You Should Never Feel Guilty For Outgrowing A Relationship In Your Life

There are many times in your life when you’ll meet someone and picture them by your side for years to come. You meet someone and you hit it off so well that you don’t ever want to picture your life without them. They make you feel whole in some ways, as though you were missing a piece of yourself and had never realized it wasn’t there until they walked into your life. They make you see brighter colors, clearer skies, really and truly feel the moments of pure and genuine happiness. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic relationship. Often times, you can exhibit these emotions and feelings in genuine friendships in your life, not always with someone of the opposite sex and someone you are dating.

While meeting people who make your world feel bigger and better is a universal human experience, growth is as well. In life, we all wish to grow into better people. We’d hope, and most of the time we are, growing to become better versions of who we were in the past. No one truly stays stagnant in life. We change and we become different people as we go through different things, different phases of our lives. It’s inevitable. You won’t be the same person you were as a teen when you grow into adulthood. So, it makes sustaining relationships sometimes a bit, difficult. 

When you meet someone when you’re young, you have a particular set of wants, needs, and standards that are set in place for that particular time period in your life. And, as you grow older, these may change. You may want different things out of people growing up. You may think you want to be with someone forever when you’re younger, but as you get older, you realize you are feeling unfulfilled, or as though something else is missing in your life. This isn’t something to be ashamed of or something that should be made out to be a problem – it’s just something that happens naturally in life.

There have been times in my life where I have outgrown friends and romantic partners and at the time, I felt guilty for ending things for the sake of my own sanity or my own desires. It’s like a gut-wrenching pain you feel when you’re hurting someone else, and you don’t wish to ever cause them pain. Outgrowing relationships doesn’t mean you don’t love someone, it just means you don’t want to settle for something and regret it or hurt someone even more later down the road. But, the initial struggle of having to walk away for something you have invested time and effort into while knowing the other person still feels the brighter colors, all-too-familiar pangs of excitement – it hurts.

When you want to spend a future with someone, you don’t want to half-ass it. While it’s a juvenile way to put the feeling into words, when you outgrow a relationship – it feels as though you’re only giving it half of yourself. Things just aren’t as bright and everything seems a bit duller. While you still love this person and cherish everything you’ve built together and everything you have been through, it also feels as though you’re doing a disservice to both them and yourself by staying around. You never want to be with someone just because you know it’s a solid thing and won’t go anywhere, even though you feel as though you may be happier somewhere else.

Outgrowing people isn’t something to feel guilty over, it’s just something that needs to be recognized as what’s really happening. Sometimes, we’ll try to make excuses for why we feel the way we do. We’re having an “off few weeks,” and things will get better. Maybe we’re stressed out because of work, school or outside forces that may be interfering with our emotional balance. But, the more we push the reality of the situation away, the more we begin to resent the relationship and ourselves. It may not even be conscious. We may know in the back of our minds this relationship is no longer for me. I no longer want to be the person who does the things we usually do, I want to expand my horizons, I want to try new things and meet new people. This is totally okay, there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s wrong is lying to yourself and the person in your life about it.

You can’t force yourself to stay with someone when you are really unhappy. I mean, you can, but in the long run, things will always be a bit of a struggle. You’ll find problems in everything they do, everything that happens and everywhere you go. You will always be stuck wondering what else is out there, or how you can slowly leave without doing anyone any harm. The truth is, the longer you lie to yourself, the more pain you will cause to everyone involved. Once you address the truth, you can truly learn to make a better life for yourself, and the person you are with can find someone else, as well.

There’s an old saying that says: “stop watering dead flowers.” If a relationship is no longer working for you, you feel it in your bones. There is no need to continue to put time and energy into something that will hinder your growth and trap someone else. It isn’t because the person has done you harm, it isn’t because the relationship is toxic or unhealthy – the relationship just doesn’t work for you anymore and you need to live that truth. Don’t deny yourself the sanity of living your own, authentic life. Don’t deny someone else the opportunity to find someone who will genuinely love and appreciate them either. Face the music.

