When your parents get divorced, it can be a difficult experience to go through. Many people feel as though it’s “their fault” for their parents splitting up, especially when they’re young. But, we all know that’s not true. Many adults grow out of love with each other, have issues that cause them to drift, or are just better off as friends than lovers.
But, what happens when your parents split up for 7 years and then magically find their way back to each other? Apparently, they get an entire social media network behind them rooting for them to make it happen. Twitter user @VirgoVonnie shared a text from his mom saying that she “kissed his father.”
He told his followers that his parents got divorced 7 years ago and both became recently single. Apparently, love is in the air, because his mom ended up kissing his dad and it was so good—she’s about to get her man back.
My parents divorced 7 years ago & started dating other ppl….they’re both recently single now & this is what my mom sent me last night 😂🤦🏽♂️ pic.twitter.com/NwdsUXR1UF
Obviously, people on Twitter were rooting for a family reunion. Who doesn’t love a happy ending? It’s so rare to see parents find their way back to each other, actually seeing it happen is a true blessing.
This is cute af. Got get your man, Mama!! As long as whatever it is that broke tall up in the first place isnt going to be something you hold against him.
One short story shares an insightful, deep, and honest take on why couples struggle to understand each other. As with many short stories, the underlying message is one that truly hits home.
The story is about a man being crushed by a stone, and the woman being bitten by a snake. Both the man and the woman are screaming in pain and agony, but neither is in a position in which they can see the true reason behind each other’s pain.
In all honesty, this could not be any more perfect. We don’t live in our SO’s shoes and follow them around all day, every day. There are many moments, pressures, and stresses that our partner will be under that we will never see nor know. We can’t always expect to know everything, and instead, should be more patient and understanding—and, allow for moments of communication and honesty, to truly make our relationship work.
Life is crazy. Sometimes, we’re in such a rush we put our underwear on inside out (or is that just me?) Due to the crazy, chaotic and hectic realities we all live in, it’s common that we forget to say “thank you,” to our partners for everything they do for us.
In relationships, appreciation goes a long way – especially, when they deserve it. It’s the small moments of recognition that make us feel that we’re truly loved.
Here’s to the boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancés, wives and husbands that we far too often take for granted. Here are my Thank You’s…
1. For not watching the new episode of “our show” without me.
2. Being patient with me.
3. Not judging my ugly crying face.
4. Being understanding.
5. Sharing you fries. And your onion rings.
6. For going to all the places I’ve forced you to go to – against your will.
7. Listening to my weird rants at 2 a.m.
8. Believing in my dreams and goals.
9. Not judging my awful singing voice in the car. And the shower.
10. For being supportive, especially when I need it the most.
11. Dealing with my horrible morning breath.
12. For coming into disagreements and arguments with an open-mind.
13. For laughing at my jokes even when they’re really awful (and not funny).
14. Including me in your decisions.
15. Letting me sleep, even if your arm is numb because I passed out on top of you.
16. Dealing with my crazy side.
17. Vegging out with me on a Friday night in PJ’s.
18. Making me feel like the only person in a crowded room.
19. Looking at 25 pictures of adorable animals with me because…well why the hell not?
20. For accepting me for who I am and where I am in life.
21. For being just as weird as me.
22. The surprises – even the small ones.
23. Not judging me when I yell at the television during a game or a show.
My MIL chose to have my Brother-in-laws funeral on my first wedding anniversary with her Son. She could have waited a week, but chose to punish me instead. She also wore purple at my wedding when the wedding party was told to exclusively wear pink, black or, silver. I’ll never understand.
After I married her son, she posted a bunch of my wedding pictures with nasty comments. Things like, “the cake, which no one ate,” “the whole family, plus the bride,” “this is the only picture of the original 6 (her and her kids) SERIOUSLY?!” She was also mad that my photographer didn’t know that she was my flower girl’s grandmother. She posted all of it publicly on Facebook.
My husband and I went to visit my MIL at her house. She had moved into my hubby’s old room and was showing us the changes she made. We sat on the bed to talk to her and, I kid you not, she said, “You know what I did in this bed? I masturbated.”
