25 Photos That Are An All Out Assault On Everything Makeup Addicts Hold Dear

Any die-hard makeup addict knows that a quality cosmetic is an investment. The best palettes might eat away your paycheck, but there’s no comparison to a new eye shadow from Tarte, MAC, or any of those other name brands.

That being said, people who love makeup treasure it and don’t take kindly to those who do not. If you’re a true makeup addict, then any and all of these photoswill feel like an all-out assault on everything you hold dear.

1. This palette that suffered an extreme tragedy.


2. This proof that 2-year-olds should never be left alone.


3. This lipstick that passed before its time.


4. This sneaky doggo that got into its owner’s purse.


5. These unsightly lipstick-stained teeth.

Getty Images

6. This horrific aftermath of liquid eyeliner.


7. This fake eyelash that couldn’t handle the pressure.


8. These clump-tastic lashes.


9. This deeply disturbing use of cosmetics.


10. This tragically sabotaged makeup collection.


11. This highlighter that has a permanent paw print.


12. This sign that there is such a thing as too much foundation.


13. These falsies that are desperately attempting to flee.


14. This beauty blender full of mold.


15. This alarming photo of someone eating foundation.


16. This mom who almost glued a dead fly to her lashes.


17. This straight-up cakiness.


18. This neck and face that don’t quite match up.


19. This assault on makeup lovers everywhere.


20. This unfortunate lash rip.


21. R.I.P. this brand new Too Faced palette.


22. These brows that are being used for jump rope.


23. This phone that was used by someone who wears a lot of makeup…


24. This driveby that left no survivors.


25. And lastly, this MAC concealer that never stood a chance.


h/t BuzzFeed

These Unpopular Opinions About Best Friends Will Have You Rethinking Your Friendships

Recently, a new trend has surfaced on Twitter in which a user will suggest a topic for people to share their “unpopular opinions.” From food to music to relationships, people all over Twitter have revealed some of their most unpopular opinions—like one guy who suggested bacon isn’t “all that.” Thank you, kind sir, but, next.

The latest topic to be thrown out was from Twitter user LUSH LAVIÉ, who suggested that people on his timeline share their unpopular opinions about best friends.


Let’s face it, there are tons of societal expectations and stereotypes when it comes to our friendships—but, not all of them are legit or accurate. In fact, there are tons of unpopular opinions in this thread that may have you rethinking the way you look at friendships in your own life.




















This Couple Did A Maternity Shoot For Their New Cat And It’s The Most Extra Thing We’ve Ever Seen

When you get a new animal/pet in your life, the feeling can be quite similar to having a child. This pet is going to be yours to raise, nurture, and love from here on out–so, it’s basically the same as bringing home a baby, except, it’s not human. When you decide with your partner/significant other to raise an animal together, it’s like having your pre-child. You two learn together how to raise a person/animal and figure out how your partner is going to be loving someone other than themselves/you–it’s important, ya know? But, while getting a new pet can be emotional and exciting (and even overwhelming), we’ve never seen anyone take it to this level of extra…ever.

Lucy Shultz and her partner Steven decided to hire a photographer and do a “maternity shoot” for their new kitten they adopted. The photos, which Lucy decided to share in an album on Facebook, have gone pretty viral. At first, I thought it was because it was adorable and creative to do a photoshoot for your new kitten–but, after seeing the actual photos, I realize now why people have shared the post over 70,000 times.

At first, I thought the photos were sweet.

But then, there were a few I was…questioning.

27 Tweets About The Jonas Brothers Reunion That’ll Make Your Preteen Soul Scream

If you’ve been living under a rock today and have yet to hear the news, allow us the honor of telling you the Jonas Brothers are officially reuniting! Cue high-pitched screams and fainting.

Of course, we aren’t the only ones overwhelmed by this information. Twitter users are reverting to their days of J-14 Magazine and cannot wait to see what the iconic trio has in store.

ICYMI: The Jonas Brothers are officially reuniting and will be dropping all-new music starting tomorrow.

Our preteen souls are feeling like this right about now:

And Twitter cannot deal with all of the emotions…








































h/t BuzzFeed

This Guy Found Out His Girlfriend Was Using His Gym Socks To Wipe Herself And Um, What?

Relationships are full of surprises. The more time you spend with the same person the more you learn about them, especially once you’ve moved in together.

Living with your significant other teaches you a lot about who they really are—what their weird habits are, what annoys them, and sometimes you find out they have some very odd vices. So odd, in fact, that you seek advice from the internet.