12 Things Every Girl Can Expect From Moving In With Her Boyfriend

Moving In Together

So you’re taking the next step in your relationship, and finally shacking up and moving in with your SO. You’ve been planning this for a while, you’ve dreamt about the days you’d be decorating a place together, and you figure that you’ve had enough sleepovers together over the years to know what you’re in for. You’re ready for constant cuddles, tons of home cooked meals together and coming home after a long day to your favorite person in the world. While all of these things are definitely things to look forward to, that’s not all you’re signing up for. After moving in with my boyfriend, we were faced with a few realities that sometimes make us laugh, and sometimes push us to our absolute limits.


1. You’re going to have to start hiding your favorite snacks.

Remember those days when your older brother would eat all your leftovers and that bag of Goldfish that you bought yesterday is suddenly missing? Living with your boyfriend is pretty much the same thing. Long gone are the days of rationing your faves to last for days and days. Long gone are the days of ever having enough ice-cream. Let the game of hide-and-seek with your favorite foods begin!

7 Ways To Tell You’ve Finally Found That ‘Forever’ Kind Of Love

When we fall in love with someone, we always want them to be the “end all, be all” of our life. We don’t want to think about every playing the field again, we never want to think about the “dating scene” again–we just want this to be the “forever” kind of love. How do you know, though? How are you able to realize that the person you are with is the person you should be with forever? It’s hard to say. Everyone’s life is incredibly different (in many ways), but there are some universal feelings, lessons, and realizations that you can have while falling in love that makes you stop and realize–”wow, I can truly see myself spending the rest of my life with this person.”


1. You completely trust them, with no strings attached.

When you fall in love with someone, you’re allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to someone. We’re allowing ourselves to risk being hurt, heartbroken, and devastated if things don’t go as planned. We’re essentially putting our emotional wellbeing and souls into another person’s hands. That’s truly an action that requires the utmost trust and value. If you’re unsure whether or not you can trust your partner, there’s no reason to even picture a future together. You should feel comfortable and at ease when it comes to your life together.

You should never wonder what they’re doing when they’re out if they’re talking to someone else, if they’re texting someone they shouldn’t be. If you ever feel the inclination you should go through their phone, texts, emails, social media–you’re not with the person you deserve to be with. The person you are meant to be with will never, ever give you a reason not to trust them. They will always be honest with you, open with you, and give you every single solitary reason to trust them. If you are uneasy about your love now, think about feeling this way as you get older–with kids involved. You should never live your life on the edge with someone.


17 Struggles Only People With Big Butts Will Understand

Having a big butt is both a blessing and a curse. Sure, women like Nicki Minaj have paved the way for us to be sexy, curvy and every man’s dream. But, it’s hard to be super happy with your behind when you have to constantly worry about how you look, where you’re going to find some pants that fit you and – you’re always looking like a girl in a rap video.

1. Every skirt becomes a mini-skirt.

No matter what size you get it in or how long it is on the rack, your big ol’ booty makes it look way, way shorter.

2. You can never find good jeans.

Whenever you find a pair you like, they either don’t fit around the butt, or they do and they’re too loose on the waist.

3. Therefore, you’re always wearing belts.

You have to get that waistband tight around your skin, so the tightest notch on the belt is your go-to.

4. Ripping pants has happened, multiple times.

Your favorite pair of jeans? Well, cherish them as long as you possibly can, it’s only a matter of time before you end up ripping them right down the middle.

5. Certain chairs just don’t do it for you.

When you’re in college or high school and you have to squeeze your butt into those attached chair/desks, prepare to have a bit of side booty hanging off the edge.

6. People can never buy you clothing as gifts.

Your pants size varies so much that people would thinkyou are 12 different people when going through your wardrobe.

7. Leggings are your best friend/worst enemy.

Whenever you wear leggings, they either are too tight where they’re see-through or, they look like spandex or lingerie.

