When it comes to watching TV and movies, almost everyone streams today. Whether it’s Netflix, Hulu, or premium networks—we all stream (and binge) everything. Long gone are the days where we all pay for cable, nope—we can get everything we need online. But, let’s be real, not all of us pay to stream. Many of us rely on our significant others, families, and friends to pay their bills in order for us to watch entertainment.
But, what do you do when you break up with someone, or stop speaking to someone, and they forget to pay their bill? Would you hit them up anyway begging them to pay so you can still watch The Office for the 100th time? One Reddit user shared a text that a friend of theirs received from a complete stranger after he forgot to pay his Netflix bill. Apparently, his ex gave his password out to friends of theirs from a while back and he rudely requested he “pay his bill.”
Wow, the balls of this dude! Apparently, a lot of people can relate to this, too.
Funny story I once had a girl post on instagram the day after breaking up with me “TFW you break up with your man but still have his HBO”
She quickly lost access after I contacted customer support to log out all users on my account.