Busy Philipps Expertly Roasted A Troll Who Tried To Mom-Shame Her New Tattoo

When women get tattoos, the last thing on their minds is how they’re going to explain them to their children. Let’s face it, our bodies are our bodies and we don’t feel the need to explain our tattoos to anyone—even our kids. But, recently, Busy Philipps—TV show host and true ’90s icon—received some rather annoying mom-shaming for a new tattoo she inked onto her body.

The tattoo in question, which Philipps posted on Instagram, showcases a girl figure skating across the words: “F*ck ‘Em”

She captioned the post:

“My favorite illustration drawn by @mcfetridge for my book #thiswillonlyhurtalittle (it’s in the A Movie Script Ending chapter). Tattooed beautifully by @dre.dayli in Dallas at @thirdeyegallery last night,” she wrote. “And weirdly true to form and as things always tend to be, it really always only hurts a little.”

Surprisingly—but not too surprisingly—people began to comment on the photo to ask Philipps how she was going to explain the new ink to her children. When you’re a celebrity with offspring, it always seems as though you are nothing without your children. No matter how successful you may be, it always comes back to: “you’re really going to do that even though you have kids?” *yawn* Boring!

Instagram user @debohya left a comment saying she “wasn’t judging” but was curious what the Freaks and Geeks star would tell her children.

In all honesty—it’s a moot point. As a parent, you don’t need to revolve your entire life around your kid. In fact, you should never have to do so at all. Philipps made a point to be very clear that she would not be taking any sh*t from mom-shamers.

Philipps responded: “I tell them that these are words to live by. Especially as a woman.

People online whole-heartedly agreed with this statement.

But, that didn’t stop another mom-shamer from jumping in and asking yet another stupid question.

Don’t worry—we have a feeling Busy can handle herself. I mean, she’s been known to totally shut down trolls in the past.

Like, this one time a guy commented on a mirror selfie after the gym complaining that her “rolls were showing,” and she replied with a pretty great burn.

We love us a strong woman.

h/t: Scary Mommy.

Bride Threatens Bridesmaids With Forced Lie Detector Test After One Leaked Her Outrageous Demands

When it comes to weddings and demands, most brides expect a lot from their friends and family. It’s no secret that women want their special days to be “perfect,” and almost always that means spending a lot of money. But, recently, one bride went viral online for her outrageous list of demands she gave all of her wedding guests.

The original post was put on her Facebook page and outlined a very specific request for outfits from all the guests. The wedding, which is “a year away in Hawaii,” broke down what each guest should wear according to their gender, age, and weight. Additionally, the bride said her guests should plan to spend $1,000+ for their outfits (not even considering the trip itself and the wedding gift).

After many people who saw the post screenshotted and reshared it online—trolling and shaming her—the bride went back to social media to respond to all the negative vibes being thrown her way. Not only did she shame “whoever it was who posted it again,” but, she also said she was going to have all her friends and family over for a “Polygraph Party.” Yes, that’s right, she wanted to have people over to take a lie detector test just to find out who reposted her original attire request. Talk about insanity.

After her long-winded explanation and more yelling, more people on Reddit were honest.

She’s just a gift that keeps on giving.

Meanwhile I would certainly trust a $100 lie detector bought off Amazon. /s

I hope it reads like everyone is lying. Even her husband.


Damn, she really suffers from a bad case of god complex


Haha. Spiritual healers. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.


Anyone over 160 pounds represents the devil that she wants to get rid of… I’m sure they feel super welcomed at her wedding!!


I have to agree—I’ve seen crazy brides, but this…this is insanity.

Man Mercilessly Trolls His Rightwing ‘Friend’ On Facebook—And Things Get Pretty Intense ?

Imgur user BeefGir posted a series of Facebook posts in which a man named Robert mercilessly trolls his “friend” Brendan for saying stupid stuff. The gallery on Imgur is titled, “When you become a smart trolls personal enemy,” which makes it seem like Robert and BeefGir are definitely the same person. Because Robert sure thinks he’s smart! It’s hard to know who to root for in this feud, especially since Brendan’s grasp of basic mathematics doesn’t make him seem like a worthy foe for such a determined troll. We could just hope the whole thing is fake?

1. Shots fired.

2. Things get scientific.

3. Then political.

4. Brendan’s numbering system is introduced.

5. And Robert will not let it go.

6. Will. Not.

7. Brendan hates Monty Python!

8. And he loves Donald Trump.

9. Now Robert’s bringing his agenda to other people’s timelines.

10. Still struggling with numbers. And movie titles.

11. And objects.

12. They can’t get straight who is straight.

13. Oh my god, shut up, Rob!

14. This is basically wishing someone would die.

15. Robert…you’re the terrorist in this situation.

Who do you think is worse? The mega-racist idiot, or the pathetically determined asshole? Turns out, on the Internet, everyone sucks.

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