An Honest Reflection Of My First Year Of Marriage

Virtually everyone is online, and we can sometimes forget that we are real people in real relationships with real issues. Everyone shares their highlight reel, and comparison is the thief of joy. So I want to share our real experience, not just our highlight reel.

While married for only one, my husband and I have been together for seven years. Some people say that nothing changes when you get married, or that marriage is just a piece of paper. In our experience, it is more than that. Marriage does bring change. As soon as our ceremony came to an end, things changed. We both felt this shift, and we talked about it in the following days. It was a subtle shift, but it made a significant impact. We basked in the glow of our post-wedding bliss. It feels like walking on air at first, like there is a visible aura around both of you, and you swear everyone else can see it, too.

Life together is both extraordinary and mundane. You can be your weird, messy selves with each other that no one else ever gets to see. You know you are safe with this person. You didn’t think you could love your person more than you already do, but then they do something that reminds you exactly why you chose to spend forever with them, and you are inundated with the feelings of love all over again.

But it’s not all sunshine and meadows full of roses. Real-life is never so easy.

Some say that the first year of marriage is the hardest. For us, it was no cakewalk. There may be more discord this first year. But you endure. You learn how to work with each other instead of against each other.

During the course of the first several months, you ease into a new normal. There is a sense of permanence. The word ‘forever’ floats around in your mind, and sometimes the weight of it scares you. You realize you married this person— as they are, imperfections included. During heated moments, the word ‘Divorce‘ floats around in your head like a loaded gun. One thing I made my husband promise me prior to getting married was that neither of us would ever threaten divorce. Well, three months later, I was actually the first person to break that promise. In the first six months, we both threatened divorce multiple times. Which wasn’t healthy, but we are human.

You both trigger each other, and this is normal.

Your spouse can trigger traumas that you thought you had dealt with. Maybe they even trigger trauma you didn’t even know you had. Your spouse is the one person capable of triggering you in a way that no one else can.

At first, you may not even understand or recognize your triggers. When triggered, you both resort back to old patterns. You do what you learned to do a long time ago in order to cope and what you had learned back then is not always necessarily healthy. In those moments, self-preservation is paramount, and right now, you don’t know any other way. For some—like my husband—this can be shutting down. And for others—like me—it can be an all-encompassing wave of emotion that just pours out, drowning out all logic and reasoning. And when you bring these two people together, it can be cataclysmic.

Eventually, you are able to identify your triggers and catch yourself when you are about to react instead of respond. You come to understand why you both are the way you are and why you think the way you do. You understand that you come from different backgrounds and different families. And you can then finally meet in a place of mutual understanding and make each other feel heard and validated, leading to true intimacy.

None of this is done effortlessly, though. It is hard work to heal old wounds from your past and change patterns that have been ingrained in your families for copious generations.

But you want to break the cycle, so you can be the best you can be for each other.

Perhaps all of this is common sense for some people. Perhaps for others, it is something to be learned. And that’s okay. We had to learn this. And sometimes, those of us that did not grow up with healthy communication/attachment styles and struggle with trauma and mental illness may need help. All of the progress we have made has been possible for us through Marriage Counseling.

Therapy does not have to be scary, and even the couples who appear to have it all together can benefit from it. We are now able to effectively communicate about hard things outside of counseling and continue to make each other feel validated. We don’t make ultimatums or threaten our marriage. This doesn’t mean that we don’t still become frustrated with each other sometimes or trigger each other. The difficulties are now far easier to navigate.

We are in a much better place now than we were when we started counseling seven months ago, but we still go to counseling, and we don’t see ourselves stopping any time soon. We both enjoy it, and we both get so much out of our sessions. We sometimes go in with a plan of what we would like to discuss and then end up going a different route entirely. I actually love when that happens.

Pro Tip: Marriage Counseling/Couples Therapy is covered by insurance if it is billed as individual counseling, and there are therapists out there willing to do that.

