he will help make 2022 a better year for me.

2. My new job

My new job started in October 2021. I just began here, but I hope it gives me better opportunities as it has already given me a better pay raise.

3. The COVID-19 heroes

I do believe, in the midst of chaos, and with honestly the back and forth of government protocols, that we will eventually get through this because of the nurses and healthcare workers who have not given up.

4. My mental health care team

I am starting to work with a regular therapist and OCD specialist to help guide me on my mental health journey to feeling better and controlling my anxiety that takes a toll on my life.

5. My parents

They give me support no matter how much I can be a pain to them. I have said things I regret but they are always there to help me.

6. My boyfriend’s family

My second family who I love, and lets me call them whenever I need them.

7. My loyal and hopeful new friends

Friends come and go. I hope some new ones stick around like the old ones.

8. My schooling

I am getting my master’s in human services and finish in June 2022. I am hopeful this will open more opportunities for me.

9. Exercising

This is cheesy, but working out keeps me in check with my body and health.

10. Sleep

This one may sound odd. When I am asleep, my troubles disappear for those moments and I am fine with that. It does not take away from the problems and it gives me relief to not think about something.

2022 is going to be an interesting year. We are almost two years into the pandemic. Mental health is on the rise. I have to take care of myself not for the sake of the pandemic but for myself. I am hoping 2022 can truly be a good year for me and that it will help change my life for the better. May 2022 bring me joy and happiness along with the health that I deserve.

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About the Author

Molly Rose lives in PA but is originally from NY. She wrote for Odyssey Online in 2017 and has now started her journey with Puckermob. Molly is getting her Master’s degree online in Human Services at Capella University. She is an advocate for individuals with disabilities. Follow her on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

True love is all the little things

True love is a lot of things, but the best way to put it is simple, it’s the little things. The little things you see add up to being bigger things. Coming from a girl who has only known toxic relationships, trust me when I say that when you go into a healthy one (relationship) after a handful of toxic ones it is the absolute weirdest feeling. It’s LITERALLY going from one extreme to the next.

It is true though, true love is seriously the little thing’s that mean the most.

True love is, making pancakes at midnight after doing the deed because y’all worked up an appetite, and chocolate chip pancakes sound heavenly. You are literally sitting on the counter in the kitchen looking at this man who is making you pancakes at midnight, he looks over at you and blows you a kiss while your hair is in the messiest bun and you are wearing nothing but booty shorts and his t-shirt (you know you are looking like a hot mess) but he thinks you look absolutely beautiful!

The little things like surprising her with tea when you hear her up in bed coughing because you know she has a cold and you just want to see her get better.

It may be just a small gesture but it truly does mean the world to her.

Planning a day that revolves around spending time together, surprising her with a coffee and taking her out for the two of you to get a Christmas tree together, planning a cute but simple lunch (literally surprising her with a sub), and playing her favorite board game with her because you love it when she gets so competitive. Then ending the day at your guy’s favorite brewery getting drinks.

I promise you, you have no idea how happy this will make her!

The tiniest thing is, going into a gas station and seeing a beautiful single rose and grabbing it because you know it’s her favorite flower and it reminds you of her. things like this make her heart flutter!

You know she’s a hopeless romantic

It’s little things like making her stay awake until midnight so she can open up the presents you got her on her birthday because you can’t wait for her to open it and you know she’s going to absolutely love what you got her!

It’s finding out she has had an absolutely terrible day and just wanting to turn it around and make her smile! So you go and pick up her favorite wine and make her favorite dinner and make her favorite snack for her because you know that never fails to make her smile! Take it from personal experience … She will cry!

Don’t worry though they are tears of joy!

Finally, true love is loving her even when you know the “baggage” she comes with, and you choose to stay and be with her through the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s taking her in your arms in the middle of the night when she wakes up crying and worrying from the worst dream and letting her know she’s ok and reminding her it’s just a dream and that you love her with all of your heart!

She doesn’t want a grand gesture guys, I promise you it’s the little things you do that make a huge difference and impact on her.


Thankful for life

The difference between ‘what if’ & ‘what could have been’ gets us all at some point, doesn’t it? The constant wandering of ours minds that shoot straight to the box full of regrets and “what could have been”s stored in the back of our minds building up day by day.. Awaiting the first chance that clears to just jump out and remind you. The questions that will never have the answers..


What if you hadn’t of been just an innocent bystander at the wrong place, at the wrong time that night; you wouldnt be living in constant fear of any man who comes within a 10ft radius of where your standing now.. What if you had of just swallowed your pride & actually admitted your mother was right at least once before it was too late? Man she’ll never know how truly sorry you are.. What if you wouldn’t have been just so frustrated that day, & managed to speak anything BUT angry words to your sibling not knowing they’d be the very last they ever heard…


More often than not, we spend far too much time dwelling on the ‘could have beens’. We focus so much on what didn’t take place, or just how we so badly WANTED things to go our way but didnt for whatever reason, that we completely forget to cherish the people and moments that are currently in our lives each and every passing day. Wouldn’t it be just that much simpler to look back on our lives one day and regret the chances we didnt take rather than the chances we took and ended up regretting? Looking at the same question side by side, you dont take any of these chances; missing at least hundreds of opportunities if not more, and it also will continue racking through your mind like pop ups on a computer for at least YEARS after the offer was given. Now compare that to just taking life the way its really given, no sweet phoney words to beat around the chocolate bush or even any gumdrop lilly pads to ensure cheating the whole way through; just DO YOU. Have some confidence in yourself, i promise, you got this. Each and every step. You weren’t designed for failure but every experience will forever remain the pieces of wisdom you didnt once have and the strength for tomorrow you never thought you had. What would life really be without these obstacles we face? How would we know our strengths from our own weaknesses if it weren’t for the trials and tribulations we go through in our lifetime? Our lives aren’t meant to be wasted, and the future holds the unknown. For instance; the straight A valedictorian who had big plans of giving that memorable speech she spent weeks working on or the anticipation from so desperately wanting to see that smile of approval from her parents as she walks to receive her diploma. She will never stand to tell that speech now or even see her parents glowing faces. She never awoke this morning due to an unknown brain tumor that silently took her through the night. Or maybe the little boy no older than 6 years old, who was now holding the cold hand of his deceased mother who passed over night from drug overdose; sobbing and screaming for just one more day, just one more time to hear her voice…. A split second is all it takes, without warning, details, or even an explanation. Way too short to be wasted and far too precious to not take advantage of every extra breath were given. Love the people your surrounded by and cherish every moment spent. Take chances, step out of your comfort zone, just live your life without the possible fear of ‘what if’ or regret. Because YOU were given that extra day, that extra minute, that extra second, that so many people didnt get the opportunity to wake up to this morning…


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