How To Choose Your BFF Based On Your Zodiac Sign

We all know that having the best BFF means, good times and lots of laughter. So how can you choose the best “Bestie” knowing your zodiac quirks and personality traits? Here are twelve ways to pair the right BFF for each zodiac sign.


Aries – (March 21-April 20)

As the first sign of the Zodiac, an Aries must be front and center and your number 1. To become an Aries BFF you must allow them to take over the spotlight and not be too sensitive to their competitive nature. Two good signs together Sagittarius an equal fire sign that can be timid enough to let the Aries burn bright.

Taurus- (April 21-May 20)

Earthly sign, Taureans should only find a Bestie that can enjoy self-care days with them at the Spa. A Mani, Pedi, and a body wrap bestie is the perfect pairing. Pisces crave the watery spa elements and the quiet downtime with their favorite friend. This fish is ready for beach vacations and bestie downtime by the sea.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Two-faced, two-sided Geminis crave respect and understanding. and there’s no one better than an Aquarius as their sidekick. Call anytime, up for anything, and be ready when you are, Aquarians will support a Gemini, no matter which face they are showing.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Ultra-sensitive crabby Cancers need their space and quiet. Their true bestie will let them have some air and space and also be a loving shoulder for them to cry on. A Virgo will not judge their emotional outbursts and appreciate their role in helping them get through emotionally spent hard times.

Leo (July 23- August 22)

Cowardless, Lioness, Leo’s energy knows no bounds and they are ready to entertain and laugh at the world with their BFF. Serious Virgo grounds Leos without scolding them and tend to bring out their more responsible side, so they get into less trouble.

Virgo (August 23- Sept 22)

Straight-laced, responsible Virgos crave a good time. Which is exactly why a Leo makes the best BFF. Shopping friends and out and about friends, these two can make a girl’s trip packed full of fun with a solid travel itinerary too.

Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22)

Tip the scales and strike a life balance, is all a Libra craves. Which is why a peace-loving Capricorn with patience and understanding with some solid social spice is the bestie a Libra desires. Winter bucket list and vision board dreams are met when these two pair up. A forever bestie indeed.

Scorpio (Oct 23rd-Nov 22)

Teary-eyed, Scorpios need to be able to weep without consequences. A true friend of theirs gets them and is ready to move forward, past their emotional outbursts (once they get it out of their system). Look to a Pisces pal to see past the rough patches and cheer up their fellow water sign.

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Noone entertains better than a Sagittarius, your maid of honor, baby, and bridal shower bestie, who tends to be a bit forgetful. They could use the precision of an Aries to help them stay organized. Leaders crave leaders and an Aries is a Sag ride or die.

Capricorn (Dec 27-Jan 19)

No other sign is more present and mindful than the sweet loving Capricorn. Sensitive at times, and social too, a Capricorn is budget conscious and could use a frugal friend to hang with. A Cancer is a good pal to focus on the finer things in life that don’t require too much cash.

Aquarius (Jan 20- Feb 19)

Age is just a number for the up-for-it-all, Aquarius. Nothing is really that important except for these few things, says EVERY Aquarius, always! Finding a friend that can work with their quirks will create the most loyal bestie. Scorpios have their own quirks and are like-minded. These two are friends to the end.

Pisces (Feb 20-March 20)

Two fish swimming in opposite directions. But do not worry, they prefer to have their plate of chaos and diversity, daily. A multifaceted friend that has moods just like them can make for a troublesome twosome that means well. So grab your Gemini and take a road trip full of adventure and mutual understanding.

Take your Zodiac bestie with you wherever you go and have the best time knowing your personalities mesh.











Whats Your Sign? Your Astrology Guide To Finding Love

Zodiac Love

Have you ever wondered why you simply like some people more than others? And why some things just rub you the wrong way while your friends just shrug off the exact same thing? Perhaps your quirks have more to do with your zodiac sign? So how can you use your zodiac sign to help you improve your professional life and your love life?

Whats Your Sign?