This year has laid the foundation for the rest of our marriage. We are both endlessly grateful for this first year of marriage and everything we have learned about ourselves and about each other. Our marriage is far from perfect, but it is real. I love my husband more than I ever have, and I know he feels the same.


7 Reasons Why I’ll Always, Unapologetically, Choose My Career Over A Man


I’ve always been a hard worker throughout my entire life. Ever since I was a freshman in high school, I’ve had at least one job. Fast forward to college, I was interning in New York City three days a week, attending college full-time and waitressing at two restaurants to pay tuition and ensure I could graduate with a degree in the fields I was most passionate about. Long story short – I’ve always been a go-getter, someone who puts her work first and never, ever takes a handout. I started out interning at small, start-up companies in journalism and, worked my way up through several companies to be in a position I used to only dream about.


At the end of the day, my work and my passions will always come first. It’s one of the things I value most about myself – my work ethic. While it’s been the reason I’ve always succeeded in life, it’s also the reason I’ve had trouble in relationships. Throughout my life, every guy I’ve ever dated has had a “problem” with the amount of work I do. I never work one job, I’m always working over 40 hours a week and I usually make more money than my partner. Whatever the reason is, men have always given me sh*t for the way in which I choose to spend my time and conduct my life.


9 Ways To Deepen Your Relationship Intimacy With Your Wife

Happy Wife Is A Happy Life

The more time and effort you put into your marriage, the happier it will be.

One way you can put effort into your marriage is by making your wife feel special every day. Some men prefer verbalizing their love, while others are uncomfortable getting ooey-gooey with their wives. For those men, small, loving gestures will do the talking for them.

Thinking up romantic ideas for your wife doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate. Romantic dinners and extravagant nights out are surely going to make her feel special, but true relationship intimacy is deepened by the little things you do for her.

Whether you’ve been married for four months or 40 years, it is always a wonderful idea to strengthen your relationship intimacy and make your wife feel special. Here are the best romantic ideas for your wife that will make her go “Wow!”

Embrace Small Gestures

Doing romantic ideas for your wife doesn’t mean shelling out an entire paycheck on an elaborate gift or meal. One of the best ways to build relationship intimacy is by doing the little things.

1.) Open the door for her

2.) Give your coat to your wife when she’s cold

3.) Compliment her talents

4.) Tell her she’s gorgeous

5.) Remember important dates

6.) Leave her a love note in her lunch

7.) Ask her how her day is going

8.) Bring her coffee or tea in the morning

By doing these little things for her, you’ll let her know that in your marriage, chivalry isn’t dead.

Explore Physical Intimacy

As husbands, we want to do the best we can for our wives. And that includes in the bedroom.

Ensuring our wives are satisfied sexually and that we’re paying attention to other physical aspects of the relationship can do wonders in strengthening the marriage.

Studies show that sexual satisfaction was the highest predictor of emotional intimacy in couples. 

Exploring physical intimacy is more than just sex, as well. Research reveals that kissing activates the brain’s reward system. The oxytocin released during sex and other acts of physical touch (such as hugging or holding hands) has also been shown to increase trust and decrease stress.

7 Ways To Tell You’ve Finally Found That ‘Forever’ Kind Of Love

When we fall in love with someone, we always want them to be the “end all, be all” of our life. We don’t want to think about every playing the field again, we never want to think about the “dating scene” again–we just want this to be the “forever” kind of love. How do you know, though? How are you able to realize that the person you are with is the person you should be with forever? It’s hard to say. Everyone’s life is incredibly different (in many ways), but there are some universal feelings, lessons, and realizations that you can have while falling in love that makes you stop and realize–”wow, I can truly see myself spending the rest of my life with this person.”


1. You completely trust them, with no strings attached.

When you fall in love with someone, you’re allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to someone. We’re allowing ourselves to risk being hurt, heartbroken, and devastated if things don’t go as planned. We’re essentially putting our emotional wellbeing and souls into another person’s hands. That’s truly an action that requires the utmost trust and value. If you’re unsure whether or not you can trust your partner, there’s no reason to even picture a future together. You should feel comfortable and at ease when it comes to your life together.