My MIL unfriended me on Facebook…twice! The first time I was pregnant with our first and her first grandchild and I was typical first time mom and by the book. I was worried about our cat smothering the baby (I know, dramatic) and asked if anyone could take him, even on a temporary basis until the baby could roll. She posted on Facebook that I was a horrible pet owner (went get into all the my husband and I have done for our pets) and I put her in her place by reminding her of that and that this was my first child and I didn’t know. She unfriended me and uninvited herself to the hospital to wait for the delivery. She came. The second unfriending is a lot juicier and, over a year and a half later, still in place.
Broke into my and my (now ex) husbands house by breaking the window above my toddlers toy box. Stole all the baby books and photos and dumped a can of coffee into our 60gal salt water fish tank.
She took my pellet stove fireplace, insisted she needed it for warmth and sold it for thousands of dollars and left a gaping hole in my house. Took a diamond ring of mine, told me she will give me money for it and never did. Exhusband cheated on me but she gave ME a religious video about how women must learn to forgive. WHAT.
Within the first 15 minutes of meeting my mother-in-law for the first time, she casually whipped out her boob and started to show me a strange mole she was concerned about. Then, she went into great detail about the vaginal mesh she had put in. Thankfully she didn’t try to whip that out to show me.
I was hosting Thanksgiving dinner and spent about seven to eight hours cooking. My MIL showed up with duplicate dishes of just about everything I made (we told her to only bring two dishes, tops). When I commented that we had a lot more food than I was expecting, she said “Well, we don’t really need to put yours out, do we? Just put yours in the freezer.”
-Melissa Linton Ferrell, Facebook
My MIL keeps in regular contact with several of my husband’s exes through Facebook and will call them with updates, despite him telling her to stop. She even tried to reunite my husband with one particular ex who had cheated on him.
On the way out the door to go to the rehearsal dinner for my wedding, my MIL patted my stomach and asked if there was “something I wanted to let everyone know” about why we were getting married, implying I looked pregnant.
When asked how my husband was, where he works, etc., I overheard my MIL say, “Yes, Matthew met his wife and gave up all his dreams.” I wish I could make this stuff up.
My MIL told me in front of my own mother that I needed to have sex with her son seven days a week and I need to have an orgasm at least five days a week in order to get pregnant.
At my sister-in-law’s wedding, my 3-month-old son was having a really hard week. He started teething, got his second round of shots, and had a horrible allergic reaction to cradle cap shampoo. A midwife friend of mine was able to take him during the ceremony because I was a bridesmaid. She was finally able to calm him down by singing. After the wedding, my MIL walked up to us as I was taking my son back and said, “She’s a lot better at this than you are.”
When my husband and I were going through the home-buying process, we found out that my MIL had a credit card in my husband’s name that she opened when he was 18. When we confronted her about it (because it had a $3000 balance) she lied and said it was his debt from college that she was graciously paying off to help him out. I looked online at the statements and the previous purchases that were from boutiques in her home town. She also told me she wasn’t sure how the whole ordeal affected me at all considering it was in his name and not mine. It very easily could have kept us from getting a loan to buy a house. I don’t trust her at all!!
My MIL and i get along fine but a few years ago she gave me salmonella by giving me a piece of mostly raw chicken. I guess i should have looked at it before i ate but anyways it made breastfeeding my 4 month old very difficult because i had diarrhea and was vomitting simultaneously and was super dehydrated. I never said anything to her and asked my husband not to say anything either, safe to say I cut into everything she makes first before biting into it now.
She came to visit in the hospital after my long, difficult c-section. Though she was fully healed from a surgery a few months before, she insisted my husband fetch her from the entrance and bring her to the room in a wheelchair. She then propped her dirty street shoes on my clean, sterile hospital bed and proceeded to talk so loudly the nurse couldn’t properly run my baby’s hearing test. When the nurse asked her to talk more quietly she snapped at the nurse. When my husband finally told her it was time to let me get some rest, she said, “I’m sorry, is this all about you?” I lost it and yelled “it is about us and our new baby!” My blood pressure spiked so high the alarm went off and nurses had to come and ask dear MIL to leave. She later wanted an apology. She never got it.
After I had my son all I wanted was a beer. I wasn’t nursing or anything. My husband took a picture of me enjoying the beer and holding my son and she replies to the picture saying mother of the year. I literally wanted to hit her.
