How The Show “You” Sheds Light on Unhealthy Relationships

“You,” a book-turned-TV series, has quickly become a favorite Netflix thriller. Originally created by Caroline Kepnes, the TV show adaptation stars Penn Badgley, Elizabeth Lail, Shay Mitchell, John Stamos, and many other iconic actors. The many plotlines are expertly portrayed and surround real-life issues. Things like drug use, abuse, codependent relationships, sexual harassment, and grief and loss make up a good number of the plots created.

When it comes to abusive relationships, “You” covers many versions of abuse. The main character, Joe Goldberg, is connected to other characters dealing with physical, emotional, and mental abuse. One, in particular, is the relationship between his neighbors Ron and Claudia, and their young son, Paco.

This relationship perfectly encompasses what it’s like being stuck in an intensely abusive relationship where a person is too fearful to leave.

Having been in a situation like this, myself, I was able to relate (to an extent) to Claudia. She is in a relationship with an abusive, alcoholic man named Ron. He provides financial stability for the family which is why Claudia feels like she can never leave the relationship. Despite being abused, she’s afraid that if she leaves Ron, she’ll lose custody of her son. It is later shown that Claudia is an addict and uses after Ron is abusive.

Let’s get this straight: no matter the situation, getting out of a relationship like this is the hardest, yet healthiest move a person can make.

How often can we relate or know someone who can relate to this? Unfortunately, more than we’d like. Not only does Claudia suffer, but Paco suffers, as well. Not even in his teens yet, Paco is forced to live with the abuse that his mom lives with. We get to know Paco when we see him sitting outside his door while Ron and Claudia scream at each other. Joe finds him after he gets home from work and takes him under his wing by giving him food and books to help him through. In that sense, we can find ourselves falling in love with that side of Joe.

Not only does the show portray a person trapped in abuse, it shows how it affects others that are indirectly affected, as well.

Another unhealthy relationship shown is that of two other characters: Beck and Peach Salinger. Beck is the main character that Joe falls in love with, and Peach Salinger is a daughter of an old-money-rich founding family in the area. Peach has everything in life… Money, fame, social status. But she is also in love with Beck, which is a no-no in her family.

Thus begins the abusive relationship between the two women.

Peach needs to get attention from Beck by any means necessary which means spoiling her with things like trips to Paris, expensive clothes, and lavish parties. She even loans Beck money when she needs it. At first glance, these seem like great things.

However, the thought and emotion behind them reek of toxic codependency.

As the story progresses, Joe tries to shed light on the issues that he sees in Peach that Beck doesn’t… Like how Peach stores hundreds of pictures of Beck on her laptop, follows her around, watches her bathe, and many other privacy-violating things. When Peach doesn’t get the attention from Beck that she needs, she’d fake illnesses and phony suicide attempts.

Let’s get another thing straight: faking these types of things to get attention is point-blank unacceptable.

Another abusive relationship in “You” is the relationship between Joe and his ex-girlfriend, Candace. Candace was an ex that cheated on Joe and then mysteriously disappeared after he found out. There are people who assume that Candace is dead, specifically that Joe killed her. We see at the end of season one and through season two that she is very much alive and has come to make Joe’s life hell.

Talk about a toxic ex.

The fact that Candace is out for blood – quite literally – shows just how harmful revenge in a past relationship can be. If broken up in a healthy way, a person should not feel the need for revenge, let alone let it totally dictate their life.

Finally, we have one of the most toxic relationships of all: Joe and his father figure.

Although we don’t necessarily see this in the first season, the second season of the show talks about Joe’s childhood and the mess that it was. He had abusive and neglectful parents and ended up in the care of Mr. Mooney, the man who ran the bookstore before Joe. We see flashbacks in Joe’s mind of his childhood, starting with the physical and emotional abuse that Mr. Mooney showed Joe.

He locked him in a glass box as punishment which is where all of Joe’s craziness got its beginning.

Because of Mr. Mooney, Joe has the glass box that he then kills people in. He was conditioned, in a way, to think and act the way that he does because that’s all he knew. Imagine someone in a parental figure teaching you these things and even punishing you with them? Daddy and mommy dearest aren’t in the picture and never have been.

