Shows And Movies To Binge This Fall Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Your Zodiac sign can tell a lot about you. Maybe you are an Aries, who likes taking on a leadership role or a dreamy Pisces who likes to live life with fluidity, Or perhaps you are the perfectionist Virgo who likes things neat, collected, and well, buttoned up. Signs like Libras and Geminis thrive on choices, good bad and otherwise. While the determined Taurus and stubborn Sagittarius know what they want and when they want it. After all, how can a show measure up to the emotion and passion that a Scorpio brings to the table? And is there a show pragmatic enough to suit the money savvy Capricorn? Could there actually be a reality show adventurous enough for a Leo? And what about the no sense of time Aquarius? Or the watery Cancer, so full of emotion and the most homebody of the zodiac signs??

Here are some shows and movies that you should definitely watch this Fall, based on your Zodiac sign.


Aries (May 21-April 19)

Succession is the perfect show for our fearless leader, the Aries. A money mogul dad fights to keep his empire while his children jockey for the position of the inherited CEO. The show has many leaders to be, all driven to succeed. Airs on HBO with the second season coming this October.


Taurus (April 20-May 20)

No one “right fights”  better than the ram. And a Taurus should go binge season one of the Morning Show and get into Season two that just started. Loosely centered around the Me Too movement in Season 1, Season 2 explores the year just before COVID-19 and  the threads of society that unravel during the pandemic. Race, discrimination and politics are at the core of this Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon favorite.


Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Always the best one to come to for advice but never great at their own problems, tackling social issues in this new FX show The Premise will be pure joy to the super sleuth, Gemini. A five episode anthology that comments on todays culture. “Wokeness”, gun violence, cyber bullying and social media frenzy are topics tackled with enough seriousness to engross the engaged Gemini but with enough comedic dark humor to impress as well. The show premiered on Sept 16th  on FX/ Hulu.


Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The retreating Cancer Crab is a homebody and apt to handle any Big Brother season with ease. It is easy for this water sign to strategically survive under the radar and make it to the end.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

When you are looking for a good time, you call your Leo friends. They are serious when they need to be and extremely competitive. The best part, is the charming personality of a Leo. Always up for it, and in it to win it, a Leo is going to enjoy the Bachelorette. Because they know how to be present and they know how to stand out, and underneath their raucous roar, they are romantics at heart. Season 18 of the Bachelorette airs this October.


Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22)

What makes Ted Lasso work for the perfectionist Virgo is its nuances and attention to detail. Emmy winning and warm, Ted Lasso is sure to be the feel good show that the critical Virgo needs to laugh, relax and enjoy.


Libra (Sept 23- Oct 22)

Libras like balance, and they always hate making choices because they tend to overthink them. The shows that work for a Libra are heavier on the drama. So why not check out the new Gossip Girl ? And perhaps binge the old one while you are at it?


Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Netflix and chill? For a Scorpio, that means a scandalous passion-filled thriller. So check out Voyeur, sensual Scorpio. And check out this Netflix top list of steamy erotic shows that are ready to stream now.


Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Octavia Spencer is the perfect anecdote to the otherwise drab male dominated usual crime show cast. In Truth Be Told, the pursuit of justice in this murder mystery series will have that stubborn Sagittarius on the edge of their seat. You can binge Season 1 on Apple TV and Season 2 just started last month.


Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Social butterfly and fiscally conservative Capricorn thrives on positive affirmation. So a food inspired road trip dusted with melancholy flavors is sure to entertain the sensitive Capricorn. Foodie Road Trip will be streaming soon, so food prep and learn a bit more about Skye Estroff and her food adventures.


Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

When there is no concept of time, and no decision too important, a sign like Aquarius can easily escape into a new world. Zendaya joins the cast of the new Dune movie that will take the Aquarius to another galaxy and adventure. In theaters now.


Pisces (Feb 19- Mar 20)

Dreamy Pisces loves to Dance! After all, it is all about the feet. So let’s cheer on fellow Pisces Sister Amanda Kloots on Dancing With The Stars! Go Amanda Go!

