Whats Your Sign? Your Astrology Guide To Finding Love

Zodiac Love

Have you ever wondered why you simply like some people more than others? And why some things just rub you the wrong way while your friends just shrug off the exact same thing? Perhaps your quirks have more to do with your zodiac sign? So how can you use your zodiac sign to help you improve your professional life and your love life?

Whats Your Sign?

Each of the twelve signs are divided by elements. Those are Earth, Fire, Water and Air. And there are different ways that each sign interacts with the world and the signs within it. Moreover, Sun Signs elements are modalities that create qualities that also affect interaction. Those are; Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Cardinal is the beginning, Fixed is the deep middle of character development and the final act is the Mutable which ties up the loose ends. Mutable can also signify new beginnings and entering a new cycle.

Ready to find out who your best match is? Here are all twelve signs and their elements and qualities. Use this guide to find your true compatible
love. And maybe learn more about yourself!


Fire sign Aries likes to be in control and in the drivers seat. Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, and Libra are the ideal signs for an Aries to partner with. Air signs work best with Aries.

It is tough to connect well with Cancer, Capricorn or Libra since those signs also want to be in control.


Earth sign Taurus is known for it’s stubbornness. And with an unmoving Taurus, there is a love-hate relationship with the empathetic water signs, Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. But the passion they will have for their emotional partner will be undeniable. So invite a Virgo, Capricorn, to dinner, but hold back from asking that Leo or Aquarius out on a date.


Mutable, Air sign Gemini, is most compatible with Air and Fire signs. Fire signs Leo and Aries light up the passion in the Gemini. Since they are a mutable sign, Gemini pair well with many in the zodiac. Capricorn, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra, other Gemini and Aquarius.


Emotionally intense, water sign Cancer thrives on love, comfort and deep connections. Fellow water signs, Pisces, other Cancers and Scorpio pair well. Earth signs can also work as Cancer likes to nurture signs that are down to earth and domesticated. You can find earthly love with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.


Fire and Air signs go best with Spit Fire Leo the Lion. Who is always asking for attention and is presumably the life of the party. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra go best. But you may find love with Earth and Water signs too, so say yes to that date with Pisces, Taurus, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio.


Reliable and always willing to help perfect the imperfect, Earth sign Virgo is looking for love with Water and Earth signs. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio are your best dating bets for compatibility and love everlasting.


Harmony loving Libra may be an air sign, but control is what they really want. Always looking for love with Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.


Passionate Scorpio need love, intensity and emotional satisfaction in their relationships. Watery Scorpio finds love with earth and water signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.


Non traditional, fire sign, Sagittarius loves their independence, but they will move well romantically with fire and air signs. So a Sagittarius can find long term love with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.


Earth loves the earth and Capricorn will love the straightforward connection with another earth sign. But they can get cozy with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, and Scorpio and find like-minded romance!


While not many decisions are important to an Aquarius, large life choices should be made by them. And finding a partner that knows what they want in life really turns them on! So they work best with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and their fellow Aquarius.


Dreamy, watery Pisces is always looking for that perfect blend of support and those willing to entertain the romantic and the make believe. Pisces will find their true love with Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and another Pisces.

Find Love In 2022 with Astrology

Use this guide and others to find your zodiac compatibility. And maybe learn more about yourself!

Libra Man Relationship Compatibility With A Scorpio Woman

If you’re wondering whether Libra, as an Air sign, and a Scorpio as a water sign can ever function together in a romantic way, then the short answer is – hell yes! However, it won’t always be a walk in the park. So, let us take a look at their compatibility in different aspects and learn what it is that makes them great for each other, as well as what it is that can cause issues in their relationship.

One quick look at the Libra Man’s heart website will allow you to check the compatibility of this romantic and yet strong man with women from all the other signs. Yet, today we are sticking with the mysterious Scorpio, because there’s certainly a lot to say about this particular relationship. Without further ado, let us get started.



If we were to rate their overall compatibility, we would say that the percentage is definitely through the roof. When a sexy Scorpio that otherwise seems shy meets a quirky Libra for the first time, they will instantly get smitten by their personality. On the other hand, a man Libra is drawn by the Scorpio’s subtlety and self-restrain which makes them look adorable.

Don’t get fooled by the word “adorable”, though. The moment these two lock eyes, they won’t only feel butterflies in their stomach. They’ll feel a lot more than that and the passion and attraction will be difficult to hide. From that day forward, these two people will retain the passion throughout their whole relationship and they will also always have mutual respect and admiration. It’s said that a relationship between a Libra man and a Scorpio woman actually gives birth to peace and compassion.


As we all know by now, communication is the key towards a happy relationship and this particular couple won’t lack in these skills. Libras are naturally rather conversational, meaning that they will find a lot of topics stimulating and they won’t be afraid to share their deepest thoughts with their Scorpio once they start trusting them. This makes both parties happy, because Scorpios are, and love to be, the perfect confidants.

Read more about their compatibility: https://www.liveabout.com/libra-and-scorpio-love-compatibility-206846

Here’s where the problem might arise, though. While one party will definitely always be open and ready to chat, Scorpios tend to stay mysterious and keep their deepest thoughts to themselves even when they trust the other person completely. This can be attractive to Libras at first, but it might be an issue in the long-run, because they’ll feel they have to put in a huge amount of effort into talking the Scorpio into…well, talking.

The good part is, though, that Scorpios do decide to talk at some point. Sure, they won’t start a topic until they are perfectly ready for it, but they rarely sweep their problems under the rug. All a Libra has to do is let this mysterious women take her time to properly prepare for the conversation and not try to suck them into an argument that they aren’t ready for.



If there’s one thing that you won’t need to worry about if you are one part of this relationship, then it is sex. I mean, these two can sit in a room filled with other people, friends and acquaintances, simply enjoying a nice evening and they’ll both notice their heart racing and their desire for one another building up. Simply put, there’s some serious heat between those too and it’s like a force that they cannot fight against.

The provocative Scorpio will definitely be able to set the atmosphere and drive this man crazy way before they are left alone and the charming Libra will make sure to return the favor afterwards, when the bedroom door closes. You would probably never think this when you see them together somewhere, because neither of them like to display their affection in public, but the truth is that they are barely keeping their clothes on and that they are always craving to be alone. That’s when things get wild. The best part is, this doesn’t change over time, which makes the couple compatible in the long run as well, as explained here.


This couple is the perfect example that opposites attract. Yet, even though they can easily come to terms with the differences between themselves, those can definitely cause some problems from time to time. For example, the Scorpios tendency to overreact and get both passive-aggressive and openly aggressive is crossed can really make the Libra uncomfortable and extremely agitated. Yet, this man knows his way around this woman, meaning that this is nothing that cannot be solved.

On the other hand, a Scorpio might feel extremely offended if they find that their partner has been talking about their relationship or, God forbid, their sex life to other people. They like to maintain the mystery and they certainly value their own privacy, while Libras do tend to get chatty from time to time. So, if the secrecy part isn’t respected, these women might feel like their trust has been betrayed.

To put things simply, a Libra man and a Scorpio woman are definitely like day and night and that’s probably why they are always so attracted to each other. Yet, if they fail to respect these differences, they might put their relationships in jeopardy. As long as they communicate openly and directly about everything, they’ll definitely be an amazing couple.

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