People Are Destroying This Woman For Her Sexist ‘Lesson’ About How To Treat Your Man

It’s one thing to have to hear sexist men spout off about the way women should live their lives, but it’s another to see a woman doing the same thing to other women. Federalist writer Denise McAllister, who was recently let go from her job after writing a homophobic tweet, is under fire for her comments about the way husbands should be treated by their wives.

Writer Denise McAllister recently tweeted an extremely sexist ‘lesson’ about how wives should treat their husbands while they’re watching sports.


To which we say…

And Twitter was beyond pissed that McAllister would enforce such BS gender stereotypes.

American journalist and author Dana Schwartz was one of the many outraged tweeters.


Of course, some people (men) didn’t think it was so bad.

But things took a turn for the worst when HuffPost writer Yashar Ali commented on McAllister’s post.

And McAllister attacked Yashar’s sexuality.

She continued to spit horrifically homophobic words at Yashar and ended up losing her job because of it.

People quickly rushed to Ali’s defense, prompting McAllister’s feeble attempts to defend her own words.

And both of the publications McAllister wrote for, The Federalist and The Daily Wire, told her she was no longer welcome.

h/t Bored Panda

21 Kids Whose Honesty Skills Are Borderline Savage

When it comes to being honest with our friends, family, and loved ones—many of us don’t want to be brutal. We want to be as kind as humanly possible when telling someone we don’t like their spouse, we think they look fat in a dress, or we truly just cannot stand them. Basically, we sugar coat everything so we don’t hurt someone’s feelings.

But, if you want to get a true and honest opinion on something—go ask some kids. Kids are the most savage, ruthless, and cutthroat individuals when it comes to being truthful. Don’t believe me? Just ask these kids who have no problem bringing forth the savage truth.






















h/t: Bored Panda

31 Thoughts Every Woman Has While Shopping At Target

When it comes to Target, we always go in and leave with things we did not originally go in for. No matter how many pep talks we give ourselves, we know that we’re going to leave spending way more than we planned with way more than we needed. And, half of the time we don’t even get what we originally needed in the beginning. Oh, Target, how you love to do us dirty.

1. I’m only here for new sheets, I’m not going to the clothing section. Definitely not going to the shoe section.

2. OMG, I love the $1 section. Look at this little notebook! I need it. Wait, do I need it? Yup, definitely need it.

3. Where are the sheets? Did they redo the store again? I’m lost. Where is everything?

4. Oh, here I am, in the shoe department. By accident.

5. THESE BOOTS! ARE! TO! DIE! FOR! No. I can’t. Walk away. WALK. AWAY.

6. Maybe if I just try them on…

7. Oh My God. They fit perfectly. Look at me. I’m Adriana Lima. Look at these legs baby. Legs. For. Days.

8. Maybe I’ll price check them and see if they’re on sale.

9. Sheets! I need sheets!


11. I’ll just try on one.

12. Maybe five.

13. Ugh, that dress is amazing. Need to try it on.

14. Okay, how did I end up with a cart full of clothes?

15. I’ll just try them on and probably hate everything.

16. Omg, only six items at a time? I’ll be here forever.

17. Okay, so, I guess I’m getting a new wardrobe today because everything is C.U.T.E CUTE!

18. Ok where is the home section?

19. Oh! Look at these mugs! I need them they’re adorable!

20. And candles!!!

21. Oh this one smells like sh*t, gross.

22. This one is amazing. I need four.

23. Okay, I need to leave before I spend my rent check in here.

24. Maybe just one more candle.

25. Where is the register? I need to get out of here ASAP.

26. Send help! Immediately!

27. Okay, just, pay and leave.

28. *Please don’t be expensive, please don’t be expensive*

29. $400?!? What the actual f*ck is wrong with me?!?

30. Whatever, I guess I’m not eating dinner this week.


27 Tweets About The Jonas Brothers Reunion That’ll Make Your Preteen Soul Scream

If you’ve been living under a rock today and have yet to hear the news, allow us the honor of telling you the Jonas Brothers are officially reuniting! Cue high-pitched screams and fainting.

