The Ukraine Is Under Siege: Here’s How To Manage Stress And Be Helpful

We all feel it. The world is in extreme crisis. Climate change is real. The pandemic has forever changed us and now the Ukraine is under vicious attack from Putin. Even If you live nowhere near the front lines of the battlefield, you feel the war. The geopolitical tension and the fear the news and the media are spouting 24/7 weigh heavily on all of our hearts.

At the same time, life is moving at a faster pace these days, as we find ourselves masksless, with fuller social calendars. We should be celebrating some semblance of normalcy, but how can we? What exactly is normal now anyway? Here are some areas of your life that you should address in order to stay healthy and productive during this time of crisis.

Check In- Your Personal Wellbeing

Heart racing a bit faster these days? Depression setting in? You are not alone. The fact is stress affects our entire body. The subtle body shows that tension in a variety of ways. Tension in areas of the body, stomach pains and extreme mood swings can all be symptoms of a world in unrest and the negative energy that we carry around because of it.


Take stock on your wellbeing and cut yourself some slack. find a place to be quiet each day and focus on the positive things going on in your life and the life of those you care about. Find a mantra to meditate with. And remember to breathe.


Lie down. Take a timeout. Go to bed early. Avoid watching the news right before going to bed. A good nights sleep will help boost your immune system and keep you energy up.

Work Out:

Don’t give up your workouts! Consistent behavior will help you manage your stress levels and keep you in a positive routine. Even if it is ten minutes a day. An at home routine with bear blocks or other easy to keep at home apparatus will help you stay consistent, especially if you are working from home.

Hydrate and Eat Better:

Look at supplements in easy to chew gummies to boost your immune, hormone and sugar balance. Drink plenty of water and curb alcohol. The best thing that you can do for your health right now is to maintain a healthy diet to avoid excessive sugars and processed foods.

Seek Therapy:

Talk to someone. Don’t think that your stress about a geopolitical war is something that you need to keep to yourself. Working out your thoughts and feelings, what is being stirred up and rationalizing you fears will help you manage your stress and anxious thoughts.

Help With Social Sharing:

Feeling guilty posting that glorious night out with your bestie? As a blogger, I can completely understand! Know that you can still post positive fun messages and pictures with friends and family while also helping organizations on the ground such as the Obama foundation and sharing ways to help the Ukraine. Remember, you are living your life. And your life is not insensitive.

Rally And Protest:

We marched for women. And we marched because black lives matter. Protests around the globe showing support of the Ukraine people directly defy Putins insane agenda. Look for ones in your area as well as local charities that you can get involved with to show your support.

Look Forward To Something:

A positive forward thinking mindset will get you through these dark times. Plan your next vacation. Plan your wedding. Plan your dinner with your gal pals and definitely seek the comfort of your friends at Sunday Brunch. Doing everyday things will help ease anxiety and can be a stern reminder of what the Ukraine and its allies are fighting for. Their democracy and the freedom to look forward to something.




The Ukraine Assault -Why War Is An Act Against Global Democracy 

Yesterday the world watched on as Ukraine was invaded by Russia, in an unprovoked attack on their democracy. While many have condemned the President of Russia Valdimr Putin, and protests break out in Russia over the hostile military takeover I have to wonder if democracy as we know it is in trouble? We all know too well that this is not the first time that Russia under Putin’s reign has tried to intervene in democracy. However, this was very different. As we watch the blood shed for freedom, we have to remember that this will not stop there and that freedom is not free.

The Invasion

In the hours just before sunrise, Putin gave a speech to his people calling what we know to be a military takeover of Ukraine, a covert military operation. This coming after weeks of high tension in the area. As the world scrambles to figure out how best to handle this very troubling situation that is leading to a full blown war in the region.

Why does it matter?

Other than the obvious that people are now dying and war is not something that anyone wants to see? Ukraine is a key player in the European region as well as here in the US. With one of their biggest exports being oil, we can see higher than we have seen in gas prices across the world. I know that it is already hitting hard as the price of oil jumped a hundred dollars more a barrel in just a day.

But -Why Tho?

The invasion also comes after talks of Ukraine trying to join other ally countries in NATO. Although Ukraine is not a part of NATO or the European Nations, they do receive significant financial support from both. Putin sees this as a threat to his security. The invasion comes after trying to neuterlize this from happening. Having Ukraine under Putin’s rule, will gravely threaten America’s influence within the region. For years, Ukraine has been the buffer to Russia and America, as well as Russia and the European nations.

What has Happened Since the Invasion

Since Putin started an unprovoked attack (act of War), Ukraine has vowed to defend itself. In this defense, Ukraine says that they are responsible for 800 Russian casualities. Although it is not clear whether they are referring to the number of people that have been killed on the ground, or if it includes the thirty Russian tanks that have been destroyed. Or the seven aircrafts and six helicopters that have been shot down.

Although Ukraine is committed to defending itself, Russian forces are now twenty miles outside of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv (US intelligence has reported). The US and other European nations have imposed sanctions on Russia. The US has also deployed seven thousand troops to Germany to aid the allies.

My Thoughts

As I watched the assault on a democratic country, I had several thoughts. The first of which is that the threat to democracy is not just here at home. There is a global threat to dismantle the rights that we as a global community have worked so hard to fight for. If something like this can happen in another country, then it can happen here too. We shall not be naive to the fact that we have to fight for our freedom. We must continue to make freedom a priority (not just for America), but for the world.

History Repeats Itself

We have seen assaults on democracy before, similar to what Russia is attempting to do, invade a country and take it over. Although we have not seen anything of this scale since the Germans took over Poland in WW2, we have to remain aware. We must stop underestimating people who want to get rid of democracy altogether. So, since Putin has vowed to retaliate against any country that tries to intervene in his tak over in Ukraine, the world must listen. He does not have to fight the world with tanks, there are other things he can use. He has in the past. Cyberattacks that are more advanced than we know. As well as, using the threats to the internal space station. Yes, we need to continue the fight, but we also need to be aware of other ways in which we could see consequences. We need to advance in these areas. Protect not only American interests but also aid the interest of other countries as well.

How Can You Help?

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Ukraine. Here are ways that you can help. Look at these organizations and considering donating to their efforts.

UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

Save the Children

Sunflower of Peace


Doctors Without Borders

Voices of Children

International Committee of the Red Cross


For further details on each — Read this extensive article from NPR

Stay safe, and keep fighting for freedom

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