You should never wonder what they’re doing when they’re out if they’re talking to someone else, if they’re texting someone they shouldn’t be. If you ever feel the inclination you should go through their phone, texts, emails, social media–you’re not with the person you deserve to be with. The person you are meant to be with will never, ever give you a reason not to trust them. They will always be honest with you, open with you, and give you every single solitary reason to trust them. If you are uneasy about your love now, think about feeling this way as you get older–with kids involved. You should never live your life on the edge with someone.


I’m A Feminist, But Damn, I Can’t Wait To Be A Wife And A Mom

Feminism, or more simply, the equality between men and women has been a topic forever. From fighting for the right to vote to fight for the right to your own body, badass women have been paving the way for the ladies after them for a long time.


Women have done some incredible things. From inventing ground-breaking medical technology to winning awards in male-dominated industries to crushing sports records, the limit to what women can do apparently does not exist.


I’ve long dreamt of being one of those incredible women. A doctor, a lawyer, a CEO, a lady breaking stereotypes wherever she saw them. But as I’ve gotten older, fallen in love and thought long and hard what I want out of this life, I know that being a wife and a mom is an incredible thing this woman wants to do.


15 People Share The Weird Moment That Made Them Realize They Were In Love

There comes a point in everyone’s life when they fall in love with someone else. Falling in love, in itself, is a beautiful experience. But, how do you know you’re in love with someone? There’s usually a tell-tale moment that you can pinpoint and look back on saying: “Wow, that’s when I truly knew.” To make your heart flutter and your eyes well up with tears, people online have been sharing those “weird” moments that they realized their true love was truly the one. Prepare to say “awwww” for the next 10-15 minutes.


We were coworkers at a bar/restaurant when we met. I was adamant we were just friends and that I didn’t have a crush on her. But one night something crazy happened (I forget exactly what, it’s been several years) and I immediately started doing laps around the place trying to find her to tell her. I can’t find her to save my life. Turns out we were both circling the restaurant looking for the other person.



Without me asking for it, she sent me her pillowcase, because it smelled like her.

To Afghanistan.

It meant more than I can explain.


Married Women Share The One Thing They Wish They Could Tell Their Single Friends

Getting married is a very special moment for anyone involved, but especially special for the bride. Many women dream of their wedding day and starting a family with their soulmate. However, once they get married, their lives change. For women who get married and still have a bunch of friends who are single, it can be hard for them to understand the complexities of marriage and starting a family. For those who are married, you know how it can be—your single friends want to go out, go on vacations, and constantly do things spontaneously, not realizing that a marriage is between two people who make decisions together. Therefore, it’s difficult for some married women to have their single friends understand all of their “new life” changes.

Recently, BuzzFeed asked their female users who are married to share the one thing they wish they could tell their single friends about marriage and daily life. While some women focus on the changes you undergo when getting married, others had some brilliant life-long advice for new marriedwomen to follow.


Please understand if we’re busy and on our time off we want to hang out with our spouse. I’ve went to considerably less girls nights since I’ve been married, not because I don’t enjoy hanging out with them, but because I want to spend time with my husband when I can.



Getting married and having a family is wonderful. However, I had to move when I got married. This created an emotional (and quite literal) distance between my single friends and me. The reality is: You gain a lot when you get married, but you also lose some things too. It can become a brand new environment. But still, my single friends need to know that I haven’t forgotten them.



When I say I need to check with my partner, it’s not because I need “permission”. We do things as a team, it’s important for us to run plans past each other to keep our family running smoothly and to show we respect each other.



Marriage is not romance and roses everyday. Marriage is choosing someone and making the effort to be the pest person possible for them especially when it’s really hard.



That marriage doesn’t magically change your relationship. People always ask how’s married life and honestly it’s the same just with differenttitles and as with all relationships, it’s work.



