F–k The Fourth? Why Women Are Protesting This New America.

Summer is in the air, and the Fourth of July is here. While this “Celebration Of America” holiday is usually reserved for barbecues, fireworks, and anything watermelon, women and some strong men are taking to the streets to protest the overturning of Roe Vs. Wade. F–k The Fourth symbolizes a women’s right to choose their healthcare decision when it comes to keeping or aborting a child from their own body.

Women in America are fed up. America is no longer supporting their freedom of choice. So why should women support an Independent America that seems selectively reserved to support men’s rights only? At what point is it just pure hypocrisy to eat a red, white, and blue frosted cupcake, turn up the grill, and don stars and stripes?

Perhaps this new America needs to learn to expect that women will vote, voice their anger, protest and take a knee at the misogynistic society we now find ourselves in. Maybe America needs a wake-up call from women and the strong men that support them. A Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe Vs. Wade was a final nail in the coffin for any hopes of an equal society for Women and Men. In addition to glass ceilings, sexist behavior, and other vulnerabilities as a functioning female in America, our reproductive rights are now at the mercy of the States and a bunch of old white men.

So America needs to accept that we will not allow it. We will not go quietly, and the last thing we will do is submit.

America will watch us wear green today, protest, prepare to vote, and donate to causes that support the Ban Off Our Bodies Movement. And if we feel like it, we may eat a cupcake, drink a beer and celebrate with our friends the strength that we have as we come together to fight this new America. Because an Independent culture no longer resides here. And Fourth of July is now F–cked.

What you can do. Wear green today in solidarity.

Women Are Empowered. And We Will Not Go Backwards.




The Divided States Of America: The Overturning Of Roe Vs Wade

Today we watched on as the Supreme Court took down fifty years of precedent when they overturned Roe v. Wade. Today we watched as they told women and really any minority in this country was told today that they are less important than someone’s right to carry a weapon.


Yes, we knew after the leak that this was coming, however, the assault on Women’s fundamental rights seems to be so traumatic that there was no way to prepare for this. Now I will say that from the Supreme Court leak what we should take is that Abortion and women’s fundamental rights to their bodies is not the only assault that will come into play. We should take the Supreme Court leak very seriously. They are coming after all of our rights. So what we need to do now is mobilize. It’s time to show the people who are so eager to take away the rights that we have fought for so long to keep. We will stand up to this. We will keep voting and fighting until we have fair rights and protections.


These are issues that are going to affect real people. So those real people need to protest in the most American way. They need to continue to make their voices heard. However, that is going to start at the local levels. Make sure that the extremists know that we will not stand for this. That we will be at voting booths, we will be voting them out. There will be nothing that they can do about that. We will vote people in who are going to protect us no matter who their funding is coming from. That we will vote for people who know that lives matter more than guns!


Show the same group of people who keep talking about how we are going to take their right to bear arms away, that we will not let them take our rights as human beings away. The right to our own bodies won’t be taken away without a fight!


Yes, I’m angry. I’m angry because I love this country with my whole heart. However, I cannot sit here and pretend that we are the greatest county in the world. We have so much work to do. When a country puts the rights of a gun before the rights of any human being we have a problem. So let’s stop being a part of the problem. Let’s be a part of the solution. Let’s make this country the greatest. Let’s fix the things that need to be fixed. Starting with protecting women and their rights to their bodies.


Stay safe. Stay informed

Head to the voting booths

Make a change!

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