The Thanksgiving Drinking Game to Survive All That Family Time

Thanksgiving. It’s the one day of the year that it’s completely acceptable to eat past the point of being full without being judged. How could you not? Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pie… need I say more? But we all know that no holiday is ever complete without the things that make us reach for our drink to hid your eye-roll. So to keep your Thanksgiving fun aka to get as drunk as possible, here’s the drinking game you and your family should be playing.

1. The doorbell rings or someone knocks to take a sip.

2. And when you realize it’s your least favorite aunt take two sips.

3. When suddenly the house is a little too full, take a big gulp.

4. You get an awkward hug from that relative you’ve been trying to avoid excuse yourself to fill up your cup.

5. And someone asks personal questions that you’ve been avoiding since you got home take two big sips before answering.

6. A relative says something rude/ offensive… shots anyone?

7. Your grandma offers to set you up with her friend’s cousin’s stepson who lives in another state to finish your drink.

8. Everytime someone comments on your appearance; body, hair, clothes, etc = one sip.

9. When your uncle uses the term ‘pigskin’ take three sips before giving him that judgmental side-eye.

10. A football is tossed around = in need of a new drink to double fist.

11. Whenever you hear someone yell “TOUCHDOWN!!” take a sip.

12. When you get kicked out of the kitchen for picking at the food, take a sip.

13. When you sit down at the table and someone immediately brings up politics– chug for 5 Mississippi seconds.

14. Someone brings a side dish that fits their latest diet, take have a sip before your fake smile.

15. And when said person keeps talking about their diet take two sips.

16. Someone says to go around the table and say what you’re thankful for take a big gulp and say you’re thankful for alcohol.

17. Someone refers to the turkey as “moist” or “too dry” just pour yourself another.

18. Anytime someone says “tryptophan” drink for 3 seconds before rolling your eyes.

19. Someone actually eats the canned cranberry sauce take a sip.

20. You see a picture of someone’s meal on social media CHUG CHUG CHUG.

21.Whenever something is dropped or spilled on the floor take a sip for the poor soul who’s on cleanup duty.

22. Anytime you hear a complaint about sitting at the kids’ table cheers yourself up because you’re a friggen adult.

23. Someone feeds the host’s pet take a drink.

24. Said host notices and freaks out take two drinks.

25. Someone asks for a teeny tiny piece of pie take a shot.

26. Someone asks for a ridiculously big piece of pie cheers them and chug your drinks.

27. Anyone talks about unbuttoning their pants take a sip.

28. Whenever someone says that they’re going on a diet tomorrow is three sips worthy.

29. Every time someone asks if you’re going Black Friday shopping take half a shot.

30. When someone complains about Black Friday finish that shot.

31. If anyone leaves early to go Black Friday shopping on Thanksgiving Day pour one out for them.

32. Someone falls asleep– take a big sip.

33. You remember you have to do this all over again at Christmas finish your drink.

34. And rip one last shot because you survived another Thanksgiving!

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Five Solid Reasons To Prepare A Vegan ThanksGiving Dinner This Year

Who doesn’t love Thanksgiving weekend? It’s a chance for us to gather with friends and family and actually take a break from work and school. Because Thanksgiving is more than just a day and a meal. It is a long weekend that gives us time to reflect on the year as it winds down and to find gratitude and to give thanks for all that we have. For me, the best part of Thanksgiving is the food. Because I love to cook. And I love to make my meal extra special by making it vegan, especially the side dishes!

Here are ten solid reasons to prepare your Thanksgiving dinner vegan style.

Vegan For The Animals

If for no other reason, going vegan at Thanksgiving is a way to celebrate all animals. It is an act of kindness. And a great way to prepare going vegan for the month of January

It’s Healthier

Eating vegan means no butter and no cream. It also means more veggies, nuts and grains. Why not end the year with some healthy clean eating? Many glowing celebrities swear by a strict plant based diet. But even if you decide to choose to eat just a few vegan meals a week, you are reducing your risk for heart disease. So try it. Replace the butter and milk in your mash potatoes with alternatives.

The Earth Will Appreciate A Vegan Thanksgiving

Animal Agriculture is one of the main contributors to our current climate crisis. There are plenty of meat substitutes out there that taste great and that support a cleaner, healthier earth and atmosphere.


