How Certain Pieces of Apparel Can Benefit Your Health

You can get healthier by wearing certain pieces of clothing. With a healthy diet and exercise, you can achieve your goals for life, and these clothes can help. Certainly, the right clothes have an impact on your sense of well-being and, more importantly, on your health in the long term. This is because they improve airflow to cool you down when it’s hot outside or warm you up when it’s cold inside.

This also means that you can take advantage of clothing as an effective source for improving your physical and mental health. Let’s look at some of the health benefits of certain pieces of apparel.


Compression Wear Can Aid Recovery

As blood flows to different areas of your body from the heart, it presses against the skin. The pressure you feel is a result of the body’s core temperature. The muscles heat up or cool down faster when it is cold or hot.

This means that clothing like tights or leggings with varying levels of compression can aid your recovery from exercise when you suffer from muscle cramps and pains.

Athletes and sports players can also benefit from wearing compression wear as it aids in recovering from sports-related injuries or general exercise. The clothing offers support for your muscles and increases the flow of oxygenated blood.


Socks to Keep You Warm During Winter

Socks are known to help keep you warm as you go outside during spring, winter, and fall. This is because they are very durable, breathable, and skin-friendly. You can wear them whenever you go out since they are made of 100% natural materials. It’s a great choice for both men and women since they come in different styles.

For instance, woolen socks made from pure merino wool can help keep you warm outdoors as you go about your daily activities during winter. Merino wool socks are the best choice because they are soft to the skin, extra warm, and naturally odor resistant. This way, they are a great addition to any wardrobe, especially in cold weather.


Certain Clothing Can Boost Your Mood

Certain clothing can help you stay happy and in a good mood all year round. This is because they are designed with certain features such as spandex fiber that is known to help boost your mood, making you feel comfortable and relaxed. They are also wrinkle-free, eliminating the hassle of ironing them, and there’s no need to wash them.

All these benefits of clothes make it a better choice than other kinds as an important part of your wardrobe. The more you wear them, the better your health will be.


Hot Pants Can Help You Lose Weight

If you are on a diet and looking to lose weight, then hot pants can help you because they are one the best clothes in the world to prevent heat from building up. They are so good at this because they provide great airflow.

The cotton in them is also very absorbent, which means that your sweaty body will be absorbed by them so as not to build up inside. This way, hot pants will help you lose weight and stay cool during summer.


Cotton Clothes Can Help You Sleep Better

Cotton is one of the best fabrics in the world, and it’s often used for clothing because of its comfort. However, one benefit you may not be aware of is that cotton can help you sleep better. If you normally have poor and restless sleep, wearing a cotton cloth will help you feel cooler at night.

This is possible because these clothes wick away moisture, provide airflow, and are breathable, so you will feel cooler when wearing them.


Sports Bras Alleviates Breast Pain and Discomfort

For women who exercise regularly, it’s unfortunate that breast pain and discomfort are among the most common problems encountered. This is because moving your breasts around tends to put a lot of stress on the ligaments, which are usually inflamed after damaging them while working out or doing some strenuous physical activity.

However, wearing sports bras can help alleviate this problem because they contain features specifically designed to provide support and comfort to your breasts.



As you can see, there are numerous benefits to wearing certain pieces of clothes. As such, you should be very careful when buying them as this can be a waste of money. If you’re planning to buy special pieces that are marketed as being effective for improving your health, then opt for ones that have medical certifications before purchasing them.


About The Author

Sheryl Wright is a freelance writer who specializes in digital marketing, inclusive business, and interior design. If she is not at home reading, she is at a farmers market or climbing in the Rockies. She currently lives in Nashville, TN, with her cat, Saturn.


How Cannabis Can Make You The Fittest Version Of Yourself

Fitness opens the road to holistic well-being because it helps you look good and feel good about your body. Besides keeping the extra pounds and inches off your physique, a fitness initiative ensures good health by reducing your risk of several lifestyle-generated diseases. It also boosts mental well-being by enhancing your mood, focus, and alertness. Not surprisingly, more and more people want to join the workout bandwagon and move toward a healthier lifestyle. 