Of course, we aren’t the only ones overwhelmed by this information. Twitter users are reverting to their days of J-14 Magazine and cannot wait to see what the iconic trio has in store.

ICYMI: The Jonas Brothers are officially reuniting and will be dropping all-new music starting tomorrow.

Our preteen souls are feeling like this right about now:

And Twitter cannot deal with all of the emotions…




























h/t BuzzFeed

22 Trends Every ’00s Girl Forgot She Was Absolutely Obsessed With

Growing up in the ’00s, there were plenty of things we all did (whether we want to admit it or not). There we foods we all obsessed over, shows we couldn’t stop watching, and it’s safe to say everyone had an embarrassing AIM screenname we would never reveal to our boss today.  While we look back in shame, those were the best of times–where literally everything was safe and no one elected a Cheeto as President of the United States.

1. Really chunky highlights were your signature.

2. Spending every weekend at the mall, but you only had $20 so you would buy ONE t-shirt from Hollister or Abercrombie.

3. Scrunched hair with straight bangs was hot.

This Girl Gave Her Tinder Match 2 Hours To Write A Resume Explaining Why He Should Be Her Wedding Date, And He More Than Delivers

Swiping through Tinder never fails to be an adventure. Sometimes that adventure involves creepers and unsolicited photos, but other times it can involve some truly great conversation.

Sometimes it can even mean finding the perfect wedding date. Just ask Delyanie who matched with one very dedicated guy named Nate who was even willing to build a resume to go to a wedding with her.

This is South Carolina native Delaynie AKA @delayniemarie.


While swiping on Tinder one day, Delaynie matched with Nate who was interested in being her wedding date and jokingly, Delaynie requested a formal resume.


And Nate took the request pretty seriously.


A few hours later, Delaynie received this outstanding and thorough resume.


Note the many prestigious awards and acknowledgments.


Delaynie shared the entire exchange on Twitter where it garnered over 50K likes.


Needless to say, people were obsessed and wanted to know the outcome.


Though, some commenters pointed out how odd it was to invite a stranger to a family wedding.

And several people were rooting for Gavin.

It wasn’t long before Delaynie shared an update saying she would be taking Nate to the wedding.


According to Bored Panda, however, the pair did not end up going to the wedding together, but they did remain friends.


h/t Bored Panda

Take A Look Inside Kim Kardashian And Kanye West’s House Of Horrors

Celebrity homes tend to be fairly extravagant. When you have the money to put into your dream house, the possibilities are endless. However, not every star’s residence makes us green with envy. Kim K and Kanye’s house, for example, is probably one of the most terrifying places in California.

On Valentine’s Day, Kanye West surprised Kim Kardashian with a private performance from the one and only Kenny G who was surrounded by hundreds of roses in the couple’s home.

And while most people were focused on Kanye’s romantic gesture, we couldn’t help but feel slightly unsettled by the look of their house.


I mean, are they getting ready to sacrifice a virgin in there or what?

This isn’t the first time Kanye has shown off his $60 million castle, though. Last April, the artist posted a series of photos from deep inside the house of horrors…


Dining room or mausoleum? We’ll let you decide.


Kanye shared more photos of the torture house on Kim’s birthday.


Um, excuse me, what kind of Shining bs is happening here?


And can we talk about these horrifying decorations?


Don’t even get us started on the bathroom…


It looks like the beginning of a Saw movie, and I for one will not be waiting around for this guy to show up.

Of course, we aren’t the only ones who are disturbed and confused by the West house of terror.

So, let’s go ahead and cross their house off our list of places to visit. K, thanks.

h/t BuzzFeed

Entitled Mom Throws An Actual Tantrum When Her Daughter Isn’t Allowed To Pet A Service Dog

It’s unfortunate how many truly ignorant people exist in this world. If you’ve ever found yourself in an argument with an ignorant person, you know how infuriating it can be. They’ll never admit they’re wrong and they will often make things infinitely worse by spouting off completely false information.