At least, that’s what one boyfriend did after he discovered his girlfriend was wiping herself with his gym socks…

Redditor u/whattodobedroom recently shared a story with the online community about something very odd that happened with his girlfriend.

He titled the post: ‘I (28) think my girlfriend (26) has been using my gym socks to wipe after going to the bathroom.’

Feeling disgusted but curious, we continued reading and um, brace yourselves…

The post reads:

I don’t even know where to start with this. I’m dumbfounded. She just stormed out the house and I’m sitting on the bed asking myself A LOT of questions.

I live a pretty normal life, and I thought so did my girlfriend. We’ve been together for a few months and after things got serious, we moved in together. We started sharing a lot of the household responsibilities, but the one thing she was adamant on doing was the laundry. She would come home and find me in the bedroom getting the laundry together and would quickly ask me to go do something else. I’d come back to finish the laundry and she would have already started it. I always thought it was sweet and never her job to do it alone, but hey, if it makes her happy to do it all the time, I wouldn’t stop her.

This is where it takes a turn for the weird.

I keep all my socks and underwear in the bottom drawer of my dresser. I also go to the gym frequently, so I always keep a good supply of clean gym socks ready to go. I never kept count, but I know by just a visual glance I several pairs. This morning when I went to grab a fresh pair to pack for the gym, I noticed there were several dress socks, but no gym socks. Again, not weird, they must have been in the laundry. I went to check the laundry basket and it was empty, so I checked the washing machine and dryer. Both were empty. I couldn’t figure out where all of my gym socks had gone. So, I did the very natural thing of asking my girlfriend what had happened to them. After all, she is the one who does the laundry all the time. She went silent, turned red and ran out of the room. When I went after her to see if she was okay she wouldn’t talk to me. I told her I wasn’t mad, I was just looking for my socks. She kinda mumbled “I’ll don’t know.” I still wasn’t mad, of course, but I was super confused. Socks just don’t disappear. So I asked her again, even laughed about it and she just looked at me and got mad and said “I’ll buy you new ones!”

The first thought that went through my head was she had somehow managed to destroy my socks while washing them. I thought the sight of that was actually pretty funny, so I joked with her about ruining my socks. Wrong. Thing. To. Say. She started immediately crying. Like, full on sobbing. At this point I don’t care about the socks anymore, I want to know what’s wrong with my girlfriend. I sat down next to her on the bed and put my arm around her and asked her of she was okay. She just kept saying she was sorry and that she would buy me new socks. I tried assuring her again it was okay. Even went so far as to say I would buy new socks and she didn’t have to. I sat with her for a few minutes trying to calm her down and eventually had to get ready for work. I told her loved her and got my things together to leave for the day.

On my way out I grabbed the garbage to take outside. When I got outside I lifted the lid off the garbage can and I noticed a small plastic bag sitting on top of the garbage already in there. I could see through the bag (kind of the semi see through ones) there were socks in the bag. Since I was sure she had somehow managed to ruin the socks washing them, I wanted to see for myself. I opened the bag and immediately regretted my choice. There, inside the bag, were several pairs of my gym socks covered in what looked like poop. As soon as the smell hit me I knew it WAS POOP.

    1. We don’t own any pets.
    2. We don’t have any kids.

Work could wait. I couldn’t go the rest of the day wondering why my gym socks were covered in poop and inside a plastic bag in the garbage can. I grabbed the bag and walked back inside. As soon as my girlfriend saw the bag she flipped out and started yelling at me. She said I shouldn’t be going through the garbage and that I was disgusting for bringing it back into the house.

I asked her to calm down and that I just wanted an answer as to why there was poop on my socks. I wasn’t blaming her of anything, but she started accusing me of blaming her. That’s when it clicked. I don’t know what it was that lead me to ask this, but everything leading up to this moment had just been so crazy. I asked her “Is this your poop?” She started sobbing again and ran out of the house. I didn’t go after her this time.

So, now I am sitting on my bed with a bag of poopy socks on the floor and a lot of questions in my head. The only conclusion is that she used them after going to the bathroom. Which that alone has its own set of questions above everything else. I sent her text asking her to come back. She hasn’t responded yet. I don’t even know what I’m going to say when (IF) she gets back.

We can imagine the author felt something like this:

Fortunately, it wasn’t long before he posted an update:

I had to leave for work and am now at work. Yes, I threw away the bag of poopy socks. She texted me back and she’s clearly embarrassed but felt she owed me an explanation. She said she didn’t want to talk about it in person and that we could discuss it over texting and to NOT bring it up in person. I’m condensing the conversation and filling in some gaps as best as I can. Her responses are super short, but I’m getting the idea.

