Why You Should Consider A Spring Detox

Spring is the time of renewal and cleansing, not only within nature but also within ourselves. According to the ancient Chinese, in spring the liver function and detoxification are most active, which makes Spring the best time in the year for such cleanse.Though some people argue that we don’t need any special detoxification periods as our bodies are fully capable of doing it. However, even though this is somewhat true, our bodies sometimes simply cannot handle all the daily stress and pressure that we put them throughAnd precisely because of that, we need to dedicate a certain period of time to cleanse. Here is how to boost your self-care energy with a spring cleanse.

When it’s time for a detox

Our bodies have their ways of telling us when we need to make some changes such as slowing down or even detoxifyingFor example, headaches, fatigue and slow metabolism might be indicators of a need for cleansing. Also, skin conditions such as acne, eczema or rashes may be the causes of hormone imbalance which is related to diet. Moreover, symptoms such as hair loss, sensitivity to smells and poor concentration might be telling us that it’s time for some serious changes. Of course, that doesn’t mean that we should wait for these or any other symptoms to start our annual cleanse. 


Getting Started

When you decide to detoxify, you should consider a few things because there are right and wrong ways of doing itThe wrong way can cause more damage to our bodies, so we should be careful not to harm our bodiesIf you are a starter, first of all you should make some changes to your diet. It means that you should eat food rich in vitamins, minerals and protein that support detoxification. Also, you should avoid eating inflammatory foods such as food high in added sugar, trans-fats and GMO food. Furthermore, you’d better drink plenty of filtered water to keep your body hydrated. The next step is trying to do some exercises every day, at least a little bit, and also try getting at least 8 hours of sleep. And the most important thing to do is to avoid alcohol and coffee as much as you can. 

Types of detox methods

We possess a few detoxification organs in our bodies. Hence, there are different types of detox such as lymphatic system detox, skin detox, liver detox, kidney detox, and alos bowel detoxThe first one, lymphatic system detox, means daily skin brushing to enhance circulation and remove dead skin cells. The second one, skin detox involves, taking a bath with Epsom or Himalayan salts. Thirdly, Liver detox is achieved through eating organic whole foods such as kale, broccoli, cabbage, onions, garlic, leek, blueberries and others. The next one which is kidney detox is accomplished through the intake of dandelion leaf tea and nettle tea. And finally, for bowel detox, you should consume linseeds to stimulate bowel activity. If you want to include your friends as well, throw a Spring detox party with detox food and drinks on the menu; consider ordering a basket of fresh fruits from Fresh Hampers to make your party even more deliciously impressive.

Benefits of a Spring detox

Detox brings a myriad of benefits and ensures our wellbeing. For example, one of the vital benefits of going through a Spring detox is a better ability to cope with stress as by eliminating stimulants that cause adrenal fatigue. Because we can let them heal and cope with stress better when we have healthy adrenal glands. Detox can also provide us with a muchneeded emotional cleanse by getting rid of negative feelings such as anger, sadness and fear. Moreover, we can think more clearly and be more focused on our daily tasks. There are many more benefits besides these few, of course, but it’s enough to know even this much to get us going. 

Spring detoxication should be something that we do for ourselves every year, for the better mental and physical health of tomorrow. 

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About The Author

Alison Pearson is an interior design student. She is a writer and designer, but her ultimate passion is fitness and health. She is also a bibliophile and her favorite book is “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner. Follow her on Twitter.

5 Natural Herbs to Keep You Healthy

Those leafy sprigs of chives, rosemary, parsley, and cilantro used to garnish dishes give more than just color and flavor to a dish. They may be without calories, but they’re great sources of nutrients, have many benefits, and be considered healing foods. 

Herbal medicine is quite helpful. For thousands of years, many civilizations around the globe were harnessing its benefits to treat various ailments. These civilizations knew the benefits various herbs possess to human health. Herbs are also beneficial today health-wise. Apart from the fact that it’s all-natural, they have many more benefits.

Herbal medication is by far nothing compared to conventional medicines. Still, the latter is based on the former in that some of the ingredients used in traditional medicine come directly from herbs.