Fortunately, this is 2018 and smartphones exist so that we can capture these ignoramuses in all their glory and mock them mercilessly on the internet. Take this grown-ass woman, for instance, who literally threw a fit after she was told not to pet a service dog. Yes, really.

Service dog handler ML Leigh was enjoying a day at the Pittsburgh mall with her four-legged companion when she was approached by a woman and her daughter who asked to pet Leigh’s dog.


After being told ‘no’ because the dog was a working service animal, the woman proceeded to throw a tantrum. Fortunately, Leigh had her smartphone at the ready.

Leigh was on a group outing with some other service dog handlers and couldn’t believe how the woman reacted.

“I’d rather people ask than just lean in and try to grab her, which happens every day… but I don’t always have the energy to explain what she’s doing or why she can’t be petted,” Leigh told Bored Panda.

“I’m autistic and sometimes just can’t speak very efficiently at all so I can’t explain even if I wanted to. I might shake my head no, or indicate in some other short way not to pet her or talk to her, and I just want to have that respected. People also often take pictures of us without asking and that makes me really super uncomfortable, I don’t want people to do that at all.”

And here’s what her followers had to say about the encounter.

At least there are some people with common sense.

Wendy’s Is Roasting Everyone On Twitter And Hooter’s Got Burned The Worst

If you’re an avid Twitter user, you’d know that Wendy’s always has the most savage Twitter feed known to social media. The person (or people) who run their Twitter account have no problem scolding everyone and their mothers. In fact, Wendy’s has been known to burn people so bad online, that they dedicated Friday to #NationalRoastDay, where they literally went out of their way to roast anyone who asked for it.

Companies, individuals, and brands began pouring into their Twitter mentions, begging the company to roast them—thinking, of course, it would be weak. But, nope—Wendy’s delivered, as they always do (especially with their nuggs).

Butterfinger got in the mix.

Company Spalding got handed one too.

Ore-Ida Potatoes got served.

i99 Radio…ouch.

This is just…savage.

Corn Nuts…RIP!





See ya.

A whole mood.

But, the best of all…

Thank you Wendy’s, you never (I mean never) disappoint.


This New ‘Bachelor’ Contestant Faking An Australian Accent Is Either Crazy Or Crazy Like A Fox

After the dramatic conclusion to Becca’s love story and a whole whirlwind of nonsense on last summer’s Bachelor In Paradise, the die-hard fans of Bachelor Nation have been eagerly awaiting the reality series’ 23rd season starring former Bachelorette contestant Colton Underwood.

The show will officially premiere on Monday, January 7th, but like always ABC is giving viewers a little taste of what’s to come. Among the handful of new contestants showcased in the preview, is a woman who introduces herself with a fake Australian accent in hopes of standing out. Needless to say, fans are beside themselves.

ICYMI, the latest season of The Bachelor (number 23 to be exact) is starring former contestant Colton Underwood.


Let’s just say, Colton is not unfamiliar with The Bachelor universe. The self-proclaimed virgin and former athlete appeared as a contestant on Becca’s season of The Bachelorette and had an on-again-off-again relationship with Tia Booth on last summer’s Bachelor In Paradise.

ABC recently released a teaser clip featuring a handful of contestants on the upcoming season. One of whom is a 24-year-old model from Los Angeles named Bri.


Her bio reads, “A model from Southern California, Bri is much more than just a pretty face. She played soccer for eight years, enjoys hiking and camping, and loves to hit the snowboard slopes. Her biggest dating fear? Farting too loudly.”

When she meets Colton, Bri introduces herself with an Australian accent.

Contestants will pull all kinds of stunts to get a Bachelor’s attention, but faking an accent is definitely one we haven’t seen before.

And Colton is clearly pleased.


In the next shot, however, Bri admits to the crew that she’s not actually Australian and only said so in hopes of standing out from the other women.



Needless to say, fans of the show are losing it.

And there are lots of questions.

But many people are actually rooting for Bri.

I wonder what Chris Harrison has to say about this…

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