Here Are 10 Ways to Make Your Home Workspace More Productive

Working from home can be exciting, but you have to make the most of the time you have at your computer. When you need a more productive workspace, the solution is to make changes. You might change how you do certain things or just rearrange your office in a way that works for you. Here are some ideas to try out.

Set a “No-Knocking” Rule

Recognizing what your distractions are is the first step to eliminating them. One issue you may have working from home is avoiding the distractions that come from others in your household. You can ask your family for some alone time where they don’t disrupt you, but the best course of action may be to set “office hours” — periods of time you must absolutely not be disturbed during your work. If you promise to be done with work at a certain time every night, your household may be more likely to respect the rule.

Have a Separate Office Room

To work alongside the “no-knocking” rule, your office space should be in a separate room, ideally. Working on the kitchen or dining room table will only lead to more distractions if someone else is home simultaneously, as they’ll be walking in and out — and you won’t be able to stop the noise. Also, working in the living room isn’t great for you because it doesn’t support good posture. Having a separate office room will allow you to do all your best work in peace.

Take Breaks

Take a break at work, even if they aren’t automatically built into your schedule. Small breaks can improve your decision-making habits, meaning you’ll be more energized and interactive throughout the day and when you get home. You’ll be able to get your mind off work and let it wander for a few moments.

Allow yourself to be distracted during your breaks. To experience your break fully, it’s not enough just to sit at your desk. You should get up and stretch your legs. You can check your phone or watch part of your favorite show during your break. Making yourself a nutritious snack is a great opportunity to give yourself a break while nourishing yourself properly.

Put Your Phone Away

The best way to up your productivity is to put your phone away. Eliminating all distractions is the best way to increase your productivity. On your breaks, you can stop and look at your phone or walk around your home. When you’re committed to only having your phone out on your breaks, you might be more motivated to get your work done so you can check your phone regularly.

Change Your Lighting

The lighting in your office needs to be optimal. Since sunlight can help stave off symptoms of depression, you must get enough light in your office space to keep you motivated. You can buy lights that mimic the sunlight if you don’t work an average day, but you should always ensure your lighting allows you to work and doesn’t leave you in the dark.

Set Designated “Simple Task” Times

You might be tempted to check your email during one of your more important tasks of the day. Doing things like checking email and instant messages from your team can take up valuable time, so you should specifically set aside time for those simple tasks. They’re great to do right before or after your lunch break when you need that crucial transition time. When you set specific times to check things that aren’t a high priority, you won’t feel so compelled to look at them when you should be doing something else.

Write Your To-Do List Every Morning

The first thing you should do every morning is write your to-do list. Your to-do list will help you set your intentions for the day and show you what to prioritize and focus on to maximize the time you have at work. You’ll always know what to do because you’ll have the next task right before you, maximizing your productivity time.

Declutter Your Desk

You can’t work well in a cluttered space. Make sure your desk is clear of things that don’t need to be there. Even if you aren’t a minimalist, you should see the benefits of keeping a desk with only the necessities. Consider keeping some paper, writing utensils, something you can squeeze or fidget with when stressed, and anything else you may need for the job on your desk. Anything else can go onto shelves or in storage containers.

Add Greenery

Just adding green to your office can lower your stress and help you fight against burnout. Putting plants in your office is a great way to improve your working life. You should choose a plant that doesn’t need much care, like aloe vera, which can be good for skin issues and promote your health in several other ways. Make sure to pick a plant whose care fits your lifestyle.

Change Your Clothes

When all else fails, change your clothes. You may easily slip into comfort when working from home. Working in your pajamas may feel great at first, but it doesn’t work well as a transition between “home life” to “work life.” You might just change into comfortable clothes, but you should always change clothes after you wake up. Doing so simulates getting up and “going” to work — even if you’re just walking from the bedroom to your office.

Make Working From Home Work For You

An office specially designed for you to be productive may look different from the standard office, so you may need to be receptive to changing things up and trying new things out. Over time, you’ll find the perfect balance of good clutter and productivity support. Working from home is nothing new, and if other people have managed it, you can, too. Once you understand how you work best, you can customize your office to suit your needs.

About The Author

Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find her in a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy. 

5 Tips to Increase Productivity While Working Remotely

We all wish that the “working from home is perfect and you can save so much time” myth were true. In theory, home-based work eliminates all the time we spend going to and from the office, and it lets you organize your own schedule, eat home-cooked meals, and so much more. So why is it so difficult to focus and work while you’re at home?

First of all, you’re dealing with all kinds of distractions, your brain isn’t used to the environment that you normally perceive as anything but professional, and chances are, family. Luckily, there are ways to deal with all that and so much more that might be playing havoc with your ability to work remotely. Let’s check out a few useful tips to boost productivity.