Go For the Real Thing

Some herbs may be sold as supplements like cinnamon capsules and oregano oil, but ditch that for the real thing unless your doctor says otherwise. It’s best to take herbs as a whole rather than taking them in any other form, such as pills. Due to little oversight by the government, some supplements may have only a small amount of the herb it claims to have, together with some rather unhealthy additives. 

There isn’t enough evidence to support that a single-ingredient supplement will provide the same benefits found in a whole herb with a varied combination of compounds. While herbs aren’t consumed in generally large quantities, you will discover that they can be pretty powerful even in tiny amounts. 

So, if you’re looking to start living healthy or further your healthy living game with herbs, here are five top picks of beneficial herbs that will give you the most benefits when taken.

Kratom is Great for Anxiety and Depression

This wonder herb from thmitragaia species has gained a lot of popularity and a rise in the number of users. It can help with several things ranging from pain, addiction, depression, and anxiety.

For people with mental health problems, Kratom strains can be the answer. You will see a reduction in the symptoms of depression and anxiety once you use it in your meals and drinks. White bali kratom is a natural opioid that can interact with the opioid receptors in your brain but less aggressively than actual opioids do. This is how it’s able to be both an antidepressant and an anti-anxiety. Kratom can do this because of mitragynine. In very low doses, this chemical compound has energizing properties, and at very high amounts, sedating ones. 

Additional research into Kratom also shows that it possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It can speed up the repair and healing of damaged tissue in the body.

Sage Will Help Boost Your Cognition

You can use sage to boost cognition by either consuming it or inhaling its scent. It’s a superfood for the mind, and it’s known to help increase memory recalls. It can come in handy, especially when trying to avoid degenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

Sage is high in vitamin K. Two grams of sage will give you the 43% of the daily recommended amount. It also lowers your cholesterol levels, helps with menopause symptoms, and improves your blood sugar levels, especially for diabetic people.

Additionally, sage has some anti-inflammatory properties and lots of antioxidants.

Rosemary Is an Antioxidant

Rosemary is an excellent source of vitamin B6, calcium, and iron. It also contains compounds that give both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. 

These antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may give you various health benefits such as increased circulation around your body and improved digestion.

Adding rosemary to your meals is easier than you think. It’s not only a great aromatic that is used for basting stakes together with butter. You can also incorporate it in stews and casseroles. They’re hardy enough to survive by your windowsill with the occasional watering to keep them healthy.

If you buy rosemary from the fresh produce section at the store, ensure what you pick is fresh. Go for rosemary with perky and bright leaves, avoiding those wilted as they won’t have as much nutritional value in them. Wash and dry your rosemary, then wrap them with a damp paper towel to keep fresh if you aren’t using them directly.

Parsley for Hypertension

Parsley has a very high amount of vitamins A and C, antioxidants, and chemical apigenin that helps stop the growth of cancerous cells. Several studies indicate that parsley has Myricetin. This is a flavonoid that helps prevent skin cancer. 

Parsley is among the many herbs that contain the highest concentration of Myricetin per 100 grams. Parsley also helps your heart get healthy by reducing hypertension. So, the next time you use it to garnish your meals, have in mind it does so much more.

Cinnamon Is Great for Lowering Blood Sugar

Cinnamon is quite popular, and it comes from the bark of the cinnamon tree. It’s used in everything from drinks to pastries. If you have high blood sugar, cinnamon can be especially significant for you. Studies have shown that it can lower the sugar levels in the blood for people with type 2 diabetes.

Cinnamon also has healthy heart benefits. It reduces high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels in your body. This is additionally important for those who have diabetes because they are at greater risk of getting heart disease.

In no way is cinnamon a replacement for diabetes medication. It, however, can prove to be beneficial to your regular medication regimen and promote a healthy lifestyle.


The best way to get the most out of your herbs is by using them fresh. Using them in your cooking is a healthy way of getting their benefits while upping the ante of the flavor of your meal. These wonderful herbs will go a long way in giving you more than flavor, though. They are packed full of nutrients, and antioxidants that will help improve your health, prevent and fight off some diseases. If you suffer from any of the above ailments, these herbs will remedy them. However, be sure to consult with your doctor before using any herbs as a supplementary treatment.