However, achieving your fitness goals takes more than dedication and commitment. You need to set realistic milestones and timelines in the first place and stay on track with your daily workouts. But it is easier said than done as you encounter endless challenges on the way. Fortunately, cannabis can come to your rescue as the ultimate workout aid. The best part is that cannabis is safe and legal, so integrating it into your daily schedule is easy, especially if you have access to a Chula Vista dispensary. Let us explain how it can make you the fittest version of yourself.


Eases muscle pain and soreness

Prolonged and regular exercise has immense benefits, from enhancing muscle strength to improving flexibility and promoting weight loss. On the downside, it can cause pain and soreness in your muscles and joints due to excess pressure. The discomfort may affect your schedules. You may want to rest more than the optimal break periods. Although painkillers can help, they do more harm than good with side effects over prolonged use. Moreover, habit formation is the last thing you want to deal with. Thankfully, cannabis can address pain and soreness naturally and help you get back with a bang. CBD reduces deep-seated inflammation, and THC blocks the electrochemical reaction in pain receptors. The best thing about cannabis is that it is natural, so side effects and dependence are hardly a concern.


Accelerates post-workout recovery

Besides dealing with pain and soreness, you may find yourself struggling with post-workout recovery. A long recovery period is the last thing you want to encounter because it can slow you down or even keep you from achieving your fitness goals. Many people fail to give the recovery process enough attention and lose out sooner than later. Adding cannabis to your workout routine can significantly accelerate post-workout recovery. Integrate it with steps such as resting, stretching, and foam rolling to get the best results. A low-dose session after your daily training or before dinner is the best way to achieve your recovery goals.  


Induces bronchial relaxation

Another way cannabis can help boost your fitness is by inducing bronchial relaxation during your sessions. The appropriate amount promotes vasodilation and increases your heart rate mildly. Vasodilation leads to a higher oxygen intake that lets you push yourself to greater heights. Also, it improves blood flow to your heart, so catching your breath during a workout is far easier. You experience performance enhancement over time and can even improve your endurance and stamina in the long run.


Enhances your fitness motivation

Regularity with your workout routine is also about mood and motivation. You may feel like giving up in the middle of a training initiative only because your energy and motivation levels drop. It is a normal phenomenon, but not addressing it can get you off track completely. You can rely on cannabis to enhance your fitness motivation and make your workout sessions more enjoyable. Try a premium product from the gifted curators to take things a notch higher. A vape or edible before starting is a good way to lift your mood. You can even opt for a topical product for local application for pain relief


Improves focus and mindfulness

Besides boosting your exercise motivation, cannabis also improves focus and mindfulness. Most cannabis users state they feel more in tune with their body in a high state. You can opt for a THC-dominant product to reach the state of a mindful high. The mind-body connection becomes stronger, and you can identify the muscles you want to focus on. You end up doing a targeted exercise that helps you achieve your fitness goals. Cannabis lets you go higher and faster with your goals and initiatives. Moreover, you tend to focus on the current task instead of stressing about the other things on your to-do lists


Helps manage appetite 

Since you get the munchies after a cannabis session, you may worry about the increase in your appetite. You may even stress about gaining weight when you are on a weight loss program. But it is only a myth because some strains can actually slow down the neurons that transmit signals to give a feeling of fullness. The CBD-dominant strains are ideal for suppressing your appetite and promoting weight loss. Conversely, the THC-dominant ones lower the production of leptin, an appetite-suppressing hormone. These products help you bulk up and pack more mass. Choose the right strain to manage your appetite according to your expectations


Promotes sound sleep

Adequate sleep is a significant element of a viable fitness plan. When you sleep, your muscles get enough time to relax and rejuvenate. They also recover from the rigors of daily exercise and get into recovery mode. Sleep is also crucial for mental well-being as it reduces stress and replenishes your motivation levels for another day of exercise. But the pain, soreness, and stress can affect your sleep after hard training. You can try cannabis as a natural sleep-promoting aid as it relaxes your body and calms your senses. The overall inflammatory action curbs the pain and sets you up for good sleep every night, no matter how exhausted you feel.

If you are a fitness enthusiast, you will probably know the challenges of staying regular and ahead of your goals. But cannabis can serve as a magic workout aid that addresses your physical woes and mental challenges. You have endless options in products, so integrating them into your daily routine is easier than you imagine. Since cannabis is easily available and accessible, embracing it is not a challenge. Just pick the right product and apt dosage to take your fitness initiative a notch higher.

