10 Reasons You Should Have House Plants

Houseplants are a great addition to your home to add a pop of color and enhance decorations. Not only do they look great, but they have many other benefits that make them valuable to have inside the house. It is no secret why indoor plants have grown in popularity over the years.

Here are 10 reasons you should have houseplants.


1. They Reduce Stress

One of the fantastic benefits of plants is that they reduce stress. Nature has always been prescribed to people who deal with lots of stress. Whether someone takes walks or enjoys the natural environment, it can help them refocus and bring them back to the present moment.

Whether someone gardens outdoors or indoors with houseplants, it can help reduce feelings of stress. Adding a houseplant to the window for people who do not have an outdoor garden space can help promote a relaxing environment.

2. Increase Concentration and Productivity

Plants make people happy, allowing them to work more efficiently on a task they are doing. Whether it is household chores or a work-from-home environment, it can help maintain concentration.

Some workplaces and schools are integrating indoor plants into their settings. If plants can help you be more productive at home, they can also help at work and school. Some claim that test scores improved significantly after adding a couple of plants in the room. Adding a few plants to your space can help the day be more productive while adding charm.

3. Help with Sound Pollution

Adding a few plants for people who live in a city or have noisy neighbors can help reduce sound pollution. Plants with broad leaves can counteract the noise from car horns, chattering neighbors, and more. They absorb and deflect unwanted sounds in the home.

Place plants against windows that bring in the most noise or near a wall where the loud neighbors are. Try options like rubber trees or fiddle-leaf figs since they have large leaves to absorb the sound.

4. Adds Color and Decoration

There is much potential to get creative when adding greenery to the home. Adding plant displays, vines or flowers are beautiful ways to add color and nature to the house. Most apartments or homes have a lot of neutral colors and basic kitchens. Plants add color and texture and can be even more fun in colorful pots.

5. Improves Sleep

When adding plants to the bedroom, not only does it add coziness, but it promotes restful sleep. Plants have oxygen-boosting abilities that can encourage better sleep throughout the night. The carbon dioxide gets absorbed into the plant, which turns it into fresh oxygen during photosynthesis. All plants go through this process, but these are great options for the bedroom.

● Snake Plant
● Money Plant
● Chinese Evergreen
● Gerbera Daisies

6. Decorate Seasonally

Nature is one of the easiest ways to update your home as the seasons change. It creates endless opportunities to decorate from summer to winter. Summer and spring give a wide range of flowers to choose from and fall and winter are the time to explore plants that don’t need much care or set the holiday tone with poinsettias.

7. Improves Indoor Air Quality

Plants are the best air purifiers and can remove toxins in the home. Bringing in new furniture, paint, or using cleaning sprays can release harmful chemicals into the air. These chemicals are linked to various health problems, but plants can help.

Outdoor air gets purified to a degree, so why not purify indoor air too? Some plants are better than others for purifying, like spider plants, rubber trees, and lady palms.

8. Increase Humidity Levels

In a plant’s photosynthesis process, plants release oxygen and expel water vapor. This can combat dry indoor air and is especially helpful in the winter. The heating systems on full blast can cause dry air, dehydrated skin, and overall undesirable conditions.

Humidifiers will add more to the electric bill, so sticking with plants is a cost-effective alternative. Spider plants specifically do a great job adding moisture to the air.

9. Easier than Having Pets

It can be fulfilling to have something to take care of daily. Only some people’s living situations will allow pets. Getting plants can satisfy the fulfillment of having a pet. They are permitted in any living environment, which makes them a plus.

Plants are simple to take care of. There are many low-maintenance plant options if it is a first-time experience. Once there are lower maintenance plants in the home, try to expand to more advanced options.

10. Smell Amazing

Lots of money is saved when adding plants to the home. They can take the place of air freshens since they add fresh and clean scents indoors. The options like lavender, lemon trees, mint, or roses are endless.

Add House Plants to Your Home

There are many reasons to add plants to your home. Find the ones that fit your care level and suit your style to add throughout the house.

About The Author

Ava Roman (she/her) is the Managing Editor of Revivalist, a women’s lifestyle magazine that empowers women to live their most authentic life. When Ava is not writing you’ll find her in a yoga class, advocating for body positivity, whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, or smashing the patriarchy. 

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