Twitter is a beautiful and magical place where, in 140 characters or less, women are changing the world. Ok fine, maybe not always “changing the world,” but definitely making solid jokes about our boobs.
ariana grande and pete davidson dating feels like if the horse girl and the boy who flipped his eyelids from your school started dating
— bethany (@chandIermonica) June 23, 2018
Did a bus write this
— Hayley Hudson (@hayhud) June 26, 2018
if u use your female friends as dumping grounds for all ur emotional issues u need a therapist. if youre an adult who cant maintain a genuine friendship longer than a few months u need a therapist. if u refer to gatorades by their flavor instead of their color u need a therapist
— xoxo shmossip girl (@no_talent_shan) June 27, 2018
getting pedicures is such a struggle when you’re a ticklish ass bitch
— steen (@cchrstiine) June 27, 2018
petfinder is the only good website but you should be able to search it by fluffiness level
— Alanna Okun (@alanna) June 25, 2018
18th birthday: cant wait to be 21
19th birthday: cant wait to be 21
20th birthday: cant wait to be 21
21st birthday: YEET
22nd birthday: time is fleeting; my days left on this earth are numbered— Katie Lienemann (@katielienemann) June 24, 2018
If I can’t go to Planned Parenthood for a routine pap smear without being screamed at and harassed by Christian protestors then Stephen Miller shouldn’t be able to eat his fucking salad without being called an asshole.
— Ally Maynard (@missmayn) June 25, 2018
WhatsApp notification from Mum:
— Asikyere Mami (@FlavaFlavswife) June 26, 2018
Dog owners: this is my precious angel boy who I payed $3,000 for last November and I finally got to take him today he’s my everything and all
Cat owners: this is my trash gremlin she was stuck in the gutter across the street and I lured her out with shrimp on a string— Kaycee ? (@vanillavial) June 27, 2018
so no one told you life was gonna be this way
— nurse ghoul (@TheDreamGhoul) June 25, 2018
My dad used to help my mom get ready and i can’t even get a text back :’)
— zee (@zeetaher) June 23, 2018