When I realized she wouldn’t every stop playing the victim card. I’d be apologizing for the rest of my life for stuff that was her fault.
It had been a short, rocky abusive relationship. She had been physically fighting me and one time in particular she had bit a huge chunk of my arm out. She spit it out like a sunflower seed shell, and smiled all creepy and her teeth were tinted with my blood. I knew then that there was absolutely no help for this relationship and I was 100% disgusted and no longer loved this person.
7 hours before I had a big test, she wanted to argue. There was no “not” arguing with her. If you stayed quiet, she kept going. If you disagreed, she kept going. If you took her side, you were lying. 2 hours into the fight, I tried to ignore her and go to bed. She told me to admit we’re through. (Might this be a way out?) I said yes. She started questioning if I was serious so I had to lay it out, “Yes, we’re done, I’m sick of this, we are done, we’re over, you’re moving, we’re done….now go pretend to sleep on the couch for 15 minutes before you coming back in here and yelling more about how I didn’t come rescue you from the couch…yes I know you that well and I’m sick of all your BS, go sleep in your fucking car, I don’t care, we are 100% done, I’m going to sleep before you ruin my final tomorrow, WE ARE DONE!”