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How to Dress for and Plan Your First Date- Based off of Your Zodiac Sign

Let’s face it; sometimes, we just do not have a clue what to wear or do on that first date. For plans you can go back and forth between each other, but then you might end up in a basic and boring atmosphere. Here is the perfect outfit and colors to wear for that big day/night and where you should go to make sure you really can hit it off!



August 23rd– September 22

Since you are indecisive at times, dress for the weather. Show those shoulders and let your top speak for itself pairing it with skinny jeans. Blush is your perfect color due to its modesty and simplicity. Let your date reflect your simple top.  Try to go to a quiet place that is less busy, as a Virgo you have a hard time accepting over the top romantics, so for the first date keep it simple! Take all his compliments at the fullest extent to give yourself a boost of confidence.



September 23rd to October 22nd

Despite your usual laid back behavior, when it comes to your first date outfit make sure to dress in the 9’s.  Your perfect color is powder blue, so mix up a flowered print with a denim jacket on top.  If you’re looking for a sleeker look, switch it up and go with a leather jacket over a powder blue shirt. Since your sign appreciates art, mix it up and go to a gallery or art exhibit. You crave having all of their attention so make sure you do something where their eyes are always on you, such as sitting across from each other at a trendy new restaurant.



October 23rd– November 21st

Being you are the most independent sign, flaunt what your mama gave ya! Indigo is your perfect color, so mix a simple dress with ankle booties. Your best scene is the nightlife. You prefer the darker lighting, so make sure to schedule your date after hours. Being you like taboo subject and the darker side of life look for places or a movie that deals with sex, death, and even horror. You want to make sure that you can have some alone time and get the attention you are craving.



November 22nd– December 21st

You are very straightforward in your style: bold, bright, but most important you want to always be comfortable. Try dressing up your usually comfy look with a set of heels for a special night out.  Elevate your comfy look with a malachite (green) chunky necklace to add some unique spice. Along with being comfy remember your adventurous side also! More than likely even if you make specific plans, they will not fall through so just roll with the evening. Try some exotic foods that you usually would not get, or push it to the extreme and pump that adrenaline by going on some carnival rides.



December 22nd– January 19

You are nothing less than traditional from your plans to the wardrobe you have. Pearl white as your best color to wear shouldn’t come as a surprise. Since you do not like to be pushed out of your comfort zone, either keep it simple and go to dinner and a movie or you can class it up and go to a more expensive restaurant. If keeping it simple a plain white t-shirt dressed up with a color jacket, jeans, and your favorite loafers will work. Otherwise, if you are hitting up the upscale date, wear a pearl white or nude colored shimmery dress with nude heals.



January 20th– February 18th

You are extremely creative and original when it comes to your wardrobe. You prefer to walk to beat of your own drum. The perfect color for you to match your eccentric attitude would be raspberry. Sneak this into your outfit and watch it turn heads with your already killer wardrobe. For dates, unconventional and group dates are what makes you most comfortable. You are also a huge lover, so volunteer your time, or visit somewhere that is eco-friendly. You are more than happy to be pushed out of your comfort zone and try something different.



February 19th to March 20th

The closes that fit you are flowy and could be decribed as almost hippy like. Your head is often stuck in the clouds, but your selflessness and compassion makes amethyst your perfect color. Show a little skin by wearing a high waisted flowing skirt and crop top to add some sex appeal to your outfit. As a Pisces you are  die-hard romantics so expect him to give you some pretty sappy gestures on your date. Plan something over the top such as a aromantic dinner where you are waited on for every single thing, then hold hands and go for a walk.  You are also a lover of music, so if you can mix it up and go to a dance, it might not be a bad idea either!



March 21st to April 19th

You are another trend setter that is just radiating with confidence. You are a try- anything type of person who is completely independent. Statement pieces including fire engine red are your perfect pieces for a first date. Add some crazy pattern or a statement jacket and you are set! You need to stay busy so an action packed date is the way to go. Thing that are activity focused such as a hike, biking, or indoor climbing would be good options to wear you out a little bit. It is important to keep a busy and active agenda, otherwise you will lose interest!