It Is A Socially Responsible Way To Give Thanks

If this pandemic has taught us anything it has taught us that the world is fragile and that we need to take on a more socially responsible approach to the way we consume and produce goods and services. Efficiencies such as vegan eating is a conscious step toward a more nurtured planet. One that gives us so much daily.

A Vegan Thanksgiving Is Affordable

Going Vegan does not need to be expensive. Moreover there are so many vegan options out there including desserts for the perfect Vegan Thanksgiving Day Feast.  Because a vegan Thanksgiving can consist of the same dishes but with a few less ingredients, minus the expensive turkey of course.

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26 Ways To Embrace Thanksgiving During A Pandemic

Where Is The Gratitude?

I am not going to sugar coat it. There is a ton of political unrest right now. Uncles and Aunts disagree with you politically, and even masks are now a political thing. In the midst of a yet to concede election, a humanitarian crisis of a pandemic, and all the other twenty twenty feels, what is there to be grateful for? Here are twenty six thoughts to push your gratitude buttons and help you through your Thanksgiving this year with a smile.

1.) Traditions?

Maybe this is a great excuse to throw in the towel on traditions. Keep your family and friends safe and ditch the large dinner party over the bloated turkey and bloated family egos this year.

2.) Think about your small wins this year.

Sure, it was tough for everyone, but there were some good things right? Write those down and place that list somewhere that you can look at it daily leading up to Thanksgiving Day.

3.) Think about those less fortunate.

And consider donating time and resources to organizations that support those in need such as Meals On Wheels.

4.) Be grateful for your health.

And make a promise to yourself to do mini workouts through the rest of the year. Try this ten minute workout.

5.) Cooking for one or two or just a few?

Try supporting local restaurants and bakeries by ordering some of your sides through them.

6.) Be Thankful that the Twilight Zone Marathon exists.

And if it is not airing on thanksgiving this year, I am sure you can stream it. Because this year has fully been the Zone.

7.) Seasonal weather.

It’s here and the sweet creatures outside are enjoying it. So take a walk, and breathe in the season.

8.) Friendships are always top of mind over the Holidays.

This year, consider a Friendsgiving Zoom chat or a Fall Picnic instead of gathering in a large group.

9.) Pumpkin Pie.

It is so easy to make and so easy to eat.

10.) Fall clothes.

I am a Wolford mask and tights girl, myself. So l plan to layer it on and stroll with purpose!


11.) Boys. Ok so you are not in a serious relationship?

Flirting online is so much fun. So make some new friends with some cuties over the holidays and be grateful for your verbose skillset and sarcastic wit. Let’s see if any of the boys can keep up.

12.) Besties.

BFFs love to shop together. So add a mask to those hat and gloves and hit the shops with your bestie for some melancholy holiday joy.

13.) Movies.

Christmas Movies— and popcorn. Yes please!

14.) Zoom calls with Grandma and Grandpa.

Because we owe our Grandparents gratitude. And we love them and want to them to stay safe.

15.) Sending packages to Grandma and Grandpa.

So that we can see their joyous faces when we Zoom with them. Send them a gift basket of yummy treats to let them know they are so loved.

16.) Stuffing.

The Traditional- with lots o Sage please. Here is my favorite Vegan recipe.

17.) Adult Coloring Books.

Because they are calming. And I always like how they come out. Plus, keeps my off the blog.  Blogger needs a break!

18.) Yoga classes online.

Bend me stretch me. Then make a warrior out of me please.

19.) Lattes and Toast.

Breakfast of champions. And apples. Best snack ever.

20.) Our S.O.

Because love is wonderful. Even with a pandemic.

21.) Chatting with a friend via text then having to call

Because we cannot write that fast and the responses needed are more in depth than the standard, OMG.

22.) Pausing.

Whether it is lockdown or working from home. Commutes are shorter and our time is more our own.

23.) Old school curlers.

I mean, why not right? A little overnight curling success can lead to an excellent hair day.

24.) Our family.

We know the Pandemic has been hard on everyone. And your family is no exception. Take the time that the commute took away before to now send messages to family members and let them know how grateful you are that they are healthy and happy.

25.) Technology.