Why and How to Spend More Time in Nature

The earliest humans lived as one with nature. Then came agriculture, houses, and a chance to get a good night’s sleep without worrying about getting eaten by a predator. Those things are still pretty great, but they also mean that many of us have lost touch with the natural world, to our detriment. Time spent in green spaces or near bodies of water, such as the ocean, are good for mental and physical health. But with all the demands of work and family, it can be hard to figure out how to make time for a walk in the park, let alone some real downtime in the woods. However, there are steps both big and small you can take to alter your way of living.


Change Jobs

It’s a big change and it isn’t for everyone, but if city life and going to an office or other indoor place of work is driving you crazy, you could get a job that puts you into the outdoors. This might involve landscaping or similar work, or you could go back to school and pursue a graduate degree in a field like forestry, environmental science, or marine biology. Depending on what your bachelor’s degree is in, you may need to take some additional classes to prepare yourself for the shift in focus, but universities are increasingly used to and generally welcome non-traditional students.

Private student loans are one way to pay for your degree. If you’ve been out in the workforce for a while, you may have a good credit record, which can improve the chances of approval. There are Earnest graduate loans that are known for offering flexible options for repayment and can cover all of your costs in some cases.


Change Your Daily Life

If you are a nature lover, there are many less drastic things you may be able to do to get outside more, such as commuting to work by bicycle or trying to spend more of your lunches in the park across the street rather than hunched over your keyboard in the office. You can also look into doing more outdoor activities in your leisure time. This can feel intimidating for people who don’t have friends or family who are heavily into things like hiking or kayaking, but you can start by driving out after work or on a weekend morning to a busy, easy trail with plenty of people on it. Another way to incorporate the outdoors into your regular routine is by swapping some of your gym workouts for running, cycling, or circuit training outside.


Make it a Family Affair

If you have children, you’ll be doing them a favor by making regular time in the outdoors part of their lifestyle. They may be reluctant at first if this hasn’t been part of the family routine, but stand firm and find ways to make it fun. Go for walks after dinner instead of retreating to your respective devices. For that matter, eat the dinner itself outside, picnic-style. Wrap the kids up in warm clothes and take them to the park or just into the backyard even when it’s cold out. Help them find an outdoor activity that’s so much fun they can’t say no to it.

Ultimate Summer Wellness Bucket List You Must Chase

Summer is the favorite time of the year for most people because it brings cheer and brightness after a dull and gloomy winter. Of course, you enjoy the spring season between winter and summer, but it ends before you imagine. The warm summer weather is a chance to spend more time outdoors, host barbecue parties, and plan vacations. You feel happy and motivated as the birdsong and sunshine inspire you. But think beyond parties, picnics, and vacations this summer, and create a wellness bucket list to make the most of the sunny days and warm evenings. Let’s share the ultimate list you must chase this season


Experiment with new recipes

Wellness boils down to the food you eat, and summer is a great time to clean up your diet. Shifting seasons bring different offerings in fresh produce, and the warmer months bring an immense variety. You can try cooling, water-rich foods that keep you hydrated and help with weight management. It is a good time to try a cleanse and detoxroutine as you have more options. You can double up your water intake too


Pick outdoor activities

The warmer days and longer daylight hours offer an opportunity to pick outdoor activities. You can go swimming, cycling, and walking without worrying about the cold winds, rain, and snow. Early morning and late evening hours are ideal for outdoor workouts as the temperatures are bearable. Schedule a play hour with your kids and plan family picnics every weekend to get your dose of sunshine and fresh air


Prioritize sleep

Summer wellness is also about prioritizing sleep because you may miss out on the essential eight hours due to shorter nights. Moreover, outings and parties can hit your sleep-wake schedule during the season. You can try CBD to reclaim control over your sleep and get enough slumber to stay healthy. Explore the buy mellow menu to find the perfect product that works for you. Integrate it with bedtime rituals such as reading, meditation, and a refreshing shower for best results


Sleep under the stars

Sleeping under the stars should be on your summer wellness checklist because it is the best time of the year to plan an outdoor vacation. Explore a local camping trail or book a slot at an outdoor wellness resort in the mountains. You can even combine an outdoor holiday and a road trip by renting an RV and embarking on an exciting journey to an unknown destination. Travel is therapeutic, and outdoor trips take healing a notch higher


Embrace a self-care ritual 

Embracing a self-care ritual is another wellness idea worth trying this season. You can rework your fitness schedule with new goals, integrate a meditation hour into your daily routine, or pick a journaling habit. Start a new hobby, learn a language, plan a solo trip, or go out for retail therapy. Anything that makes you happy is self-care, so give yourself the love you deserve.

