Everybody knows the answer to the nature vs. nurture debate is “both,” but I think we can all agree that nurture plays a far more integral role in shaping our adult selves. After all, identical twins raised in vastly different circumstances and opportunities will end up very different people (just give Three Identical Strangers a watch!)
Point being, the way you grew up reflects on who you are now. It shows. It really, really shows.
some of y'all were raised in homes with those granite islands in the kitchen and it shows
— big little lies updates (@saIanders) December 27, 2018
some of you have never impulsively cut your hair, dyed it or bleached as a way of dealing w emotions instead of seeking the therapy u need and it shows
— indie (@INDIEWASHERE) January 5, 2019
some of you didn’t have a phase where you were really into Egyptian and/or Greek mythology and it shows
— bri (@sagittharryus) January 3, 2019
some of y’all didn’t wear these bad boyz as a kid and it shows pic.twitter.com/vkBCvEc3VI
— ? Anna ? (@AnnaKenneyy) January 5, 2019
some of you have never ignored your best friend’s advice, your own advice, your therapist’s advice just to take the advice of a yahoo answers post from 2007 and it shows
— adam (@brokeangeI) January 7, 2019
Some of you didn’t stay up until 3am playing the sims on your family’s desktop in the computer room growing up and it shows
— sassy sunflower (@amandaasette) January 7, 2019
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— Ruin My Week (@RuinedWeek) January 8, 2019
some of you never had to use limewire to get music for your off-brand mp3 player and it shows
— Seth Everman (@SethEverman) January 3, 2019
some of y'all never dedicated most of your time to a shitty cw tv show and lost all your braincells in the process and it shows
— sara (@gyuhac) January 5, 2019
Some of you were never the third friend that had to walk behind when the sidewalk is too narrow and it shows
— laura (@lauravryder) January 1, 2019
some of you were actually able to find your name on necklaces and bracelets when you travelled as a kid and it shows
— hafsa (@honestlyhafsa) January 6, 2019
some of yall never filled an empty body wash bottle with water to make it stretch and it shows
— jaboukie (@jaboukie) January 6, 2019
Some of y’all didn’t have on of these on your phone/keychain and it shows pic.twitter.com/JM7Wu2naD1
— mike litoris (@tommyherricht) January 6, 2019
some of you never got to experience youtube when their mobile app logo looked like this and it really shows pic.twitter.com/Lci3aabizI
— RyansAverageLife (@RyanAbe) January 7, 2019
Some of y’all never went on Omegle with your friends as a sleepover activity and it shows
— Diana (@dsusstock) January 5, 2019
some of y’all didn’t listen to sweater weather on repeat in 2013 and it shows
— nick (@idiotnoises) December 31, 2018
some of y’all never converted youtube music videos to mp3 files and it shows
— preet (@yungbiryanii) December 27, 2018
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— Ruin My Week (@RuinedWeek) January 7, 2019
some of you guys have never been banned off club penguin for inappropriate language and it really shows
— xoxo, kylie (@meanspice) December 29, 2018
some of y’all didn’t have an emo phase and it shows
— ? (@dollcrimes) December 31, 2018
some of u didnt listen to lana del rey from age 11 and spend your adolescence thinking running off w a sugar daddy and going around on a motorbike in america selling coke would solve ur problems and it really shows
— indie (@INDIEWASHERE) December 31, 2018
some of y’all actually lost your styluses to your DS’ as a child and it really shows
— JOAN OF ART (@umcornell) December 31, 2018
Some of you never stuck safety pins thru the dead skin on your fingers to gross out the squeamish kids and it shows
— sarah schauer ? (@SJSchauer) January 6, 2019
some of you played online dressup games while sitting in a huge beat up desk chair and it shows.. y’all are bad bitches with style now
— JOAN OF ART (@umcornell) January 5, 2019
Some of y’all didn’t listen to Paramore ‘Decode’ on repeat as a kid and it really shows
— LK (@Crowdfiller) January 2, 2019
some of y’all weren’t line leaders in elementary school and it really shows
— tay ? (@taylorrnyellee) January 2, 2019
some of y’all didn’t watch nigahiga or wong fu productions on youtube from 2009-2012 and it shows
— Maddy??Raps (@MADdySOUNDS) January 5, 2019
some of y’all weren’t allowed to watch spongebob as a kid and it shows
— Alex Blanton (@alex__blanton) December 29, 2018
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— Ruin My Week (@RuinedWeek) January 5, 2019
some of y'all grew up with a dishwasher and it shows
— ill legal (@slashonsleeves) January 3, 2019
some of y’all ate your pizza lunchables cold and it really shows
— JOAN OF ART (@umcornell) January 5, 2019
Some of y’all never got enough AR points to go to the pizza party and it really shows
— ¨? (@joneheadbones) January 1, 2019
some of y’all didn’t have a DS as a child and it really shows…
— Antonio Garza (@antoniiogarza21) December 30, 2018
some of y'all never binge watched skins as a young impressionable teen and it shows
— ? (@atlanticans) January 4, 2019
some of y’all never woke up in the middle of a school night just to play mystic messenger and it shows
— ???? ? (@seijohsmanager) January 2, 2019
some of ur parents let y’all buy whatever u wanted at the scholastic book fair and it shows
— Jason (@Jasondrucker12) January 3, 2019
Some of y’all obviously don’t have a dream universe you escape to
to avoid reality, AND IT SHOWS— ???????* (@cartiercrybby) January 5, 2019
Some of you had a furnished basement growing up and it shows…
— Camithy (@gaycarbs) January 4, 2019
some of y’all never completed a poptropica island and it shows.
— ? ? ? ? ? (@erecshon) January 3, 2019
Some of y’all never had to use public transportation and it shows
— Ashly ?? (@aureum_ash) January 2, 2019
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— Ruin My Week (@RuinedWeek) January 4, 2019