Here’s to Moving On

Moving on.

The “Epilogue” of a relationship that no one expects to go through. What does it mean to “move on”?

Everyone has a different understanding of the term, however, they all come to the same conclusion: moving on sucks. Theres no sugar coating it. The end all be all of a relationship.


He got the best and the worst of me. He knows me better than anyone else and I don’t know how to have that with someone other than him. The person who taught me how to love, to be invincible, to be human, is the one that broke my heart into pieces without looking back.


We had dreams of a future that we only saw the good in. We didn’t see the nasty fights, the spitting and throwing fists. We didn’t see the late night arguments and chasing each other down the street just to say I’m sorry and begin all over again.

I was in an endless hurricane on a boat with no sail, drowning in an ocean with no bottom. 


This wasn’t a relationship. It was two people in a downward spiral, headed no where. It was as if clouds came, letting go the rain and it felt like it was a constant downpour with no room for sunshine.


We gave it all, and sometimes more than others. He broke my heart, just like I did his. When it comes down to it, I wasn’t who he wanted anymore, just like he wasn’t who I needed anymore.


I am living my life, from now on, how I plan to do so. You don’t get to remind me of every mistake I’ve ever made anymore. You don’t get to make me feel any less than I am anymore. You don’t get to ruin me, anymore. I will find my life without you again. I regret some decisions we’ve made but one I will never regret: the decision to end this. 


There is light at the end of this tunnel, because it is my tunnel. So here’s to moving on.


To My Ex Who Won’t Leave Me Alone, It’s Time To Move The Fuck On

Every single time I think that I’m in the clear, there you are again.


You’re liking my best friend’s Facebook photos when I’m tagged in them and commenting on my Instagram photos to tell me that I’m beautiful. You’re favoriting my tweets and always watching my Snapchat stories.

I tell myself that you’re just a little hung up on me and that it’s “totally normal” to still like your ex’s posts. You’re just taking a little longer than most people to let go of your last relationship.

My friends say that I need to stop being nice. “He liked that pic I posted last night,” they’ll text me, and I just think it’s kind of creepy that he’s still so into you after you broke up so long ago.”

I always tell my friends the same thing I tell myself: You’re just a little hung up on me. Maybe you’re just being nice. It’s totally normal to still like your ex’s posts on social media.

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