Going the extra mile with wellness is doable in summer, provided you are committed to it. Try these simple ideas to achieve your health goals and become a happier person

Why You Have to Make Time for Self-Care

Work, everyday tasks, and numerous responsibilities can all build up to stress, anxiety, and even panic attacks. If you can’t get a good night’s sleep, it’s quite possible that stress is the main culprit. Also, chronic stress can lead to anxiety, which, in turn, might result in panic attacks. So not addressing the issue of stress and not dealing with the problem, as you can see, can create more issues and more serious problems.

To prevent all those stress-related issues from piling up, you need to take a break. Shut down that computer, leave your phone aside and schedule some me-time.


What Is Self-Care?

Self-care is a general term that describes everything you do for your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. It can be something as little as not checking your emails before bedtime because you know it’s going to disturb your sleep. But self-care also involves more important decisions like taking that vacation or even leaving the toxic job you’ve been working for years. Essentially, everything that’s going to bring that much-needed balance to your life can be considered a self-care treatment or a decision driven by self-care.


The Benefits of Self-Care

Even though self-care can look different from one person to the next, the benefits of practicing it are the same:


Improving Your Mental Health

Mental health has been quite a popular topic in recent years, and rightfully so. We overwork ourselves in order to achieve more, when in fact taking a step back can have more benefits than pushing ourselves to the edge. So reading a book, having a hot bath, or simply taking a walk is sometimes all it takes to be more prepared for the battles that await.


Keeping Stress and Anxiety at Bay

As we already mentioned at the beginning, stress increases the risk of developing anxiety and depression. Taking some time off to relax and de-stress will allow your body to repair itself so that you can think straight and make better decisions.


Boosting the Immune System

The immune system plays a vital role in defending the body against diseases. When our immunity is compromised because of burnout or extreme exhaustion, things can go sideways. Taking care of your diet and exercising regularly can boost your immunity and prevent illnesses like cancer and heart disease.


Enriching Relationships

When you feel good, you glow. You bring the best version of yourself wherever you go. For some people, taking care of yourself can look like a selfish, self-indulgent act, but it’s never about that. It’s just filling your own cup before you can pour into someone else’s – simple as that.


Practicing Self-Care

There are so many ways to practice self-care and incorporate it into your everyday life. Here are some ideas that we chose for you:


Exercise Regularly

Research has shown that regular exercise increases the levels of serotonin in your body, which improves mood and energy. So staying fit, healthy, and energized will help you feel your best, and the focus is on the physical activities that make you feel good.

Don’t go to the gym if you’ve tried it long enough to know you hate it – instead, look for a group class, dancing lessons, or a sport you’ll genuinely enjoy participating in. You can even include friends or family members in this routine of yours. Maybe swimming or a morning run would suit you better. The important thing is that you do what you love, so taking some time for it will never be a problem.


Challenge Your Mind

Just as you train your body, you should train your mind. Learning something new or pursuing a new hobby can keep your mind engaged and sharp. You’ll meet new people and engage in new relationships, and who knows where that can lead to. Not to mention it’s going to boost your confidence and improve your self-image.


Practice Mindfulness

Being conscious of our feelings makes it easier to process them in a healthy way. You can do that by meditating, journaling, and practicing positive self-talk. Being kind to yourself and to others can help you be more aware of your own power. Practice gratitude and always be thankful for the little things in life.


Eat Healthily

Food affects your mood, and that’s a fact! Everything you incorporate into your daily meals will have a positive or negative impact on how you feel. Healthy food not only gives you fuel for exercise but also lowers the risk of chronic illnesses. Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast, and slowly introduce some new unprocessed foods to your body and see how it goes.