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How Herbs Contribute In Women’s Health And Wellness

Many women are so busy with their families and careers that finding time for themselves isn’t just challenging. Often, it seems impossible. If that sounds familiar, you probably don’t have the time to do in-depth research on all the latest health and wellness trends. You also don’t have time to feel ill, though. 


Turning to natural, time-tested remedies for issues ranging from depression to cramps is tempting, but you should know what works and what doesn’t. Here’s how herbs contribute to women’s health and wellness. 


Cannabidiol Oil, or CBD for short, has been marketed as a treatment not just for women’s health concerns but for most issues. More research is needed to prove that it’s effective, but anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD may improve libido and decrease unpleasant symptoms associated with menstruation. 


CBD is new on the health and wellness scene, and you might be unfamiliar with how it’s produced and processed. If you have questions, you can learn more about popular cannabis capsules work.

Red Raspberry Leaf

Some people refer to red raspberry leaf as “the woman’s herb.” It’s a well-earned nickname. Usually consumed as a tea, red raspberry leaves may help alleviate uncomfortable PMS symptoms. Their use goes far beyond that, though. 


This herb is high in iron, helping prevent anemia in women with heavy periods or diets low in meat. It also contains a compound called fragarine, which may reduce complications with childbirth, including excessive bleeding. Red raspberry leaves might also reduce the amount of time you spend in labor. 


While generally safe to use, you should always consult your doctor before drinking red raspberry leaf tea or taking it in pill form. Pregnant women should be especially cautious.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort has a long history of medicinal use dating back to the ancient Greeks. Earlier, it has served as a treatment for insomnia, depression, and lung and kidney issues. Now, however, it’s mostly recommended for depression. Studies show that it is as effective as prescription antidepressants for treating mild to moderate depression for 12 weeks or less. 


The critical thing to know about St. John’s wort is that it interacts with a lot of different medications. Most notably for many women, that includes birth control. Combination and progestin-only hormonal birth controls are less effective when you’re also taking St. John’s wort. 

Final Thoughts

Herbal remedies have been in use for a long time. While scientific studies are only just beginning to explore all of the benefits they might offer, anecdotal evidence supports their use to treat many of the issues women face. If you’re looking for an organic way to feel healthier, herbal remedies might be for you. 

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About The Author 

Jessica is a full-time content marketing specialist and a passionate writer who loves to write about creating an aesthetic and ambient living environment for everyone. She focuses on sharing ideas and techniques learned from his experience in a concise manner so that it can be used by everyone to make their surroundings beautiful to live in.

PCOS – Symptoms, Causes, and Diet

These days, PCOD or PCOS is a lot more prevalent than it was a few decades ago. The thing with PCOD is that it will not only affect a woman’s childbearing ability but will also deteriorate her health and well-being. Any woman who has been PCOS diagnosed will sooner or later suffer from a hormonal imbalance. Since PCOS means an overproduction of hormones, it can lead to the development of small cysts in the ovaries. 

Even though it is impossible to cure PCOS, it can be managed with the right diet and exercise. But, before we get to the management part of it, how do you know it is PCOS? What are the common signs and symptoms? And what causes PCOS? Keep reading below to find out. 


Signs and symptoms of PCOS

Usually, the symptoms of PCOS are seen around the first menstrual period during puberty. At times, PCOS may even develop later in life as a result of consequent weight gain. Symptoms of PCOS may be variable and may be different for different women. You may be diagnosed with PCOS if you experience at least two of the following symptoms: 


Irregular period

One of the most common signs of PCOS in women is the irregular, prolonged, or irregular menstrual cycle. Jannice, an educator who offers accounting homework help services, says that three years back, she had less than nine periods over 365 days, and that is when she was diagnosed with PCOS. Furthermore, you may also be diagnosed with PCOS if you have abnormally heavy periods or if your period cycle is longer than 35 days. 