Each of the twelve signs are divided by elements. Those are Earth, Fire, Water and Air. And there are different ways that each sign interacts with the world and the signs within it. Moreover, Sun Signs elements are modalities that create qualities that also affect interaction. Those are; Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. Cardinal is the beginning, Fixed is the deep middle of character development and the final act is the Mutable which ties up the loose ends. Mutable can also signify new beginnings and entering a new cycle.

Ready to find out who your best match is? Here are all twelve signs and their elements and qualities. Use this guide to find your true compatible
love. And maybe learn more about yourself!


Fire sign Aries likes to be in control and in the drivers seat. Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, and Libra are the ideal signs for an Aries to partner with. Air signs work best with Aries.

It is tough to connect well with Cancer, Capricorn or Libra since those signs also want to be in control.


Earth sign Taurus is known for it’s stubbornness. And with an unmoving Taurus, there is a love-hate relationship with the empathetic water signs, Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer. But the passion they will have for their emotional partner will be undeniable. So invite a Virgo, Capricorn, to dinner, but hold back from asking that Leo or Aquarius out on a date.


Mutable, Air sign Gemini, is most compatible with Air and Fire signs. Fire signs Leo and Aries light up the passion in the Gemini. Since they are a mutable sign, Gemini pair well with many in the zodiac. Capricorn, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra, other Gemini and Aquarius.


Emotionally intense, water sign Cancer thrives on love, comfort and deep connections. Fellow water signs, Pisces, other Cancers and Scorpio pair well. Earth signs can also work as Cancer likes to nurture signs that are down to earth and domesticated. You can find earthly love with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.


Fire and Air signs go best with Spit Fire Leo the Lion. Who is always asking for attention and is presumably the life of the party. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Libra go best. But you may find love with Earth and Water signs too, so say yes to that date with Pisces, Taurus, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio.


Reliable and always willing to help perfect the imperfect, Earth sign Virgo is looking for love with Water and Earth signs. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Leo, Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio are your best dating bets for compatibility and love everlasting.


Harmony loving Libra may be an air sign, but control is what they really want. Always looking for love with Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.


Passionate Scorpio need love, intensity and emotional satisfaction in their relationships. Watery Scorpio finds love with earth and water signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.


Non traditional, fire sign, Sagittarius loves their independence, but they will move well romantically with fire and air signs. So a Sagittarius can find long term love with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.


Earth loves the earth and Capricorn will love the straightforward connection with another earth sign. But they can get cozy with Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, and Scorpio and find like-minded romance!


While not many decisions are important to an Aquarius, large life choices should be made by them. And finding a partner that knows what they want in life really turns them on! So they work best with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra and their fellow Aquarius.


Dreamy, watery Pisces is always looking for that perfect blend of support and those willing to entertain the romantic and the make believe. Pisces will find their true love with Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio and another Pisces.

Find Love In 2022 with Astrology

Use this guide and others to find your zodiac compatibility. And maybe learn more about yourself!

How To Avoid Toxic Situations Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Toxic Situations To Avoid For Each Sign

It is no surprise that Astrology explains many aspects of our lives based on our Zodiac signs, such as our preferences and compatibility, destructive occasions. Toxic situations are different for each sign, and in order to understand them, one can start by reading Astrological books for beginners, such as “The Private Lives of the Sun Signs” and “The Astrology of You and Me”. Another way to dive deep into each sign is to take a look at astrology websites like Cafe Astrology or Horoscope, which are run by Astrologers. You can also consider taking a look at the brief info on horoscope signs, and have a deeper understanding of why certain situations are considered toxic for different signs.

Aries (Mar 21- Apr 19)

Taking on the leadership role means taking on stress from other people. Aries need to create better boundaries and to be firm. Avoiding toxic relationships by working with people that are efficient and sensitive to others time and energy. When it comes to dating, an Aries needs a partner that trusts their leadership abilities and who listens to their needs. In return, an Aries will show support for their partner and be willing to go the extra mile for the one they love. They just need a partner that does not take advantage of their work ethic, loyalty and kindness.