We may vent about our spouses but that doesn’t mean we have a bad marriage. It just means we need to vent, or talk through a problem with someone so we can find a solution or figure out how we feel about it. Don’t make assumptions about my marriage because I need to talk or vent about one of my husband’s annoying habits.



Try not to judge your friends when they already have plans with their spouse and can’t hang out with you. Just because we live together doesn’t mean we always spend fun, quality time together. Many people marry their best friends, and we want to hang out with them, too!



My marriage isn’t perfect because I talk about all the great things. It’s also not terrible when I talk about all the bad things. People tend to talk about the extreme highs and the extreme lows. You need somewhere to vent when bad things happen and someone to be happy with you when the good things happen.



Just because I’m married does not mean I need to be with my husband 24/7. Please still invite me to girls night out and brunch. I don’t want my husband to be my only friend.



To single friends who want to stay single: do you! I want to hear about your exploits and gossip with you and go to bars and hang out with you just like before.

To single friends looking for “the one”: ignore all the cutesy quotes and people telling you what marriage and love are “absolutely” like. Every person is different and every relationship is different. The only way to go wrong is if there is abuse or neglect. Marry the person you can’t imagine your life without. Or at least, the one you don’t WANT to imagine life without.



Don’t just marry someone because things are always great with them 100% of the time and they make you the happiest you’ve ever been. Marry someone that you’ve gone through hell AND BACK with because chances are you’ll hit tough timesagain and you’ll know they’ll still be there when it’s over.



Just because I’m married, doesn’t mean that I am going to have kids! And it’s rude to ask!



Marriage is an ever changing beast. As you grow your desires and dreams for your life may change. Your partner is learning how to grow with you and that process looks different for everyone. No person comes with instructions. Our emotions change and so do our looks/bodies. It’s all a part of life that can’t be ignored by your partner. Their response to life’s situations will be different than yours and figuring out life’s complexities are hard. Marriage that lasts a long timeare about two people who commit to working alongside the crazy ride of life.



Stop saying that we are your relationship goals. That puts undue pressure on us and makes it seem as though marriage is easy. It is not. It is work.



I want you to tell me if I’m not there enough. My marriage is obviously extremely important to me…. but without friends you have NOTHING. If you need me, please ask me. I value being a good friend just as much if not more than being a good wife. No I don’t want to go bar hopping on a Saturday night, but I WILL if you need me too,m and probably love every minute of it.



You don’t feel like a third wheel to us when you hang out with me and my husband. Or with us and other couples. We still want you around. Also, my husband is my best friend and while I still want to hang out with you one and one, I really want my friends to also be friends with my spouse. So sometimes we’re a joint package.



Love isn’t this high you ride your whole life with your spouse. It gets hard and the best way to combat divorce is knowing that going it. Marriage is choosing to commit to that person because you love them in a different way even when butterflies come and go. Even when the feelings are gone the best thing I’ve found is to start treating one another like you’re still dating- if you used to bring them ice cream randomly, or light the room with candles… the hard part is doing it when you truly don’t want to.



Marriage is not an end goal. Being married doesn’t solve all your problems. Stop fantasizing that if you were only married, life would be better. Yes, sometimes it’s nice to have my husband to come home to.



Marriage is work especially when both people are dealing with mental health illnesses. I know work sounds like a bad thing but it’s not. It’s working on ourselves and relationship that will enrich us and help us continue to grow as individuals as well as in our relationship. Being vulnerable has helped us come a long way. Understanding their mental health is important too and makes them feel validated. At the end of the day my spouse is my best friend.



A wedding rarely solves any problems. If you and your partner have an issue while dating, it will most likely be there after the wedding day. You should talk about everything before you get married so that there are no surprises later. Do you want kids and how many? What do you consider to be cheating? ? How do they want to be buried? Who gets the dog if you break up? What happens if one of you ends up on life support? Will you tell your children santa is real or fake? Just everything you can think of should have been decided before you say I do.


