In a world where women have been held down by the strong, long arm of men—we’ll do just about anything to succeed. Fighting tooth and nail, clawing our way to the top, it takes a lot more for a woman to reach success than it does a man. In all honesty, I’m proud to be a woman—damn proud. But, in order to reach my peak, I have had to fight for my right. And, a lot of this had to do with the way in which I hold and present myself in the public eye.
So often, I see women going out in public—to dinner, shopping, even on job interviews—wearing workout attire. Things such as leggings, shorts, big t-shirts, and hoodies—they make you look sloppy and unpresentable. Sure, comfort is key and many women wish to be more comfortable than walking through the world in heels. And, sure, many women believe that heels were invented by men to make women hard to chase—but, in all reality, some of the things women want to do away with due to “feminism” like skirts, dresses, and heels, actually makes you look professional and confident.
Think about this: if you were to walk into a job interview wearing leggings and Nikes, would you get hired? If you’re looking to work at a gym or fitness company—sure. But, as someone working in the corporate world, you need to dress for success.
But, this shouldn’t stop as soon as you leave your office.
Putting time and effort into the way you look gives you a sense of confidence that can become contagious. The way you feel about yourself can, many times, be read by others meeting you for the first time, or even those you surround yourself with every day. Why would you want to walk the world feeling sluggish and sloppy, when you can walk around feeling successful and thriving?
While social media and trends may dictate your life, you may fall into the traps of looking acertain way to “fit in.” But, fitting in may not always be what’s best for you. Instead of doing what everyone else is doing, and wearing what everyone else is wearing, make your own path. Don’t just reserve your “nice” clothes for important occasions and events—wear them regularly.
Try it out—even for a week, and watch how much your world will change.