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Taurus are always willing to play along with others until there are specific things that they do not disagree with. It is truly important for a Taurus to be heard. Especially when they are asking repeatedly for the same things. In short, a Taurus does not ask for much. So when they do, they deserve respect. A Taurus needs to schedule time for self-care and insist on space. Because a Taurus has a tendency to take on more than they can handle, boundaries must be set in work and romance to avoid toxic situations.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The toxic part of being a Gemini is that they are so hard on themselves. Their inner dialogue makes them their worst advocates at times. Being a good partner to a Gemini means hearing them out. And giving them the space they need to improve themselves. You cannot really upset a Gemini by being hard on them, because there is nothing that you can say to them that they have not already said to themselves. Encourage a Gemini to take space, and to figure out what they want. They are goal oriented and want to be the best version of themselves. A Gemini will always be a great listener, and not place judgement. Doctors and Lawyers and Social Workers are a Gemini’s ideal career path.


Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)

All a Cancer wants is a happy family and a happy home. A Cancer can fall into a great depression if they are not given the room they need to brood, breathe, ruminate, dream and sleep. Cancers love a good home cooked meal, so that is the way to their heart. A tidy house and creative space is important to a Cancer. So declutter that closet often and avoid people who are all over the place.


Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)

Leo’s are up for a great time, and they love to win. A Leo is happy for last minute invites out and is usually the plus one to that unusual party or outing. Leos take on a lot though and they will go until they are out of steam completely. So a Leo needs to be on a schedule so they get enough sleep to recharge their batteries. A Leo likes to know what is next on their schedule if possible, so a planner is a must have item for them. Because a Leo needs to avoid emotionally heavy partners who ask too much from them because a Leo will take it all on which can lead to a toxic situation.


Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

The best part about a Virgo is their ability to spot errors and color within the lines. It is also their downfall at times. The Zodiac sign always striving for perfection in themselves and in others, they can appear harsh at times. A Virgo needs permission to relax and take a break. They are best suited with partners that know when to work and when to play. Accepting their own flaws and flaws in others and letting things be a little messy is healthy for the perfectionist Virgo.


Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

The mission of a Libra is to constantly strike a balance. And because of this trait, it is difficult for them to make decisions. Libras are usually better off working solo or under a strong leadership role where they have guidance and know their objectives. A Libra needs to challenge themselves by making decisions regularly to break the pattern of being slow to choose what they want and need. Learning to trust their choices and being with partners who also trust their ability to do what is best for themselves will empower the scale based Libra to go after what they want.


Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Passionate Scorpio always knows what they want. And they usually go for it. What can stop them is being around negative, narcissistic people who do not have the same drive and optimism that they do. A Scorpio needs to be able to cry and vent so that they can move past whatever is bothering them. Because, despite how upset they get, Scorpios have a strong work ethic, are extremely loyal and smart and genuinely care about the people they love. Scorpios do well in a leadership role but they can do great under strong leadership. A Scorpio can be very empathic and can enable their partners bad habits So it is best for them to steer clear of partners with addictive personalities or those with drug or alcohol problems.  A Scorpio needs to take long vacations in order to reset.


Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

This is the sign with the most to offer their partner but the least awareness of that fact. A Sagittarius loves being generous and kind to their partner. So being with a partner that truly appreciates them is all they really need to feel love. A Sagittarius can constantly reinvent themselves, so a career path for them could be a zig zag of short term careers. By allowing themselves to explore opportunities in love and in career and with lots of travel, a Sagittarius will find happiness in the journey.


Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

A patient sign that is fiscally conservative and thrives on positive affirmation, Capricorns are extremely sensitive. They like to socialize! A Capricorn should avoid negative people that are always telling them what is wrong. They avoid toxic situations by focusing on their strengths and staying goal oriented. Capricorns are easy to please. So be the type of partner that encourages them to enjoy the little things in life.


Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Wherever the wind blows for the Aquarius, the wanderlust follows. Solo travel, romantic travel, and call me anytime and I will be there kind of friend. The Aquarius has a problem not judging people and situations correctly. So it is best for the Aquarius to always have that friend who they can run things by to keep themselves out of trouble. A conservative partner can do wonders for an Aquarius. Letting them be the spontaneous one in the relationship while also helping them stay grounded. An Aquarius does best as an entrepreneur that can set their own schedule. Because time for them is as the wind blows…


Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Two fish swimming in opposite directions. Emotional, dreamy and the adult of all the Zodiac signs. A Pisces thrives on intuition. Things have to feel right for a Pisces to go there. A Pisces can thrive in a work environment that is playful and less strict. It is important for a Pisces to be organized, so a Marie Kondo closet makeover is a must. Post it notes and a planner sound great to a Pisces but likely tasks will be accomplished based on desire to tackle. So expect procrastination from your Pisces partner when they just don’t want to do something. Avoid getting too far behind, Pisceans by setting daily goals to tackle just a few specific things each day. A great partner for a Pisces is someone who keeps their voices down, and never demands anything. Asking politely to a Pisces goes a long way. Because Pisces are empaths, they need to avoid toxic situations. So be careful not to date arrogant douchebags. Finding someone who cares about their wellbeing and respects their desire for wellness and self care.


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Summer Ideas For Each Zodiac

Summer is finally here, and we are so ready! Oh, how long we waited for the sun and salt on our skin… Days are longer, the laugh is louder, and the sky is so bright and blue. Yet what about your stars? How are they aligned for the summer? Are you going to shine bright this summer? Oh, we bet there are fun times ahead of us.We know that the weather forecast is great, but what about your astrological forecast? The stars are making a unique spectacle now.


We will have a bit of Mercury retrograde start with, there will be some total eclipses of the heart, but with our help, you will survive and enjoy this summer with all your senses. Which summer activities can help you feel and look great this summer? Who will have a steamy summer romance, who will finally enjoy with their families, and who will turn their life upside down? Let’s see what is getting ready.



Oh, you precious horned beings. You’ve been through a lot this year. And we mean a lot. You are always pushing forward no matter what, always finding new strength and inspiration. You will remember this year as the year where you finally let go of some people you simply overgrown.


Your energy is magnetic, and you will attract new friends that will help you grow to the ultimate version of yourself. This summer, try losing up a bit. You will be working hard as always, but you need to learn to relax a bit. Since you will be full of positive energy, you will need activities to match. Biking, hiking, or jogging on the beach every morning would give you an initial boost to party hard!



Changes ahead, our beloved zodiac hedonists. Just like Aries, you are about to do a thorough cleanup in your life. Again, changes are great, and you need to learn to go with the flow.


We know that you want to take things slowly and enjoy every sweet bite of life. You are known to enjoy all the flavors of life… and your faith decided to serve you a sweet dessert this summer. Desert shaped like a summer romance. You will be head over heels for this summer.


Favorite activity? Prepare a romantic dinner beneath the starlight and prepare for the fireworks f emotions. Also, make sure to be ahead chef when it comes to BBQ parties with your friends!



Tides are turning for you, Gemini, and don’t be afraid to catch that wave and surf. All eyes will be on you, and it is time to embrace that spotlight. You will have a little help from the above, believe it or not. Jupiter, the giant that brings happiness and optimism is making a comeback to you, big time! You will experience some new heights, both professionally, and you will have a serious confidence boost.


Mercury retrograde will make you doubt yourself, but in the end, you will break its spell. It is time to enjoy and relax a bit. Remember these books you’ve bought, but you were just too busy reading? Time to take them to the beach and work on your tan and your education as well.



Time to raise your vibrations! It started in March, but you will enjoy this energy during the summertime as well! Your finances are about to blossom this summer, that would be in the spotlight. So that means only one thing – time to go shopping! It is time to do a makeover for this season. You need to explore the world of luxury a bit.


Your favorite summer activity: with new dashing and striking looks, make sure to attend some dancing classes. Salsa, belly dance, or sensual tango? It is time to embrace the new and seductive side of you.



Well, Leo, we know that you are always somewhere amidst the whole drama. Summer will be reserved for romance. You are happy with your current partner, but Mercury retrograde can cause some serious complications. Complications in the form of your former love. So this summer will be about love triangles. Try to avoid all the unnecessary drama because it can cost you a lot in the end.


Better focus on business opportunities because it will be important once the summer ends.


Favorite summer activity: travel to exotic destinations where there is a 0 chance of meeting your ex. Think about Orient – Morocco, Egypt. Take scuba diving lessons and explore the amazing coral reefs.