8. You always think people are checking out your ass.

Walking in front of anyone is always nerve-wracking because you think people are always staring at your backside.

9. Any outfit looks slutty, without even trying.

Dresses always are too short, bikinis look like thongs, shorts look like underwear – it’s not our fault, it just happens.

10. You’ve heard “Baby Got Back” 10439483209483290 times.

And your friends love to sing it to you constantly.

11. You look like you belong in a rap music video.

Even though you really are in graduate school getting your masters.

12. Your plumbers crack is real…Too real.

Be careful when you bend over, your underwear always makes a guest appearance without your permission.

13. Roller coasters, airplane seats and train seats are your biggest enemies.

Don’t sit next to me on the train, I’m sorry that I take up my seat and yours.

14. People always think you can twerk.

I really, really, really have no idea how to shake my ass. I’m sorry to break your heart.

15. You always end up with one kind of guy.

“I’m an ass guy more than a boobs guy.”

16. Photos always make you look bigger than you actually are.

For some reason, your booty makes everything else just seem….big.

17. You always get compared to a Kardashian.

F*ck Kim and her fake butt.

Single People Are Sharing What They Love Most About Being Single And It’s Legit Making Couples Jealous

Many people go through life looking to find that “perfect someone.” Society has created the ideology that the true measure of success lies with finding someone to spend your life with. However, not everyone in life is out there looking for a significant other. In fact,there are people all over the world who are happy and content being single. And while they are often looked down on for “forever alone,” there are a lot of great things about flying solo.

Recently, single people on Reddit have been sharing the best parts about being single and honestly—it’ll make you want to break up with your boyfriend/girlfriend and live that life.


I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I can spend money on myself with zero regard for what anyone else thinks. I don’t have to factor anyone else into my plans or life decisions.



Everything in my car and apartment is exactly where it should be.



Being able to sleep diagonally across my bed, so much space !



i don’t have to chose between hanging with my friends or my SO



Not getting dragged into lame events with her family that essentially ruin my weekend.

“Oh no, I totally want to drive three hours and hangout with your family this weekend. I had these crazy plans to relax, maybe go for a bike ride, have some beers by pool, go to a movie with our friends, etc. But you’re right, lets drive three hours away to listen to your family argue about politics, eat bland food, and sleep on a futon. Sounds great.”



I’m free of the constant anxiety of if I’m being a good boyfriend.



All of my shit is exactly where I left it when I get home.

My bed is still made, my dishes are still done, my food is still there, my clothes are still clean, and nothing is missing from my cash stash.

If I want to stay up late and watch movies or listen to music, I can.

If I want to go to bed early, and use the whole damn bed, I can.

If I want to go out and have a few drinks with my friends, I can.

I never have to laugh at unfunny memes’ found on FaceBook, or explain why I’m laughing so hard at anything.

I never have to justify my joy.

I’m my own person. Full, complete, and content.

And no one can drain that from me.



the fact that I have no obligations to anyone on a daily basis (outside of my family and shit). all I gotta do is worry about myself. also I get to use all my money for me



That stuff can just happen. If I want to change my entire weekend plans, bam – done. If I stumble upon a thing that happens and want to participate, boom – done. If I don’t want to talk to anyone, ka-blam – done.



Nobody is cheating on me.



Not having to share your food.



I enjoy not worrying about their success. Life can be difficult, so supporting an SO and putting personal struggles on the back burner to do so can be exhausting.



not having to worryabout texting someone back



Being carefree and careless



Not to have buying presents and gifts for your girlfriend/boyfriend.



I can fart whenever.

No guilt.



What I liked most about the single life vs. living together with my ex, is getting solid alone time. I like hanging out with people, but I need one or two nights a week just being by myself to keep sane.



The fact that I can just talk to my (female) friends and no-one gets jealous or gets the wrong impression.



