8 Reasons Your Work Friends Are Your Biggest Blessings

We spend the majority of our time working to make money to survive. While we all have different careers and types of jobs, we all have the experience of making new friends while on the job. Whether you work in an office, are a teacher, a nurse, a waitress—you’re nothing without those good friends to get you by during your days or your shifts. Here’s to all our work BFFs who make life a little more tolerable.


1. You never have to have lunch/breaks alone.

Having BFFs at work means you’ll always have someone to spend time with during those breaks or lunch hours where you could be all alone. They’re always there to take a coffee walk with you, grab some salads with, or even hit up a quick donut run to get you through the day.

Woman Gets Sweet Revenge On The Boss Who Forced Her To Come To Work Sick

If you’ve ever had an unreasonably strict manager, you know how intimidating it can be to request even the simplest of things like, say, a day off because you’re violently ill with food poisoning. A good manager would understand and encourage you to stay home.

Unfortunately, this was not the case for a woman working in the UK who was forced to come in despite her sickness, but she did get the best possible revenge and people are loving her story.

Redditor SarahfromEngland was recently forced to go into work after calling in sick with a violent bout of food poisoning.

Fortunately, she had karma on her side…and lots of vomiting.

Needless to say, people were loving the tale of sweet karma.

And some even shared their own stories.

Safe to say, it’s probably best to just stay home.

Babysitter Contacts Mother For Payment After Watching Her Two Kids And Instead Gets Her Number Blocked

Whenever you do a job, you’re doing it to make money. No one works for their health, realistically. We all sign up to do a job or perform a service in the result of the payment. But, sometimes, things get lost in translation and problems can occur when you don’t receive your payment for services provided—like, babysitting.

As we all know, moms can sometimes be a bit overwhelmed but, that is no excuse to stiff someone who takes care of your children while you are away. Recently, a woman shared a text message exchange on Reddit between her sister and a mother whom her sister babysat for. After finishing her duties, she reached out to the mom for the payment arrangement they had discussed prior. But, the mother all of the sudden reacted as though she had never had the conversation—even after the babysitter provided receipts. In the end, it was straight up infuriating.

The babysitter contacted the mom to come by to collect the payment, and the mother responded saying that she wasn’t paying the sitter—that the ice cream and pleasure of spending time with her children was payment enough.

Obviously, the sitter was not going to agree to this. So, the sitter replied with receipts of their previous discussion about payment.

After the sitter reminded the mother of the payment agreement, the mother freaked out and refused to pay the agreed upon rate.

The sitter said she would even settle for $100, and that she needed the money for textbooks. But, the mother decided to block her—and call her a c*nt on top of it.

Honestly, this mother is a straight up dick. And, people on Reddit had a lot of thoughts on how to handle her.

I delete my messages often’ OOH OKAY THEN THE SCREENSHOT I JUST SHOWED YOU IS INVALID. how dumb are these people.


I’d post this on her Facebook page if I could. And on all her friend’s pages, and every childcare page… let everyone know that she refuses to pay as agreed after service has been provided. Maybe someone will shame her into paying what she owes?


I doubt this is the first time this woman has pulled this stunt. What an asshole. Small claims court for sure. If anything, to prevent her from doing this to another sitter.


What kind of mother thinks that a grown ass adult would watch your shit kids with nothing but “a day of fun” as an acceptable form of compensation?


I would put the whole thing on any baby sitting facebook groups, CL ads or literally anyone you know/find in the neighborhood. I would also show their spouse, pastor and mother. Hell take out an ad in the local paper. They need a good lambasting.


We totally agree—down with this mother.

A Stripper Is Making Some Illuminating Comics About Her Work

Jacq the Stripper is both and artist, and as her name implies, a stripper. Online and in real life, Jacq is a fierce advocate for the rights of sex workers and anyone who makes their living from dancing. All that and she paints and draws, too. According to Someecards, Jacq just released her own comic book called STRIPTASTIC! It’s a collection of illustrations that share her personal philosophy about stripping and little vignettes into her and her co-workers’ daily experience.

What the comics mostly illustrate is that every job is just a job. If you dance and take off your clothes every day for money, it quickly becomes pretty mundane. It also seems like Jacq thinks many people misunderstand what exactly strippers provide. They’re not just getting naked, they’re often asked to listen, deal with men’s psychological issues, and also have to deal with some annoying customer service issues. After reading Jacq’s comics, you’ll never consider not tipping again.

Jacq’s shared the secret underwear code she’s become familiar with:

What she really thinks about the stereotype of having “daddy issues.”

But Jacq doesn’t just joke about men, she has a bone to pick with other women who consider themselves feminist, but who don’t include the perspective of actual sex workers when they’re discussing sex work. It seems like in Jacq’s opinion, a lot of women who have never done sex work have too many opinions about it.

But she also makes it clear that everyone has a different perspective on why they get into stripping. Different strokes for different folks:

Though the girls always help each other out. There is such a thing as solidarity, especially around tampon strings:

There’s also some good life hacks, if anyone is taking some very specific liberties with you:

Jacq is turning her job into art, even though it basically already is:

And anyone who reads her book will know exactly how to act the next time they go to the club. Approach the dancers with respect and a fist full of dollar bills.