April 20th to May 20th

You are someone who LOVES luxury. Your perfect colors are neutrals including Latte and Taupe; however, make sure you do not forget that expensive jewelry, or that shimmery purse. You need to make sure that your date is willing to spend some money. Do something indoors such as eat at a fancy restaurant and attend a wine tasting, or go to a concert and do some dancing.



May 21st to June 20th

You want to make sure that you have a fun yet elegant look for your date. Mint is a fun yet elegant color that you can pair easily with other patterns to add a playful look. Even though you have a very playful look, you prefer your date to be somewhere casual with a lot of peole around. You are very good with rolling with the punches as things come up, but remind him that you do not like to pushed out of your comfort zone.



June 21st to July 22nd

You are a very loving person that loves to stick to things you are familiar with. Now is not the time to break out a new shirt you are questioning. Stick to the basics, which do not always need to be boring. Wear your t-shirt that are natural pastels such as peach with jean shorts and low top sneakers. When it comes to your plans for the date, again this is not the time to try something new. Go somewhere you have been before and are familiar with which will help you in your conversations and being open with your date. If needed tell your waiter not to bother you so you can really get some good alone time and good conversation in.



July 23rd– August 22

Due to your creative boldness it is important that you make a bold statement! Wear a bold shirt with leggings and your favorite pumps. If you are more of a subtle person, grab a bright accent purse to bring with you. Your perfect accent color is Marigold, so sneak that in your outfit for a killer look. Being you are a lover of drama, hit up a movie theater and watch the hottest show released.


No matter what you decide to do, make sure you kill it with confidence and just have fun!

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Why You’re Still Single Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Dating and relationships can be complicated for many different reasons. But what if one of those reasons was due to your sign?

You heard me, one reason why you’re all by yourself could be based on your astrological sign:


You’re single because you’re intimidating.

Aries are alphas, so it’s hard to keep up with you. You’re a doer, not a talker, so you’ll only get into a relationship if the person can handle your spontaneous nature.


You’re single because you date to settle down and get married.

Tauruses are outgoing introverts. Although you’re a great socializer due to your loyalty, you’re also a bit of a homebody and will enter a relationship if the person doesn’t mind giving you your space when you need it.

20 Things To Keep In Mind When Dating A Gemini

It’s a fact:  Being a Gemini is awesome. We provide you with spontaneity, youth, and energy. Simply put, we’re the fun ones!

Time spent with us is a non-stop adventure. That’s why people tend to gravitate towards us.

1. We are guarded, not two-faced.

We will not allow ourselves to be hurt in any way, shape, or form.

The end result can be misinterpreted as shallowness or standoffish but I assure you, we are anything but.

If you want to get around this barrier accept that there are parts of us that will remain private, meant for us and us alone. Don’t pry.

2. Take our sarcasm as a compliment.

If we’re so sarcastic to the point we might come off slightly insulting, we really like you.

If we don’t like you, we will act like you don’t exist, cause as far as we’re concerned, you don’t.

3. That ‘flirty girl’ personality just isn’t us.

People talk to us and we’re bored, so we talk back.

More often than not, we are thinking about where we stand on Arsenic (the color, the poison, whatever) so don’t freak out if you see us in a corner chatting with someone.

4. You’d better have a massive…brain.

We appreciate looks as much as anyone else but it’s intelligence that really gets us hot so if you can’t get down with celebrating Pi day, keep moving.

5. We want stability AND spontaneity… not just one.

We want someone who has their shit together (financially responsible, independent, reliable job, pays their own bills, etc) but can also surprise us because they spend all their free time planning cute things for us to do.

Is that so much to ask?

6. Judy Moody is our alter ego.

We’re up, we’re down, we’re up, we’re down, we’re…if you think you’re exhausted, think how we feel.

We aren’t trying to drive you crazy, we promise, it’s just that our moods tend to change like the weather so it’s best to just go with it.

7. Our uniqueness makes us one of a kind, worship us!

No, not literally. We actually don’t like to be the center of attention at all times. But we do deserve to be acknowledged for being awesome every now and then.

8. How can we miss you if you won’t go away? 

We like you, we love you, but, honestly, give us our space, dammit! We really need our space. Give it to us and you will be richly rewarded.

