9 Ways To Deepen Your Relationship Intimacy With Your Wife

Cook for Her

We show our love by the way we treat our wives and the little things we do for them.

Cooking a meal is a great way of showing love, especially if your wife is the primary chef in the household.

Give her a break for the evening and cook up her favorite meal. This thoughtful gesture is sure to boost relationship intimacy and get you a few brownie points on the side.

Plan a Solo Date for Her

One of the most romantic ideas for your wife may not even include you! One of the ways you can make your wife feel special is by understanding the importance of alone time. 

Set up a solo date for your wife by planning a spa day or setting up a girl’s night at home for her and her friends. This will show her how much you care and says that understand her need for a night of pampering every once in a while.

Make Her Laugh

As husbands, we strive to be the funniest men on the planet. When our wife cracks a smile or bursts out laughing at one of our jokes, it makes us feel like a king. When she smiles, we smile.

Laughing makes her feel good, too! Research shows that couples who laugh together are more likely to stay together than those who don’t. Shared laughter has also been shown to make couples feel more supported and satisfied in their marriages.

Say It Out Loud

As brought out in the onset, men can sometimes have difficulty expressing themselves verbally. 

Sure, we say “I love you” before hanging up the phone or on our way out the door. But how often do we say it and really mean it?

We aren’t always emotional creatures, which can make gushing about our love for our wives feel awkward. But, it’s important for our wives to actually hear the words in order to feel validated in the marriage.

The next time she cooks you your favorite meal, say you love her cooking. 

When she snuggles into bed at night, tell her you love her body next to yours.

As she’s looking into your eyes during an embrace or during sex (yes, even then) tell her you love her and mean it.

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