In the end, “You” expertly portrays the flaws that relationships can hold.

This isn’t to say that the show normalizes it, because it doesn’t. What it does is show these qualities in ways that we are unfortunately able to understand and even relate to. It even sheds light on how often this happens all around us.

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About The Author

Emmie Pombo is a latte and tattoo-loving Tennessean who specializes in mental health and beauty writing. She holds a degree in Journalism and a certification in Makeup Artistry and Airbrushing. Follow her on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

An Open Letter To My Angel In Heaven

Losing You

Where do I begin? I feel as though there are not enough words I can write to truly express all of the emotions that consume me on a regular basis knowing that you are gone. There are so many words I wish I could say to you, so many calls I wish I could make, so many moments I look at, wondering if you are somewhere off in a distant place watching me with pride.


The way in which you left this world was too abrupt. I wasn’t given the proper time to tell you everything I wanted to say. And I wish I could look you in the eyes and tell you how much you truly mean to me, how much I need you in my life, how big of an impact you’ve had on me. I look back at our time spent together, knowing that I could have done more to be better—to do better, to be better to you and for you.


There are so many conversations I want to take back—how I wish I could rewind time and take the cruel insults I slurred at you in haste and anger back and swallow them whole. I feel like a beast—a demon—for speaking to you so cruelly. And I wish I had known then, what I know now—you never know when a word spoken can be the last.


I wonder so often if you are angry at me. And I wonder so often if you are at peace. I wonder so often if you are looking down on me, missing me, cheering me on, loving me from afar.


Twitter Thread Proves That Giving Up On A Good Girl Will Haunt You Forever

Many times in life, it so happens that we meet people at the wrong time. Even if two people are destined to be together, if it’s not the right time, things just won’t work out. Think of it this way—how many times have you dated someone that was in a completely different stage of their life (emotionally, mentally) and because of this, you could never see eye-to-eye? Maybe you wanted to move forward—get married, start a family—and your partner was too busy clubbing and bar-hopping every weekend.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but when you aren’t ready for the “right one,” the right one won’t wait around for you. So often, people think that “true love will wait,” but, that’s unrealistic and a bunch of fairy tale garbage. To prove it, I bring you Twitter user Rev Rell, who shared a story of her friend who lost a good girl forever.

People online were applauding the thread, thanking her for being so real and honest, and sharing their own experiences that this is—indeed—facts.

13 Small Signs You’re Not Taking Care Of Yourself

Winter has come. ‘Tis the season for seasonal depression and the stress of holidays and final exams. Self-care can sometimes get put in the back of our minds, but let me tell you, nothing is worth more than your physical and mental wellness, I promise. I speak from experience. I cannot stress enough how important it is to try to take care of yourself during stressful times. Sometimes it’s hard to realize when you’re lacking in the self-care department, so here are some ways that show me that I need to step up my self-care game.

1. You aren’t getting enough sleep.

This is obvious. Sometimes, you get to the point of being stressed out where you have slight bouts of insomnia and that’s when you know there’s problem, and trust me, this has happened to me so many times now, it’s ridiculous. What I’ve been making a habit of doing is actually ending my day an hour earlier if possible. I don’t have to fall asleep right away, but I’ll get in bed at 11 P.M. instead of at midnight. I’ll start my nighttime facial cleansing routine earlier to let my body know that it’s time for bed. Any work that I haven’t completed by then can wait until the next day.

2. You don’t drink enough water.

Drinking a proper amount of water honestly is the easiest thing to do, and it’s the best thing. I carry a  refillable water bottle in my bag every day, and I make sure it has labels of how much water I’ve drunk that day so I know if I’m behind on my water consumption. Drinking the right amount of water each day can honestly make up for the damage lack of sleep does to your skin, and what forgetting to eat balanced meals can do to your body (use this to supplement, but not to replace!!).

3. You forget to eat proper meals.

Ugh. Getting three meals and two snacks in every day is a struggle with a capital S. I am the queen of forgetting to eat but guys, that’s not good. Not eating ruins your focus and makes you tired and feel physically weak, and you don’t need that when you’re trying to conquer the world. Meal prep, plan out snacks or make smoothies ahead of time to grab on your way out the door. Anything helps!!