I flat out asked her if it was a fetish. It is not a fetish. She confessed to using the socks after going to the bathroom. I found the reason she always does the laundry is because she was hiding the fact that she uses socks to wipe with, primarily her own. I had no reason to question the amount of socks she ever has because who pays attention to that kind of thing? She thought I would notice and think it was weird since she doesn’t own many socks. She admitted she has done this for a long time. Her reasoning, as best as I can understand, is that because she is a germaphobe (her word) and she is afraid toilet paper will tear and is afraid of getting her hands messy in ANY WAY. She uses socks because it covers her entire hand. After she’s done with them, she throws them away. She used mine because she didn’t have other socks.

So, my girlfriend has a fear of getting poop on her hands so she wipes with socks, and has done so for a lone time. It could be worse, I guess. I hope we can laugh about this later. I’m trying to find the humor in it now, but I’m still weirded out.

And people have a lot to say about his situation.  

Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need a minute to erase this from our brains.

h/t Reddit

This Viral Thread Perfectly Explains What It’s Like To Live With ADHD

Prolific Twitter user and independent journalist Yashar Ali has a knack for going viral whether he’s tweeting about politics or towels.

So when he opened up about the realities of living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, people payed attention, and pretty soon everyone was talking until the topic was trending nationally on Twitter.

The entire thread can be read as a Twitter Moment here but here are some excerpts:

Ali described some common misunderstandings about the disorder.

And how it makes supposedly simple tasks complicated.

Ali also discussed how ADHD can affect relationships.

Today’s internet is a fast and vicious place dominated by scathing personal attacks and political combat, some of it justified some of it mere digital bloodsport. So people appreciated Ali’s candor and vulnerability in discussing a serious issue that affects a great number of people.






Many readers shared their own struggles with ADHD.



And shared tips for managing the disorder.




It almost felt like a meeting of ADHD Anonymous, AKA Twitter.


Again you can read the entire thread HERE.

Photo Credit: UBC Learning Commons

This Girl Gave Her Tinder Match 2 Hours To Write A Resume Explaining Why He Should Be Her Wedding Date, And He More Than Delivers

Swiping through Tinder never fails to be an adventure. Sometimes that adventure involves creepers and unsolicited photos, but other times it can involve some truly great conversation.

Sometimes it can even mean finding the perfect wedding date. Just ask Delyanie who matched with one very dedicated guy named Nate who was even willing to build a resume to go to a wedding with her.

This is South Carolina native Delaynie AKA @delayniemarie.


While swiping on Tinder one day, Delaynie matched with Nate who was interested in being her wedding date and jokingly, Delaynie requested a formal resume.


And Nate took the request pretty seriously.


A few hours later, Delaynie received this outstanding and thorough resume.


Note the many prestigious awards and acknowledgments.


Delaynie shared the entire exchange on Twitter where it garnered over 50K likes.


Needless to say, people were obsessed and wanted to know the outcome.


Though, some commenters pointed out how odd it was to invite a stranger to a family wedding.

And several people were rooting for Gavin.

It wasn’t long before Delaynie shared an update saying she would be taking Nate to the wedding.


According to Bored Panda, however, the pair did not end up going to the wedding together, but they did remain friends.


h/t Bored Panda

Women Are Revealing All The Ways Their Boyfriends Act Different In Private v. On Social Media And It’s So Relatable

When it comes to social media, it’s not uncommon that people act way differently online than they do in person. In fact, it’s more common than not that people portray a completely different person on social media than they are in person. Recently, one college student decided to blow up her own boyfriend’s spot about how different he acts on social media because—compared to the way he speaks to her one-on-one/privately—it’s light years different.

Olivia O’Leary, a student at UVIC in Victoria, British Columbia, tweeted about her boyfriend saying that the “minute the bedroom door closes” her boyfriend is all cuddly and sweet and nice. But, on social media, it’s like “me and my b*tch.” Honestly—who can’t relate to that?


O’Leary then shared the receipts from her own boyfriend, showing that his text messages show a loving, caring, adorable guy—but, on social media…who that be? I mean…it’s like two different people entirely.


In the texts, he’s obviously excited to see her, falling in love with her more and more and…SO EXCITED TO SEE HER TOMORROW!!!!



But, on Instagram, her boyfriend posted a photo from a day of hiking together—captioning it: Hiking with my broski. Ummm…what gives?


