Parenthood Goals: Why I want to be a Braverman

If you have not watched Parenthood, go now it is on Hulu. You will be forever changed. It is a show that will show how a family can love. I am so certain that I want to build the closeness of a family the way that this family has. Yes, I know that this is a TV show. However, I am not sure that this is not something that we cannot strive for. Here are the reasons that I want to be a Braverman

1. Sara moves home:

Sara is a 40 something single mother of two teenagers. Who is now making the decision to not only move back to her home town, but also to move back in with her parents. In the opening scene where Sara is calling her older bother Adam to make sure that she id doing the right thing. There is this sense of fear that she has. Then we see her come home with her two children. The whole Braverman family welcomes them with open arms. Like we all wish our families would do. 

2. Max Diagnosis:

We watch as Adam and Christina discover that their son Max is suffering with Aspergers. No, the family at first does not know how to deal with Max and his outbursts. They do not always understand him and why he is the way he is. However, there is no lack of love for this little boy. We watch as his passions are played out as he grows. Even getting the chance to put his photography skills to work at his aunt Saras wedding. It is one of the most amazing storylines of this whole series. I want a family that although does not understand everything still willing to love because you are special and belong to the family. 

3. Crosby is a daddy:

Crosby is the bad boy little brother of the group. In the beginning of the series we get to se his reaction of his old flame and their five-year-old son. When I watch this I feel his fear. There are so many things that he must have been thinking about. However, my absolute favorite part of this storyline is the love that his parents show to Crosby and too Jabar. 

4. Julias struggle with Fertility:

Julia and Joel have decided it is time to expand their family. However, this does not seem to be as easy as they thought it would be. In one scene we watch as Camille wrap her arms around her daughter who is just in so much pain. This was one storyline that I think wow we really do not know what people are going through, but that does not mean that we cannot have empathy for that person. Watching this mother comfort her daughter and I just thought, awe that is the kind of mom that I hope to be. 

5. Christinas cancer:

One particular episode we see just how hard this battle was for Christina and Adam. We watch as Christina pours her heart out to her children and we watch Adam watching this video as he sits by Christinas bedside. The whole family rallies around Christina and Adam to try to make their lives easier. But nothing is more heart barking than this scene. This is one of those things that we are all going to have to deal with at some point or another in some way or another. Watching our loved one deal with death. Maybe they will make it, and maybe they will not. But looking that this episode it makes me want to live every day like it is my last and build the life of my dreams. As well as, build the family that will rally around each other in our darkest of days. 

6. Joel and Julia adopt Hector:

After struggling with not being able to have a child. As well as, losing a baby in an adoption when the mother changed her mind, we see Joel and Julia adopt Hector. A boy who was in an out of foster care. They had a lot of struggles along the way, however, they saw them all through and got their newest member in a way they never thought possible. It was amazing to see all the love for the new Braverman. 

7. Amber has a baby:

Well this was one I did not see coming. Amber always struck me as the bad girl who would never really settle down type. However, she would have to with a little one on the way. We watched as she grew up for the little guy. One of my favorite scenes for this story line is when all the women are siting around giving her their best mom stories. Just another example of a family coming together even when the situation is not ideal. 

8. Haddie comes out:

Haddie the oldest daughter to Christina and Adam comes home from college with a friend” however, what the family does not know is that she is going to give them some news that this is actually her girlfriend. Although through the episode I think there was some hinting that Adam new. However, watching him with his daughter as he finds out from her is one of the best and most loving moments. We should all strive to have Adams acceptance! 

9. Sara gets married:

Sara was the single one for much of the show. Of course she had a few love interests, however, she never really settled down. We get to watch a very special moment between her and her father Zeek as he walks her down the aisle. So happy that she finally got her happily ever after

10. Zeek (No Spoilers)

This was a hard way to end the series. Although I also think it was a perfect way now that I have watched it again!  A Braverman family sport! The whole family came together and it was one filled with laughter and tears. 

Through out this post I think you can tell that one of my themes or goals if you will is to build a family much like this one. This is just a small list of all the ways the Bravermans are what we should strive to be a families go. They show there are many ways to make a family and many ways to love. But one thing is for sure you love each member because they belong! For those of us who never had a real family structure in life shows like these give us hope that it can happen. For these reasons the I listed and so many more for you to find, go laugh and cry with the Bravermans on Hulu! 

Header Image Source Hulu 

Published by

Emily Anne

Hi, my name is Emily and I am 26. I spend a lot of my time being a dog mom to my Irish setter, Annie and trying to be the very best girlfriend to my very best friend. I am a full time student and although I am not sure what I want my career to look like, I do know that I want to help people. I also work full time as a teaching assistant. Writing is one of my hobbies, which is what brought me to Puckermob. I love having a place where I can share my stories, the good and the bad. I love that I can share the things that have helped me through the hard times, as well as, all of the good things that are happening. I also love to read. Some of my favorite books right now are “Didn’t see that coming,” by Rachel Hollis and “Daring Greatly,” by Brene Brown. You can find me on Instagram where you can see all of my adventures with Annie, my boyfriend, and my baby-sister.

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