25 People Reveal The One Moment That Caused Them To End Their Relationship

Breakups are hard to do, no matter when they happen in a relationship. Saying goodbye to someone you love can be a difficult experience. But, for many, there is no other option. There are many people who reach a point in relationships—a breaking point—that they cannot come back from. It changes theway they view their partner entirely and they can no longer stay in a healthy, loving relationship with that person. Recently, Reddit user u/bejeweledbanana asked users to share the tipping point of their relationship—what made them end it for good—and, some of these stories are insane.


When my now ex-wife was arrested for having a sexual relationship with one of her female students…



She started telling me how she had to defend me to my friends after I had to miss watching a show with themto go into work. My friends told me that wasn’t true and she spent the entire time shit talking me.



She wouldn’t stop sleeping with her ex boyfriend and then decided to marry him. She told me this via text.



He and I had this moment, lying on the bed, listening to some music, in my room, while the sun was setting, the city buzzing away below us, after a long day and I felt this wholesome feeling, like I knew where I belonged. And right then and there, he looks at me and said: “if you ever leave me, I’m gonna make your life a fucking hell.”

Guess I belonged far far away from him.



I got tired of carrying her to bed after her nightly binge drinking. Also, her complete denial of being an alcoholic and refusing to get help.


Woman Slams Jewelry Store Employee Who Called Her Engagement Ring ‘Pathetic’

Engagement rings are a symbol of a promise to get married; they represent the union between two people who plan to stay together, through thick and thin, until death, or at least until divorce. The ring itself is important to some people, but not so much to others. Some people can afford to drop a substantial amount of money on an engagement ring, while others can’t or just don’t want to, because they’d rather use the money for something else, like the wedding rings, the wedding, the honeymoon, or any number of other expenses. After all, a diamond is just a thing. It’s a pretty thing, but it’s still just a thing.

Ariel Desiree McRae of Nashville, TN, wasn’t especially concerned with what kind of engagement ring her guy bought her, she was just thrilled to be getting married to him. In a lengthy post on Facebook’s Love What Matters, she wrote about how happy she was when she and her fiance went to Pandora to buy the ring. Unfortunately, a rude and shallow salesperson at the store almost ruined the experience for them when she called the ring they were about to buy “pathetic.”

Facebook: Ariel Desiree McRae

She wrote:

“My husband doesn’t have a lot, neither of us do. We scrape and scrape to pay bills and put food in our bellies, but after almost 2 years of dating we decided that we couldn’t wait anymore, so we didn’t.

I wasn’t even thinking about rings, I just wanted to marry my best friend, but he wouldn’t have it. He scraped up just enough money to buy me two matching rings from Pandora. Sterling silver and CZ to be exact. That’s what sits on my ring finger, and I am so in love with them.

While we were purchasing my rings however, another lady that was working there came over to help the lady selling them to us. She said, ‘Y’all can you believe that some men get these as engagement rings? How pathetic.’ When she said that I watched my now husband’s face fall. He already felt bad because he couldn’t afford the pear-shaped set that so obviously had my heart and covered my Pinterest page. He already felt like a failure, asking me again and again ‘Are you sure you’ll be happy with these? Are you sure this is okay?’ He was so upset at the idea of not making me happy enough and of me not wanting to marry him because my rings didn’t cost enough money or weren’t flashy enough.

Old Ariel would have ripped that woman a new one. Mature Ariel said, ‘It isn’t the ring that matters, it is the love that goes into buying one that is.’ We bought the rings and left.

Facebook: Love What Matters

Y’all I would have gotten married to this man if it had been a 25¢ gum ball machine ring. When did our nation fall so far to think the only way a man can truly love a woman is if he buys her $3,000+ jewelry and makes a public decree of his affection with said flashy ring? Sure they are nice, sure the sentiment is wonderful and I’m not trying to cut down any of your experiences, but when did it come to all that? Why do material possessions equate love??

