25 People Reveal The One Moment That Caused Them To End Their Relationship


Turns out she never actually left her ex-boyfriend and I found out when she blew up about me adding a picture of us together to my Facebook.



He was going out during the night to see two other girls. TWO. And when I saw him during the morning he would be tired as hell (because obviously he was out) and tell me he had sleeping issues. I found out he was cheating on me with the two girls when they both saw me hugging him and went to scream at me. For the karma part, the three of us agreed to leave him and not talk to him again, and I’m stilla friend with one of them.



First wife, and this is in total retrospect. She was the one who finally bailed due to her mental health issues. The scary part was that she shot my dog because she “did not like him”. I heard later she shot her next husband’s dog because it got out of the yard while she was late for work and didn’t have time to chase it. Both husband #2 and I just concluded we were both lucky we got out of relationships with her alive.



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