Limit digital distractions 

Our online habits are different when we’re at home or at work. It makes sense to feel the urge to go on Facebook or Instagram, but there are tools to help you minimize these distractions. For example, the Chrome plugin called Mindful Browsing lets you know when you’re being unproductive, but without sounding judgmental. Instead, you get to see some lovely nature photos and get a reminder to focus on work.

Tools like Freedom, on the other hand, can be connected to a wide array of digital devices and you can block apps and sites that distract you during a designated time of day. Block off your work hours with such apps, and you won’t be procrastinating that easily soon.

Amplify your Google Workspace

In addition to what you’re not supposed to do while working, there are things that you can do better to be more productive. Like most professionals using Google Workspace, you likely communicate with your colleagues via email and other tools regularly, but you also need to swap contact details with each other.

Since Google Workspace doesn’t have that feature built into the system, you can share Google Contacts with the help of a dedicated add-on called Shared Contacts. Once activated, it lets you seamlessly exchange contact details with your team members, assign editing rights, and organize your contact base properly. You’ll no longer waste time searching for contact details, but have everything at your fingertips and ready for your teams.

Organize a dedicated work area

As we’ve mentioned before, your work setting has an impact on how productive you’ll be. So, if you’re spending your work hours stuck in an uncomfortable chair, slouched over a desk that’s too low, and without proper lighting, you’re bound to have issues.

Design your home office to be adapted to your work needs, so add a well-organized file cabinet, a supportive chair, and don’t forget a LED lamp. This should help you feel good while you work and avoid all kinds of strain that would lead to a lack of focus.

Choose a smart project management tool

With so many digital outlets you’re using, you could be feeling overwhelmed with messages, tasks, and managing everything flooding your inboxes. Getting a project management tool like Zoho Projects can simplify the entire process significantly, keeping it all under one roof, with automated alerts and notifications.

Organizing your projects and tasks can be much simpler with one tool to do it all. Then, you can check your progress, see which milestones you need to meet, and what you can delegate to free up some of your time.

Stick to a work schedule 

Just like your evening routine can help you amp up your mornings to be energized and refreshed, setting a clear and detailed work routine will allow you to focus properly. When we work remotely, we’re tempted to spend most of our time checking our personal social media pages, doing some laundry, and enjoying the occasional cup of coffee. All that’s natural, but when it’s time to work, you should be able to avoid finding all the other chores that suddenly need to get done.

Create a schedule that gives you an overview of what needs to get done each hour of your workday. That alone will help you grasp how much there is to finish, and how much time you really need for each task. The schedule can then help you refine your hours based on performance and give yourself the chance to get more done.

Finally, we need to say goodbye to the idea that productivity can or should be a constant state. It fluctuates and you’re allowed to be a little slow on some days, especially when you don’t get enough sleep or you’re handling a particularly tedious project.

Despite it all, you can use these and other tips inspired by them to improve your ability to focus and get more done in less time, no matter where you are or who’s around you.

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5 Ways to Stay Zen and Avoid Burnout While Working from Home

Working from home has a ton of benefits. Because we don’t have to waste our time traveling to work, we can spend more of our day in our sweatpants, and everything we love is right there within our reach. 


But here’s the thing – when we don’t have to travel we don’t change our environment at all, when we’re constantly in our sweatpants we feel downright dowdy, and when the things we love are within our reach we’re constantly distracted. 


Like the saying goes, you can have too much of a good thing. But while the pandemic lasts, most of us will have to keep working from home if we want to stay safe, so we don’t have much of a choice about how we spend our day. Fortunately, this doesn’t mean we’re doomed to burn out and feel frustrated all the time. There are plenty of ways you can minimize stress, and we’re here to highlight a few. 

Find a way to get some exercise in

Exercising can feel downright transcendent when we’re stressed. As lazy and tired as this pandemic might be making you feel, exercise is a great way to actually shake yourself from that stupor and do something incredibly good for your body. 


Yoga is particularly useful here because it’s a soothing, patient activity that will help you get in touch with your body and ease any back pain or muscle aches you might have developed as a result of sitting around all the time. Of course, yoga is not your only option. If you’re looking to give yourself a nice glow up and get fit, you can follow a workout plan.

Feed your brain to sharpen your focus

If you’re having trouble concentrating, then a nice snack can give you a boost. In general, it would be a good idea to lead a healthy diet if you want your mind and body to get all the necessary nutrients to feel good, but if you’re looking for a quick fix, a snack will do. 


