When Should a Woman See a Doctor for Problems Down Below?

Sometimes it starts out as a minor inconvenience. You notice a somewhat unusual discharge when you head to the bathroom. Or, you experience itching and may feel uncomfortable for a bit. While issues such as these may not be a cause for concern, sometimes, they may signalize an underlying genital health problem. This is where a gynecologist steps in.

Trained in addressing and treating a variety of women’s issues, a gynecologist is your partner in life, helping you live it sans worrying needlessly about your reproductive health. While visiting an OB-GYN certainly isn’t anyone’s idea of “fun”, there are instances when it’s better to schedule an appointment sooner rather than later. Below, are several signs that a woman should see a doctor for problems down below.

Out-of-the-ordinary vaginal discharge

Vaginal discharge tells you a lot about your body. When you notice changes in its look and/or odor, it could be a sign of potential problems with your vagina. Generally speaking, you should aim for a milky white, off-white, or clear discharge with no unpleasant smell and a consistent texture, which can range from gooey to watery. Some of the symptoms that could signalize a disease or an infection include:

  •         yellow, brown, gray, or green discharge
  •         unpleasant odor (foul, fishy smell)
  •         foamy or chunky texture followed by color changes and vaginal itching
  •         abrupt changes in the amount of discharge released

In that case, it might be a good idea to take a quick symptom checker test online and get a better understanding of the problem you’re dealing with. Of course, that doesn’t eliminate the need to schedule an appointment with an actual gynecologist. Still, such tests can provide insight into your individual situation and find a possible diagnosis for your particular health issue.

Abnormal, irregular menstrual periods

There are women whose periods never feel quite normal. Sometimes, menstrual period irregularities aren’t a cause for concern and are simply a part of the body’s adjustment process. This is especially true after a woman has given birth, after a girl has started puberty, or when a woman is at the start of perimenopause.

That said, there are times when unusual period symptoms are signals that something is off. For instance, if a woman is experiencing long heavy bleeding, menstrual cramping, and clots, as well as abdominal swelling, it could signalize a development of fibroids in or on the uterus. The thing is, many women may not be aware they even have them because they lack symptoms, although 20-80% of women tend to develop them by the time they reach their 50s. Endometriosis is another health problem associated with period abnormalities. It’s best to consult with your gynecologist to get the right diagnosis for your particular health issue.

Pelvic area pain or pressure

Sometimes, the symptoms of a reproductive health issue may not appear in the form of unusual vaginal discharge changes or abnormal menstrual periods. Another big signifier of women’s health issues down below involves pain in the pelvic region. This is one of the more serious symptoms as it could be a potential sign of ovarian cancer.

Women who are diagnosed with this form of tumor may experience pressure or pain in their pelvic area, which is often accompanied by constant bloating and a feeling of fullness. Since the tumor may press the bowel or irritate the bladder, women may notice constipation, lower back pain, pain during bowel movement, and the need to urinate more frequently. Acute pelvic pain may also be a sign of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) – the infection in the fallopian tubes and uterus – as well as endometriosis. Relying on surgery and medications can help treat the latter, while PID ­ought to be treated immediately (antibiotics or IV) as it affects women’s fertility.

Problems down below send a heads-up about your reproductive health

For most women, talking about their reproductive health concerns isn’t exactly the most comfortable thing to do. Still, addressing your symptoms is vital and it’s something that’s better done sooner than later. Better yet, rather than waiting for issues to occur, get into a routine of scheduling regular appointments with your gynecologist. That way, you won’t have to worry about potential problems down below, and that will give you much-needed peace of mind.









About The Author

Taylor Parker is an American-based writer and blogger. She is very passionate about family, fashion, health, and lifestyle. Taylor writes mostly lifestyle articles, but also you’ll find her in home improvement and other niches.  You can follow her on Facebook and Twitter

Is It Gross To Wear Yoga Pants Without Panties?

Every woman knows that there’s nothing better than ripping off our slacks/jeans/skirts/dresses after a long day of work and switching into our leggings and yoga pants. Truth be told, we wish we could wear yoga pants everywhere, and not just at home, at the gym, or running around town shopping and doing errands. While we all know how comfortable leggings from good brands can be, we also know as ladies that they show every little detail in our behind. They’re tight, and they’re revealing—for sure.

Some ladies, for this reason, don’t like wearing regular underwear with leggings, in the fear that their underwear lines will show. I remember vividly wearing a pair of leggings with my “regular panties” my freshman year of high school and getting mocked until the end of the day for having “granny pantie lines.” It scared me into sticking with thongs for good. But, there are women who choose to go completely pantie-less when rocking their yoga pants—even at the gym. I, truthfully, have one question—is it safe?

As a woman, there’s nothing more important to me than my heath—including my vaginal health. It’s so easy to develop UTIs and yeast infections from wearing the wrong type of underwear, wearing clothing that’s too tight, or even wearing pants too many times before washing (let’s face it, we always wear out jeans a few times before finally calling them “dirty”). While everyone is entitled to rocking what they find the most comfortable in terms of underwear or going commando, you should be informed on how losing the panties will affect your overall health.

Due to the overwhelming trend in women going underwear free with their yoga pants—even at the gym—top OBGYNs and doctors have weighed in on the issue.

Dr. Scott Osmun, a board-certified OB-GYN physician at BloomOB-GYN in Washington, D.C., told HuffPost

“Bacteria and yeast tend to grow in warm, moist places. I hate to use that word because I don’t like it, but it’s true

Any extra moisture in the vaginal area can definitely promote yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis.”

Essentially, bacteria breed and grow in extra moist places—which is why many women get UTIs when they wear a wet bathing suit for too long or stay in their sweaty gym clothes hours after working out. Dr. Osmun added that there’s no harm in going commando with your yoga pants, but, if you decide to, you should be careful about the material of your pants.

Cotton and spandex/Lycra have been known to be safe materials to keep away bacteria, but, additionally, there are some companies that use silver in their clothing—such as Lululemon—because silver works as an antibacterial agent. On top of the material, doctors say you should make sure that your yoga pants are thick enough to ensure you won’t pick up any bacteria left on gym seats from others—which would totally be my #1 worry in terms of going commando and working out at a public gym.

But, if you’re someone who wears thongs during a workout, the doctor strictly advises against doing so. Dr. Osmun adds:

“The material causes more friction and irritation, and any friction or irritation can make little cuts or microabrasions in your skin, and those cuts can lead to bacterial infections, which can cause discomfort, itching, redness, pain.

I think thongs are definitely something to avoid when you’re exercising. It’s actually probably safer to go commando than to wear thongs.”

Wow, so, if you’re in the predicament where you can’t decide if you want to opt for a thong or go commando to avoid those underwear lines—it may be best to avoid the panties altogether!

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