9. We have a very long fuse… attached to a giant, Acme-sized bomb.

We let a lot of things slide, like a lot of things, but once we’ve reached the end of our rope, watch out!

The one emotion we are comfortable with is rage…and we have a tendency to be creative in our vengeance.

10. Our advice is literally always on point. Always.

We will listen to your problem intently and offer compassionate, relevant advice. It seems we can fix everyone’s problems but our own…

11. Some people are a blank canvass…Geminis are a tarp.

And you’re not allowed to see what’s underneath. We guard our emotions with all that we are. It’s the only way we know…

12. We got this!

Gemini’s don’t need anyone and we’re not all that fond of being needed either. What we want is to be wanted and appreciated just like we want and appreciate those we care about.

13. Show up to the office dressed like sleeping beauty? Been there.

We don’t embrace our inner child, we are our inner child, to us, there’s no difference. Harry Potter robe in place of an actual coat? Done that. Witty Disney reference? Literally, have the t-shirt.

14. Time management? What’s that?

Let’s get one thing straight; Gemini’s are not late. We have our own time-zone; Gemini time. It just happens to be about 45 mins behind everyone else…

15. We know exactly what we’re doing. At all times.

And if we don’t, we’ll act as we do with such confidence that you’ll have no doubt we’ve got it all figured out.

16. We know who we are, and we like us for us, even if you don’t.

If you start a sentence with “you should…” we will have thought of six ways to delete you from our lives before you finish your thought.

17. Texting is the best invention of the 21 century.

It allows us to be social without actually having to interact with anyone. Dreams really do come true!

18. We love to learn.

About anything. Seriously, want to ensure you have our attention? Teach us something…

19. Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again…

If this is the best you can do, skip it. Don’t embarrass yourself on our account…

20. Say it with flowers.

Or candy, or a train set (that’s right, a train set). We Geminis love gifts, both giving and receiving!

What New Year’s Resolution You Should Make Based On Your Zodiac Sign

It’s about that time of the year when everyone starts thinking what they should do about next year. What kind of resolution they want to make, what is one that they can actually keep for a whole year? Some wonder if they should even make one, is it really worth it? We all have that friend, who also might just be us, who is struggling with finding something we want to do for the next year, so let’s make this easier by looking at each Zodiac sign.  Here is what type of New Year’s resolution you should make based on your horoscope.

Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)

You love to be in the thrill of the moment, you desire to lead the way for others, you are independent, outgoing, and assertive but yet you are also very trusting. Sometimes you can trust too much, but don’t worry you always have the ability to bounce back from any setback. Some may say you are always a kid at heart, that is why this New Year’s your resolution should be to finally go skydiving, or something thrilling. Sure you don’t have to jump out of a plane, you can do indoor skydiving, you can even do bungee jumping, do something that makes you find that thrill of the moment and own it.

Taurus (Apr. 19 – May 20)

You are calm and collected on the outside, but inside you have managed to discreetly stay apart from the crowd, you only let people as close as you want, and after that, you simply will not budge. Your feelings, fears, and desires run deeper than anyone else would guess, you deal well with personal and physical senses, and are often a pet lover. That is why this New Year’s your resolution should be do an adventure or even that is outside of your comfort zone. Maybe it’s going on a bar crawl with friends, or maybe going to a rave, hell maybe it’s a cooking class. Do something outside of your comfort zone, and do it with a friend.

Gemini (May 21- June 20) 

You desire to be ahead of the crowd, you have also gained the reputation of being the talk of the group. You can be curious and maybe mischievous, but you know a little about everything. No one is better at multi-tasking than you are. That is why this New Year’s your resolution should be to help othersMaybe try volunteering at the local animal shelter, or resale shop, heck even just give some time to the local food pantry. You are used to being ahead of the crowd, so why not try and help the rest of the crowd?