Grab yourself some brain food: a handful of nuts, a few pieces of dark chocolate, some berries, or a tasty nootropic drink that contains a blend of caffeine, vitamins, and nutrients that can improve your mental energy. Taking a break to grab a snack is also beneficial: it can give you the chance to rest your mind for a few minutes before resuming work. 

Use small hacks to help you stick to your schedule

Pretend you’re going to the office to get your work done. Get up on time, and get dressed the way you would for work, and then pick a specific room or corner in your home that will be the official “work space.”


It might sound silly, but these little hacks will help your brain switch between work mode and rest mode when you’re unable to change your environment. Something as simple as washing your face and putting on a touch of makeup and a nice blouse can make you feel more alert and put together. Also, as soon as your “shift” is done, move away from the work space and go rest in a different part of your home. This will help your brain make that much-needed distinction that the pandemic robbed you of. 

Start meditating

What’s more zen than meditation? Meditation doesn’t have to last a long time, and you don’t actually have to empty your brain completely (that’s actually impossible). As little as 15 minutes of meditation a day can help you center yourself and calm down when you’re feeling overwhelmed, and it will make sure you’re more aware, alert, and rested. 


If you have trouble concentrating on meditation, you could light a candle to help you relax and hold your focus, or you could even follow a guided meditation track. You can check out Headspace if you want to try a mindfulness and meditation app that’s good for beginners. 

Organize social events

Don’t isolate yourself more than you have to. While we have to avoid gatherings and keep socially distant in most cases, this doesn’t mean you can’t use Zoom or Discord to stay in touch with your friends. If you’re fully vaccinated and have a friend who’s also fully vaccinated, you could even organize a fairly safe meetup! 


Friends and family are exceptionally important because they help ground us and remind us that we’re not alone and that we have support. So, call your loved ones regularly and enjoy their company. There are plenty of ways to have fun even if you have to be socially distant, and hanging out can remind you to laugh and stay positive. 


We hope you liked our little tips. As you can see, there are plenty of ways to boost your mood and stay calm even during these stressful times, and you just have to find the one that suits you.

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Should You Use Antivirus Software Now That You Are Working From Home?

An antivirus for your phone as well as computer can play an important role in enhancing the impact. Over the years, McAfee antivirus has become extremely popular among all. If you are looking for a secure protection to your system, make sure to get it. 

The antivirus program has changed over the time and has become only more flexible and affordable. You can easily purchase the software or download it from the official website for free. The McAfee internet security is indeed one of the most affordable and reliable software for security. 

How does McAfee antivirus software work? 

The McAfee antivirus software is extremely beneficial and helps to block all the unwanted threats for your system. If any virus is entering into your system, the antivirus software will eventually kill it. The virus can damage your system in no time and break the firewall security. 

McAfee is committed towards updating the software and easily identifies any malicious activity of your computer depending on name and destructive capability. The software will easily identify or detect the software and help to fix it. 

The McAfee antivirus software has been gaining popular since 1992. Ever since the inception, many people have been using it for free and can easily cater to your personal requirements. While you may need to pay for the same kind of software to another platform, you can get it for free from McAfee. 

Protecting your system from a potential threat can prove to be expensive. Hence, it is necessary to choose a software. If you purchase an authorised or paid software, it will assure you guarantee, but it can also prove to be extensive. Well, instead of opting for paid platforms, you should prefer using free software. You can check out different McAfee antivirus comparisons to find out how it is better than different paid software. Over the years, more users are joining hands with the McAfee antivirus software to ensure safety. 

The Firewall

McAfee indeed has one of the best firewalls. It ensures to constantly update the database to strengthen the firewall. Most of these antivirus software are meant to keep away the threats, especially the newer ones. 

It is necessary to note that not every software is the same. Hence, it often becomes tough to detect the threats. Unlike most software, McAfee has one of the secure firewalls preventing various threats. The firewall is impenetrable especially if it is prone to threats. However, for McAfee the firewall isn’t penetrable. The free version of firewall extends across the internet so you will constantly be updated about it. If you have McAfee in your computer, you will be informed about any of the potential threats. The defense tool will constantly work on solving major problems. Once you download any malicious program, despite the secure platform, McAfee will ensure to take proper care. 

The Virus Scan utility

With the help of McAfee virus scan utility, there will be a range of malware detection programs. It will consist of a list of malicious programs which will eventually be deleted once the scanning is over. The scans are extremely effective and can suit the need for detecting the issues and preventing them. McAfee antivirus database is effective and can easily delete the threats with the help of scan. The McAfee antivirus software can make your system resistant to malware in no time. 

Why should you choose McAfee antivirus setup? 