Make Sure to Get  Enough Sleep

Sleep affects both your physical and mental health, so you can’t skip this one. People generally need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep, and it’s very important to go to sleep and wake up at the same time. You need comfort and routine to keep a healthy circadian rhythm, so invest in a good mattress and crispy sheets, turn off your phone at least 30 minutes before sleep (no scrolling), and sail into slumberland.


Learn to Say No

Of course, this had to go on the list, because most of us often accept things that are not good for our mental health in order to avoid conflict. Although we’d rather say no to something being asked of us, we accept just to avoid hurting someone’s feelings, but we end up hurting ours. It’s important to check within yourself how you feel about certain things, and if you’re not feeling good about it, just don’t do it. You’re only human – you can’t make everyone happy, but you can make yourself a (happy) priority.


In Conclusion

Whenever the world seems like too much, it’s time for you to take a break. “I don’t have time for self-care” should be seen as an issue of its own. You would find the time for your best friend if they were in trouble, right? So you should always be there for the person that is always there for you – no matter the situation – the magnificent YOU.

About The Author

Sarah is a life enjoyer, positivity seeker, and a curiosity enthusiast. She is passionate about an eco-friendly lifestyle and adores her cats. She is an avid reader who loves to travel when time allows.

Signs That You Need To Take A Gaming Break

It’s easy to get caught up in playing your favorite video games and not realize just how much time has passedGames are designed to make you want to keep on playing, and the rush of needing to complete the next challenge, get to the next level, or just keep the endorphin hits coming is part of their appeal.

It’s important, however, to take regular gaming breaks. These breaks will help you take care of your physical and mental health and will also make you a better player. Apart from anything else, if you play for too longyour skills and concentration will start to deteriorate. All you need is a short break to be able to return to the game at the peak of your ability again.


General guidance

There’s no fixed rule about how often you should take a break, but you can look at some general guidance to get an idea. Many office workers who spend all day in front of a screen apply the 52-17 rule, whereby you take a 17-minute break after every 52 minutes of work. This can also be useful if you’re playing Grand Theft Auto or realmoney slots. Other sources suggest a five to 20minute break every hour or so.


Listen to your body

Everyone is different and has different needs and tolerances. This means that the amount of time before we need a gaming break is going to be different. You might find that on some days, you need to take a longer break or take it sooner than you would at other times.

The key is to listen to your body and what it’s telling you. When you notice physical and mental symptoms such as tiredness or loss of focus, this means that it’s time to pause the game and step away from the screen for a while. If you’re not playing as well as you were when you started the session, then this could be another sign that a break is required.


Eye and muscle strain

Playing video games puts a great deal of strain on the eyes. After a while, objects can start to become blurred and fuzzy, or you don’t see them as quickly as you should. Similarly, constantly clicking a mouse, wiggling a joystick or tapping at keys can strain the muscles in your hand, wrist, arm and shoulder. If you notice aches and pains in these areas, stop playing for a while and do some stretches to recover. You can make these a part of your daily fitness routine.


Mental fatigue

An inability to concentrate and a feeling of being drained or sluggish are common signs of mental fatigue when playing games for too long. You might also find yourself getting angry and frustrated, a condition known in the gaming world as tiltThese symptoms can be cured by getting up and walking around, maybe getting a drink of water, or going outside for some fresh air. Trying to play on will just make you feel worse as your performance suffers.

Taking regular breaks is essential for your health and your game. You’ll play better and have more fun if you step away from the screen every now and again.

How to Live a Simpler Life

From multitasking to mobile phones to social media and more, we live in a world where we are encouraged to keep trying to cram more into every hour of every day. Excess is not about too many material items but is a mindset as well, and the opportunities and demands that you face every day can wear you down to exhaustion. It seems like simplifying your life would be a good idea, but who has the time? The tips below can help you get started.


Define Simplicity

What does simplicity mean to you? Pay special attention to the end of that sentence, “to you”, because the answer will be different for everyone. You might have a friend who gives away every book that she finishes on the grounds that she prefers a simpler lifestyle without all those books around her. If this doesn’t appeal to you because you love books, you don’t have to do the same. Maybe simplifying for you means moving to the country and living closer to nature. Or perhaps it means creating a ritual of finding ways to celebrate at the end of the week that help you transition from your work self to your free time self. Think about your values and how you can better live in alignment with them by adding things of true value and stripping out what you can in your life.