Cancer (June 21- July 22) 

You are a bundle of contradictions, you are compassionate and caring, but yet you can be jealous and have changing moods. You go through many new and full phases of experiences, life doesn’t stand still for you, or stay in one place for very long either. That is why your New Year’s resolution should be to travel more this year. Sure we might not all have baller bank accounts but it doesn’t mean you need tons of money to go somewhere. Go out and experience a new event in a town by you, or see the next state, maybe jump on a red-eye flight to Chicago for a weekend, experience this world like you haven’t before.

Leo (July 23 –Aug 22) 

Love conquers all for you, you are truly ruled by your heart. You are charismatic and a positive thinker, you attract opportunities and friends no matter where you are. You manage to survive all of the storms life has given you, and sometimes even with humor. That is why your New Year’s resolution is to join a social club. Okay maybe it doesn’t have to be events and adventures, but that would be pretty sweet, but find a new group of people to interact with, think of all the friends you will make and all the opportunities that will become of it.

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sep 22) 

You are efficient and have strong ethics. You are confident with yourself, and your accomplishments. You set very high standards for anything, but you still strive to reach all of those standards and expect others to as well. You can be found working in a service to others industry, which is why this New Year’s your resolution should be taking yoga classes. You spend so much of your time helping others and expecting the best that can be, it’s time you take a break and relax, maybe this class will help you learn that high expectations can be good, but you have to be able to adjust them for those who cannot meet them. Take advantage of this, if you’re looking for a good place to try, check out Groupon for the best deals for some of the best places in your area.

Libra (Sep. 23- Oct. 22) 

Your life is full of color, you urge everyone to bring harmony and balance. You are one of the more social people in the group, which is why sharing with friends and others are so important to you. You have a well-developed taste as to what is beautiful in life, you have the ability to be fair and reasonable. That is why your New Year’s resolution should be take a cooking class with your friends. Sure maybe this isn’t your idea of a girls night, but you will be everyone to come to a balance and sharing a fun event with your friends. Can you say win?

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov 21)

You lead your life by fate and have been told to have been wise throughout the years, even as a kid. You are sometimes even called an old soul. You have passion, desire and power, it’s like the amazing trifecta everyone wants. You are usually a winner, which is why this year your New Year’s resolution should be try a tough mudder eventokay so maybe running isn’t your thing, but think about it, you have power, passion and the ability to make your goals reality. You are a winner, so why not win at something you have never tried?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec 21) 

You possess a natural sense of adventure, and a love of life, which makes you very optimistic. You are known to aim your sights at whatever you please, you believe anything is possible, and because of that, you are able to find and achieve whatever you desire. That is why this New Year’s your resolution should be to literally climb a mountain. Okay, it doesn’t have to be Everest, but maybe a sand dune this summer, or Pike’s Peak, heck even just the big hill in the park down the road. Climb your own new mountain and show yourself you can do it all.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan 19)

You are able to balance your life, although at times balancing work and play is a bit difficult, you can continually climb every mountain you see. You rise to the occasion when faced with a new task or deadline, you are conservative and cautious, but you will try unusual ways to reach your goals. That is why your New Year’s resolution should be take an acting class, or impressionism. Think about it, this is something new, you are always able to meet deadlines, so why not have fun with it and take a fun class that will lighten up those tasks when you have to conquer them?

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What Makes Him the Ultimate Douche Canoe, Based on His Zodiac Sign

It may seem like every guy you meet is the same as every other douche, but believe me they’re all shitty in their own special way. Your Zodiac sign says much about just how much of a douche canoe you really are. Take a look.

Aries (March 20-April 19)

He loves being right almost as much as he loves himself. 

Dating an Aries means dating his ego too. He’s not heartless, he’ll definitely love you, but he’ll always love himself first. Honestly, there’s probably not even enough room for all three of you. He’ll make you think you’re #blessed to be seeing him, when actually you’re dry heaving at the thought of being tied down to him.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)

He has one setting: selfish.

Maybe at first it’s cute, like ‘aww he’s so stubborn’ but believe me, that wares off. It’s his way or the high way, and believe me if you’re thinking of leaving him… good luck. He doesn’t like to let go of things until he’s ready, so have fun with that hot mess of a douche.

Gemini (May 20-June 20)

He’s the most inconsistent and indecisive human being you’ll ever meet.