It can be used horribly, but when used wisely can reconnect you with friends and family. Use your social tools to bring them joy.

26.) Our pets.

They are loving the attention this year has brought them. Give your pets an extra hug, a longer brush and take naps with them. They appreciate you.

Thanksgiving is just a day. And it was not necessarily founded on guiding principles either. So let’s all make this holiday more meaningful this year by ditching traditions, protecting loved ones and being present this year. And let’s all collectively be Thankful and share our gratitude with others.


10 Annoying People Sure To Be At Your Thanksgiving Table

With Thanksgiving Day fast approaching, not everyone is looking forward to squeezing around the grown-up table (or worse, trying to balance on a too-small chair at the kid’s table) for an afternoon of forced conversation.

Every year, it’s the same people with the same irksome habits making the same idiotic statements. I really hope you don’t have to experience all of these—but I’m certain that a few of you will definitely recognize these annoying people sure to be at your Thanksgiving table:

1. The Late Arrival.

Does dinner start at three? You can bet that this person will stroll in just after four and wonder why everyone is staring at them as if they’re starving. This person is also sure to blow a gasket if you start without them.

2. The Holy Terror.

Kids, in general, tend to run around, roughhouse, or even yell occasionally. But then there’s the one who hits, kicks, swears, bites throws things, and simply will not listen to instructions. That’s also probably the kid who spills grape juice on the new sofa, and wails like she/he is dying if anyone dares to tell them “No.”

3. The Religious Zealot.

Whether it’s a devout Jesus enthusiast or a militant atheist, there’s always someone at dinner who wants you to know that they would be happy to manage your spiritual journey for you. The idea that you might know what works best for you never occurred to them.

4. The Unwittingly Un-PC.

Political correctness hasn’t reached everyone yet, so don’t be surprised by that one relative who doesn’t understand why they shouldn’t refer to “coloreds” or “illegals” in disparaging terms, or why homeless veterans are more than simply “lay-about freeloaders.”

5. The “I hate football” Guest.

Not everyone loves football—I know I don’t. But not only is it rude to complain about what the host puts on the TV, but it’s also pretty much a given that Thanksgiving means watching the Lions lose at football.

6. The Lush.

If booze is found on your Thanksgiving table, you can bet at least one relative will over-imbibe. This could lead to orneriness, crying, passing out, or having to watch them tell everyone what they “really” think of them.

7. The New Guy.

Whether it’s your Aunt’s new boyfriend or your cousin’s college roommate, there’s bound to be someone at the table who doesn’t know everyone. This can be fine unless/until they ask why Uncle Sappy is missing a foot, or when someone is finally going to make deer hunting illegal.

8. The Politically Active.

There’s sure to be someone who insists on a political rant despite no one else wanting to talk about politics. Watch for dismissive over generalizations, un-sourced ‘facts’, and dickish words like “sheeple.”

7. The Harried Host(ess).

Chances are, there’s at least one person scurrying around like a maniac checking to make sure everyone drink is fresh, hors d’ouvres are hot, and that everyone is comfortable. You might be tempted to offer help, but your best bet is to stay out of their way.

8. The Braggart.

Everyone is glad that little Hannah passed her spelling test, or Trent Jr is on the JV football team—but the braggart just can’t shut up about how much better their kids are than yours. Chin up though, after Thanksgiving dinner is over, you won’t have to hear about it again until you get the bragging Christmas letter!

People Are Pissed About Sarah Michelle Gellar’s Thanksgiving Instagram Post

Fans lashed out at Sarah Michelle Gellar after she posted a throwback lingerie picture as Thanksgiving thinspo.

On Monday, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer star shared professional scantily-clad photos which she captioned, “I’m just going to pin these up all over my house as a reminder not to overeat on Thursday #thanksgivingprep.” Gellar, in the three-photo series, does indeed look incredibly thin.

Though there is nothing wrong with posting sexy photos of yourself on social media, the message that we ought to be body-shaming ourselves for indulging during a food-centered holiday is not an ideal message to spread—especially when we consider how Gellar fits into society’s “ideal” physical type:  blonde hair, blue eyes, super thin.

The photos remain on Gellar’s Instagram page despite the many fans and trolls who took to the comments section to voice their disappointment.