Since you are a purebred perfectionist, this year is when you will need to find a balance between the workplace and self-care. You were stressing 24/7, but you need to accept that some things are just beyond your control. So remember – there will be no progress if you don’t let yourself rest a bit.


So time to get a spa weekend, spa day, or to visit some yoga retreat. You are imbalanced, and you need to get back on track to continue with your streak of victories. You need peace and quiet and a round of meditation on the beach in the sunset. The scent of the sea and sand are sometimes the best medicine.



It is not easy being you, Libra. You are the diplomat. You are the one that is holding your crew together and making sure everyone is happy, and making sure that you understand their feelings in the right way. The great news is that you will manage to get your praise because we know you are working hard. But the one thing will change – you will finally put your feelings to the right place, where they intend to be. It is cool to be there for others, but taking care of yourself needs to be a priority.


Your favorite activities – you are one of the most beautiful signs of the zodiac, so don’t be afraid to show it. Enjoy long days at the beach and find a new hobby. Learn to dance. Make crystal jewelry – unleash your creativity because you deserved it.



Oh, the most misunderstood sign of the Zodiac. There is so much injustice done to you because you are something like Karen of the Zodiac family. And that is not true at all. This year for you will be a bit more dreamy and romantic. It is time to reconnect with that side of you.


You will be daring and inclined in taking risks…. So for you daredevils of the zodiac, it is maybe time to try something like paragliding, bungee jumping, etc. You will need your dose of adrenaline to balance that calm, romantic mood you are currently in. There is a chance of reconciling with your former partner and restarting love once again. Don’t be afraid to show your vulnerable side.



Free spirits of the Zodiac are now in a very strange place in their lives. You are not happy with your work and your routine. And you’ve always been a tough one who does things alone. Destiny is calling you. You are trying to keep your own integrity and everything in order.


Being a free spirit is never easy, but you are now in doubt since destiny is sending unique partnership opportunities. Try welcoming them with your arms open wide. You are in a state of constant change, so it is in your nature to be in neverending motion. What to do this summer? Travel. Take your spiritual journey. Try some new exotic foods. But knowing you will relax too much, don’t forget to do your cardio. Jumping a rope, signing up for energetic sports like racquetball will keep you fit and energized!



Capricorns are hard workers of the Zodiac. Disciplined ones that are following their routine religiously. Last year was an emotional roller coaster for you.


You are drained both emotionally and tired of hard work a bit. It is time to learn to build your confidence all over again. But before you start with a new phase this summer, turn around for a second and think about past friendships and relationships that you left behind. There is something that keeps you from going on. Apologize for the way you are sometimes treating people.


Make this summer about reconciliation with your friends. Focus on more team activities but balance it with your time alone. We know you need it.



Aquarius felt bored past year, and this year wasn’t much eventful either. You felt static. It is not your natural state. You are missing your friends and going out very much. This summer will help you get your mojo back. You need to stop being so hard on yourself. This year is about pushing you from your comfort zone, which would be really helpful.


Summer is about getting back on track, having more fun with your friends, and meeting new people. Try leaving the past behind and stop spying on your ex’s Instagram profile. Focus on going out and try losing up a bit. Swimming, drinking cocktails, and getting tanned will make you feel more energized and ready to get back to the dating scene.



Your world is changing, dear Pisces. You were focused on gaining more financial benefits, but somehow you lost what really matters. This year it will change. Your home and your family are taking the spotlight. You will strengthen the bonds you have with your family, and you will finally find your balance.


So which activities will be best for you? Take a vacation with your family! You can finally enjoy some quality family time. Take off your cellphone and try not to think about the work. Work will be in the spotlight somewhere in the fall but in the meantime – remember that your heart is where your home is!

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About The Author

Stacey is a freelance writer living in Minnesota with her cat, and she’s passionate about yoga, languages, home improvement, and drinking strong coffee. Find her on Twitter @StaceyShann0n

Libra Man Relationship Compatibility With A Scorpio Woman

If you’re wondering whether Libra, as an Air sign, and a Scorpio as a water sign can ever function together in a romantic way, then the short answer is – hell yes! However, it won’t always be a walk in the park. So, let us take a look at their compatibility in different aspects and learn what it is that makes them great for each other, as well as what it is that can cause issues in their relationship.