Start Creating Passive Income

One of the big barriers you might face in trying to simplify your life is that your working life may not be very simple. That’s not a problem if you love what you do, but a big step many people take when they start to think about how to pursue a less complicated way of living is shifting from active to passive income. The basic difference is that with a passive income, you don’t do much to earn the money.

Instead, you set something in motion that can generate income for you, such as a free eBook download online. Another way to do this is by investing. People often assume that investing is risky, but this doesn’t have to be the case. In fact, if you want to get into real estate investing, you can purchase shares rather than an entire property. With REIT tax advantages, you might not have to pay corporate income tax on these properties. Over time, your passive income from this and other ventures could partly or fully replace your regular income.



You may encounter a surprising amount of resistance to the idea that you’re trying to simplify your life, especially if you are doing something eccentric such as getting rid of your smartphone. The world can seem to be designed to complicate everything, but stick to your guns and keep moving ahead in the way that suits you best.


Let Go

Another important element of simplifying things is letting go of the idea that you can’t have, do or be everything. Learning to say no is powerful, but unfortunately, over the short run, you might wish you could unlearn it since you are probably giving up some things that you enjoy. That you are doing so isn’t a sign that your simplicity project has failed. It is a necessary step in streamlining and prioritizing your life so that only the most important activities are left.

Simple Empathy: Infrared Light For Weight And Pain Management.

Who The Heck Are They? The Scoop

What do you get when you fuse mindful, intelligent women into a community starving for solutions to everyday women’s problems? And not just any women, a therapist, an acupuncturist with a master’s in Chinese medicine, a naturopath specializing in Ayurveda, and a corporate rebel and marketing guru with an excellent bedside manner who actually understands how the nervous system works?  You get Simple Empathy.  A one-of-a-kind Wellness Center in downtown Kansas City. They offer state-of-the-art weight-loss solutions and pain management solutions alongside practical Chinese medicine solutions for women experiencing hormonal, weight, pain, mental health, and life challenges. The focus of Simple Empathy is to be a welcoming wellness center community. All bodies are incredible. They are here to be your guide to being your best self. I went ahead and tried out their Red Light Ultra Slim Waistbuster Treatment. Here are my results.


The Ultra Slim Machine

The infrared light is fairly straightforward. You lie down on a massage table in a very serene environment. The lamp head is positioned towards the area that you are working to reduce fat cells, tighten skin, or reduce pain. Each section has the lamp positioned toward it for roughly 8 minutes. The light hum of the red light will coo you to sleep, and it is easy to power nap a bit during your session. No redness afterward, no real lethargy. Just a cleared mental cache from a power snooze.


Are They Affordable?

The prices are reasonable considering the uniqueness of the treatment. It is quick, painless, and spa-like. Additionally, it does work. Here are the price breakdowns for the Ultra Slim Machine.

Pain & Inflammation:

Six pack of sessions: $600

12 pack of sessions: $1,200

Skin Rejuvenation & Fat Loss:

6 pack of sessions: $1,500

12 pack of sessions: $3,000


Would I Purchase Them?

I would definitely consider purchasing a package for pain management and weight loss. Infrared light can help ease depression and reduce inflammation in the body. Something that you can continue to do on a maintenance level. And it is so pleasant! It truly is a spa experience.


Would I Recommend Them?

If you are looking for a non-invasive weight management solution or pain management solution, I highly recommend the Ultra Slim Infrared light therapy at Simple Empathy. If you have recently had weight loss surgery, the Ultra Slim can help tighten the excess skin.


The Down-low On The Downside

My results were good. I lost some centimeters in my inner thighs and belly. Continuing the program, adding the Simple Empathy detox tea, and removing obstacles such as alcohol and sugar in my diet would have garnered better results in the first series of 6. When you go in, be sure to have a clear plan on your weight and pain goals and utilize all of their practitioners. They offer Acupuncture, Therapy, And Life Coaching. You can check out their suite of services and opportunities for you to personally flourish here.

