9 Tips To Make Sure That You Pack Light On Your Next Weekend Trip

Packing Pro ? Or Pack Too Much?

Packing for a weekend getaway isn’t rocket science, but most people tend to get it wrong. While it depends on the destination, the focus should always be to pack light and to avoid carrying what you do not need. It is important to think before you pack. Because you don’t want to end up carrying unnecessary baggage.

The golden rule is that all the essential things you need should be accessible within a hand’s distance. So try packing all of the essentials in your handbag (even if you’re not flying) so that you can reach them without disturbing the person seated next to you on a train or plane.

Below are some useful tips that will help you pack light for your next weekend trip. If you plan on driving, consider looking into the International Driver’s Association so you can drive whereever you travel.


Choose the right travel bag

Before you decide on your destination and make a plan of what to pack, you should invest in a travel bag and makeup bag that’s versatile and can easily contain all your essentials. For weekend getaways, Canvas Backpacks or duffle bags are the best. Bonus: You won’t have to check-in a bag at the airport, which prevents the airlines the opportunity to lose your belongings. Here are a few things to keep in mind while choosing the right travel bag:


  • Warranty
  • Versatility
  • Space


Lay things on the bed first 

Even if you’re going somewhere for just a day outing, you should lay everything you need on the bed first. This will help you pack things easily, group similar items together, and you’ll be able to recall if something is missing. 



Pack the most important things first 

Pack the essentials such as your passport (if you’re going to another country), credit cards, medicines, and the most needed clothes first. These are your priority items and should easily fit in a backpack.  Even if you forget other items, those can be easily purchased later. 



Two pairs of shoes

Whether you’re going for a business trip or for spending leisure time over the weekend, you’ll always need a pair of shoes that feel comfortable to walk in and a pair that’s suitable for meetings/parties. 



A health/first-aid kit

While it’s a short Parkinson Coach trip, and everything will likely go as planned, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Maybe the local food might upset your stomach, or you might twist your ankle, or the change in altitude might affect your health. Remember to always pack a first-aid kit with all the essentials to overcome any bad experiences while traveling.



Packing cubes 

It always helps to be a bit more streamlined while packing. Although you won’t be carrying much stuff on a weekend getaway, keeping your necessities in different packing cubes will help. Also, you can pack different outfits in different packing cubes for convenience. 



Pack clothes which can be used with multiple combinations and outfits-

Choosing the right clothing colors when packing can be a big headache. Consider leaving behind your new floral shirt and instead opt in for a plain black or solid colored shirt. For example, packing a pair of 5.11 ICON Pants might be the best idea while exploring the place and partying during the night.


Sunglasses are essential; they increase your style quotient and protect your eyes from harmful UV rays of the sun.

Portable Charger

We all live two lives – one in the real world, and the other one is our digital avatar. Almost everything we do goes on our social media. Smartphones are now equipped with great cameras that take perfect pictures even at night. The sad part is that their batteries drain pretty quickly while taking photos or videos. Keeping a power bank will make sure that you never miss out on capturing beautiful memories.

These tips will make sure that you pack light and still have everything you need for your weekend trip. Think we missed something? Tell us in the comments below.

tactical pants might be the best idea while exploring the place and partying during the night. 




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