After O’Leary shared the two photos online, people began to share their own experiences with their boyfriends and how different they react to them on social media. Sure, behind closed doors things seem all lovey-dovey and sweet, but, the minute a guy logs onto social media it’s as though their manhood is questioned and triggered by being called “whipped” or “tied up.”

Like, this boyfriend who is…a bit vulgar.

Or, this guy who writes sonnets in text message.

Or, this guy who compared his girlfriend to a man.

Or, this guy who could care less about his girlfriend.

Or, this boyfriend who is more concerned with staying “hip.”

Or, this guy who compared his girlfriend to Lord Farquaad.

Or, this guy who is too busy bragging about making his girlfriend “wet.”

Or, this boyfriend who called his girlfriend his sister.

And, this guy who called his girlfriend a “depressed goblin with titties.”

It just goes to show you—most guys are d*cks online, but, behind closed doors—they cannot live without us. They need us, they worship us, they want to be with us all day, every day. So, don’t worry ladies—you’re not alone.

h/t: Twitter.

Twitter Thread Proves That Giving Up On A Good Girl Will Haunt You Forever

Many times in life, it so happens that we meet people at the wrong time. Even if two people are destined to be together, if it’s not the right time, things just won’t work out. Think of it this way—how many times have you dated someone that was in a completely different stage of their life (emotionally, mentally) and because of this, you could never see eye-to-eye? Maybe you wanted to move forward—get married, start a family—and your partner was too busy clubbing and bar-hopping every weekend.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but when you aren’t ready for the “right one,” the right one won’t wait around for you. So often, people think that “true love will wait,” but, that’s unrealistic and a bunch of fairy tale garbage. To prove it, I bring you Twitter user Rev Rell, who shared a story of her friend who lost a good girl forever.














People online were applauding the thread, thanking her for being so real and honest, and sharing their own experiences that this is—indeed—facts.





Mom Drags Critics Who Judge Her For Letting Son Wear Dresses And Bows

Kids dress up as all kinds of things—real people, superheroes, animals. And for some reason, people seem to think that there’s something wrong with allowing boys to dress like girls and vice versa. A boy dressing as Wonder Woman is no more likely to turn out gay than a kid pretending to be a dog is going to identify later as canine. There’s not a thing wrong with being gay either, it’s just that one has nothing to do with the other.

Instagram star and YouTuber mom Jessica Ballinger posts a lot about her kids online. And one thing she gets questions about is her 5-year-old son’s predilection for wearing dresses and tutus and bows in his hair.

The tweet said, simply, “Apparently this needs to be said again. Xoxo.” Along with a picture of her son Parker in a dress, Ballinger included a note that read:

“This is my son. He loves lots of things. He loves dressing up and dancing and science and gymnastics and his family and @itsjojosiwa and Mickey Mouse and makeup and Peter Pan and drawing and math and he currently plans to marry his best friend and loves to play family with her and laments that his body can’t carry babies, but he dresses up like he’s pregnant anyway.

I frequently see questions online asking if he’s gay or trans or why does he dress like a GIRL??? My answer is that he is five and he loves a lot of things. If you see a boy in a dress, or playing in a traditionally female role, ask yourself—”if the roles were reversed, would I question it?” When you see a little girl playing fireman/policeman/soldier/any previously male-only role or wearing pants or dressing like a favorite super hero or male celebrity, do you question it? Do you ask if she is gay or trans or imply that she is wrong for having the interests she has? NO, we rightfully celebrate their desire to be and do ANYTHING. We call girls strong and celebrate it. Why don’t we do that for boys?

We limit boys by only allowing them to love what we think boys should love. I do not know what the future holds for our child. I will love him however he identifies. But right now, he has heroes who are girls. I celebrate that. And I think it means a lot for women. We SHOULD be heroes to our little boys. By not allowing boys to dress like the women they admire, you are telling them that being a boy is BETTER. That it doesn’t matter if that girl is brilliant, fierce, and his hero—it will make him “less” to idolize her. It doesn’t make him less to admire women. It makes him MORE. More willing to express what he is passionate about, more respectful of the women in his life and more open to believing women can be heroes.”

She’s right—aside from stunting their own personal development, limiting what boys can wear and telling them they shouldn’t pretend to be girls or women really does give them the impression that women are not worth imitating.

People on Twitter agreed wholeheartedly, but many stated that they were sad Ballinger had to send this message again.

Another woman tweeted a picture of her own young son, dressed as Maleficent, to which Ballinger replied, saying he looked “fierce.”

And someone else claimed that Parker was braver than she was.

Ballinger seems like a great mom and her son Parker is obviously a joy!

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