I’d say he’s confusing, but it’d be an understatement. A Gemini gives up quick, moves on fast, then has zero shame coming back and asking for a second chance. Asking him to make up his mind is like asking him to perform brain surgery so best of love for your years spent being on-again-off-again with this Gemini.

Cancer (June 20-July 22)

He’s a stage five clinger in disguise. 

Cancer’s are hot, I’ll give them that. But underneath that rugged, mysterious exterior is a little bitch who ‘needs to talk’ 24/7. He’s overly emotional, cares way too much, and is quick to become obsessed with you. And his mood swings are unlike any PMS, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Leo (July 22-August 22)

He is the definition of control freak.

Sure, domination in the bedroom can be hot, but when a Leo carries it into everyday life it’s so not. He needs to be in charge or else he loses it. If you go on a trip he’ll be the one doing all the driving, if you want to go on a date he’ll choose the place and order for you.

Honestly, if he could he’d put a leash on you he would.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)

He’s as judgmental as they come. 

He doesn’t sugar coat a damn thing, that’s for sure and a Virgo isn’t afraid to tell you exactly what he thinks of you right off the bat. Believe me, he has an opinion on everything. You brush your teeth for 30 seconds less than him? He has something to say about it. You wear the same jeans two days in a row? He makes sure to point out his laundry has been done and folded for a week now. Sometimes he won’t even say anything, but his face certainly will. Why? He gets off on it.


Libra (September 23 to October 22)  

He’s unreliable and lazy and yet expect the world. 

He doesn’t make plans because as a Libra, he can’t keep them. And if you make the plans, he’ll probably definitely bail. He just doesn’t like to do much, it takes a lot of work to get him to want to do something. Don’t take it personally, you can try as hard as you want, love every ounce of him… he just won’t really know what to do with it. He’s the ultimate rebound and the worst potential boyfriend.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21) 

He’s jealous and manipulative. 

He’s the type to see you got snapped by some random guy who means nothing to you, question you about it, then go and start snapping a girl he knows to get back at you. Because if you’re doing it he can do it, right? Wrong, douche bag. Dealing with his jealousy is one thing but when it comes to his manipulation there is no sanity. He’s the first to blame you and the last to own up to anything he’s done wrong. Scorpio is quite possibly the douchiest sign.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 22)

He’s overly confident for literally no reason… at all.

It’d be one thing if he were gorgeous, or admirably smart, or had one of those personalities that people gravitate towards… but none of those are true to him. He’s just another dude, you know the kind who loves himself and thinks way too highly of himself. To the point where you’ll be thinking, “wow this great guy is into me?” Then reality will hit you and you’ll realize he planted those thoughts in your head and threw a pair of rose colored glasses on you when you weren’t looking. Ladies, a Sagittarius is nothing to fawn over.

Capricorn (December 23– January 22)

He’s stubborn as hell. 

Once they have something in their head there’s little to no changing it. A Capricorn fully believes what he thinks and knows is right, which is a great quality if he’s a lawyer or something, but not if he’s your boyfriend. He’s the type to bring up shit you said during an argument in 2005 and let you forget it. Good luck opening his mind, I think it’s sewn shut.

Aquarius (January 23 – February 21)

He’s the detached type who’ll push you away before you even realize it. 

When an Aquarius says ‘I don’t care’ he really doesn’t care. He keeps his heart a yard away at all times, just to be safe. He’s basically the opposite of a stage five clinger, he’s a stage seven pusher because he’ll do almost everything he can to not let you in. And becoming obsessed with a girl isn’t really his thing, he’ll give a ‘‘she’s cool’’ at most. If you want to say he’s ‘independent’ then you wouldn’t be wrong, but it’s more like independence on steroids.

Pisces (February 22 – March 21)

He’s the definition of a man-child.

When he’s not locked in his room playing video games, he’s probably somewhere crying over a fight you guys had years ago that he can’t stop thinking about. His brain literally doesn’t process sarcasm and if you make fun of him he’ll laugh it off in person, but let you know how much it upset him the next day. He’s a responsibility in a boyfriend, so thanks, but no thanks.

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