Overall Rating 5.0 out of 5!

The Ukraine Is Under Siege: Here’s How To Manage Stress And Be Helpful

We all feel it. The world is in extreme crisis. Climate change is real. The pandemic has forever changed us and now the Ukraine is under vicious attack from Putin. Even If you live nowhere near the front lines of the battlefield, you feel the war. The geopolitical tension and the fear the news and the media are spouting 24/7 weigh heavily on all of our hearts.

At the same time, life is moving at a faster pace these days, as we find ourselves masksless, with fuller social calendars. We should be celebrating some semblance of normalcy, but how can we? What exactly is normal now anyway? Here are some areas of your life that you should address in order to stay healthy and productive during this time of crisis.

Check In- Your Personal Wellbeing

Heart racing a bit faster these days? Depression setting in? You are not alone. The fact is stress affects our entire body. The subtle body shows that tension in a variety of ways. Tension in areas of the body, stomach pains and extreme mood swings can all be symptoms of a world in unrest and the negative energy that we carry around because of it.


Take stock on your wellbeing and cut yourself some slack. find a place to be quiet each day and focus on the positive things going on in your life and the life of those you care about. Find a mantra to meditate with. And remember to breathe.


Lie down. Take a timeout. Go to bed early. Avoid watching the news right before going to bed. A good nights sleep will help boost your immune system and keep you energy up.

Work Out:

Don’t give up your workouts! Consistent behavior will help you manage your stress levels and keep you in a positive routine. Even if it is ten minutes a day. An at home routine with bear blocks or other easy to keep at home apparatus will help you stay consistent, especially if you are working from home.

Hydrate and Eat Better:

Look at supplements in easy to chew gummies to boost your immune, hormone and sugar balance. Drink plenty of water and curb alcohol. The best thing that you can do for your health right now is to maintain a healthy diet to avoid excessive sugars and processed foods.

Seek Therapy:

Talk to someone. Don’t think that your stress about a geopolitical war is something that you need to keep to yourself. Working out your thoughts and feelings, what is being stirred up and rationalizing you fears will help you manage your stress and anxious thoughts.

Help With Social Sharing:

Feeling guilty posting that glorious night out with your bestie? As a blogger, I can completely understand! Know that you can still post positive fun messages and pictures with friends and family while also helping organizations on the ground such as the Obama foundation and sharing ways to help the Ukraine. Remember, you are living your life. And your life is not insensitive.

Rally And Protest:

We marched for women. And we marched because black lives matter. Protests around the globe showing support of the Ukraine people directly defy Putins insane agenda. Look for ones in your area as well as local charities that you can get involved with to show your support.

Look Forward To Something:

A positive forward thinking mindset will get you through these dark times. Plan your next vacation. Plan your wedding. Plan your dinner with your gal pals and definitely seek the comfort of your friends at Sunday Brunch. Doing everyday things will help ease anxiety and can be a stern reminder of what the Ukraine and its allies are fighting for. Their democracy and the freedom to look forward to something.




How to Do a Mental Spring Clean

Decluttering is a concept that’s not strictly tied to one’s living space but one’s life in general. Metaphorically speaking, a mental spring cleaning could represent a chance to resolve some standing issues and provide yourself with a head start. It’s also a method of getting a new perspective on life and exploiting your mental capacities to the fullest.

Sure, all this sounds pretty amazing, but what does it mean in practice? How do you do a mental spring cleaning? Here are a couple of tips to help you get started.

Understand Why You’re Doing It

While, in theory, leading a healthier life (from the mental standpoint) should be a reward on its own, a lot of people lack the proper motivation to get started. You see, the term mental wellbeing is “too abstract” and, for a lot of people, it doesn’t hit close to home. So, we’ll try to break it down in order to explain why it’s so significant.

Being under constant pressure (regardless of whether you want to call it pressure or stress) can cause you to develop some physiological difficulties. In general, it leads to:

● High blood pressure
● Poor dietary and sleeping habits
● Muscle aches and headaches
● Gastrointestinal issues

Other than this, people who are constantly under stress may be more likely to develop serious mental health issues like:

● Anxiety
● Depression

Avoiding these problems alone should be incentivizing enough. However, being in a better mental state will also make you more productivemore focused, and even more charismatic. This means that you’ll be in a better position to achieve some of your long-lasting goals and make something truly remarkable of yourself.

