23 Words Everyone Really Needs To Stop Saying In 2019

Language is not set in stone; it’s continuously changing and evolving. It’s marvelous how new words come into existence and old words take on new meanings. And we’re all for it! But there are some words that just get used way too much. It’s like overexposure with celerities—someone skyrockets to fame and is seen everywhere, constantly, until the previously adoring public gets sick of them.

These words have weaseled their way into our daily lexicon and refuse to go away. They have become household words used by your mom, and they are just no longer cool. They’ve overstayed their 15 minutes of fame and they need to pack up their little bindles and be on their way. Sorry, words.

1. Lit

Lit used to mean kinda drunk, but then it morphed into meaning anything that’s wild fun, like parties. As of 2019, let’s try to come up with new ways to describe our parties because lit is played out.

2. Bae

Bae is technically short for “babe.” What’s with all the shortening of words? Are we really that busy?

3. Feels

As in, having “feels” or worse, having “all the feels.” It’s okay, people, we can throw that “ing” back into the word, we’re not saving all that much time by cutting it out.


GOAT is an acronym for Greatest Of All Time. But truly, how many things can be the greatest? Not many, that’s how many. This expression is way too overused.

5. This

The word “this” is, of course, a completely necessary word, a definite article used often, with no problems. You want “this” outfit, you don’t want “this” hamburger that’s been sitting on the floor for 10 minutes. Fine. But over the last few years, “this,” preceding a link or a tweet and posted on social media, has become a way for people to express that they endorse or second something. And it also very annoying, mainly just to how overused and lazy it is.

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6. Yasss Kween

No, Kween. NO. Bad! Stop saying that. TV, tweets, Facebook, memes, everybody just stop saying it.

7. Yoked

Yoked is used for someone who’s super muscular and beefy. It comes from the yoke that’s put around the next of oxen when they’re pulling something. Unless you are talking about one of those Budweiser horses, though, let’s just go back to saying “cut” or “fit” or just anything that is not “yoked.”

8. Same

It was cute for a while, but now it’s got to go. We were doing just fine with “same here” or “me too” or even “ditto” like in the movie Ghost.

9. Shook

Shook used to mean really shook up, but now, thanks to internet usage, it barely means anything anymore. People are “shook” by just about anything, good or bad. That’s when you know a word has to go.

10. Big d*ck energy

This was a fun lil’ moment in time when the world became, thanks to Ariana Grande, cognizant of the size of comedian Pete Davidson’s, um, member. For a little while, everything was “big d*ck energy,” but now that phrase is tired and has used up all its energy. Thank u, next.

33 People Who Shouldn’t Have Skipped English Class In 2018

Look, not everyone is great at spelling. It’s not something we’re born knowing, we have to learn it. That’s the whole point of English class. You might never find yourself in a situation where you need to know the difference between imply and infer to make it through your life, but you will need to know how to spell.

That’s rough for people who are really lost in the weeds when it comes to spelling. These days, especially, because everyone is always texting and emailing, so it’s crucial to have a good idea of how to spell. Sometimes, not even autocorrect can help you.

Many times it’s not even the spelling, exactly, that’s the problem—it’s that people mishear words or morph them into other words. I had a roommate once who thought that idolizing someone was putting them on a “pedestool.” The correct word is, of course, pedestal, like the thing that statues are placed on for display in museums. But to my roommate, pedestool made sense because a stool is a thing people stand on.

What I’m saying is, we’re not here to judge or shame people who can’t spell. We’re just here to laugh at them.




















Your Words Are My Drug Of Choice

Your words are my drug of choice. They hoist me up to the heavens, leaving me awash in airy lightness as you strip the weight of life from my soul. They leave me high off a blissful euphoria as I long to hold onto every coveted syllable, hoping I can remain among the clouds for eternity.

As the words cascade from your lips, every hit of you leaves me longing for more, clinging to your promises that I am your future, wishing you were beside me. My worries escape me as I savor your powerful high; a sense of unquellable serenity. I drift further and further away from my problems as I immerse myself in your swirling kaleidoscope of colors, knowing there is nothing on Earth but me, you, and your magical mirage of deep blues and pure golds.

Your vivacious appellations seem to vanish too quickly, a mystical haze of fragrant smoke too alluring to resist. They can never seem to satiate my powerful hunger for endless sweet nothings, until you faithfully supply me with your linguistic charm, the drug that keeps my heart beating only for you.

I aimlessly flit away the days mindlessly dreaming of the music that flows from your lips and endure the nights lying awake in your absence, tossing and turning as my entire body burns with a passionate fever, itching for you as if you are the sole key to my survival. With an aching heart, I withdraw from the gentle rhythm of your voice, fruitlessly convincing myself that I can live without you.

But I am hopelessly addicted to your adoring locutions, the powerful ecstasy of pure love. Every trip takes me higher, further into your heart’s endless wonders. I ensconced myself in your dreamy euphoria, too faded on your love to return below the clouds.

Perhaps, I will recover from my unyielding desire for your passionate language. Perhaps, I will discover the natural high of self-validation. But every time the fantastical syllables slip from your mouth, leaving me high off your addictive love, I know that your words will always be my drug of choice.

This article originally appeared on Thought Catalog.

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