Dozens suggested that the language and message of Gellar’s post was triggering for people who had suffered with eating disorders.

“jennflleming” wrote:

it’s fine what she’s doing but look from the eyes of someone struggling with eating disorders who look at someone like her and then they do the same and then they won’t enjoy the holidays due to the fact that she put this false reality into their head. You shouldn’t support someone who would do this to young girls.

“adrianpaulchardona” wrote:

it’s a bit vain, for sure, but not offensive in itself. however, for those who struggle with weight problems, particularly girls and women with anorexia, it is a potentially dangerous post.

Some criticized Gellar for not being more mindful of the influence her post could have on young people.

“_souldiergirl_ ” wrote:

Not a great example for young girls. Hope my daughter never sees this post.

“mccluskymichelle” wrote:

You have a platform to promote healthy body image and lifestyle. Please be aware of how your posts can be interpreted and how they can influence young women who look up to you.

Specifically in regards to “diet culture.”

“catjefferson_” wrote:

Your caption is problematic and I suggest you do some research on eating disorders, the mental health issues that go along with them, and how diet culture is harmful to women. Girls look up to you, and you should be mindful of the message you’re sending.???????

While others complained that the backlash was merely from people unable to take a joke.

“ritakims80” wrote:

I thought it was a funny thanksgiving post, and nothing more. Dont worry there are still people out there who know how to take a joke lol ???

“a1mezzo” wrote:

Dear Sarah, I understand completely about not wanting to overeat. I took your post to be a simple reminder. I admire you and wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

“szf1234512345” wrote:

If you wanna overeat, do it. If you want to watch what you eat, do it. I don’t understand what all these uber sensitive comments. I love when people post pictures of wanting to stay healthy (however they define that) are automatically called body shamers. Insane.

“megsterr91” wrote:

@sarahmgellar don’t apologize. I think it was clear what you meant. People just want to get worked up about ANYTHING.

Gellar wrote a followup statement, writing how fat shaming “could not be further from my intentions.”

“I love Thanksgiving and unfortunately my eyes are often bigger than my stomach, and I tend to eat so much I make myself sick,” she wrote. “This was a joking reminder to myself not to do that.”

“I’m terribly sorry that people were offended by my attempt at humor,” she wrote, as an apology for the misunderstanding.  “Anyone that knows me, knows I would never intentionally “shame” any one on any basis. I am a champion of all people.”

If You’re Having A ‘Friendsgiving’ You’re Gonna Need These Cheap Amazon Prime Products

Thanksgiving is only a few days away which means those of us who aren’t heading home will be getting ready for a booze-filled Friendsgiving with our closest chosen family. These are just a few of Amazon’s must-haves for those hosting their very own Friendsgiving party this year.

Full disclosure: We may receive some portion of the sales made on this list. We’re using the money to stock up on allergy medication for the fall.

1. This adorable Friendsgiving photo booth prop set.


Everyone knows the best parties have photo booths.

Get it on Amazon for $19.99

2. And this gold fringe curtain for your backdrop.


Because you definitely don’t want your dingy apartment wall as a background in all of those photos.

Get it on Amazon for $6.99 (22% off) 

3. A festive Friendsgiving banner to hang above the entryway.


Come one, come all.

Get it on Amazon for $10.99

4. This cute Friendsgiving yard sign.


Letting everyone know yours will be the drunkest house on the street.

Get it on Amazon for $29.99

5. Some clever wine bottle labels your guests will get a kick out of.


As they reach for their 5th glass.

Get it on Amazon for $8.99

6. This Friendsgiving dish towel you’ll want to show off until the new year.


Three of our favorite activities.

Get it on Amazon for $9.23

7. The Friendsgiving bible that’s chock-full of genius recipes and party ideas.


Hosts, this is a must-have.

Get it on Amazon for $14.27

8. An engraved Friendsgiving frame to hold all of your favorite pics from the photo booth.


Ahh, memories.

Get it on Amazon for $19.99

9. These utterly ridiculous stuffed turkey hats.


Because we all know at least one friend who will get excited to wear these.

Get it on Amazon for $25.99

10. A pack of Thanksgiving-themed cookie cutters.


There’s always room for dessert!

Get it on Amazon for $7.65

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