The McAfee antivirus setup can eventually prove to be beneficial for your system. It can offer a wide range of benefits to your customers. Some of the common benefits of McAfee antivirus include the following

1. Affordable

Affordable? Well, the greatest part of McAfee antivirus software is that it is completely free. You wouldn’t have to worry about it being expensive. All you need to do is download the software for free and register into the platform with your email ID. Once you are done with it, you’re all good to go. 

2. Flexible

Another greatest advantage of the software is that it is extremely flexible. You can easily download the newer version and upgrade to the new software with complete ease. 

3. Extra protection

The main motive of an antivirus software is to provide extra protection. The antivirus software can simply provide protection to your system against various threats such as spyware, malware and virus. This can eventually protect your system’s performance. 

4. User-friendly

The greatest benefit of using antivirus software is that it is completely user-friendly. Unlike most of the software it is extremely easy to use and can cater to your needs in no time. All you can do is make a few clicks and you’re all set to go. The user-friendliness wouldn’t affect the performance. 

You can easily download the McAfee antivirus software from any platform. It contains various resources and is extremely beneficial for computers against different platforms. Make sure to download the right software.

Working From Home in a Post-Coronavirus World

The coronavirus pandemic has affected many aspects of daily life, including how people work. From virtual meetings to online video calls, the way people interact continues to change. COVID-19 has led to quarantines and lockdowns around the globe, which has increased the number of people working from home. It is likely that the trend of jobs at home will continue in a post-coronavirus world, so you have to be prepared. 

Changing to a New Normal 

Telework or telecommuting, which means using the internet and phones to allow people to work from home, is on the rise. Although COVID-19 forced many businesses to switch to this job mode, there are strong indications that telework may become permanentFor example, both Facebook and Twitter are exploring how their employees can work from home indefinitely. 

During the coronavirus outbreak, many businesses have faced financial challenges, which may continue in the post-pandemic world. Saving money by offering telework may appeal to struggling companies that do not want to let workers go. 

While you save money and time by not commuting to an office, companies save even more money by having remote workers. They no longer have to pay for office space or all the associated costs, such as heating, cooling, electricity, security, supplies, and phone lines. Simple solutions like using virtual phone numbers enable companies to save while providing top-notch communication.

For example, if they conduct business in Canada, getting a Canadian virtual phone number allows them to forward and receive calls so they can establish strong connections with their clients. In addition, studies show that productivity still remains high for people who work from home, so there is no danger of telecommuters slacking off in their living rooms.

There is another important benefit to working from home: Most people claim they are less stressed and happier. Telework allows greater freedom and flexibility, while eliminating common complaints such as long commutes, uncomfortable business attire and boring chit chat with coworkers.  


Starting a New Career 

The impact of COVID-19 has been widespread with some workers losing their jobs or seeing their hours cut. This has forced many to consider new careers that can survive a post-coronavirus world. In addition to looking for a different direction, many are interested in finding a job that allows them to work from home long-term. 

Accounting is one example of a field that is flexible with many work from home opportunities. Accountants need access to the internet, phones, computers and software to do most of their jobs, which means they do not need to be in an office building with other people. In addition, the median salary for an accountant is $67,190, and this field is projected to grow in the future. 

Since most accounting work is digital, it can be the perfect fit for telecommuting. From working with large corporations to small business owners, accountants are always in demand. 


Time Management 

Managing your time effectively is a crucial part of working from home. Whether you create a digital to-do list or use a paper one, the first step of time management is figuring out what you must accomplish. Make a list of the top tasks for each day and cross them off as you finish. 

Another way to stay organized is to schedule your time daily. Start by listing your tasks and add them to a calendar. Blocking off time to work, plan or organize things will help you stay on track. Consider setting aside one to two hours to work on a specific project and then taking a break before the next block of tasks. 

Distractions are one of the biggest issues when you are working from home. From pets that want constant attention to neighbors arguing in their yard, it is hard to concentrate. You have to create boundaries that are right for you. For example, reduce social media distractions by removing the apps from your phone and turning off notifications on the computer. Tell your partner and kids that you are working and not to disturb you. Invest in noise-canceling headphones and close the drapes. 

You may also want to explore productivity apps, such as a digital focus boosterTry different apps to find the best one for you and be willing to experiment with them. 


Comfortable and Stylish Clothes 

When you work from home, it can be easy to slip into comfortable clothes like pajamas and stay in them all day. However, dressing a little better can improve your productivity and make you feel better. The key is to find a balance between comfort and style that is right for your body. 

You may also need to dress up for a video or conference call with clients, so make sure you have outfits that will look professional. Sweats and torn shirts will not impress customers online. Although it is hard to accept, people still judge others based on their appearance. 

Working from home will become more common in a post-coronavirus world. It may be an adjustment, but you can get used to it and make it work for you. 

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