One quick look at the Libra Man’s heart website will allow you to check the compatibility of this romantic and yet strong man with women from all the other signs. Yet, today we are sticking with the mysterious Scorpio, because there’s certainly a lot to say about this particular relationship. Without further ado, let us get started.



If we were to rate their overall compatibility, we would say that the percentage is definitely through the roof. When a sexy Scorpio that otherwise seems shy meets a quirky Libra for the first time, they will instantly get smitten by their personality. On the other hand, a man Libra is drawn by the Scorpio’s subtlety and self-restrain which makes them look adorable.

Don’t get fooled by the word “adorable”, though. The moment these two lock eyes, they won’t only feel butterflies in their stomach. They’ll feel a lot more than that and the passion and attraction will be difficult to hide. From that day forward, these two people will retain the passion throughout their whole relationship and they will also always have mutual respect and admiration. It’s said that a relationship between a Libra man and a Scorpio woman actually gives birth to peace and compassion.


As we all know by now, communication is the key towards a happy relationship and this particular couple won’t lack in these skills. Libras are naturally rather conversational, meaning that they will find a lot of topics stimulating and they won’t be afraid to share their deepest thoughts with their Scorpio once they start trusting them. This makes both parties happy, because Scorpios are, and love to be, the perfect confidants.

Read more about their compatibility:

Here’s where the problem might arise, though. While one party will definitely always be open and ready to chat, Scorpios tend to stay mysterious and keep their deepest thoughts to themselves even when they trust the other person completely. This can be attractive to Libras at first, but it might be an issue in the long-run, because they’ll feel they have to put in a huge amount of effort into talking the Scorpio into…well, talking.

The good part is, though, that Scorpios do decide to talk at some point. Sure, they won’t start a topic until they are perfectly ready for it, but they rarely sweep their problems under the rug. All a Libra has to do is let this mysterious women take her time to properly prepare for the conversation and not try to suck them into an argument that they aren’t ready for.



If there’s one thing that you won’t need to worry about if you are one part of this relationship, then it is sex. I mean, these two can sit in a room filled with other people, friends and acquaintances, simply enjoying a nice evening and they’ll both notice their heart racing and their desire for one another building up. Simply put, there’s some serious heat between those too and it’s like a force that they cannot fight against.

The provocative Scorpio will definitely be able to set the atmosphere and drive this man crazy way before they are left alone and the charming Libra will make sure to return the favor afterwards, when the bedroom door closes. You would probably never think this when you see them together somewhere, because neither of them like to display their affection in public, but the truth is that they are barely keeping their clothes on and that they are always craving to be alone. That’s when things get wild. The best part is, this doesn’t change over time, which makes the couple compatible in the long run as well, as explained here.


This couple is the perfect example that opposites attract. Yet, even though they can easily come to terms with the differences between themselves, those can definitely cause some problems from time to time. For example, the Scorpios tendency to overreact and get both passive-aggressive and openly aggressive is crossed can really make the Libra uncomfortable and extremely agitated. Yet, this man knows his way around this woman, meaning that this is nothing that cannot be solved.

On the other hand, a Scorpio might feel extremely offended if they find that their partner has been talking about their relationship or, God forbid, their sex life to other people. They like to maintain the mystery and they certainly value their own privacy, while Libras do tend to get chatty from time to time. So, if the secrecy part isn’t respected, these women might feel like their trust has been betrayed.

To put things simply, a Libra man and a Scorpio woman are definitely like day and night and that’s probably why they are always so attracted to each other. Yet, if they fail to respect these differences, they might put their relationships in jeopardy. As long as they communicate openly and directly about everything, they’ll definitely be an amazing couple.

This Is Why the Leo Guy Is the One to Marry

People born between July 23rd and August 22nd are Leo and these individuals are known to have the strongest, most ambitious, most energetic, most dramatic and craziest personalities of all the zodiac.


Additionally, Leos are incredibly passionate, warm and kind people, so they make exceptional friends and partners alike. Since they tend to get overly dramatic at times, it is difficult to understand them so they are often perceived as complicated. But take that with a grain of salt.


