Spring is the time of renewal and cleansing, not only within nature but also within ourselves. According to the ancient Chinese, in spring the liver function and detoxification are most active, which makes Spring the best time in the year for such a cleanse.Though some people argue that we don’t need any special detoxification periods as our bodies are fully capable of doing it. However, even though this is somewhat true, our bodies sometimes simply cannot handle all the daily stress and pressure that we put them through. And precisely because of that, we need to dedicate a certain period of time to cleanse. Here is how to boost your self-care energy with a spring cleanse.
When it’s time for a detox
Our bodies have their ways of telling us when we need to make some changes such as slowing down or even detoxifying. For example, headaches, fatigue and slow metabolism might be indicators of a need for cleansing. Also, skin conditions such as acne, eczema or rashes may be the causes of hormone imbalance which is related to diet. Moreover, symptoms such as hair loss, sensitivity to smells and poor concentration might be telling us that it’s time for some serious changes. Of course, that doesn’t mean that we should wait for these or any other symptoms to start our annual cleanse.
Getting Started
When you decide to detoxify, you should consider a few things because there are right and wrong ways of doing it. The wrong way can cause more damage to our bodies, so we should be careful not to harm our bodies. If you are a starter, first of all you should make some changes to your diet. It means that you should eat food rich in vitamins, minerals and protein that support detoxification. Also, you should avoid eating inflammatory foods such as food high in added sugar, trans-fats and GMO food. Furthermore, you’d better drink plenty of filtered water to keep your body hydrated. The next step is trying to do some exercises every day, at least a little bit, and also try getting at least 8 hours of sleep. And the most important thing to do is to avoid alcohol and coffee as much as you can.
Types of detox methods
We possess a few detoxification organs in our bodies. Hence, there are different types of detox such as lymphatic system detox, skin detox, liver detox, kidney detox, and alos bowel detox. The first one, lymphatic system detox, means daily skin brushing to enhance circulation and remove dead skin cells. The second one, skin detox involves, taking a bath with Epsom or Himalayan salts. Thirdly, Liver detox is achieved through eating organic whole foods such as kale, broccoli, cabbage, onions, garlic, leek, blueberries and others. The next one which is kidney detox is accomplished through the intake of dandelion leaf tea and nettle tea. And finally, for bowel detox, you should consume linseeds to stimulate bowel activity. If you want to include your friends as well, throw a Spring detox party with detox food and drinks on the menu; consider ordering a basket of fresh fruits from Fresh Hampers to make your party even more deliciously impressive.
Benefits of a Spring detox
Detox brings a myriad of benefits and ensures our wellbeing. For example, one of the vital benefits of going through a Spring detox is a better ability to cope with stress as by eliminating stimulants that cause adrenal fatigue. Because we can let them heal and cope with stress better when we have healthy adrenal glands. Detox can also provide us with a much–needed emotional cleanse by getting rid of negative feelings such as anger, sadness and fear. Moreover, we can think more clearly and be more focused on our daily tasks. There are many more benefits besides these few, of course, but it’s enough to know even this much to get us going.
Spring detoxication should be something that we do for ourselves every year, for the better mental and physical health of tomorrow.
About The Author
Alison Pearson is an interior design student. She is a writer and designer, but her ultimate passion is fitness and health. She is also a bibliophile and her favorite book is “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner. Follow her on Twitter.