4. You aren’t getting enough fruits and veggies into your diet.

This was a problem I faced a lot when I was constantly at work and school, and it was actually affecting me more than I realized. Not getting enough produce in your diet really messes up your vitamin levels and blood sugar. My lack of nutrients on top of immense stress was literally causing me to lose hair, and it was the worst. I’ve started keeping bags of frozen fruits and veggies in my freezer, and it allows me to easily eat them with every meal. I’m obsessed.

5. You’re constantly surrounded by darkness.

If your mood suffers when Daylight Savings occurs, being in dark rooms just makes everything way worse. Turn on the lights, open the curtains, buy a light therapy box, and get outside as much as possible. Even the slightest bit of sunlight every day helps your mood and stress levels, I promise.

6. You are surrounded by toxic people and negative energy.

I used to be the worst about letting toxic people stay in my life and it was so bad for me, my energy, and my health. Making the decision to remove negative people and energy from my life was literally the best decision. I haven’t felt this emotionally light and been surrounded by such good vibes in so long. Surround yourself with people who love you and who radiate positivity. It’ll do wonders for your mood and health.

7. Everything around you is cluttered and messy.

You can’t expect to have a clear mind if your space is messy and full of stuff. It’s a huge sign, for me, that I haven’t been taking proper care of myself when my room gets really messy. You don’t have to deep clean your entire house in the middle of finals season, but making sure your desk space or kitchen or room is cleared of any visible garbage or clutter really really makes a difference in how you think and focus.

8. You aren’t getting enough exercise.

I don’t mean, hardcore, weight-loss-as-your-goal type of exercise. I mean literal body movement. If you’re sitting at a desk working all day, every day, it becomes really straining on your body and your mind. Take the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Go for a little walk once a day to get your blood flowing. Join a gym to motivate you to get moving (crazy, I know). Working out is honestly the best form of therapy for me- it helps me think clearly, and it gives me an excuse to take a break from working.

9. You don’t take any breaks.

This is so important. Working for eight hours straight seems like a productive idea, but your mind and body will just be drained without frequent breaks. Taking care of yourself can be as simple as taking a 30-minute break every few hours to eat, stretch, drink water, scroll through Instagram, clear your desk, book a flight somewhere, you get it.

10. Without realizing it, you’ve been isolating yourself from people.

This, for me, is a big red flag. When I find myself not talking to people and constantly keeping to myself, I know that something’s going on. As introverted as I tend to be, socializing is really good for my mental state, and avoiding it to do work all day long is really dangerous.

11. Your mood has made a shift in the last few weeks.

Constant stress and a heavy workload can lead to a shift in mood, especially if you suffer from Seasonal Depression. This is also a red flag for me to know that I’m not prioritizing myself. If I find myself constantly anxious and depressed, I know that it’s time to take a step back and re-prioritize myself. Your health is more important than the amount of work that you need to complete in a day, I promise. There’s always another day to finish up whatever you need to.

12. Your skin isn’t glowing as much as it used to.

You know you’re lacking in the self-care department when your skin starts to look dull and bumpy. This is what I try to avoid, being someone who grew up with really bad acne (been there, done that. Don’t wanna look back, ever). I used to neglect my skincare routine, but it only made me feel worse because neglecting my skin led to me having less than stellar skin, which led me to feel way less confident in myself, and nobody wants that.

13. You’re exhausted. All the time.

Whenever I hit a stressful period of time, I find myself unable to rest, ever. I’m constantly on edge and I can never sleep at night or even chill when I’m taking a break from doing work. This is how I know that I have to reset my routine and get back into one that prioritizes me and my health more.

Just 20 Perfect Tumblr Posts About Netflix’s ‘You’

If you’re here, you’ve probably binge-watched Netflix’s You like the rest of us. (If not, then what are you doing here and needless to say, SPOILER ALERT.)

So you deeply understand the love-hate relationship it’s impossible to avoid when it comes to Joe… and Beck…and basically every other character on the show. But especially Joe.