My husband was so afraid of me not wanting him because he couldn’t afford a piece of jewelry. He was afraid that the love I have for him would pale because he couldn’t afford the wedding set I wanted. The world has made it this way and it is so sad. Ultimately we couldn’t wait any longer.. so we eloped. I’ve never been this happy in my life and I couldn’t imagine spending it with anyone else ever. Here I am, Court-House married, $130 ring set, the love of my life by my side and happier than I could ever imagine.”

Facebook: Ariel Desiree McRae

After her post went viral, McRae added an update:

“This post keeps growing much to my surprise, and I’ve been asked a thousand times how we met. So here is the short version! My husband and I met online at the age of 20, talked on the phone (and I mean actually talked not text) for 6+ hours a day for two days. He then drove an hour out of his way to take me on a date. I wore a tacky Christmas sweater (if you think I am lying, ask him) We ate wings, had a burping contest, and drove around listening to music and singing. I fell in love with him on the first date.”

People on Facebook really loved the post and many responded with stories (and pictures!) of their own.

Awww, that is just so much love!

McRae also spoke to Today and said that she was “blown away and inspired” by all the attention her post received. “I’ve received so many messages from people telling me that I gave them the courage to finally propose or get married, even if they couldn’t afford a ring. It’s been overwhelming and emotional that I’ve been able to help other people.”

“People shouldn’t have to go into debt for love. It’s the love that’s important. You can get married without rings. Its just material,” she added.

Nailed it.

h/t Bored Panda and Today

People Are Admitting The Dumbest Things Their Significant Other Has Ever Done And…Just Wow

We all do stupid things in our lives—no one is perfect. Sometimes, we make mistakes that we can easily recover from. Other times, our partner will never, ever let us live down the dumb, outrageous, stupid things we do and say. Isn’t that what love is about, anyway? Good thing there are places like Reddit who ask our partners to share these very stories and embarrass us all for the rest of our lives. Good thing my boyfriend doesn’t use Reddit much—or I’d be f*cked.


She told me she only waxes her legs, because if you shave one hair, then it splits and two grow back in its place…



I asked him to plant a baby tree in the back garden. The next day I saw it and thought it looked strange. Walked up and it had been planted upside down. He thought the roots were tiny limp branches. Laughed for days.



We bought a new car. She asked me if I changed the settings to Spanish because it said ‘Ajar’ on the dash when the door was open.



As I’m in labor with our daughter, my husband asks “Do you want her to have an innie or an outie belly button?” Weird question, but whatever. So I tell him I don’t mind either way, both are cute. And then he says “Yeah, but when the Dr asks, which should we pick for her?”

He thought when they clamp the umbilical cord, parents tell the Dr the type of belly button they prefer. He’s really smart, I promise.



When my wife and I started dating in the mid 1980’s she knew I was a huge fan of David Letterman. She said she had a huge surprise for me as she had tickets to see Letterman at a local venue.

I was confused since David Letterman did not tour. I looked at the tickets she purchased and they were for the old 60’s band “The Lettermen.”



One time my husband called me at work, “Babe, you’re gonna be mad, I made a mess but don’t worry I’ll fix it!” I didn’t even ask, just sighed, because he is basically Lucy from I Love Lucy. When I got home a little bit later it was to a living room COVERED in gray powder, my husband completely filthy with a trash bag and broom and a super panicked look on his face. Turned out he’d decided to help around the house and wanted to clean the fireplace, he’d just decided the best way to do it would be to stand in front of it with a trash bag and use the leaf blower to blow the ashes in.



My boyfriend as we were looking up at the beautiful night sky.

“Wow, there’s so much we don’t know about the universe. Like where the stars go during the day. Are they still there? If not, where do they go?”

He was dead serious.



My favorite memory of my parents is going to some fast food joint, through the drive thru. Mom is driving and giving our orders to the cashier. Just as she finishes my dad casually says “To go” my mom, and she turns back to the cashier and says “To go.” Two seconds of buffering later and she slaps my dad full on in the chest, who is laughing fucking hysterically. Dont think we’ve ever let her live that down.



