19 Signs That Someone Is Actually Worth Trusting

Putting your trust into someone can be difficult to do. In fact, many of us have trust issues. Either someone screwed us over, or we just don’t like putting our all into people knowing that in the end, they can completely turn on us. But, while everyone may seem like they cannot be trusted, there are some good ones out there that are trustworthy and loyal. How do you know? Thanks to the wonderful people of Reddit, you can use these as “signs” whether or not someone is a good seed.


They sit down to talk to me.

I know it’s weird. But when I started in a new position at my job last fall I was working with people I didn’t know too well, and this woman came into my office to ask if I had something they needed to borrow (we’re a little disorganized, they needed one of the 3 computers chillin in the cabinet). And she asked why I had my laptop out since I have a desktop too. I was explaining that my internet wasn’t working because the computer is 900 years old and it’s not even worth calling IT because it just needs to replaced (seriously it had windows XP guys). And this woman SAT DOWN next to me to listen to my answer, and smiled as we talked briefly. And I have just felt very comfortable in her presence ever since. She’s so sweet.



Complimenting someone behind their back.



People who automatically introduce you to a new crowd. Instead of them jumping into conversation with their buddies and you’re standing there awkwardly.



When they really, truly care about what you’re talking about. Not out of any ulterior motive or anything, just because the person cares.



I met someone for the first time who instead of asking me what I do for a living, they asked what I am passionate about.

The question felt so sincere that it shocked me at first. It made it really easy to give more than a quick two-word answer. So I guess genuine interest did it. Small talk just isn’t my thing.



They make a point to include the person who constantly gets talked over/ignored in the group. It shows they not only notice that everyone is ignoring them, but that they care.



Nice to animals/those weaker than themselves even when no one’s watching.



I watched a woman the other day on her phone. She looked over her shoulder at a homeless man trying to sleep outside of a timmies. Turned her head back and continued talking and then said wait hold on I’ll call you back.

Lady then woke the guy up super gently and asked him if he needed some food because she’s heading into Tim Horton’s and came back with a whole meal for this guy completely unprompted.



Taking out both earbuds/headphones when you’re talking to them. Just makes me feel like they’re genuinely listening to me instead of the usual “one in one out” that some people do.



If they actually throw away trash instead of littering. Even better if they keep their trash in their pockets before throwing it out.


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