Actionable Ideas To Relish Your Downtime Every Weekend

If you are a busy professional, you will surely realize the value of weekends. The sheer feeling of skipping the commutes, deadlines, and workplace politics brings immense happiness. Even WFH professionals and stay-at-home moms love the break when they need not worry about the morning rush and timetables. You can do things at your own pace or even enjoy doing nothing at all. The weekend downtime can be therapeutic, provided you use it creatively and without feeling guilty. Let us share some actionable ideas to relish your free time


Sleep an hour more

Sleep deprivation is common in adults, no matter how hard they try to stick to the eight-hour rule. You may lose a few hours of it every week due to stress, unhealthy habits, and outings. Utilize the weekend to sleep an hour more and make up for the missed time. But avoid being lazy as staying in bed the entire day is the worst way to spend your free time. Just get enough to recharge your energy levels and feel refreshed.


Declutter your living space

You can spend your weekend decluttering your living space to make it lighter, healthier, and happier. A small spree done frequently is enough to keep your home beautiful and save time and energy on a big project. Assessing the stuff you do not need also encourages minimalist living habits. You are less likely to buy unnecessary stuff when you feel the pain of purging.


Indulge in self-care

Pampering yourself is perhaps the best way to relish your weekend downtime. Plan a spa session at home to start the morning on a positive note. Ask your partner to pamper you a relaxing massage. Following it up with a cannabis session is a great idea, as it sets you up for deep relaxation. You can even search where to buy my weed online to order your stash for doorstep delivery if you do not want to step out. Try edibles for sustainable relief, or pick a concentrate for potent hits.


Skip the to-do list

To-do lists are great for organizing your day as they enable you to keep track of time and tasks. There is hardly a chance of missing out on anything, regardless of how busy you are. But not having a to-do list can be the best way to enjoy your leisure time on the weekend. Commit to experiencing the joy of free living once a month, and pick things without a plan. Go for a walk, hit the road, or invite your partner for an impromptu date.


Get a digital detox

You cannot manage without technology and devices throughout the week, but unplugging during the weekends can do wonders for your well-being. Get a digital detox for a few hours to recharge your mental wellness. The world won’t fall apart if you miss the news or stay off your phone and social media for a while. Step out without your device, and enjoy the sunshine and birdsong.

Enjoying your downtime can be a therapeutic practice if you are thoughtful and creative. Follow these tips to relax and have a good time during the weekend.

11 things you can do this Labor Day weekend to feel like you still rocked your summer

It happens every year. You make plans for “the best summer ever” in May, lounge around in June, party a little too hard in July & then BAM. August rolls around, and the Sunday of summer leaves you with regrets of the summer that passed you by & you didn’t take advantage of.

Here are 11 things you can do this Labor Day weekend that will make you feel like you still did summer right:

1. A water balloon fight. Childish? Maybe. But that’s the point. Summer is an ode to the school years when this was your freedom & running around chasing your friends with the thrill of getting hit with a water balloon? Sounds like summer to me.

2. Read a book outside in the park. Sure, nothing beats cozying up under the blankets on the couch in the fall with a good read, but an outdoor book sesh can’t be beat. Find a tree with lots of shade, pack a little snack (and maybe a bottle of Rose) and call it a day.

3. Go on a bike ride.  This may seem simple, but I would put money many of us still have our wheels collecting dust in the garage.

4. Grill a burger. Or better yet, host a BBQ. Nothing says summer like the smell of a full grill & a few charred weenies.

5. Get a pedicure. Your toes thirst to be seen! And truly, they’re kept hidden year-round until summer sandals are your staple. Those little piggies need to look their best.

6. Create a “Summer playlist”. Even if you don’t listen to it. Go through your recently played from the past few months (hello Old Town Road!) and combine them for the ultimate “Summer Jams” list. In a few months, you’ll be glad you did Even if you were lame all summer, these tunes will bring you back to the sunshine days.

7. Buy the perfect summer dress. Nothing says summer like twirling around in the warm sun and a flowing dress.

8. Post up poolside. Can’t make it to the Hamptons? Us either, girlfriend. But find a neighborhood pool or find a kiddie pool on clearance & relax your legs in the cool water.

9. Road trip to visit an old friend that moved away. If you have the financial means, make a spontaneous trip to visit your friend you’ve been meaning to visit. Summer always brings plans that end up getting canceled…don’t let this happen.

10. Turn off Netflix.  For real, how much of your summer months did you spend watching the Orange Is the New Black or seeing what all the Ozarks fuss was all about? Binging can wait until it gets cold outside.

11. Lighten up your hair. Even if the trend is to go “dark” for the fall with your locks; go against the norm & throw in some blonde highlights & feel like a summer beach bum.



6 Lies We Tell Ourselves At the Start of the Weekend

The start of any weekend is always ripe with so much promise — possibilities of so many things to get accomplished. We head into the weekend telling ourselves that we’ll do them all or most, but deep down we know the simple truth: we’re liars.

1. We’ll clean the house.

Over the course of the week our rooms have a tendency to become strewn with old outfits and take out containers. It’s understandable, we lead busy lives. So the start of a weekend is that golden opportunity to clean up a little. 

We never do though, for a number excuses — hungover, tired, we’ll get it done next weekend, etc. Our place ends up looking like a polluted street and having a clean refrigerator has to wait another day (or year!).

2. We’ll go through and respond to all our emails. 

In this modern tech age, we have accounts on so many different websites. And apps, and they all continuously barrage us with a never ending stream of emails. 

Maybe we were interested in that website — at some point — or we’re just too lazy to unsubscribe from their email blasts;  But one thing is for sure — we don’t have enough time  to look through let alone even click on these emails.

Thus, our inboxes have become infected hives of unread and disregarded emails. The wide open weekend is perfect for clearing our tech house, but that would require clicking through them all. 

3. We’re going to be good to our livers.

The past few days or weekends have been lots of fun and games. And we’ll totally remember to detox. Often times we start the weekend telling ourselves we’re going to take it easy, but then we get that evening text from a friend, and we promise to only have one drink.

Fast forward six hours later to when we have somehow managed to get ourselves home, and now we’re foraging through our refrigerator like a starved zombie raccoon.

4. We’re going to be social. 

On the other hand — some weekends — we promise ourselves that we will actually go out and act like we have a social life. We reach out to people, but there’s nothing overly-enticing that’s going on, and that’s when it happens — the siren call. 

From our bedrooms we hear the alluring voice of Netflix, calling to us, and once our beds join in on the chorus we’re hooked. We grab the Nutella and a spoon, and dive under the welcoming sheets. So much for being social. 

5. We’re going to get a head start on that project.

Even if it’s a Friday night — and we just finished work or school for the week — we tell ourselves we should really start that project looming over our heads. Yes, we think, yes we will be productive, just after I watch this one episode, but then that episode turns into 10.

Then before we know it, the whole weekend has blown past us, and all we have to show for it is a hangover and a bruise on our arm that we can’t figure out where it came from. 

6. We’re going to see that one friend we’ve been meaning to see.

We all have one. That one friend that we really do love and care about, but can never seem to find the time to see. We promise ourselves that this is going to be the weekend for our grand reunion. 

Yet when push comes to shove, the plans don’t materialize, and we don’t see our friend. It was the thought that counted right? 


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