I showed her how to crack an egg by tapping it against another egg and she thought this meant any amount of force would be absorbed by only one egg and smashed two eggs together spraying yolk everywhere.



My girlfriend in college attended my graduation and afterward says to me, “Man, there were a lot of people with the name ‘lawdy’.”

Each time someone was given their degree, it was announced whether they were graduating “cum laude” or not. My girlfriend thought America’s largest family graduated from university with me that day – the Lawdy family (and they all looked unrelated.)



My husband and I were at Canadian Tire and they had tiny examples of tents (basically looked like they were made for barbie dolls) and the pricing for each underneath. He turned to me shocked and asked, “why are these so expensive for such tiny tents?!”.



As we were driving along the road we saw a horse with its head over a gate. We slowed down, she opens the window and says “Mooooooo.”



I love my husband but I have watched him empty a vacuum cleaner bag into a wire wastebasket.

I, on the other hand, am frequently unable to remember common words and have to resort to saying things like “The box you put stuff in to make it cold.”



My boyfriend thought that a sushi roll was a cross section of a raw eel.



She ate cold turkey to try and quit smoking.



Tried to make baked potatoes in the microwave for the first time. Wrapped them in tinfoil. Came to ask me why there were lightning bolts in the microwave and why was it getting very hot.



We were driving one day and were stopped at a red light. She’s looking at a sign and the following exchange occurs:

Her: “What a dumb name for a street!”

Me: “Huh? What street?”

Her: “Bone Marrow Drive? Who would name a street Bone Marrow Drive?”

It was a sign for a local bone marrow drive that would be taking place, not the name of the street. We still talk about it to this day.



Now ex girlfriend from high school. Her power had gone out in the neighboring town. She called crying saying she had so much homework to complete. I said to drive to my house since I still had power. She yelled at me saying “how dare you attempt to get me to drive! How do you expect me to do that… my headlights won’t work!”



nothing too dumb. I have a fan with different settings labelled L M H for how fast the fan spins.

She was looking at it and told me she set the fan to ‘Large.’



He is super grossed out my periods, when I asked him what he would do if we had a daughter he replied “I just won’t change her diaper that time of the month.”



A now ex but we were trying to dirty talk and couldn’t think of the word “clit” so instead he said “tiddly bit” I was laughing so much that we couldn’t continue.



In high school, my girlfriend said, “Do you know what I just realized? There’s no state that starts with the letter F!”

We went to school in Florida.



On the phone trying to describe where we are to her parents:

“We are behind the car that’s in front of us.”

I lost it.



Wife was getting in the car to take me to work

Started shouting at me to hurry up then it dawned on her she had got in the passenger side by mistake.



“The hardest part of writing a check is you have to write in cursive.”



I work at a school and received a candle as a gift one year for christmas from a parent. They were known to be hippies and set in their lifestyle. My boyfriend picked it up and said “wow, what hipsters, they even got a candle made in Mexico. It says soy candle!!” The candle was made from soy wax, it did not say “I am candle” in Spanish, much to his disappointment and my delight.



My fiancee was setting up for my 30th birthday at a bar. She was blowing up balloons with her mouth and taping them to the wall on the outside deck the bar had. She asked me, “why aren’t they floating up?”



For some reason, when she’s done watching a video she doesn’t pause it or close out of the window; she just shuts her laptop. This has twice resulted in her scandalizing a quiet lecture hall with the sound of porn resuming at full volume.

And she gets off on some wacky shit.



My husband called me one day with a wild story. He said he sharted and wanted to see if there was poop on his ass so he stood on the toilet and spread his ass cheeks while looking in the mirror to see the damage. Then, from him standing on the toilet seat he broke it. He fell to the floor and said he saw pubes and started puking. After all that I asked him why he didn’t just wipe his ass like a normal person but he insisted he had to look at his butthole.


h/t: Reddit.

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