When it comes to the game of love, Leos are the biggest fans of this game than any other signs of the zodiac. Leo representative literally live to love and be loved and you can feel that in the very first interaction you make with one. Behind the proud, narcissistic and self-centered person, there is someone that can make your life more enjoyable than you ever imagined.


If you were wondering whether to marry a Leo, we provide you with a quick list of reasons why we believe that marrying Leo could be a life-changing experience you’ll never ever regret.


Your Biggest Relationship Mistake Based On Your Zodiac Sign

If you constantly find yourself in mistake after mistake relationship, you’re definitely not alone.

People who share your sign, are more likely to find themselves in the same type of unfulfilling relationship as you.

And knowing exactly why, can help you navigate new relationships a little more wisely.


(March 21st to April 19th)

You run a little too fast into a relationship. You are 0 to 60 in a blink of an eye the second something feels right.

So, slow down, make sure you haven’t missed any important red flags, and shut your big mouth when it comes to talking about marriage and kids.

You don’t want to scare them away, do you?


(April 20th to May 21st)

Dig a little deeper than just what’s on the outside, Taurus.

You get too caught up in the shiny new, sexy person in front of you that you forget what you really need in a partner – stability and responsibility not just sexiness.

Don’t just rely on their looks.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

You always need some good mental stimulation. In fact, you very often crave it.

But that doesn’t mean you don’t find yourself latched onto someone who is very interesting but also very flighty.

They don’t seem to stick with one job long and the list of hobbies they’ve tried and gave up on is a mile long.

You need someone who can stimulate your mind but you also don’t have to take care of so much.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

Being taken care of and being controlled are two very different things.

We all know that you love being provided for and made to feel loved 24/7.

But sometimes those you seek as a partner find it as a way to control, manipulate and even possess you.

Don’t settle for them because they can provide for you financially. You deserve way more.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

You need more responsibility with your partners.

Yes, you love to have a good time and want someone who can inspire you, but that often means finding someone who can’t take care of you in other ways.

Finding a kindred soul with a great, big personality is awesome, but only if they are fully able to take care of themselves.

You shouldn’t find yourself taking care of them all fo the time.

A relationship is a team effort after all.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

Loosen up Virgo and stop settling. We all know you are the more serious, workaholic type.

And so you find yourself in relationships with those who are also on the more serious side – that’s the problem.

You need someone who will bring a little more fun into your life and breakup the monotony, rather than someone who will just join in on your seriousness.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

I know just how much you hate being single.

You are on the ultimate quest to find someone to love and love you back.

Which is great and all, but your desire for a partnership often leads you to people who are indecisive and controlling.

Which only eventually breaks your heart.

So, slow down on needing to find your soulmate, stop searching and let fate do its thing.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

Maybe start using your heart a little more, Scorpio.

Relationships for you nearly always start on a physical note.

Sex is great and all, but in the long run you need more. Get your heart involved and see what happens.

You never know unless you try.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

You love your independence but also forget that you also need love and attention.

You often find partners who are willing to give you the distance you need, but it’s often too far for a relationship to work out.

Remember that a relationship often thrives on closeness. You can be close but still independent if you work to find the right balance.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

Relationships aren’t a business deal, Capricorn. Yes, you are a grownup who loves dating other grownups, but next time find one who will also bring out the child in you at times. There are people out there who are stable and can give you the romance of a lifetime.


(January 21st to February 18th)

You love dating people who have those odd quirks about them.

If they aren’t something special, then you’re out. And your ice-cold attitude is all they will know.

Just don’t let someone’s interesting personality outshine how they treat you.

Being interesting doesn’t make up for abusive tendencies.


(February 19th to March 20th)

The hopeless romantic that you are often leading you to heartbreaking places.

You tend to get so caught up in your storybook fantasies, that you often forget about the bad behaviors your partner is showing.

Even if they are full up on romance and good looks, that doesn’t make up for them being unemployed, dealing with addiction or being straight up rude to you and those around them.

A little fantasy is alright, but don’t forget to put your reality glasses on occasionally.

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