That’s part of the beauty of it—Beck sucks so bad (don’t @ me) that you have no choice but to sympathize with Joe (doesn’t hurt that he’s very, very easy on the eyes) despite the fact that he’s a psycho stalker murderer.

Anyway, here are some Tumblr posts that totally get your raw, internal battle.














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h/t BuzzFeed

16 Inexpensive Products You Can Totally Afford To Treat Yo’ Self To This Week

As I’m sure most employees can agree, the work week always seems to drag on just a little too long…or a lot too long. Even if you love your job, the 9 to 5 routine gets to be exhausting and only survivable if there’s something to look forward to. For me, a little retail therapy works wonders and motivation can arrive in the smallest of Amazon Prime packages. That being said, here are just a few inexpensive products I find to be excellent ways to treat yo’ self throughout the week.

*Tbh, we may receive a small portion of the sales made on this page which we will probably use to buy the products on this page.

16. This adorable surprise panda mug that’s sure to brighten up every morning.


The only good thing about an empty cup of coffee.

Get it on Amazon for $10.20

15. A book about casual drinking that will convince you to indulge in a few happy hours.


Or a few glasses of wine on your couch.

Get it on Amazon for $11.45

14. This bubble tea sleeping pack that’ll give your skin a healthy new glow.


Plus, the packaging is too adorable. Just make sure your bf doesn’t try to eat it.

Get it on Amazon for $10.65 (44% off)

13. A new set of utterly fabulous makeup brushes.


Sparkly AF.

Get it on Amazon for $6.99

12. This rose gold notebook set that’ll get you excited about taking notes in that painful 8 am meeting.


Or just making doodles.

Get it on Amazon for $12.95

11. One of these cute little cable biters that’ll never fail to make you smile.

Urban Outfitters

Maybe you just need one of each to be safe.

Get it on Urban Outfitters for $6.00

10. This string of metal photo clips so you can finally display all of your favorite Polaroids.

Urban Outfitters


Get it on Urban Outfitters for $14.00

9. A water bottle and sleeve that has a pocket for your phone and keys.

Uncommon Goods

Who knows, this might just inspire you to hit the gym this week.

Get it on Uncommon Goods for $13.98

8. This unicorn pen and holder set that will make all of your writing feel magical.


And the best part is no one in your office can steal your pen.

Get it on ModCloth for $10.00

I Can Feel It in My Bones, That’s How I Know It’ll Always Be You

You. It’s such a complex and meaningful word. And to each individual person it can mean multitudes of things. It varies from person to person and experience to experience.

But when I think of the word you, I am overwhelmed with so much love.

Not long ago I was thoroughly convinced that love was an absolute joke and I had wasted all of my time. I was certain that happiness and contentment were so far out of my reach. And so I settled for the mundane. And then you became a part of my vocabulary.


At first, it was so subtle. I had no idea that you were going to change everything. I wasn’t looking for you at all, but you found me anyway.

The coincidences were too great, and so I began to believe that this was somehow fated to be.

As I poured out my soul to you, I realized it was the first time I hadn’t been scared of the truth. Looking into your eyes, I was able to own up to every mistake and stupid decision I made.

But after finding you, I’m not so sure they were mistakes. Every decision I made, no matter how big or small it seemed, lead me to this exact place. And I wholeheartedly believe that I was supposed to find you.

I had spent so many years chasing things that were not meant for me, and only now can I understand why every single one of them fell apart.

My heart is damaged, and a small part of me will always be broken. But you know that, and you choose me anyway.

You look at me as if I am a constellation, and you’ve never seen stars. And though it terrifies me, it also makes me feel whole again.

You value me, even when I don’t value myself. You tell me the honest truth, even when I don’t want to hear it. And you are constant, in an ever changing world.

You are so much more than what I could have dreamed up. I have struggled so long with finding somewhere to call home and finding somewhere that I belong. I realize now that it’s not a place. It’s you.

This unspoken peace crashes over me every time I look at you, and I know that no matter where I am, I will be coming home to you for the rest of my life.

You are the greatest blessing I have ever received, and I’ve never been so grateful for anything in my whole life.


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