15 Small Outfit Problems That Make You Look Like A Hot Mess

Whenever we leave the house, we’re bound to run into someone we know. Whether it’s for a run to the grocery store, a trip to the mall or even if we’re headed to go to work – it’s important we always look our best. Even if we’re not in the mood to get dressed up and ready for a quick trip out – people judge us for every little thing we wear.

There are a lot of ways that out outfits and appearance can f*ck us over in terms of other people’s opinions of us, without us even noticing. Sure, we may have showered this morning, put on a brand new outfit and tried to look our absolute best, but there are small little details that fall through the cracks and in turn, make us look like we’re riding the Hot Mess Express.

15. Wearing clothing that has small rips, frays or tears in it.

Sometimes we leave the house in ripped jeans or jeans that are frayed at the bottom. While it’s a style statement and trend, sometimes, it makes us look disheveled and unorganized. Sometimes when we wear things too often and for too long, the threads start to wear and buttons begin to become loose – while you don’t think it’s a big deal, people notice.

14. Wearing too many accessories.

While accessorizing can spice up a plain outfit, going overboard can make any outfit look tacky and cheap. If you are going to a work setting or a really nice affair, you don’t want to overdo it by blinging out a fancy dress or pants suit. Keep it simple.

13. Not ironing your shirt/dress/skirt.

Sometimes when we leave the house in a rush, we don’t have time to iron everything. People will run out the door in a button-down shirt that looks like we’ve slept in it, a dress with way too many wrinkles or a skirt that needs to be fixed ASAP. Not ironing your clothing can make you look sloppy in appearance. And, what’s even better is they now sell hand steamers that you can buy and speed up the “ironing process” altogether.

12. Wearing hair ties as bracelets or accessories on your wrist.

It may seem convenient to keep your hair tie or a rubber band on your wrist in case you want to throw your hair up, but it also looks sloppy and makes you appear much younger than you are. It’s better off to put them in your bag, car, or desk at work incase you want it, rather than keeping it on your wrist all day long.

11. Wearing clothes that are too tight on you.

There comes a time in everyone’s life where we start gaining weight a bit faster than when we were younger – it’s called growing up. Our metabolism starts to slow down and all that pizza comes back in our faces whenever we look in the mirror. If you’re still wearing shirts and dresses from when you were 18-years-old and they definitely don’t fit anymore, people notice.

10. Carrying around a bag that’s too big in certain situations.

When you go to a job interview or a party, it’s better to carry a smaller bag than a large one. Also, you want to be sure the bag is in good condition and isn’t ripping or tearing anywhere, or that there are no dirty stains on it anywhere. Bigger bags can make you appear as though you’re trying too hard.

9. Visible bra straps.

While many women think showing your bra is a “feminist movement,” it does look sloppy and tacky in most social settings. In fact, if you’re wearing a shirt in which your bra is showing, it can even come off slutty and inappropriate – especially in a work setting.

8. Wearing oversized clothing.

Sometimes, with the right outfit, oversized clothes can be chic and cute. But, often times this isn’t the case and instead, appears sloppy and lazy. Finding clothes that are tailored to your body is the key to appearing professional and kept.

7. Day-old makeup.

Even though you think no one can tell your eyeliner and mascara is from last night, it’s pretty obvious when it’s smudged all over your face. It’s better off to wash your face and start fresh rather than be lazy and keep the same, cruddy makeup on. People will think you are irresponsible and trashy if you appear this way.

6. Animal hair on your clothes.

If you have a pet, it’s likely that they tend to shed all over your house and clothing. But, that’s why God invented lint brushes and rollers. Just because you have a dog doesn’t mean you want to show up to a meeting covered in dog hair – it just looks awful.

5. Sweaters with pills all over them.

Every girl knows there comes a time when we need to retire our favorite sweaters (RIP). Although we love them and had some good times in them, when they begin to get “pilly” it’s time to chuck them and get new ones. Wearing pilly sweaters make you look cheap and dirty.

4. Wearing the wrong shoes with the wrong outfit.

Even if you’re trying to be comfortable rather than classy, you can always throw sneakers in your bag for your commute home (which is what we all do). When you’re at the office or at a party/event, don’t show up in your sandals or sneakers just because you have to take the train home. It looks tacky and unfortunately gives off the vibe that you don’t care.

3. Wearing any clothing with stains.

Sure, you may have gotten oil on your favorite t-shirt, but that doesn’t mean you should continue wearing it just because it’s your favorite. If you can’t get a stain out, that means you have to replace whatever item you’ve stained. Going out with stained clothing is horrible for your appearance and will always make you look sloppy and disorderly.

2. Wearing white shirts/dresses/pants/skirts that are no longer bright white.

Eventually after owning white clothing for years, the white begins to fade and it becomes more of an off-white/gray. This is when you need to purchase new whites. Whites should be bright and clean, not dull and dirty. Wearing these “white” items will make you look cheap and as though you don’t wash your clothing often enough – or separate your laundry.

1. Dirty or chipped nails.

If you don’t take care of your nails, it’s an issue. Even if you’re not into getting them done or painting them, you should always clean them and cut them. If you do get manicures and your nail polish is overly chipped, that also is a sign of sloppiness and bad hygiene. The minute you see dirty under your nails, clean them. If they’re too long, cut them. If they’re chipping, take the nail polish off. Clean nails make you look cleanly and responsible.

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