Of course, those who are already experiencing some of the most extreme consequences should probably look for mental assistance. Those who are shy about asking for help could consider a more anonymous approach of looking for a therapist online.

Find an Exhaust Vent

You need an exhaust vent, and this needs to be an interest that meets certain criteria.

● First, it needs to be accessible. Sure, you love vacationing, but this is something that you can do once or twice per year, which means that as a method of venting, it might not be as efficient.
● Second, it needs to be inexpensive to be sustainable. However, it shouldn’t be completely free, seeing as how you want the experience of “treating yourself” from time to time. Working out is one great example, seeing as how it’s something for you to do every single day, and the costs of pursuing this passion are not that high. Gardening is another fine example. Other than being creative and relaxing, the benefits of gardening for both your physical and mental health are too numerous to count.
● Lastly, it needs to be something that you are personally passionate about. A lot of people make suggestions, but these are the things that work for them. While their heart might be in the right place, it’s essential that you find your own way. So, do some soul-searching, do your research, and give the most promising option a try.

Once you find this exhaust vent, you’ll get on-demand access to one of the most efficient coping mechanisms out there. It’s an objective worth pursuing.

Drop One Bad Habit Per Month

While everyone wants to clean up their life right away, there’s nothing wrong with taking things a bit more gradually. For instance, you could drop junk food in the first month. Start exercising next month. Get your sleeping regimen in order on month three, and so on. In a single year, you would be a completely different person.

Sure, some habits are harder to drop, which is why you want to take these things gradually. You want to start from the least to most ambitious projects. This way, you’re gradually strengthening your resolve and building momentum.

The biggest crisis of faith happens before you see the first results. These are the low points during which you’ll experience withdrawal symptoms (literal or metaphorical, depending on the habit we’re talking about), and it will seem like there’s no payoff. Once you get something in return, things will start looking up.

Do Something That You’ve Been Postponing Forever

Almost everyone out there suffers from procrastination (in one form or another and to one degree or another). The only way to triumph over it is to assume the most direct approach possible.

First, you want to make a list. This will make any attempts at mental gymnastics a lot harder. Once you get too comfortable, it will be easy to rationalize how this is not something urgent or important. When it’s on the list, it becomes material proof of your procrastination-inducing hypocrisy. To put it simply, it might shame you out of your laziness. This is also why so many therapists strongly advocate visualizing your goals.

It’s also important that you get yourself going. The hardest part is always getting started. One tip is that you should try doing something for just 5 minutes, even if it means forcing yourself to do it. After these initial 5 minutes, if everything runs smoothly, the chances are that you won’t be able to stop until the completion of the task (or at least the initial objective).

Another way to fight this is through discipline/willpower. This, however, is something that you need to exercise by constantly pushing your limits.

Eliminate Negative People from Your Life

Some people simply have a negative influence on you, and the best course of action would be to separate yourself from these people. This is usually a hard thing to do, seeing as how some of these people might have been with you forever. After all, there must be a reason why you’re still around them, even after the realization that they have a negative effect on you.

There are others who you can’t avoid for… well, technical reasons. For instance, neighbors or coworkers are just going to stick around, and in order to avoid them, you might have to do something drastic like move or change your job. Still, there’s nothing preventing you from limiting your interactions or even emotionally distancing yourself from their impact.

The biggest problem lies in the fact that some of these emotional vampires aren’t directly making your life worse. They’re not borrowing money from you, getting you into fights or legal trouble, or causing controversy. This is what makes their effects on you harder to notice. What they do is just make you feel worse after hanging out with them than you did before. It may seem small, but it’s a luxury that you might not be able to afford.

In Conclusion

Keep in mind that you’re the only one who can get your life in order. In life, there’s no such thing as a point of no return. However, the longer you wait, the worse the situation will appear. Also, remember that all that it takes is a single decision. The sooner you make it, the sooner you get to reap the benefits.

About The Author

Stacey is a freelance writer living in Minnesota with her cat, and she’s passionate about yoga, languages, home improvement, and drinking strong coffee. Find her on Twitter @StaceyShann0n

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