I can masturbate to anyone i want



I love that I’m no longer being emotionally tortured and made to feel like I’m not any sort of priority, even to the person I made to be my priority. Now I’m the most important person in my world, and I can do whatever I want with no compromises.


h/t: Reddit 

Bridesmaid’s Utterly Insane Email Setting ‘Rules’ For Bachelorette Party Is A Gift To Us All

If a bride, groom, or bridesmaid acts out—you best believe it’s going to get exposed on social media, and people are always down for a wedding disaster story.

The latest in the ridiculous stories about weddings comes from Imgur user UrsulaIMeanVanessa. She posted photos of an email she received from another woman in the bridal party who was invited to the bachelorette party in Vegas. Originally the Imgur user said this woman “wasn’t invited” on the trip because she’s a total “womp womp” downer, but she bullied her way into getting an invite (which seems pretty psycho on its own).

Then, the bachelorette bully proceeded to send an email filled with “rules” for the entire bachelorette party’s trip to Vegas. And, it’s absolutely f**king insane.


So, let’s break it down, shall we?

Basically, she found a church to go to in Vegas on Sunday—she even told the Pastor of the church to “expect them.”She also said that there would be “no liquor” in the hotel room at all because they could fall off the balcony and die (which sounds much better than staying with this woman anywhere). She also said that no one could have any sex on this trip—none, zero, zilch. No drugs—not even Adderall.

On top of these demanding rules and regulations, she’s also insisting that everyone in the bridal party who is attending the trip to send her $50 each, because she “plans on spending $900 on groceries—nine hundred dollars.

People on Twitter were blown away that this woman would force her way into the bachelorette party and then demand that everyone follows her rules—and she’s not even the bride!

Others said they would want their bachelorette party to be the exact opposite.

Some hoped that the rest of the party kicked her a** to the curb.

And plenty of people were dying at the language she used.

And her outrageous rules.

Some wanted to use this for actual good.

Also—the burning question we all have…

Honestly, everyone on Twitter (and everyone over here) wants to know what actually went down. Someone, please give us a follow-up.

h/t: Twitter, Someecards

35 Tweets You’ll Appreciate If Your Target Obsession Is Borderline Unhealthy

No matter how crazy your day has been, there’s one thing you can always count on: Target. Target is there for you when nothing else makes sense. Target doesn’t ask questions, it simply exists to spark joy and drain your bank account.

If you have a borderline unhealthy obsession with Target like us, each and every one of these tweets will speak to your soul as you cruise through the dollar section.




































h/t: BuzzFeed, Twitter

31 Thoughts Every Woman Has While Shopping At Target

When it comes to Target, we always go in and leave with things we did not originally go in for. No matter how many pep talks we give ourselves, we know that we’re going to leave spending way more than we planned with way more than we needed. And, half of the time we don’t even get what we originally needed in the beginning. Oh, Target, how you love to do us dirty.

1. I’m only here for new sheets, I’m not going to the clothing section. Definitely not going to the shoe section.

2. OMG, I love the $1 section. Look at this little notebook! I need it. Wait, do I need it? Yup, definitely need it.

3. Where are the sheets? Did they redo the store again? I’m lost. Where is everything?

4. Oh, here I am, in the shoe department. By accident.

5. THESE BOOTS! ARE! TO! DIE! FOR! No. I can’t. Walk away. WALK. AWAY.

6. Maybe if I just try them on…

7. Oh My God. They fit perfectly. Look at me. I’m Adriana Lima. Look at these legs baby. Legs. For. Days.

8. Maybe I’ll price check them and see if they’re on sale.

9. Sheets! I need sheets!


11. I’ll just try on one.

12. Maybe five.

13. Ugh, that dress is amazing. Need to try it on.

14. Okay, how did I end up with a cart full of clothes?

15. I’ll just try them on and probably hate everything.

16. Omg, only six items at a time? I’ll be here forever.

17. Okay, so, I guess I’m getting a new wardrobe today because everything is C.U.T.E CUTE!

18. Ok where is the home section?

19. Oh! Look at these mugs! I need them they’re adorable!

20. And candles!!!

21. Oh this one smells like sh*t, gross.

22. This one is amazing. I need four.

23. Okay, I need to leave before I spend my rent check in here.

24. Maybe just one more candle.

25. Where is the register? I need to get out of here ASAP.

26. Send help! Immediately!

27. Okay, just, pay and leave.

28. *Please don’t be expensive, please don’t be expensive*

29. $400?!? What the actual f*ck is wrong with me?!?

