When The ‘Winter Blues’ Set In

It has started. The time change has happened, making it dark by the time you get home from work.

It is starting to get colder, which makes it so much easier to go home and curl up in a blanket than to do anything else.

As the days get shorter, you find yourself losing energy to do things.

You find yourself uninterested in things you used to enjoy.

You are feeling sad, depressed even. And you may be suffering from the Winter Blues.

I get the Winter Blues every year.

I am so tired that I sleep in. When I get off work, I grab fast food, because I have no energy to cook.

I plop down on the couch and watch TV while I eat and then go to bed super early and the cycle starts all over the next day.

I constantly feel tired. I stop wanting to socialize with my friends, but then feel lonely when unloved when I don’t hear from them.

My nights become eating, binge watching Netflix and/or reading a book.

Over the years I have been able to notice when the Winter Blues has kicked in full swing.

It is usually when I look around and see I’m surrounded by take out bags.

Or when I’m crying because I haven’t heard from a friend all week, yet I haven’t wanted to text her either.

After I am able to recognize my symptoms, I am able to do certain things that help.

Get out in the sun.

Winter Blues is a thing, because of the lack of sunlight.  So when the sun is out, take advantage of it.

Go stand outside on your lunch break and soak up some sun!


Exercising will boost your mood and increase your energy.  Find a workout buddy and take a class.  It is easier to skip classes if you are on your own.

But if you know you would be letting a friend down if you skipped, you are more likely to show up.


If you get invited to something go. Even if you don’t really feel like it. Even if you don’t stay for the entire time.

Sometimes, just getting out the house is a good start to boost your mood.

Eat Healthy.

Even though it is 100 times easier to just pick something up on the way home from work, eating healthy will help increase your energy.

When you cook yourself instead of getting take out, you will ultimately feel better about yourself.

Get help. 

If you just can’t seem to get out of your funk, go see your doctor.

Seasonal depression is a real thing and can be treated.

Always remember, that the Winter Blues will pass. Spring will come, the sun will start shining and you will get back to your old self.

In the meantime, take care of yourself the best you can.

8 Mood Boosters to Get You Through Your Bad Day

Moods Swing

Every now and then, your mood just drops.

Everything seems to be falling apart all at once. It just seems like every time you take a step forward, there’s some curve ball thrown at you pushing you back 6 steps.

Have no fear, I have 8 things that can get you back on your feet.


1. Take pride in those moments where you absolutely knocked it out of the park and write them down 

No seriously, write down everything.

Even things as small as getting on the honors list in elementary school to graduating high school, to leaving the shitty boyfriend you had.

It’s hard to thing of all the amazing thing you’ve done with yourself when it seems that everything is falling apart.

When you’ve accomplished so many things, small setbacks look just like, well, small setbacks.


2. Look at pictures of you when you were younger

I don’t mean just baby aged. I mean middle school and high school even last year. Just look at your past. Remember the struggles you were going through then.

See how far you’ve come. Your struggle today will pass just as easily.


10 Awesome Quotes to Guide You Throughout Life


Awesome Quotes To Get Through Those Rough Patches

I feel like we all have different perceptions of what quotes mean to us. We all need a little guidance and quotes to help us get through this crazy life. Here are 10 quotes that mean the most to me and why:


1. Good people are like candles; They burn themselves to give others light.

It’s important to be good to every person on this earth. For some reason… some people like to take the good and let it die. When the good people get taking advantage of, they get sick of the way they get treated and start acting like the people who made them sick of being the good person they were.


2. Attract what you expect, reflect what you desire, become what you respect, and mirror what you admire.

We need to be how we would want others to be like to us. People ask me why I’m always so nice and why do I allow people to take advantage of me? Well, it’s because I am what I want people to be like to me. I have no control over if a person treats me with the same respect, but I know I will be able to say that I can look in the mirror and admire the character I have.

How Your Pet Can Help You Get More Exercise

Pets Are Good For Your Health

Pets make wonderful companions. And the create compassion in us humans, as we realize their sweet vulnerabilities. We care for them and we love them as family.

Pets Give Back

But did you know? Pets can also help to boost morale, reduce depression, and be a source of physical comfort. But pets are SO much more than just epic friends; they’re also great workout buddies!

Pets Keep You Fit

In addition to emotional support, pets keep you moving!

No, it’s not crazy to think that pets can help you get more exercise. Here are a few ways it’s possible:

Walking Your Dog Who Walks You

Walking — Studies have shown that dog owners walk nearly twice as much every week as people without pets. That’s a lot of calories burned just because you had to take Fido out of the house! The more you walk, the less time you spend on your couch and the faster your metabolism burns those calories you ate!

Take Your Dog For A Run

Running/Jogging — When you set your own running or jogging pace, you burn a steady number of calories. But if you have to run to keep up with your dog when it races ahead, you’ll burn a lot more! Training with your pet can be a great replacement for an expensive gym membership-it will help you save some money while keeping you in great shape!

Biking With Your Dog

Cycling — Most dogs will love to run alongside you as you cycle, and you can help your dog get its ya-ya’s out by taking it for a bike ride!

Take A Hike With Your Pooch

Hiking — Dogs aren’t just great when you go walking, but they can make hiking a whole lot more fun. Plus, they can carry supplies (food and water), and they’ll even come in handy in case of an emergency!



Throw Those Skate On 

Rollerblading — Rollerblading around town is a great way to commute, but it’s also a wonderful cardio workout! Taking your pet with you can actually make getting around easier. After all, the dog can pull you when you’re feeling tired.

The Non Workout

Even if you don’t work out with your pet, the truth is that you are naturally going to get more exercise just because you own a dog (cats are more sedentary). The dog is going to be eternally begging to get out of the house, to go on a walk, and to play. Pet owners that want to have happy pets will make an effort to play with their pets or take them out, and that gets your butt off the couch.

A study conducted in Australia discovered that pet owners did up to 77% more exercise than people who didn’t own pets. That’s A LOT of exercise that you would never have done had you not had an animal begging for you to take them out of the house.

Your pet isn’t just going to be the thing getting you off your butt, but they make great exercise companions. They will walk and run alongside you, serving as a silent workout partner that will help to keep you accountable for getting in a proper workout. Plus, they are great for social support, and they may even help you to make new friends and meet new people!

Consider how you can do more exercise along with your pet. Maybe there are dog parks in your area that you can visit (check out this Dog Park Finder app…), or you can hit the trails around your city. Find places where you can take your dog for a walk, and you’ll be forcing yourself to burn more calories while keeping your pet happy!

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