I have been married to my husband for 6 years, together for 8 years. My MIL has never remembered my birthday. After I had my baby( her grandson) she came over to meet him she asked me “ are you sure their isn’t another baby in there? You still look pregnant” she’s horrible!
I was in the hospital having my third baby in under 4 years. My mother in law proceeded to attempt to re decorate my house. She brought art from her house and hung it on my walls and removed some of my art that I had hanging. I came home with a newborn to see her thrift store crap hanging on my walls. I was furious.
The first time I met the mother in law she turned to my boyfriend (now husband) and said “I’ve just been the the lawyer to put the house in a family trust so certain people can’t get their hands on it.” She said this whilst glaring in my direction. It was more hilarious than hurtful, TBH. Petty cow.
This husband might just be the bravest, stupidest person in the whole wide world. While there are plenty of sagging relationships in need of a sensual resurgence, perhaps it’s not the best idea to send your wife an Excel spreadsheet of you cataloging every single spurned sexual advance made by you over seven weeks.
The wife in question described the entire situation on the r/relationships subreddit:
Yesterday morning, while in a taxi on the way to the airport, Husband sends a message to my work email which is connected to my phone. He’s never done this, we always communicate in person or by text. I open it up, and it’s a sarcastic diatribe basically saying he won’t miss me for the 10 days I’m gone. Attached is a SPREADSHEET of all the times he has tried to initiate sex since June 1st, with a column for my “excuses”, using verbatim quotes of why I didn’t feel like having sex at that very moment. According to his ‘document’, we’ve only had sex 3 times in the last 7 weeks, out of 27 “attempts” on his part.
And for those pining to get a look at this guy’s Excel madness, she provided a glimpse at the spreadsheet.
With a success rate of about 10%, it’s clear that this guy is pretty demoralized by his marriage’s dearth of hanky pank. That being said, using the organizational prowess of Microsoft Office probably isn’t the way to light that fire in her loins, pal.
While the couple are young (both 26), they sound like a sitcom duo from the 60’s, with her cooking, cleaning, and generally taking care of things around the house while he does little to help. (Hot Tip: doing the laundry from time to time is the hottest thing you can do for your wife.) She goes on to explain her side of the story:
This is a side of him I have never seen before – bitter, immature, full of hatred. In person, he’d been acting normal the whole time, maybe a little standoff-ish in the last week. Completely out of left field. Our sex life HAS tapered in the last few months, but isn’t that allowed? We are adults leading busy, stressful lives. I cook for him, I do his laundry, I keep our house clean and tidy. It’s not like our sex life was going to be this way FOREVER, it was a temporary slow-down due to extenuating circumstances.
She went on to explain that she tried calling him but to no response. It seemed like he had cut off contact completely, again, a really dumb move on his part.
Users of the subreddit immediately jumped in to take sides.
Here’s to hoping she claps back with a passive-aggressive “per your email” response, though that might not be what’s best for the relationship. And fellas, take this guy’s misfortune as a deeply-engrained lesson: don’t send your wife spreadsheets.
Anyone who says women aren’t funny clearly has been living under a rock. A rock with no funny women under it. Because funny women are everywhere, just like men—they don’t have to be famous comedians to have a sense of humor.
These women, for example, all did or said something extremely funny in order to end up on this list. We stan these women. We admire these women. Maybe one day, we will be these women.
1. The wife who knows cats should be treated like royalty, even if they’re not yours.
2. The secret shopper wife.
I’m in Target right now and I just overhead a woman tell her daughter, “Come on baby. Daddy will be home around 8:30 and we have to beat him there to hide all the clothes we are buying.” I 110% think I just saw a glimpse of my future
With all of the negativity currently inundating our newsfeeds, we figured Giving Tuesday was a good opportunity to shine a light on some more positive stories. Take this man, for example, who decided to sacrifice his personal vacation fund in order to help a student and their family. See? Not all hope is lost.
James, a devoted school teacher, and husband, recently sent the following text to his spouse saying he had a story to share.
With all of the negativity currently inundating our newsfeeds, we figured Giving Tuesday was a good opportunity to shine a light on some more positive stories. Take this man, for example, who decided to sacrifice his personal vacation fund in order to help a student and their family. See? Not all hope is lost.
James, a devoted school teacher, and husband, recently sent the following text to his spouse saying he had a story to share.