30. Whatever, I guess I’m not eating dinner this week.


Guy Creates A Hilarious Guide To Navigating Women Based On Their Nails And It’s Way Too Real

When you begin dating a woman, it’s hard to know everything about them. It takes months before you realize that you’re dating a stage five clinger, and it’s time to GTFO of the relationship entirely. By then, you’re already wrapped up in the chaos of the craziness and somehow, you end up trapped in this tornado of drama and scandal. But, what if guys were to tell you that from a distance, you can learn all you need to know about a potential female companion based on her nails and her nails alone?

While it may seem a bit crazy to imagine, one Twitter user is here to tell you—no my friends, it is possible. Rocky decided to go through all of the time, effort, and research to create, what he is calling, “Nails At First Sight: Survival Guide 101.” It’s obviously and not very discretely created for his “bros.”

The video starts out with Rocky describing that colors are extremely important in deciding if a woman is “safe” or “dangerous.” From the very first page, Rocky gives over a dozen colors that indicate a woman is safe. The colors are neutral, light pinks and grays. But, he indicates that a woman who has white nails, dark nails, or a french manicure may be dangerous—so, take caution.


Rocky moves on to let everyone know that bright, neon colors are a warning sign to run in the complete opposite direction. Lime green, bright red, yellow, and orange are warning signs that this girl is on the crazy train. He says to make sure you have both health and life insurance to keep up with this kind of girl.


If you thought this was enough—don’t worry, he keeps going. Next, Rocky explains that shapes are equivalent to a woman’s mood. He goes through every single kind of shape a woman has, indicating that stiletto nails, mountain peaks, and arrowheads mean women are violent and aggressive.


Khloé Kardashian Claps Back At Haters Who Claim She Can’t Care For Her Baby With Long Nails

Everyone knows that the Kardashians are fashion icons in their own right. Love them or hate them, the entire family has made waves in the fashion and beauty industry for years. From their clothing lines to their endless beauty campaigns, from Kylie Jenner’s billion dollars Kylie Cosmetics line to Kim Kardashian’s KKW beauty brand—even with all those haters, they’re still laughing to the bank. One of the biggest tools that the Kardashian/Jenner family has on their side is social media. The sisters use Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat to stay connected with fans and follows and blur that “wall” between regular people and celebrities.

Recently, Khloé Kardashian shared a photo of her new nails she had just got done, in a poppin’ bright red. KoKo is well known for having long claws. Personally, I hate long nails—but, that’s because I will stab myself in the eye because I’m a klutz. Khloé, on the other hand, has had long nails for years. Therefore, she’s had tons of practice of using her hands with these bad boys.

Immediately after posting her fresh mani online, Khloé started getting major hate from women and mothers online who claim it’s impossible to change her daughter, True’s, diapers with those long nails.

Obviously, it’s considered mom-shaming to drag the woman for enjoying her nails long—claiming she can’t care for True with those nails. That’s a load of sh*t. Sure, I may not like my nails long, but that doesn’t mean that women who do like their nails long are bad mothers. In fact, Khloé has been open about how hands-on she has been with True—seeing as she’s struggled for years trying to get pregnant. Having True, for her, is a true blessing. Therefore, she wasn’t going to let anyone drag her and the way she cares for her daughter.

Khloé posted on Twitter that she “manages just fine.” And, that she believes there are more serious things to discuss over whether or not she can change a diaper with those nails.

And, many people had Khloé’s back on this one.

There you have it, y’all, Khloé ain’t here for your judgments.

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