Excessive androgen

Some women have higher male hormone levels in their body. It can lead to certain physical signs, such as male-pattern baldness, occasionally but severe acne, excessive body and facial hair. 


Polycystic ovaries

At times, your ovaries enlarge, and they have follicles which envelop the eggs. Consequently, the ovaries cannot function as they usually would. 

If PCOS is not treated in time, you are at a greater risk of developing:

1. Endometrial cancer
2. Diabetes
3. Diabetes
4. High blood pressure

Causes of PCOS

To tell you the truth, there is no exact cause of PCOS. However, there are a bunch of factors, which heighten your risk of developing PCOS. 

Higher insulin

Insulin is the hormone, which is generated by the pancreas. It helps the body cells to absorb the sugar, which is the primary source of energy for the body. If the body becomes resistant to the inulin action, then your blood sugar levels will shoot up, and the body will produce more insulin than required. Excessive insulin levels in the body can aggravate androgen production. It can also make it difficult for you to ovulate. 


Some researchers suggest that genes, too, play a vital role in your risk of developing PCOS. Jessi, an online nursing assignment help provider, says that her mom had PCOS, and that is how she thinks she got it too. However, not everyone who has PCOS in their family might transfer it to their offsprings

Low-grade inflammation

Our body has WBCs, which produces substances that help in fighting infections. Research suggests that women with PCOD have low-grade inflammation. As a result of this, the polycystic ovaries generate androgens, which can cause blood vessels or heart-related problems. 

Higher androgen levels

When the ovaries produce an abnormally high level of androgen, it can lead to acne or hirsutism.

Why is diet important?

Though diet is vital for all of us, it is crucial for women who suffer from PCOS. Since PCOS leads to a higher production of insulin in the body, it can cause insulin resistance in the body. When your body is insulin resistant, your body will keep making more insulin. When the insulin level in the body is high, the ovaries begin producing hormones, such as testosterone. Thus, to manage the PCOS symptoms, a healthy diet is essential. 


Foods to avoid

Processed Foods:

If you have been diagnosed with PCOS, you should cut out processed foods from your diet. Most of the processed foods have a high degree of unhealthy fats and sodium in them. They may also be dense in trans fat and will have only minuscule levels of nutrients. Thus, excessive consumption of processed foods may lead to weight gain, which can trigger your PCOS. Furthermore, the fat content in processed foods tends to get deposited on the ovaries, which only worsens your condition. 


Dairy Products

Most of us consume at least one dairy product in our daily routine. However, as a woman with PCOS, you need to limit your dairy consumption. It is because dairy tends to stimulate insulin production (something, which is already high in your body). Neha, who offers the best online photography courses says she has been battling with PCOS since five years now, and one thing that has helped her a lot is switching to skimmed low-fat milk. 


Refined Flour

Refined flour is low in fibre, and they have a high carbohydrate content. These have a high glycemic index, which also surges insulin levels in the body. Hence, these, too, should be curtailed in your diet. 


Foods to eat

If you have PCOS, you should increase your fibre consumption. Fibre is important to keep your blood sugar level in check. Consuming a diet rich in vegetables and fruits has helped me keep my PCOS in check, shares Bianca who works with FineGrades


Nuts and seeds

A vital tip to control PCOS is by including healthy fats in your diet. Nuts and seeds are both excellent sources of protein and fats. Anushka, an EduWorldUSA associate, says that her doctor has recommended regular consumption of flax seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, and almonds in her diet.


Lean Protein

If you have PCOS, you should try to meet most of your protein requirements with lean protein. The lean protein can help you balance your body hormones. It also aids you to manage your weight. Some of the excellent sources of lean protein are chicken, fish, tofu, etc. 

This Woman’s Endometriosis Halloween Costume Shows How Painful Living With The Disease Can Be

Many people live with chronic illnesses and conditions that are not visible to the human eye. For these individuals, it can be extremely difficult to explain and have others understand what they go through on a day-to-day basis.
Continue reading This Woman’s Endometriosis Halloween Costume Shows How Painful Living With The Disease Can Be

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